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Posts posted by bodyoflight

  1. 2 sides to every story.



    From: Michael Winn

    Subject: General

    Date/Time 2006-10-07 22:05:30

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    Here we go again.


    Sean Denty, a lovely young,big eyed kid from Kalamazoo. Does some summer workstudy at Big Indian back in the late 90's until we move to Dao Mtn. Over practices with his sexual energy, doesn't balance it enough with meditation and grounding. Admits to me by email he is having problems, is way ungrounded. I offer a few suggestions by email. He decides to work with Ron Diana, iron shirt master.


    I am aabsolutely honest with Sean about Chia's strengths and weaknesses. He tells me at the time he respects what I'm teaching, even though he hasn't progressed very far in the system. But he eventually leaves, says it isn't his path, he needs to go on a quest for the Magus of Java, what do I think? I tell him go for it, let me know what you find.


    Now years, later, after wasting 4 years and big bucks chasing the Magus and getting nowhere, he lands with David Shen. This time, he has got to get it right, otherwise the Great Search has a bad ending.


    Now, a few days ago Sean begins posting on Tao bums about how corrupt the Healing Dao is, only made up formulas sold for money, a "complete scam". That Chia stopped studying with One Cloud at age 13. (Truth: age 19).


    That Chia made up the alchemical formulas for money. (Total falsehood, probably Sean Denty parroting David Shen, who is bitter about his failed relationship with Chia). Truth: formulas similar to HT formulas can be found, at least up to the Lesser kan & Li level, in print and in various Taoist and Buddhist alchemical traditions.


    All of these blatant falsehoods make we wonder if nice, sincere boy Sean Denty has been duped into believing all his stories, or just needs to support his new recruiting efforts by demonizing the HT and ascaring away the competition.


    Of course, it takes a few days of cynical prompting by the sharp group over at Tao Bums to pry it out of him: Only $7,500. (6000 euros) for a 2-3 week training - tuition only, in Denmark, to get the Foundation Training of how to open your dantian.


    And then more money to visit the Teacher in Thailand, and then after several years you will be introduced to the Teacher in China. And only if they look in your third eye and see that its your "fate" to study with them. Eventually, there is a hnt of the Big Teaser: Wang Li Ping walking through doors, get trained in levitation. That without these powers, you really haven't achieved anything spiritually.


    Nothing done here for money, no scams. Suddenly this $7500. tuition fee is described as "reasonable, of course, for the opportunity to start with a real master".


    And David Shen has improved his tale since we last saw him, and the details are recounted in a breathless style that is better than any romantic kung-fu novel I have read since the Wandering Taoist trilogy (a great read, but unfortunately completely made up. Ken Cohen recently confirmed to me Kwan Sai Hung was born in NYC as a Franklin Tan (?), Ken had seen his passport while they were sharing trainings).


    The David Shen story has gotten much better than his channeled tales about the iimmortal dajen. A secret hierarchy of masters in China, secret sacred dharma wheels that the Dalai Lama is begging to get back. But only the True Seeker need signup for this special $7500. opportunity - only for someone who knows in advance that they are signing up for Life Time committment with David Shen and his huge entourage of masters.


    Note: for the curious, Details of Wang LI Ping's meditation techniques have already been published for free in the Empty Vessel, by someone else claiming to be his student, but obviously not iinterested in collecting a lot of money. The methods detailed in those articles basically involve cultivating "lines" of chi into the Third Eye and then down into the body along the same lines as detailed in the Inner Smile (front line of organs, back spine, middle digestive line). Looks like perfectly good meditation techniques.


    Back to the $7500, to open your dantian. Of course, the caveat is offered that it doesn't really happen unless you practice 3 hours of meditation daily for the 2 years after the training and before you are taught anything else.


    But you'd think anyone smart enough to practice that much wouldn't also be dumb enough to pay that much to learn how to meditate on concentrating chi in the dantian. The wudang spinning pearl meditation preparatory to the orbit will do just fine. If you spend 3 hours a day on it you will not know what to do with all the energy that starts buzzing. And you will need the orbit to balance it in the body, contrary to the disinformation that David is iputting out, that the orbit is insignificant. (Perhaps in his new tradition - but why try to tell adepts of other paths/schools what works and what doenn't?).


    The $7500. however, makes me realize I am hopelessly non-commercial - you could buy my entire homestudy course series for about $1,500.......about the cost of a week at a low rent fat farm. Even though it will take 5 years to go thru it - the first time round.


    Of course, if you believe Sean's kung-fu romance, nobody but David Shen is real, so everyone else in the world is a waste of time and money. The big wide eyed kid from Kalamazoo is now the authority on that.


    Of course, I am having a bit of fun offering some sober distance on Sean's second hand story claims.


    I don't know what David's curent reality is - I heard he had finally allowed himself to have a stable relationship and was pursuing his life's dreams. Great - I truly wish him well, and hope it adds someting to the global spiritual science that will inevitably evolve from a synthesis of many traditions.


    Sean's recounting of David's listing of the Taoist internal traditions is one view (now changed from David's past lists, I note) - and other teachers and Daoist scholars I've met in China list them completely differently. But some of the cited details are interesting, even if only remotely useful to most western practitioners.


    I fully accept the most extraordinary feats are possible, even if they don't really interest me enough to make them the subject of my life's quest. Spontaneously arising special abilities are great - that is, a great responsibility to use them wisely.


    By the way, I believe Sean's teacher in Bangkok, Thailand - a master Luo - is credible. That's the " Sherfu L" word he is carefully concealing. I know from other people who are studying with him and think he is real. A woman I know tried to bring him over to the USA, and wanted my help. Didn't work out. He too used to work at Tao Garden...But you can get to him without paying David Shen $7,500......


    I just hope that Sean resolves his anger about his past, and stops using his anger to dump on other teachers about whom he knows very little, despite his status as work-study apprentice in Big Indian many years ago.


    And I hope that Sean stops using his anger over what he failed to accomplish in his own HT practice to elevate his latest newest Teacher. Getting a handle on his emotional body is probably more important than him feeling a sparkler in his crown.


    The real lesson in all these romantic kung-fu novel tales - is that there is no "secret system" that REALLY works. It all comes down to each individual working REALLY HARD in whatever system they are attracted to - People work, methods and schools don't do anything alone.


    I wil be happy to have someone else pay the $7500 and share what they learned. This is the age in which all the secrets will come out eventually. Of course, we know the old psychology - once you've paid that much money, you've got to defend what you learned as incredible.....


    Incredibly Yours For Life,


    • Like 1

  2. Yeah, I think you're hitting on an unfortunate human trend. We want to distance ourselves from a group that is uncomfortably similar to ours. It's precisely the ones that we are almost identical with, that we hate the most.


    This is especially obvious in war zones in which two groups, barely differentiable from outside, turn on each other savagely. Sunnis and shia. Hutus and Tutsis. Irish Catholics and Protestants, etc.


    IME, on Taoist and Zen discussion groups, the vitriol is usually reserved for New Agers and hippies. I assume this is because they sport Yin/Yang symbols and talk about very similar concepts. But they are just different enough, and easy enough to dismiss, that they end up representing "the idiot stepchild of the family".


    Not that a Taoist and a New Ager wouldn't have a lot to talk about. Not that there aren't a lot of very cool people who happen to be hippies. But I guess everybody needs someone to hate. :(


    I know someone who is a native american shaman, hindu tantric practitioner, taoist sorcerer and zen buddhist at the same time.


    He is well-liked by everyone.

  3. Just because you aren't repressing doesn't mean you are allowing.


    Why are you always going to such radical extremes? "Oh you don't think sex is bad? Why do you think fuckin' around is okay??? Why do you just cave in to your animal desires????!!!!!!"


    It is just a ridiculous and nonsensical jump!


    sex by itself is not bad.. it is a tool a function..


    however it is the mental and psychic addictions to sex which are extremely evil and obstructive..


    it is just like food.. you eat food to survive yet lots of people are addicted to food..

  4. At some point during my practice it occurred to me that "qi" is definitely sexual and that everything is desire-driven - including, ironically, the intellect to dissect such things and the creativity to find solutions to the resulting problems. It's just jing doing its thing:-)


    I would also like to suggest that the "jing" loss that might be referred to is pre-heaven jing. In other words the potential continuity of life/spirit? I dunno, I just had an idea. That might warrant clarification. Because if you're not losing post-heaven jing then why bother with celibacy? I recall the gnostics made a distinction between reproductive vs non-reproductive sex and that in other writings/traditions "virginity" had more to do with being childless than sexually "untouched".


    It's been mentioned elsewhere that another reason to have a large number of people who cannot reproduce under one banner (or "religion") is a way of consolidating wealth and power which would otherwise have to be dissipated to provide for the family. So while the "energetics" of sexual abstinence (or repression) are often discussed, I wonder if it might also make sense to bring in some wider consequences. Socially, for example, right now, there's lot being "done" to entice men and women into very particular sexual roles. I recall the TTC mentions something about getting the basic family unit "right" in order to rule whole nations. What does that refer to if not the sexual/reproductive/relationship aspects of people"s lives, and why on earth would a book be making recommendations about how to proceed :ninja: ?


    After a period which caused me great embarrassment because ALL my practice had an effect in that respect, I then just sort of let it go. So now the "sexual" vs "non-sexual" feelings aren't that clear cut any more IME. In fact it's made me wonder if the actual "heat" of sexual feeling isn't partly due to repressing it? Anyway, I digress. :)


    However, assuming it's a result of social repression, it would have to have been repressed very early on, but I just don't remember it. And, moreover, repressed by whom? That's very spooky.


    When you are procreating and have a family, the negative forces in the universe have too many ways of torturing through your children and spouse.


    Only a fool wanna cultivate and have a family at the same time.

  5. just to let you all know,


    I am really sick of people making excuses for their lack of divine willpower in repressing the animalistic desires of sexuality..


    sex can be used to transform oneself spiritually but how many of you are strong enough to harness the powers of sex without succumbing to its addictions?


    if you do not develop the necessary willpower to control or repress sexual desires, how are you gonna harness the power in the first place?


    let me quote again..



    Tibet's Lukhang temple, a private retreat for the Dalai Lama established in the late seventeenth century, contains what was, until the Chinese invaded, a secret meditation chamber covered with a set of extraordinary murals. These murals present a host of figures engaged in the basic cycles of life or practicing Tantric meditation techniques in pursuit of inner transformation. Instead of rejecting desire as other Buddhist practices do, Tantra harnesses this intrinsically human drive and turns it into "boundless compassion." So powerful and potentially dangerous is this path to spiritual awakening, only the most enlightened of Tibetan Buddhist monks are initiated into the tradition. Tibet expert Baker's decoding of the murals' images and history of the Tantric tradition are cogent and deeply moving. In his introduction, the Dalai Lama, who was unable to visit Lukhang before being forced into exile, writes that many believe that the very sight of these paintings opens the viewer's mind to spiritual truths, and, indeed, their effect is powerful.


    If you are a serious cultivator, I suggest you give you sex initially to overcome your animal/human ego.


    And after you crushed your animal/human ego, then can you begin thinking about dual cultivation.


    Wanting your cake and eating it at the same time? There is no such thing in the world of spirituality, mate. Believe me, I tried it and it got me nowhere in my practices and I am now even being punished for it.

  6. Just a thought.


    Maybe the master's can't teach you because you are at a point where you must choose for yourself.


    Like which door?


    two rather high-level Taiwanese masters have taken one look at me and immediately shut the door on me.. when i called them up on the phone, they told me not to call them anymore or they will call the cops?


    wtf mate..


    choose what? which door to what?

    • Like 1

  7. A master that is freaked out by 'vibes' is not a master at all. He is in fact still a slave despite any siddhis he may have attained in solitary retreat.


    A master means 'Free' and free means exactly what the word connotes. Free!


    Not hiding in some cave from the Scary vibes of the world. That is neither Free or Masterly.


    yet when one is training to be a master, he has to get some training wheels on his bike..


    besides even if you do possess the power to be "free" of vibes doesn't mean you want to be in a population center where you have to exercise your shield everyday..


    unless they pay you to be there of course.. lol

    • Like 1

  8. Instead of debating the facts of Twinner's post, you make accusations. Once again are you some lofty realized being who is above it all?


    not really..


    i only realized that when one finally realize what's important and what's not important in life, then he must do all he can to achieve it.. even go through suffering, pain and death if need be to achieve his goals..


    and no, sex, procreation and women are hardly on my list of what's important.. in fact, they are off the list completely..

  9. Hey, i think you'd be interested in my similar topic on this:




    p.s. Did you happen to see my thread already? Or did we happen to be on the same subject at the same time? Weird


    that the war is coming isn't the subject of my thread..


    look closer


    we have totally different viewpoints

  10. Hello Jack,


    I understand what you're saying. When I say celibate traditions, I am not just saying the Catholic Church, but also the Buddhist monasteries. Recently investigations by human rights organizations have reported a high incidence of abuse of boys in Buddhist monasteries in Sri Lanka. These groups do not believe that this abuse is restricted to Sri Lanka, but may be a world wide epidemic. Most victims of sexual abuse in these places will not come forward for fear of losing face. I'm sure if you do a little research you'll find that more often, especially within the Western world, we are finding that just as many deviants are entering Buddhist and other Eastern traditions as they are Christianity. We are also finding that meditation and prayer can only do so much. Sex is a very natural part of human experience. Denying this experience will more often than not lead to deviant behavior, regardless of how spiritually advanced one is.


    I understand that there is a belief that one can escape these things, either by reaching a greater state of awareness or prayer, but what is commonly held to be true, in almost every case, is that if one has deviant impulses, they will NEVER be able to be completely rid of them. They may be able to manage them better, but they are never completely gone.


    This is the commonly held misconception about enlightenment, by the way. That once one reaches enlightenment that they will never have to be angry, sad, or even happy again, that somehow they can control these emotions and dictate which ones are allowed to occur. Well that's not true either. What happens is that you begin to understand the nature of your emotions, so that your existence is not dependent on them. You will still have these emotions, but you can allow them to occur without being invested in them. This means that if you are a deviant you will still have deviant impulses, even if you are enlightened, the problem though, is that unlike anger, sadness, or happiness, allowing these impulses to occur is often harmful to others... this is one of the reasons most traditions discourage the mentally ill from practicing. They know that meditation and practice will not get rid of mental illness.


    So again, I understand what you are saying, but I think the evidence seems to prove otherwise. Sexuality is not something one can turn on and off like a switch. In fact sex is like a valve, if one does not release the pent up urges they will begin to suffer emotionally. Yes one may be able to hold it in and deny the effects for a period of time, but I have yet to see someone completely avoid the effects in the long term. This is akin to training a lion. The lion may appear to be tame, but a wise trainer understands that the nature or lion is still there and that merely training it to behave in a certain way, doesn't remove that nature.





    i may not have reached enlightenment yet but at least i have the blessed opportunity to learn what true enlightenment is..


    true enlightenment involves the death of your human/animal ego so that your divine ego will flourish..


    once your human/animal ego dies, you will NOT have the same animalistic need for sex which you once had..


    clearly you are talking nonsense

  11. Hello Bodyofflight,


    I think you're attempt to redirect the blame back on me, rather than examine your own actions and make the right changes to your behavior is just further proof of your spiritual immaturity. Spirituality is about growth and understanding the interconnected nature of all things. When one does this, whether they are Hindu, Buddhist, or Muslim, they will inherently understand the need for compassion and tolerance. I see you, whether you believe it or not and I am not making these suggestions to be argumentative, but rather I feel you are walking on a very negative and harmful path that will only lead to pain and suffering. You only know what's on the surface, the currents underneath escape you. Humble yourself, open your mind to what others say and then you can begin to understand.




    pain and suffering is a part of life.. i am not a sado-masochistic who enjoys pain and suffering but the events of the past 2 years have taught me that when pain and suffering come, just take it as a test...


    you seem to be afraid of pain and suffering.. it is understandable.. your human/animal ego is still in charge afterall..

  12. what is there to be afraid of?

    there is no fear in love for true love casts out fear.

    i dont look at it in quantity only. are you not worth

    more than 1000 of your enemies?


    1000 is just a numerical figure.. a figure of speech..


    what do you want me to say?


    a true warrior should sacrifice himself without fear if he can take down a whole world of enemies?

  13. wars and rumours of wars... :ninja: do you think this has only begun in 2010?

    do you think we have reached Dwapara Yuga? we will soon find out who/where the true warriors are. no worries.


    the true warriors are not afraid of death if their deaths makes numerical sense..


    eg one of them dying in return for the lives of a thousand enemies

  14. yes i know about these otherworldly teachers showing up to teach 99% of the world's populations..


    i also know about these otherworldly teachers shutting down some people's spiritual faculties AND instructing high-level human teachers not to teach certain people..


    well guess what? the rules have changed..


    i like to see what happens if the whole damn dinner table gets turned over upside down and all the food gets spilled onto the floor..


    i wonder who is gonna clean up the mess huh?

  15. Hello Bodyofflight,


    This is why I can't take you seriously. You show no emotional or spiritual maturity. From examining your actions I know you lack the experience (in spiritual practice) to actually understand what you are talking about. Someone who has reached enlightenment would not behave the way you do, ask the things you do, or treat others the way you do. You are acting in a petty and immature way. The comments you make are more in line with what an adolescent would say, rather than an adult. Behave like an adult and I think people will start to consider what you say seriously.




    It is funny .. why does anyone have to take my words seriously?


    Is your ego that fragile, Aaron, that you have to depend on others for validation of your own ego?

    • Like 1

  16. As has been mentioned on many threads, it takes time to build relationships (trust) in China. No one is going to unleash their training methods to someone they don't know very well. The Chinese call it guan xi. If you're not willing to invest the time to build the relationship, you won't get the lessons. . . especially if you're talking about special powers and abilities.


    I'm here in China for the second time this year to work with one of my teachers.


    On another forum (RSF), one of the members posted that he worked out in a park in Xi'an for a few years by himself before the older teachers started to approach him, and speak to him. For me, it's taken about 5 years of travel to really feel like China has opened up to me.


    btw too many chinese, japanese and korean teachers have developed an over-inflated sense of ego..


    the type of sucking-up-to-teacher type of mentality so that he can teach you is totally unnecessary and is in fact counter-productive to spiritual training..


    5 years? i can do more with 5 months of research from the net and self-study from ebooks and dvds..


    the highest teachers are ultimately non-human.. once you go into meditation deep enough and make contact with spiritual beings, then there wouldn't be a need for human teachers anymore..

    • Like 1

  17. The mountains of China and Taiwan are sparsely populated as the vast open unpopulated regions, so even if you argue that masters only hang out in unpopulated areas, you will find that there is enough of that in even dense populated countries. So perhaps the title is only meant to catch attention and not logic.


    I was living in Hualien a pretty populous city, avoiding everyone because I meditate alot, but I bought my vegetables from a Buddhist lady because she was nice and she sold wild greens and stuff without pesticides. She lived in a little monestery on a nearby hill after the Papaya River near Carp Lake, and I went there one day because I was curious about who was doing the vegetables business. I spent a few hours there, it was very modest, a ramshackle place in the forest with a few ladies doing cooking. They also had a recycling thing, and that made the grounds kind of junky looking. But I could feel the authenticity of the energy. The master never did come down to meet me, I guessed it was because perhaps not wanting to meet every polluted individual that came around the bend. But she did scan me from where she was, and I scannned back, and it was nice, all the while the monestery lady was telling me about Buddhism and her personal story. She said the master could see all your past and future lives, and if you believe that it is true, to be able to do that is really high level, a living Buddha. So there you go, a roadmap even.


    de_paradise, i sent you a PM.. please read it..

  18. Hello Bodyofflight,


    I will not be responding to your comments. You show a clear disregard for other people's opinions and most of what you say is purely conjecture, with no basis on fact, or in my opinion, experience. Although you claim spiritual maturity, you have handled yourself on this forum in a very immature way. When you can stop insulting others and making comments with the intention of attracting attention or getting a rise out of people, I will consider talking with you.


    Peace be with you,




    Insults? Since when is talking about the real truth about the ignorance of today's so-called scientists an insult?


    Don't attack the messenger when he is merely offering the messages of truth.. Your fear is showing..


    Are you afraid of time running out?


    *tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock*



  19. Wow, Non....Confused much?


    So you're trying to be celibate, yet you're jelqing yourself off in order to increase penis size?


    Whatever, I don't think you're gonna stop, so at least I'll provide some useful information. In the mean time: Please don't jelq yourself, mmkay?


    According to Dr.Lin (;) Jelqing can cause damage to the nerves and blood vessels in your pee-pee, which in turn can lead to erectile dysfunction (and other) issues.


    Follow this link: Though be prepared to see pics of an asian man's, erected wang.


    I don't know the effectiveness of this technique though: Because once in college, I hooked up with a Korean foreign exchange student chick and when we were about to hook up; she says "Ohhhh, whatta big American penis you have." I then responded " Yuup, 5 inches; That's as big as it gets." I then proceeded to give her the best 30 seconds of her life. From then on, that proved how awesome I was. B)


    Anyways, enough about me, this is about you: Read that link. Also his site in general has a lot of info on hormones and how they effect the body. A lot of this information is based on modern studies and TCM. His CD on sexual yoga is good, but isn't edited that well and uses a lot of technical big science words (he used to be an engineer.) A lot of is based on the Yellow Emperors Classic and the Plain Girl Classic. I recommend Jolan Chang's books on to learn semen retention during sex; because his books are a lot more user friendly.


    P.S. If you do meditation properly, since you're revitalizing your lost jing or whatever; sexual desire will actually increase. No joke. You then have to apply discipline on yourself to not lose your jing, if you want to open up the chi-mai and to eventually reach the first dhyana. Just how it is.


    the shaolin monks do penile exercises to increase their jing and yet do not engage in sexual behaviour..


    do you still call them sexual deviants?

  20. As has been mentioned on many threads, it takes time to build relationships (trust) in China. No one is going to unleash their training methods to someone they don't know very well. The Chinese call it guan xi. If you're not willing to invest the time to build the relationship, you won't get the lessons. . . especially if you're talking about special powers and abilities.


    I'm here in China for the second time this year to work with one of my teachers.


    On another forum (RSF), one of the members posted that he worked out in a park in Xi'an for a few years by himself before the older teachers started to approach him, and speak to him. For me, it's taken about 5 years of travel to really feel like China has opened up to me.


    if you want to learn any stuff from a master in china, you have to wait 5 years..


    if you want learn some stuff from a master in a western country, regardless if they are chinese, tibetan or western.. it might only take 5 months or even 5 days..


    the old outdated traditions of china are now useless.. i will rather learn from a tibetan master than a chinese master anytime..


    considering the payback received in return for the time and energy I am gonna put out "waiting" for a master.. i will rather invest my time and energy in the tibetan lamas..


    the tibetan lamas are everywhere in the world anyway.. some are even online.. lol

    • Like 1

  21. Once upon a time, the Creator of the Universe creates a world where all the devas and asuras were sent to live in.


    In that world, all the powers and spiritual senses of both devas and asuras were shut off leaving only the faculties of 3rd dimensional sight, smell, touch, taste and sound.


    During the year 2010, the Creator ordered some higher higher-dimensional beings to slowly awaken the spiritual senses and powers of both the devas and asuras again.


    But the devas and asuras have to find a way to live together in a world.. otherwise the world will be destroyed..


    The asuras openly advocated free love because they can't learn to control themselves.. so despite gaining their powers and spiritual senses back, the asuras still remain in their old filthy habits of procreation and all the associated pleasures of the senses including food, entertainment, materialism, etc, etc...


    The devas on the other hand know better because deep down inside, they know that one has to control himself in order to evolve to the highest state of consciousness..


    Soon there will be a war again between the devas and the asuras on what's the proper way to live life on this planet..


    But who knows.. maybe the Creator of the Universe will step in and have the final say on the matter..


    maybe he will send the Archangel Metatron to pass on the message that the way of the Devas will be the way and all the asuras will be sent back to burn in hell again unless they follow the way of the devas..