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Everything posted by Audiohealing

  1. Hey guys, I have a quick question about the basic water method Frantzis teaches in various books and CDs. I listened to all 6 CDs titled "The Tao of Letting Go", but I have a small question I don't recall the answer to, and I don't have the time to re-listen to find out. As you go down the body, are you supposed to stop dissolving at the lower dan tien, or do you go lower until the perineum? I aks this since yesterday, I dissolved a HUGE chunk of blocked energy that was lodged in between my perineum and coccyx, and I felt it travel right up my spine and dissolve somewhere along the line, but ever since then, I have been feeling nauseous, I have a headache, and a general feeling of fatigue and malaise (which I recall him saying is normal, though it's now the next day and I'm still not feeling so great).. Any help is greatly appreciated.
  2. Question about Bruce Frantzis' Water Method..

    His inner dissolving method is the most amazing and effective thing I have come across in my 5+ years of intensive exploration of inner cultivation. It has already cleared up so much stuff inside me, and I actually feel all my energy meridians and where they connect. It's mind-blowing. I have been going through 4+hour long sessions without a hitch and feels like it's only been 30 min, because it's so much fun to let go of all the crap you've been holding on to for so long!!
  3. Question about Bruce Frantzis' Water Method..

    How are you differentiating inner and outer dissolving here? Everything is inside me, just below the level of my head..
  4. Question about Bruce Frantzis' Water Method..

    Cool, thanks! I have another question, and I doubt Bruce has the time to answer of I contact him: Is it OK to start with a big blockage somewhere lower than the head if I wanna work on it specifically? My head alone takes 1+hour to go through, and I'm often exhausted by the time I'm done and can't work on the seemingly equally pressing locations below my neck..
  5. Just as a preface, I'm fairly well versed in human health, nutrition, supplements, life extending drugs, etc., and I'm not just posting a random article I found. Look at that molecular structure... seem familar? I know some people that are trying it out and reporting some pretty amazing results. There must be some catch, somewhere. It sounds way too good to be true. I urge you to do your own research and not take my own link at face value if you're interested. What do you guys think?
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hey Terry! I was fortunate enough to "re-discover" FPQG after spending a couple of years doing another style of Qigong, and boy- am I ever glad I got back to it! In just 2 sessions it fixed ALL of the energetic imbalances I was attempting to correct for the two prior years, and I have honestly never felt so alive and peaceful. I don't have any words to say how grateful I am. It is truly amazing. That said, I do have a couple of questions, which may have probably already been answered but I don't think I'll be able to go through a 93-page thread in one read (although I certainly plan on doing it!). For the meditations that require the arms to be held up high in front of the body, such as monk gazing at moon, I get cramped and fatigued in the shoulders surprisingly quickly. I say surprisingly because I work out do some pretty strenous exercise 10-12 hours a week, so I'm using my shoulders quite a bit. Perhaps too much, since I have a postural (or habitual) problem I am working on where I constantly have my shoulders shrugged up high for no reason. FPQG has helped me be more conscious of this problem and makes me relax and lower down my shoulders as soon as I become aware of it. But still, even when I lower and relax them, I get uncomfortably fatigued and I feel a lot of tension when doing things like Monk Gazing at moon, and I know this is impeding my results by cutting off qi flow. Do you have any suggestions on how I can work on fixing this? Second, can I do the MCO meditation alongside with FPQG. Is it safe or even complementary? Also, what is your favorite style of MCO (taught by which teacher?). Are there any other meditative practices you would recommend alongside FPQG? Last question: I am doing levels 1 and 2 for now. What are the ideal ratios for doing both and what is the ideal timing? Thanks Terry edit: I saw that my first question was answered in one of the very first posts you made in this thread!
  7. I don't think I worded it fairly. A lot (most, actually) people get very good results with the Small Universe meditation. However, in my particular case, it caused some problems because Master Lin goes into very little detail about the hows and whys, (compared for instance, with Master Chia's MCO, where there is a LOT of explanation and preparation before completing a full cycle of the orbit, etc.) It turns out I was doing it incorrectly for months and months, since I had little other points of reference, and now I am slowly undoing some bad habits I learned from it. This does not mean it's bad. It's just a very simplified (IMO, oversimplified) version of the MCO and doesn't account for all the possible problems one could run into while doing it.
  8. I know this now! This is a bad habit I picked up from doing the SFQ "Small Universe" meditation, which is a rushed, watered-down, cookie-cutter MCO meditation.
  9. Hey guys, I think I finally found the *exact* cause of my blockage. It makes so much sense now! In Mantak Chia's "awakening the healing energy" book, he warns not to focus too much on the heart center for too long, as the energy might re-absorb in the pericardium (fibrous tissue surrounding the heart) and get stuck there, and that is exaaaactly what happened. Unfortunately, he makes no mention of what to do in such a case, and that is what I am still looking to find a solution for. The best I can do is sort of drag the stuck energy around a bit (its very very heavy), but then it just bounces back and attaches to the heart, and blocks the correct passage of the front channel and redirects it all to the pericardium. It's a vicious cycle that just gets worse and worse. Any ideas edit: found some more info about the pericardium meridian here: I feel I am really getting closer and closer to the root of the issue. edit2: in the same book near the end, Master Chia advises to focus on the Ming Men center or perhaps the Hsuang-Chi center until the energy redescends safely. Boom. Gonna give this a try and report back...
  10. Housewife uses LSD Experiment. from the 1950's

    I think we, the bums at the Tao Bums, should all take a minute and pray for Recep Ivedik, all of us together. Pray that he finds the light and the way out of Satan's asshole.
  11. Housewife uses LSD Experiment. from the 1950's

    I am actually in a fantastic position to call your writings nonsense. I have extensive experience with psychedelics and shamanism. I have done Ayahuasca in Peru as well as Iboga in Costa Rica, both with authentic shaman that goes down many generations. You have exactly ZERO experience with entheogens, which is part of the problem. You are making a judgment based on very little understanding or experience and what I think is that you are simply offended that people are making use of these plant teachers, and your particular lineage does not. Jealousy is a very petty emotion that you should try to get over. My making a mistake using energetic cultivation has nothing to do with anything. You are simply grasping at straws here, son. In any case, it has already been established as a general consensus that you are a prick, so this is the last time I will be addressing you.
  12. Housewife uses LSD Experiment. from the 1950's

    Where did you get this information? That is some pretty serious nonsense you are saying.
  13. Hey guys, I wanted to have something clarified, as I think I have been doing a lot of Taoist cultivation practices incorrectly because of this. Is the front channel (as in the MCO) the same as the central channel (or prana tube, not the sushusma)? Because all this time, this is what I have been running my anterior descending energy down into when doing the Small Universe meditation, and I think this is what is causing some of the problems I am currently experiencing. Can someone describe on an anatomical level which exact structures both the front and back channels run through? From what I have read, qi runs through fibrous cartilage tissue in the central front of the body, but then how does it reach the Dan Tien, which is supposedly deep far behind the navel? Would you say that the energy in the front channel is in front of or behind the heart? Or does it simply ride along the front axis and radiates into the organs behind it? Likewise with the back channel, does it literally run THROUGH the spine the whole way? And then when it goes behind and on top of the head, is that through the skull, or underneath, in the brain? I hope this made some sense.. EDIT: TL;DR: What anatomical structures does the front and back channel run through?
  14. Difference between the front channel and the prana tube?

    I just found all the answers to my seemingly unanswerable questions and more in the book "Qigong Meditation - Embryonic Breathing" by Dr. Yang Jwing-Ming. This book goes into such amazing detail that I am seriously blown away. I'm going to commit to a solid study ASAP.
  15. Holy shit guys, the blockage is actually in my THROAT!
  16. Does it mean a lot of energy is escaping from the head?
  17. Hey guys, Like the title says, I had an experience yesterday that has left me a bit shaken. I was practicing ejaculating up the spine, as I usually do during intercourse, and this time I actually succeeded in doing it. Usually, the energy got stuck somewhere up along the spine and felt a bit unnatural- I never got any huge results from it. But last night, I channeled it a bit different, more to the anterior side of the spine, and the energy shot straight up very smoothly, unimpeded, and left me in a state of indescribable bliss for about 1.5 hours. After 1.5 hours, as I was lying in my bed contemplating my newfound state of being, I gradually started feeling crappy all of a sudden, like, *really* crappy. I started feeling a very intense feeling of fear, dread, and sadness, similar to when I was extremely depressed a few years ago. I also started feeling an aching, burning feeling at the bottom of my spine in my coccyx. The best analogy I can give you, for those who have tried MDMA, is I experienced an ultra rapid high, followed by an awful "hangover". I started freaking out, got up, sat in lotus and tried to rectify this thing ASAP. I also noticed that I could no longer get a boner (please don't ask why I felt it was important to test this) and felt zero sexual desire. I started doing some deep breathing, and calmed myself down, and did the 5 tibetan rites as well as a nice, long qigong session (SFQ), which upon completion, left me feeling totally fine. So, what the heck happened there, and what can I do to make sure this never happens again? I kid you not when I say that it scared the shit out of me.
  18. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Funny you should mention Pranayama.. I just started doing it yesterday, and so far it has been the MOST effective thing I have tried, bar none. It's simple as hell and only takes 20 minutes too. I'm sold.
  19. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Yes, that is really, really the best thing I should do now, but there aren't anyone that I know of anywhere near my area, and I'm very skeptical of phone consultations and if they can even help at all..
  20. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    But my blockage arose overnight after a faulty and dangerous practice that lasted less than a minute. Surely it shouldn't take years to dissolve..?
  21. I'm sure many of us have been there. You have been sitting in quiet meditation for a long time now and finally that chatter in your skull has started coming to a halt and finally- there it is; a moment of complete silence! Then, when you become aware of the silence, the thunder of your thoughts come racing back in, as if your body is perceiving it to be a threat. It's similar to how easy it is to ruin "being in the moment" by simply being aware that that is what you are doing. I don't know if this makes any sense, but to those for who it does, do you have any tips on how to overcome this, aside from more practice? All the best to you fellow bums!
  22. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Can you tell me more about the mantra and how it could help me? I am having great results with Spring Forest Qigong. I get 75% remission from my issues, BUT they resurface full blast after about an hour or two. I have no effing clue what I should do anymore. The issue is really in my heart and chest area. It's preventing a proper downflow of the energy in the front channel. I know this for sure, 100%, since when I manage to get the energy flowing correctly, I return back to normal almost completely, feel alive, can concentrate, etc., but again as I said, it wears off very quickly and I'm back to feeling like shit after a couple of hours. I have NO IDEA how to fix it.
  23. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Fantastic! Thank you, brother. Can you tell me a bit more about the book? I'm interested in purchasing it now. In what ways would you say it has helped you?
  24. Had a rather frightening experience yesterday.

    Okay so I just tried this and got some pretty interesting results! How exactly are the fingers supposed to be positioned, though? Also, how long should I hold each pose, how should I be sitting while doing them, and are there any special breathing or visualization exercises to do along with this as well? With the quickie version, I felt my LDT fill up very quickly. It was pretty cool.