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Everything posted by Audiohealing

  1. Red Pheonix and Ba Gua

    No offense but, Machin Shin, it sounds like you're a bit cuckoo in the coconut- kind of like I was during my first manic episode. A bit all over the place and incoherent. Are you okay?
  2. Fuzed sacral vertebrae

    I had a routine checkup today and the doc had me do some scans because he says my sacral bone is fused with the upper vertebrae. I have a bad case of lordosis but I have never had any pain. I'm suprised no one told me before. Could this possibly be detrimental to my cultivation practice? From what I understand the sacral pump is extremely important and having it anatomically incorrect would be detrimental, no? What should I do ? Or should I just not worry about it?
  3. Nei Kung

    Hi everyone, I've been practicing FP chi kung volumes 1-3 diligently for almost 5 months now and I'm noticing some positive results, but not as much as I would like from practicing 2 hours a day. I think it's time to incorporate some form of nei kung into my daily routine (I just to the 5 tibetan rites and the chi kung for now). Where should I begin? I've heard and read about the microcosmic orbit but I'm very cautious about what to approach first. I read the celestial nei kung thread but am again unsure if that's what I should begin with. There is so much out there. Would simple meditation do the trick? FWIW, I have zero ability to visualize (create images in my head) but I'm able to move and direct energy within myself if it's there, so I was leaning towards the MCO but I wanted your guys opinions on this. I have been doing guided chakra meditations for years now on and off but never got anything useful out of doing that....
  4. Nei Kung

    Thanks for all the replies guys- I really appreciate it! I'd just like to clarify my primary cultivation goals in order of priority: 1- Balance my emotions, gain more joy and happiness through everyday living and get a grip on my "monkey mind". 2- Build my energy body and chi reserve so I can heal myself and others. 3- Enhance my intelligence, creativity and virility. 4- Wean myself off of my medication (tied to #2). So from my understanding, chi kung is good for circulating chi and neidan/meditation for *building* up the reserve of chi. What I'm interested in is building up the reserve. I'm not interested in astral travel or any of the "going somewhere else" modalities... although from reading the celestian nei kung thread the shamanic aspect seems incredibly interesting. I just want the quiet and the void. Peace within the emptiness.
  5. Nei Kung

    I've had two people recommend me so far "The book of nei kung". After reading the reviews- it seems to be mostly strenuous physical exercises. From what I understand (probably incorrectly) is that nei kung is mostly meditative exercises... or do I have it mistken with nei dan? Now... IF I have this mistaken with nei dan.... what would you guys recommend for that? Or better yet- what's the most complementary thing I can do to my chi kung practice? I have read the celestial nei kung thread and it says the practice greatly amplifies the energetic effects of other practices- which is what I am looking for. I'd also like to be able to calm my monkey mind a bit. And to answer the previous poster- yes, I practice two hours a day and miss at most 1 day per week. Cheers and thanks to all
  6. Should I go to this year's Rainbow Gathering

    More info can be found here: FWIW if I go with my GF we won't be staying the whole 3 weeks. Just 10 days. I've done my fair share of drugs in the past. Not something I'm interested in anymore. I know what they do and how to use them. It was fun for a while. There's just something weird about some guy being high on shrooms, dancing around naked and bowing down and kissing the ground repeatedly saying "thank you mother earth, thank you, thank you". Maybe I'm a bit jealous because I don't have such a connection with nature. Maybe I'm jealous because some of the people there will be more advanced then I am. I am human and have an ego... I guess it's just natural. I'm being honest with myself here. What are the chances my girlfriend would cheat on me if I let her go myself? I have no idea honestly. In my past experiences with women all it takes is the right guy at the right time and women will do pretty much anything. Of course, I would probably never find out. But she's the honest type and would probably blurt it out upon arriving. I don't know why I'm debating her fidelity, really. It just annoys me to no end when talks about how great the event is and how special all the people there are. Armchair psychology 101: my own inner issue, I suppose. There is no freaking way I can be enthusiastic listening to her talk about this.
  7. Should I go to this year's Rainbow Gathering

    I should add that it's not really a drug-using community. Well, yes and no actually. The youngsters (about 5%) of the group are tripping out on various entheogens (no hard drugs), and most others (I'd say 75%) smoke pot. Pot is the currency there. There is no money. You exchange pot for goods. I'm not an unsociable person, I'm just in a phase where this sort of this is unappealing to me at all. I visited the location and the couple that is organizing the event and their supposed "shaman" son who is my age. The mom dresses up like some kind of loon from the 40's and seems relatively normal. This son of theirs is convinced he was taken up by aliens, and has done large amounts of psylocybin mushrooms in mexico and is convinced he has communed with the maya! He looks like a space-case but my girlfriend says he's a reaaaaaal shaman, yep! My girlfriend isn't one to cheat- yes- she wants to go live off the land in the woods some time in the future with me. We've been through good times and really, really bad times together and she's stuck by my side the whole two years we've been together. The main reasons she's going back is to see her friends and display her art and to (obviously) relive the experience most notably the sweat lodge and the hippie OM circle. She stated she has "met some of the most intelligent people she's ever met". Why would this be grounds for me leaving her? Sure I'm not cool with her going by herself, and she might have gotten raped last year because someone slipped roofies in her drink (not at the rainbow, but a similar techno-ish event that was taking place a couple hours away when the rainbow had ended). She denies it but says "she doesn't remember anything". You pee wherever you want and you poo in a hole you dig and then you cover it up. Most everyone is naked.
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Hi again Terry Is it safe to jump to volume 4 without having mastered volume 2? I have been doing volume 1 and 3 for nearly 4 months now. Do I have enough experience to start volume 4? Also, I began the yang long form tai chi DVD and find it incredibly overwhelming to learn. Is it possible to learn entirely by watching the DVD and how much time should I expect to devote to learning the entire 108 forms? Should I combine it with my chi kung practice or are they interchangeable? Thannks!
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thank you Sifu Terry, you've been most helpful and I will be following your advice on completing all the standing meditations in the series first. If you have a moment, could you chime in a tangent question? What is your opinion on chakra meditations? Are they necessary or helpful? I ask because they are the only type of meditation I have experience with. For each Chakra I play a track of a recording of a crystal tibetan bowl playing the note associated with the chakra, and spend about 4 minutes just focusing and putting my awareness in that area and then moving up to the next. I also bought a couple of crystal bowls myself and was wondering how I could incorporate that into my cultivation, since I need to be moving to play the bowls while I meditate. I've never really tried to do a silent meditation for some reason. I have always used guided audio. Do you think chakra meditations are useful in conjunction with FP chi kung? If not then what type of meditation would be good? I read in many places that to build up chi one must meditate and chi kung only circulates the chi you already have without building more. Sorry for all these questions but you seem like such a knowledgeable person - your insight is very much valuable to me and I appreciate it. All the best.
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Dear Sifu Terry, I have three questions for you: -How many repetitions should I perform of the meditations in Volume 3? Do I have to do the breath control sequence for every repetition? (You did the breath control twice for the 1st exercise in Volume 3 so that's why I ask). -Same question as above except but concerning the last exercise on Volume 1. -You answered my inquiry about this earlier but I want to update you in regards to performing the seated meditations in Volume two. I performed the entire series about 3 times again trying various sitting methods (cross-legged with back support, on a chair with no back support and on a chair with back support) and every time the results I get are very strange. I don't feel the calm and energizing effects like on Volume 1 & 3 even though I have very good form (IMO). I feel kind of low on energy, irritable and just all-around not so great when I finish a session of Volume 2. My question is: Should I keep trying? What could I be doing wrong? Thanks! -Ioann
  11. Weightlifting and cultivation

    I weightlifted for 10 years before starting cultivation and gained (and maintained) around 25lbs of lean mass from all those years. Perfected my form on all lifts... the whole shabang... even coached for a while. However, it was one or the other for me. I gave up weightlifting for cultivation. All those years of weight training made my body incredibly tense and hard which isn't a very good thing in terms of energy flow. I don't think the two mix together unless you're REALLY skinny and want to get to a normal weight. That said there's a difference between getting really f"ing huge and just getting bigger and stronger....
  12. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Quick question for Terry: Can I skip volume 2 of the series entirely? I've been mostly practicing volume 1 for the past month because I find it much more effective. I don't feel very much from the seated exercises and furthermore, I am unable to sit comfortably cross-legged (especially not half lotus) without back support for extended periods of time. Thanks.
  13. That Tan Tien thing

    So I've been doing chi kung and meditating diligently for the past 4 weeks now and am starting to get a good tangible feeling of chi which I am immsenly happy about. However, I've never felt my Tan Tien being "warm" or "tingly" or activated even upon focusing all my awareness in the area. I get somewhat of an effect when focusing directly behind the navel but isn't that something else? I read somewhere that the "2.5 inches below the navel" thing was just a myth to hide the real truth that the tan tien is actually located at the navel. How does it differ from the spleen chakra? Thanks
  14. Bad experiences with chi kung

    Hey guys, I sent sifu Terry a PM about this but I guess he's away and hasn't got a chance to reply yet. I have been doing the FP chi kung meditations (volume 1 & 2) for an hour or two a day for the last 3 weeks and I'm encountering 2 major issues: 1. I cannot feel any "chi" or "energy" flow whatsoever. It looks to an outsider watching chi kung movements that all one is doing is doing some slow repetitive gestures, well, that is what I experience. I get very frustrated at the end of the session because I don't notice anything tangible. 2. This happens every other session, after I have finished, I become extremely irritable and agitated which is quite unpleasant, I think this mostly stems from the frustration caused by point #1. Any ideas about this?
  15. Bad experiences with chi kung

    I started feeling something yesterday with the standing FP! I just emptied my mind. It felt like flowing water in my whole body. I was very pleasantly surprised. I'll try focusing on the Tan TIen... but wouldn't that restrict the energy flow? My understanding is the breath sequence is to distribute the qi to specific areas of the body... maybe Sifu Terry can chime in on this.
  16. Antibiotics

    Take the antibiotics as prescribed! When you're done taking them, use a high quality probiotic supplement as this will fully restore your intestinal flaura. Simple.
  17. Bad experiences with chi kung

    Thanks for the replies guys- I didn't expect this much good info! I will take the advice on adding meditation. I have in the past, meditated on and off so I have some experience, but it has almost always been chakra meditations with my crystal singing bowls. On some days I can feel my chakras very strongly... In terms of meditation, what are some very good ones? I know Vipassana is highly recommended but what are some other types? Maybe ones that are good to build chi... (deep pranic breathing?) Also, if I do my chi kung practice in the mountains next to a small lake which is a very high-chi environment, is this more conductive to my practice or does it make no difference? All the best!
  18. salvia divinorum

    1. DMT production by the pineal gland is only a speculation and has never been scientifically proven. 2. We do not know that the pineal gland is the actual third eye. It may be the hypothalamus, pituitary, thalamus or a combination of all of them that produce the visionary state. 3. DMT is not produced while sleeping and is not responsible for dreaming. Please don't watch the "Joe Rogan DMT video" on youtube. It is such a clusterfuck of disinformation.
  19. salvia divinorum

    I smoked a lot of DMT and I can absolutely say that DMT and meditation is *not* compatible. As with Salvia, you have ZERO control over your DMT trip. It takes you where it wants to take you. It does not unlock infinite compassionate unity consciousness- it takes you to bizarre parallel realities, stunning as they are, which are inhabited by benevolent and malevolent beings. For what it's worth, I know a lot of people that do inner cultivation and have extensive experience with DMT and they all come to the same conclusion- it's utterly worthless in terms of spiritual development. That being said, it's something to try at least once.
  20. Being infertile.

    Hi everyone, I am just starting to understand the concept of jing and retainement. I have been on testosterone replacement therapy for the past 3 years and will probably have to for the rest of my life. It resolves my secondary hypogonadism and restores my quality of life back to norma: better mood, energy, sleep, etc. However, the one thing that testosterone injections do is they stop endogenous testosterone production by eliminating FSH and LH, one of the hormones that produce sperm. Last I had my sperm check count, I had nearly no sperm in my system. I am still able to ejaculate large of amounts of semen. But there are simply no sperm cells in there. Does this mean I cannot convert my jin into ching?
  21. Being infertile.

    I need some input guys.... just throw out your wild conjecture! Doesn't have to make sense I just want some opinions. Is it the spermatozoa itself that contains the chi or the fluids containing the ancillary nutrients? If it is the spermatozoa then where is the jing of a highly gifted/cultivated child rest until it starts to become sperm? In the DNA?
  22. Distance healing

    Hello fellow bums! We all know the unbelievable amount of quackery in the "distance healer" realm, but I wanted to know if anyone has had any positive experiences with some genuine healers? It's almost impossible to filter out what's real and what's not without a first-hand account from personal experience which is why I figure this is a good place to ask.
  23. Distance healing

    Well, "healing" is sort of a broad term. Many online "mediums/healers" claim they can pinpoint any problems with your aura, chakra blockages, if you have any attached entities and what to do about them, etc. etc. which is what I'm looking for. What I wanted to know your honest opinions about these kinds of people. I know it's possible to make such assessments face-to-face but is it possible by just providing your full name? Is it a scam? I would really like an accurate assessment but there's a lot of quackery in my area which is why I would prefer to have a distance consultation with someone that has a reputation rather than seeing some random person. For instance, I saw a supposed "native american shaman/healer" a few months ago. His website looked marvelous. The descriptions looked exactly what I was looking for. He seemed like the real deal. I arrived at his place and it turned out he was a 50 year old electrician who took a 1 week "shamanism" course and had only been practicing for 2 years. Needless to say, I didn't get much, if anything, out of it. It was all cold reading. Also, I've heard some talk about some reputable Daoist masters who are able to make long-distance "transmissions", does anyone have some info on this too? Thanks.
  24. Distance healing

  25. "Rare tibetan yoga practice"

    I first saw this video a couple of years ago and it peaked my interest. It has since been pulled off of youtube but I managed to find a link. What is this?????