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Everything posted by Aaron

  1. Global Revolution!

    Wow, you're more screwed up than I first thought. You really think you know me by my past experiences? I've actually been very successful in life, having had jobs that paid more than you could ever imagine, but with that "hard work" came very long hours and a slow whittling away of my desire to enjoy life. I don't care about money, so maybe that's one of the problems? I see the experience of life being infinitely more important than gathering up goods. Goods do nothing in the end, but understanding the depths of one's soul does wonders for one's perceptions of the universe. In short, I'd rather be homeless than go to work for a major corporation being a mindless drone that hates his job and life and wants nothing more than to escape, but can't. I've chosen to live a modest life on purpose, not because I don't value my self, but because I do. Again something you obviously cannot understand. Also I'm not broke, in fact I'm surviving modestly. I've been designing webpages for people starting online businesses, as well as helping people start up ebay stores. Ironic? Yes, but I'm getting paid for it and I would much rather help an individual earn money than a corporation. Don't presume to know someone. I plan on giving this up though to do some charity work in the near future. I'll either be going to India to work with some charities teaching children or joining the Peace Corps. Both seem infinitely more satisfying than going out and working to simply better my own situation. Again, you obviously don't know me. Your assumptions are baseless as are most of your opinions, so please refrain from trying to analyze me with your pop-psychology BS. It's dealing with people as ignorant as you that gets me in trouble with the insult policy. Aaron
  2. Global Revolution!

    Hello folks, Joeblast, as always you miss the point because you fail to see anything but your own point. I am done trying to convince you of anything, because your perceptions of reality are already set in stone and no amount of convincing will change it. Perhaps you'll be fortunate enough to become destitute and homeless, then your eyes may be opened and you will see that I'm not saying that doing well or being successful are evil, but rather that it should be the duty of every man to look out for the well being of their fellow man. In my opinion this isn't available for everyone in the current climate of consumerism (and yes capitalism). Capitalism, in the sense that people perform duties and others pay them for those duties is perfectly fine, but it does not mean that one can lay claim to something they do not possess. The land you build your house on isn't your land, it isn't mine either. Early man knew this as did many tribal cultures, they viewed the land as their home, but they did not possess it, rather they were blessed in the sense that they could gain sustenance from it. They valued moderation and bountiful harvests, but they did not attempt to ring every ounce of wealth they could from it, for they knew something we seem to miss, that the world is not inexhaustible. So they hunted for a time, then moved on. They planted in one field, then moved and planted in another. The problems that we share are a result of greed. Greed is not good, it is product of fear, and many times those things born of fear do more harm than good, because in the grips of fear we cannot think rationally. Vortex, the same goes for you. You miss the overwhelming message that I am sharing, that it is in the best interest of all to help everyone, for so long as you have an enemy or someone that wants what you have, then you can never safely keep that which you have. The sage values nothing and thus has nothing to lose. Encephalon, thank you for the Pope John quote. I think on this topic we are both in agreement, which is certainly a refreshing change. I hope that we can find more things to agree upon. Aaron
  3. Emptiness

    I beg to differ. As one who is a scholar of the Tao Teh Ching, how can you not see that they have only proven something that's been known by most Taoists for over 2,000 years... "Between Heaven and Earth, There seems to be a Bellows: It is empty, and yet it is inexhaustible; The more it works, the more comes out of it. No amount of words can fathom it: Better look for it within you." What were you hoping to accomplish here? It seems that your intentions were less then benevolent. Perhaps you believe you can still the waters by throwing pebbles in the pool? Aaron
  4. I ran across an interesting statistic today, one that had to do with the total sales of pornographic material around the world. Before I get too involved, let me point out this research came about as a result of an argument that I was having with my brother, who stated Japan was more sexually repressed than the United States. I didn't agree, although now that I think of all the weird stuff you see in anime, it would make sense. Anyways, what I found out is that the US with a population of around 312.5 million people only spends about 20 billion dollars on porn (I know, only? But in comparison to other countries, it's really not as high as one might believe.) Americans actually only spend around $44.50 per person on pornographic material per year. Now the shocker came from learning that Japan with it's population around 127.7 million people spends nearly 20 billion dollars on pornographic material per year, or around $156.75 per person. Nearly three times as much as the US, yet on the surface one would assume that Japan was much more reserved and conservative than US is. Now that's actually the second highest per person amount in the world, the highest is actually South Korea, which has a per person amount of $526.76 per year (well over twice that of Japan and over five times that of the US.) Now the thing that shocked me was that the two most progressive countries in Asia also ended up being the two highest consumers of pornography world wide, despite the fact they make up a small margin of the overall population in comparison. It's easy to enter this discussion and think that it has something to do with sexual repression, but in reality it has little to do with repression (imo) but rather the attitude many in Asia have towards sex, and that's what I'm wondering and I hope others might share on. Is the consumption of pornography indicative of the spiritual decline of a country, or is it the sign of a more open minded attitude, an attitude that is less influenced by guilt than it is the expression of one's sexuality? I look forward to hearing other people's opinions. Aaron
  5. Germany has one of the lowest rates of per person per year spending on pornography, around $7.70, so I'm not sure that we can use that as a reasonable explanation. Aaron
  6. Global Revolution!

    Hello Informer, The definition of dignity is the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed. It has nothing to do with ego, but with being treated as if your life has value. So let me ask you, does your life have value? Do you think people should treat you as if it has worth? Should they honor you by treating you as if your life has value? I get so sick of this Buddhist ego crap in regards to things like this, simply because it has absolutely nothing to do with ego, except that the Buddhist is acting out on his own ego by saying such a thing. My argument is that no one should have to worry about their basic needs, because someone claims possession of the world's resources as their own. It is time for us to begin to ensure that everyone's life is honored as having value, that each person is deemed worthy of compassion, and we show each person the esteem they are due. I guess I feel the ego comment is really just a bit of false modesty. Also who said being grungy was a quality of homelessness, it just happens, especially if you're living someplace hot. Also try and walk in with a backpack, sleeping bag, etc and explain how you're not homeless, you're just "hiking". That goes over well. Aaron
  7. Global Revolution!

    Dignity comes to mind. Aaron edit- Also, try and walk into a bathroom when you're homeless and grungy and I can tell you what you're told, "I'm sorry but bathrooms are for paying customers." And in some cities many of the homeless shelters have limited space and fill up fast. I do agree, there are worse places though, but that doesn't detract from the problems we face here in the United States. I've been lucky that since graduating college I haven't been homeless once, but I've come close on occasion with the recent economic downturn. My heart goes out to the homeless and the hungry. I wish more people did something to help.
  8. Ch. 80, Taoist prophecy?

    Hello Everything, I can understand how you might see this as a prophecy, but I think most scholars will agree that the Tao Teh Ching wasn't intended to be a prophetic book, but rather a social commentary on what was occurring during the time it was written. The fact that it is as practical and applicable today as it was several thousand years ago just goes to show how accurate it was in discussing the ways of humanity. (And really that's what the Tao Teh Ching is about, humanity. Aaron
  9. Global Revolution!

    Hello Vortex, First I was expecting you to show up, so this wasn't a surprise, nor was your response. My response is simply that you're ignorant. I mean that you have no experience in regards to poverty, and I'm pretty sure Joeblast hasn't either, so everything you say is simply conjecture and in my opinion about as worthwhile as a roll of toilet paper. Yes it has it's uses, but the use usually involves fecal matter. This not only goes for you, but for anyone else out there spouting this tea party-republican-democrat-ALL American bullshit. If that seems harsh then let me ask you a few questions to gauge your own experiences regarding poverty. Have you ever gone hungry for more than one day? Have you ever had your utilities shut off for non-payment? Have you ever been homeless? Have you ever been evicted from your place of residence? Have you ever had to beg for food or shelter? If you answered no to these questions, then I'd suggest you quit spouting your opinions and quit talking about it like you know what's going on. Poverty exists because there is an imbalance in the distribution of wealth to the masses. These imbalances causes people to suffer and as a result of that suffering people seek substances to escape from that suffering. Poverty also increases the rate of crime, mostly against other people suffering from poverty, simply because it is one of the few ways for others to make a living if there are no opportunities available otherwise. A teenage boy sees a man making $1,000 a day selling drugs on a street corner and another man making $7.50 working at a minimum wage job and which path is he going to choose? The lack of opportunity causes crime. Second there were a lot of alcoholics in Communist Russia and there are even more today, in the free world capitalist market of Russia. In fact over 1 million children are living homeless in this free market economy right now, children who, if they had been born thirty years ago would've had shelter and a place to live. There are even more children who are abandoned to orphanages and institutions because their parents can't afford to care for them. These children suffer horrible abuse and many end up psychologically scarred. A large number of them end up as sociopaths. If you want to talk about the blessings of capitalism, I would not use Russia as an example. (Interesting piece of knowledge, Russia has one of the highest rates of alcohol related deaths in children.) You can look at the other communist countries that turned to capitalism and see the same thing going on. In my opinion, no matter how evil communism was, and I don't deny it wasn't evil, the grasps of capitalism are much more insidious and uncaring because they allow evil to happen under the guise of good. In fact when was the last time you heard about the plight of these children or the million or so homeless children on the streets of America for that matter? You don't because no one really cares, so long as they have their central heating and big screen televisions, they don't want to hear about it. In regards to the questions posed above about poverty, I've experienced all of them, in fact I experienced each and every one of them before my 10th birthday. I experienced them several times after and what I can tell you from that experience is that the vast majority of people simply do not care. They care on a philosophical level, but when it comes to having to give up what they have to help someone else out, if it comes to impacting their own standard of living, then their caring simply vanishes and is replaced by talks about football, the weather, and whether or not they need to buy a new car. They simply push it out of their minds and move on, ignoring it. This is just poverty in our own country and other countries that are a part of the western world, if you want I can go into detail about the children living in third world countries. 20% of all people in America right now are living in poverty. Homelessness is rampant, but not one word is mentioned, because it's a problem that CAN'T BE SOLVED in a capitalist society. We've tried and nothing happened, so now, rather than continue to put money into helping those people, instead we spend a billion dollars on a spy plane or buy more guns to ensure that "our way of life" is protected. Well let me tell you this, your way of life isn't the way of life for the VAST MAJORITY of people living in this world. Unless you're doing something to actively stop this problem, unless you've suffered from it yourself, then I don't want to hear your worthless self involved criticisms about it. You have absolutely no right to talk about it. Yes you have your freedom of speech, but on a deeper level, one I don't think you fathom, you don't have any right. You see, but you're blind as a bat. Aaron Edit- And the chilluns' comment was absolutely racist... get a freaking clue.
  10. Global Revolution!

    Hello Joeblast, I'm done. You're about as hardheaded as anyone I've met. No we are not agreeing on more than we're disagreeing, although it was kind of you to try to bring this discussion to a close. The fact of the matter is that capitalism doesn't work unless money is projected upwards, if it moved downwards it would require that it be shared with those who may not be deemed to have any fair share in that wealth. The problem is that, no matter how many times you're given an explanation for why capitalism doesn't work, or is broken in America, you seem to miss the entire point. Encephalon gave an excellent and detailed explanation, as did Ralis, and numerous others, but you ignore them, even when they make sense. You're so caught up in your conservative brainwashing, that you can't look past what you've been taught is true and even begin to examine whether or not what other people are telling you is true. You just assume since you haven't heard it from Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, or Bill O'reilly then it can't be true. Here's the problem with capitalism, it's based on the simple idea that some must not have enough, in order for others to have as much as they want. If everyone was able to achieve or have as much as they desired, capitalism wouldn't work, simply because it is an economy based on the ego, in other words it's based on the notion that one can compete and succeed where other's fail, and through that success show others their greatness, and their success with the American Dream. If there was no one to fail, then the American Dream would hold no value, because everyone could achieve it, and then where is the fun in that? So the ills of capitalism are indeed, as Encephalon pointed out, greed, anger, and delusion, and I think he's right, there needed to be these three poisons in the beginning in order for someone to believe that capitalism was a worthwhile system, but even after that these three poisons needed to continue to be present in order for people to experience capitalism and still consider it a good and fair economical system. I can also pinpoint how these three poisons are effecting your own judgement. First one could say you're delusional simply because you're incapable of understanding why there is virtue in being kind and compassionate to someone you don't respect. Second, you obviously place a monetary value on human life, which is shown in your desires to cut social services that help prevent death and suffering, which seems to me to be an example of greed, the desire to hoard one's wealth, despite the fact that others may need it. Third your constant attacks on those who express views that are opposite of your own are indicative of anger and hate, which are necessary to keep the capitalist economy alive. If one does not have an enemy or something to distract the people, then there is a chance people will begin to see the failures in the system and try to change them, of course in those situations you can easily rectify this by making those people the new enemies. Anyways, when I read your responses regarding most of this I also understand much of it has to do with your personality. You honestly believe much of what you express and because you value logic so much, you are incapable of intuitively understanding the need for compassion. Without being able to tap into that reservoir that resides within us, on a deeper level, then it is very difficult to actually understand that what we believe is actually wrong. In fact it would almost take a complete restructuring of your belief system in order for you to actually understand what I am getting at here. I'm not saying this to mock you, by the way, but rather to let you know that this argument is pointless, because I (honestly) can't see the value in what you're saying and you can't see the value in what I'm saying, so continuing to argue the point has no value either. Of course there is a chance that you might end up suffering at the hands of capitalism to an extent that you finally see something wrong in it, but then again I know people who are struggling to make ends meet that are completely bewitched by the Fox News conservative media spin as well, so perhaps that wont happen either. I guess what I'm saying is that I don't really dislike you, I just feel very sorry for you, because I can't see how much joy one can generate when it is dependent on the suffering of others. The negative cycle seems to reinforce negativity, and any happiness that is generated must feel very hollow to the extreme. Aaron
  11. Today a self-help guru in Arizona was sentenced to six years for the death of three people that participated in a sweat lodge he was leading. The article can be found here. I'm not sure of all the peculiarities, but it certainly gives one pause. Aaron
  12. why did lao tzu repeat himself?

    All great teachers understand that more than anything else, repetition helps people to learn a lesson. "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." "I will not pass notes in class." (God I wish they had cut and paste for blackboards.) Aaron
  13. Global Revolution!

    Hello Joeblast, Thank you for not replying, because I'm sure whatever you have to say regarding this will be a result of what you have been taught is right according to your unbiased education and of course all of the unbiased information you've learned from FOX News. I learned in school as a boy that America was the greatest country in the world, that capitalism was the only right economic system, because it was a free economy, and that we fought against communism to keep the world free, but what I've learned since then is not what I've been told or taught, but what I've come to realize by seeing the suffering that capitalism causes, the inequality it festers, and the immense greed and power mongering that are a result. There is no such thing as a free economy, if that economy does not allow everyone to share equally what the world has to offer. There is no such thing as a free democracy so long as it dictates what people should do and most of all, caters to the whims of the corporations. The world governments are nothing more than corporate prostitutes. They do what the corporations want, regardless of how demeaning and harmful the acts are, in order to sustain a way of life they've been taught is needed. When people understand the differences between needs and wants, when they are ready to abandon their preconceptions and return to a natural way of living, one that doesn't require mindless consumption, but an awareness of our actions and the consequences of these actions. When we stop living our lives blindly and open our eyes to see the suffering that is all around us and realize the root cause is our own greed, then we can begin to walk the path that we are meant to be on, but until then there will only continue to be suffering in this world. The way to win the world is not through war, but through compassion, understanding the need to ensure that every man, woman, and child has the opportunity to live a healthy and peaceful life. When the world is more concerned with helping their fellow man than ensuring they make it to the top, when the world sees the top as being every bit as bad as the bottom, then there will be change and no force on the face of the earth will be able to stop it. Aaron
  14. What do you sleep on?

    I wouldn't knock western futons. I had one that had a fairly thick mattress, but it was very firm, just enough that I didn't have problems with my hips (which is common when you're sleeping on a surface that's too firm, after all our ancestors didn't seek out rocks to sleep on), but not so firm it screwed with your posture. I would suggest trying them out in the store, til you find one you like. Also, if you like soft surfaces, but not too soft, you can look into things like air beds that have settings for firmness or even extra-firm mattresses, I just know for me, the firmer the surface the better. After awhile you don't even think about the surface being hard, but rather you just sleep. Aaron
  15. Global Revolution!

    I would say they have every right to be upset. I'm not even opposed to the sentiment, but rather my fears are that it will do little to change anything. The fact is that they are the 99%, but less than .0001% are actually doing anything to try and change it (i.e. protesting peacefully.) I've been a strong advocate that the best way to bring change is through passive resistance, but that doesn't necessarily mean that there aren't other ways to bring about temporary change, but again, I think it will only be temporary. Until a system is set in place that says every man has a right to the bounty of the world, then nothing will change. The real evil here is capitalism, yet so many people fail to see that. You say something like that and people label you a socialist, but the fact of the matter is that the society is set up so that the 1% can maintain their wealth and the 99% basically will only be able to sustain their own existence. I was talking to my brother about this today, the fact of the matter is that the poor people that do end up succeeding and breaking the bonds of poverty are very rare. The majority will continue to live a life of poverty despite what people might say, because there is no incentive for them to change, simply put they are in a situation that appears hopeless, so they do not have the hope that they can escape it. Crime, addiction, and so many other ills are all a result of capitalism, this notion that we are taught as children, to consume and earn, yet not to understand exactly what we are consuming and why, or that our needless consumption leaves others to suffer in our place. The land of the free? What about the world of the free? That's the question I would ask. If current statistics are correct and the rate of poverty in the united states is at 20%, then I believe it is only a matter of decades before the majority of the people living in the United States will be living at the poverty level or at the very bottom of the middle class, where one bad misfortune sends them to the ranks of poverty as well. The trick for many of us will be learning to appreciate when we have the things we need and also learning to give up the materialistic things we have come to depend on, it is only then that we can truly win over capitalism. So long as we demand what the corporations give us, then their hold over us will never end. I keep thinking of that image someone posted of the protesters and all the things that they were using that were part of the corporate machine and the only answer that I keep coming up with is simply that we need to stop supporting the corporations and begin to learn to live without paying tribute to them. In other words, so long as we accept the food and charity of the slave masters, then we will continue to be slaves, it is only when we throw it aside and decide to provide for ourselves that we will be able to overcome this. Ironically if people did try to do this, form communities where they could support themselves by making their own clothes and food, the government would descend on them with a hand of vengeance. We have dug ourselves into a hole and no amount of digging will get us out, the only way to get out is to climb, and that can only be done if each and every one of us decides to let someone stand on our back to get out. As an aside I'm putting serious thought into joining the protest, if only so I can say later on that I wasn't one of the people that watched and turned my head, while others stood up and risked their own freedom in my place. Aaron
  16. Returning to the way after enlightenment

    If one has achieved enlightenment, then they will not stray from the path, for they will know that no path exists. If one has set you on a path to achieve enlightenment, then you have achieved what they have shown you, and little more. Be aware of what you know, what you have been taught, then throw it out the window. Enlightenment teaches you that there is no path, that life happens of its own accord and everything that we achieve on our path is merely the results of what could have been and has been, as a result of our own perceptions. Realize that your perceptions are not reality, but rather how you perceive reality, and you can never stray from the path, for the path leads in any direction you choose to walk. The way is not set in stone, but it is the stone. It is not written in letters, but it is the letters. The path does not soar above the clouds, it is the clouds. Do not mistake a single destination as the end of your journey, for the journey continues regardless of where you are. Aaron edit- I am feeling very in tune now, so accept these words of wisdom while they are with me, for they may be gone tomorrow.
  17. The path is not easy.

    The fact of the matter is that when people ask for help with a problem, they often know the solution, but are unwilling to take responsibility for acting on that solution, so they ask others to make the decision for them to reduce their responsibility. In this case Adj, you know the solution, but it is painful for you to accept it, so you wish others to tell you what to do, when you already know in your heart what to do. Accept responsibility for the action you need to take and take it. Be compassionate and kind in what you do, but do what you need to do. If this helps to ease your conscience, remember that love between two people is not always easy, nor is it always perfect, but one should not be made to suffer or grovel at the feet of those they love. Each person deserves dignity and when one is meant to serve an another, without having some form of service from that person that they love that is equal to that suffering, then it is unwise to continue that relationship. In the end both parties will suffer. If your girlfriend does not see the need to take the small amount of time it requires to make you happy, then what do you expect to happen when something more dear to you occurs, but inconveniences her? Ask yourself this question and make the decision you need to make. With that I'm done with this topic. I wish you well and hope that things turn out best for both of you. Aaron
  18. What do you sleep on?

    I never had back problems until I got a soft mattress. I sleep on firm surfaces now, even if it has to be the floor. It takes getting used to, but I think it is ultimately better. That doesn't mean you can't have a degree of softness, just that you don't need something to make you feel like you're on a cloud. Aaron edit- The floor thing is literal... I got rid of my mattress about a year and half ago and I sleep on several folded up blankets on the actual floor. It can get cold during the winter, but it's still much better than a mattress in my opinion.
  19. Wonderful Zen parable

    So he was sort of like this? http://youtu.be/1pm4fQRl72k Aaron
  20. The path is not easy.

    I would suggest talking about it, but not when it's an issue, in other words, not when you're upset about the mess or cleaning up the mess, but rather when things are clean and tidy. I also wonder how this will effect your relationship in the long term. I think you may also be enabling her a bit, by cleaning up the messes and taking care of her, rather than forcing her to take care of herself. My practical suggestion, clean up one last time, wait a day or two, go out to dinner and bring it up in a casual way. Don't force it, but say essentially what Old Green's Dad said to him, which is absolutely true by the way. If she knows this is bothering you and she keeps doing it, it's probably just a bit passive aggressive. Anyways that's not the point, the point is to set clear boundaries in your relationship, in other words let her know what is acceptable and unacceptable, or what hurts your feelings, makes you mad, and what doesn't. Of course don't be surprised if you share your feelings and she gets upset, the key is to make sure that she knows you love her an this isn't an attack on her, but rather that you're just expressing how her actions are making you feel. My wife was a complete slob and I finally had it out with her about it, after that she started to help out spontaneously. She still made the occasional messes, but she also cleaned the occasional mess too, which was all I really wanted. Aaron
  21. Jung Personality Test

    I took the test, but I'm not going to submit my score. I never even knew a test like that existed. Oh well, I guess it only makes sense. Maybe I'm just getting old and out of touch. Aaron
  22. How to get into Focused Trance State

    Hmm... I would suggest that perhaps the best way to study is to find a quiet room with little distraction and take notes while you're reading (I also wrote in my books, but if you don't own them, I don't suggest this). As far as the trance state that you're talking about, I think I can speak for everyone in here when I say we've all been there. In particular I used to "zone out" when I was in a class that was really boring (macro-economics anyone?) It's actually a mild form of dissociation people use to avoid unpleasant experiences. It's sort of like your mind wandering when you're listening to something you're not interested in, it's your way of distracting yourself from something unpleasant. Now as far as the hyper focus thing, that's pretty common as well. If you want to reach this state, you can artificially induce it, as you can many other types of states, including OBEs and Astral Travel, through hypnosis. If you check online I'm sure you can find some online sources that can explain more. My personal recommendation is don't force anything, if it's meant to be, it'll happen on its own. Aaron
  23. In regards to the whole "we're all gonna become animals 'cause the oil is gonna be gone" theory, I just wanted to add that wind power is increasing in popularity every year as a model source of renewable energy. In fact many authorities on the subject of renewable energy feel it will have less ecological impact than using solar (the chemicals in the cells are highly toxic), geothermal heat, or hydroelectric power. I was also surprised to learn that 16% of the world's energy is provided by these renewable resources and that this percentage is growing every year. Who knows, by 2020 we might be able to provide 50% of the energy that we produce from these sources. Clean energy. The more I learn about this topic, the less I feel inclined to worry about the impending doom of mankind, it seems that many people are already aware of these issues and taking practical steps to solve them. Aaron
  24. Matter or consciousness?

    This koan isn't meant to disprove that things exist or don't exist when you cease to view them, but rather that you can only know what you experience yourself and that everything that you view is derived from your own experience. It doesn't necessarily infer that a tree only exists so long as you are their to view it, because in fact the tree can exist if I was there to view it, unless of course you're saying I don't exist when you do not view me. Now if what you're saying is true, then it would be logical to assume that since things only exist so long as we perceive them, then there is no reason why we can't alter our perception of things and thus change their actual shape and appearance, yet if those shapes and appearances are static and do not change, then it seems to be logical to assume that they do exist, or at the very least, if we use the quantum consciousness model, they exist so long as something conscious views it, rather than just your own individual consciousness. Just my point of view. Aaron