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Everything posted by Ish

  1. What is wisdom in Dzogchen ?

    What is that?
  2. Taoist schools - alchemy and qigong

    Can you give some examples of what good results some are achieving in your school Antares?
  3. 30 Day Challenge for Slackers

    Much too strenuous
  4. Clothes for good energy flow?

    Bamboo? for real? i've never heard of bamboo clothing. Gonna check that one out
  5. Yin qi = LDT related energy, sexual energy, jing Yang qi = UDT related energy, spiritual energy, shen. There is a process of refinement of ones energy, from yin to yang to beyond
  6. I feel stupid and slow

    MDT relates to your mind. Either you are working through something, or you have caused an imbalance/blockage. It's hard to say. Does your taiji instructor talk about the energy/ qigong side or is it mostly physical? The standing "embrace the tree" posture can tend to focus the energy at the MDT and can be causing stagnation, good idea to change your hand posture. Try Wuji stance instead? Do more moving practices, get your shoulders and arms moving and flowing. Open up your chest. Smile. Make the AAAAAHH sound repeatedly and feel the vibration opening up your chest. Hope it sorts out!
  7. qi master against mma

    People like to call themselves a lot of things and this guy obviously is not a qigong master
  8. Book study leading to mastery

    It depends who wrote the scripture
  9. Remembering Trungpa Rinpoche

    I would say - "better to be safe than sorry". The teacher/s you connect to is a very important point for cultivation. If we don't have the direct vision to see whether someone is at a high spiritual level or not (the words they say are not an indicator), then next best is to look at the conduct of the person. If that is dodgy, then perhaps better safe than sorry.
  10. Damo Mitchell interview questions

    What are the markers for the stages (Jing->qi Qi-Shen Shen-> Tao Tao-> Nature ) in Taoist energy cultivation? Thank you.
  11. Well i suppose applying concentration of mind (shamatha) can make thoughts cease, which could be seen as an unnatural way to stop thoughts.
  12. When one is well versed in the "natural state" do thoughts then naturally cease, or do they continue to arise and pass continuously? I'd appreciate response from direct experience if possible
  13. What are we (you? ) actually "cultivating"? Thanks.
  14. Energy color

    The core is always at the middle dan-tian, with what you see?
  15. How to spot a quality teacher? These days anyone can say the right words. Even with so called "extraordinary" experiences - it still does not mark a high quality individual, spiritually or otherwise. Gotta be careful.
  16. What is Taoism? (Seriously)

    I think it's about Tao. what's Tao? i don't know, ask Lao Tzu
  17. Immortals

    How does one differentiate between an Immortal spirit and the many other types of spirits?
  18. Mozhi Rinpoche (Vajra Tummo Demo)

    Hi thamosh, Is this man on the cover of the book the headmaster of your lineage at the moment?
  19. banging inside walls

    I don't have any personal experience with this stuff.... However - i've heard both Sage and Sandalwood to be good for purifying places. So if you can light some of this stuff throughout your house with the intention of cleaning the whole area, worth a shot. Green plants are also good. Other than that, perhaps try getting more sunshine in your house and also on yourself - it's purifying. Have you ruled out the temperature changes of the season (expanding and contracting materials..) as causing this sound in your walls?
  20. simplify

  21. Master Chunyi Lin

    Seconding "Born a Healer", excellent book for all interesting in qigong.
  22. IMO - for people to spend some time away from intellectual discussion and actually cultivate themselves. It's not about all this blah blah and winning arguments - serves no one but an inflated sense of self. I mean why do the masters who were considered great spend so much time in retreat or personal cultivation? It's because to actually achieve the essence you have to put some real sincere effort into it. You wouldn't see these kind of "discussions" if some real cultivation had taken place - in my opinion
  23. I want a diploma.

    Well you have to reach nirvana first...