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Everything posted by GeoBall

  1. question about meditation practices

    Hi Nac, Don't mind NeiChuan First off, i'm not a master of any martial art or internal alchemical practice. How ever i have looked for specific trainings of the sort. Which leads me to Nei gong "Qigong" and Chi kung. They are spelled different ways different places i'm sure. Specifically Neigong because i've read many different resources and spoken with a few knowledgeable internal alchemists about this. If you've heard of Nei Gong you might of heard of a certain system called Mo Pai. Mo Pai is a supposed 72 level system of internal alchemy. Any ways my point is i've posted some information from a book on a few forums dealing with internal alchemy actually and they all said the first two levels of the excerpt below are actually pretty similar to their own systems. They would not really go into detail after those levels. So.. yes. Here is a excerpt from the book "The "Antichrist" Training Manual by: Raymond Holder" “THE RECIPE" THIS IS NOT THE MO PAI SYSTEM, BUT WILL GIVE SIMILAR RESULTS. This is Technique that I found and that will yield similar results. There was no name for it, so I call it “SYSTEM H.S.S” (HOMO SAPIENS SUPERIOR) The first thing you must do is leave Sex alone during training. Some say not until Level Two, but it’s best to start on the right track. The first exercise is called the Horse Riding Stance and is called this because its position looks like you should be sitting on a horse. You should be able to practice until you can hold this position for at least and hour or more. The exercises are done in Levels and in the Mo Pai system there are seventy two. You achieve your Power after you past Level Four. You can also have some power at Level Two. LEVEL ONE: Sit on the floor (outside would be better) and cross your feet in the Lotus position (left leg under right thigh and right leg on top of the left thigh) if you can’t do this just cross your legs (Half Lotus) Calm your mind and Meditate. Put your left hand under your Dantian like your cupping it and lay your right hand inside that one and make sure the thumbs touch. Make sure your spine and head are straight. The goal is to fill the Dantian with Yang Chi. Master Chang says Meditation is when you are not awakre of anything. It is like being between awake and sleep. No focal points nothing. Master Chang says that it takes 81 hours of complete Meditation to fill the Dantian and that the average person who sits in Meditation only achieves true Meditation three minutes out of every hour. So the more you practice the better you’ll get. If you stay up 24 hours straight and then try to stay awake and Meditate you will get some good results. ( I tried it) The legs are crossed to cut off certain energy ducts in the body called Nadis and the Yang Chi is rerouted to the Dantian. Master Chang use his energy to see how full your Dantian is. I suggest that you ask your God to help and guide you with this because the more you meditate the easier it will become. LEVEL TWO: In Level Two you have to compress the Yang Chi in your Dantian, pack it and make it hard. (Remember no sex!) Our sexual energy (semen) is transformed into a more powerful form of Yang Chi. In Sorcery I had always read that you should not have Sex before trying to conjure a Spirit because sex was “dirty.” This is not the case, not having Sex would give you enough Yang Chi to conjure the SPirit in question. Take your Lotus Position and hand positions. Pull up your anus and genitals like your trying to keep from going to the bathroom and at the same time push down with your stomach muscles and focus on you Dantian with your eyes. This should be done for at least an hour a day or for as long it takes. Remember all bodies are different, for some it could be fast for others slow. When you feel like you have to have sex, move to the Level Two position because the Semen is ready to be “Cooked.” Take your positions. Inhale through the nose and pull in your stomach and feel your energy move from your testicles to your tale bone and up your back to the top of your head. Breath out through your nose and push your stomach and when doing this trace the energy down from your head until it reaches your Dantian. Keep doing this until your Sexual sensation is gone and when it returns do it over until you get a ball like a mound in yur Dantian. Soon you will begin to develop marks in the center of both of your palms like burn marks. I tried this and recieved a bubble blister like from being burned. This is your Yang Chi pushing itself out of your body, because you have filled your entire system with it. Remember be patient and practice hard. Some guys practice up to ten, fifteen years or more. They don’t live in the Unitied States where all you have to do is whine or take what you want. You can’t say I should have this because I’m white or I deserve this because I’m black. This is the only science on the planet were it can’t be given to you. You yourself have to work for it. CAUTION IF DONE WRONG THIS EXERCISE COULD INJURE YOUR ETHERIC BODY AND ITS PSYCHIC CAHNNELS AND THAT COULD RESULT IN THE DEATH OF YOUR SPIRITUAL AS WELL AS YOUR PHYSICAL BODY. AS I SAID BEFORE IF YOU BELIEVE THIS IS YOUR DESTINY THEN PROCEED. LEVEL THREE: Sit in your lotus position and relax and focus.Breath in for six seconds ahold the breath for 33 seconds exhale for 12 seconds hold for 2 seconds. Practice this for as long as you can, but at least three hours or more is te rule. The goal is rhythm so, try and keep the pace steady. If you feel, you can go higher the better: 8 50 16 3 The goal is to push the energy in to the Sushumna located in the spine up to pierce the first Granthi and to move up to the Dantian. When the energy is made to flow through this Channel, it ceases to flow through the Ida (Yin Channel) and the Pingala (Yang channel) making them easy to break by making the Dan tian jump like you have the dry heaves. YOu break the Nadis’ in a criss cross fashion like an X. When the first four are broken, you can move the Dantian like a rolling ball.These two Channels sit on either side of the Sushumna, the Ida on the left and the Pingala on the right. The books I found on the chakras say that the Ida and Pingala curve around each Chakra like figure eights. This is false because Chakra spin. It would seem that the two Channels would cross at each Chakra instead of going around them. Think about how hurricanes work, a cold and warm front even those Crop Circles work on the same principles. Two different energies one positive and one negative hit each other and are made to chase each other and spin. The same thing happens whena tornado is formed so why not a chakra? The Ida is cool and the Pingala is hot. This is just another case of people not understanding what they are reading or writing about and repeating what they have heard. LEVEL FOUR: The rule is you can pass level four only ify ou have a yellow aura. Master Chang says that there arethre kinds of auras Black, Yellow and White. Black being evil and selfish. White being good and kind hearted. Yellow being at peace with the universe. You have to go out in seclusion to reach Level Four. When you achieve Level Four you sever the Mingmen Nadi which is the last Nadi holding the Dantian in place. It goes down and gathers as much Yin as you have Yang Chi. The Two will rise together and you have to force them by your will to combine them in your Dantian. Master Chang fainted twice trying to do this, but on the third time it was his. Look for different Tai Chi postures and movements and get to know your powers. CONGRATULATION YOU HAVE JUST MOVED UP TO HOMO SAPIENS SUPERIOR. You are Immortal and you will retain your personality after death. You will be able to Reincarnate when you wish and to a certain degree the laws of karma have no effect on you. You control the powers of the universe, and are A True Son of the Gods. You will need this training because you don’t have to buy anything special to practice with. Yes you can practice in jail, outside, and under any circumstance. No Spells, no Cnadles, no Incense, no Partner, no Money everything you need you were born with. If the time comes and you’re stripped of everything you own, this Power is still yours. This is your trump card. LEARN AS MUCH AS YOU CAN” GOOD LUCK Remember, i'm just passing you some information i thought looked promising. There is no way to tell how credible it really is. ~Peace and love
  2. Enlightenment

    It is a good story. Better experience.
  3. Greetings to all

    Hi I'm new here. Looking for more truth. Specifically about internal alchemy. Nice to meet you. ~Geo
  4. Neigong

    Interesting, And you are indeed welcome.
  5. Neigong

    Yeah i agree with you, i'm very skeptical of it myself. But i still search for information, which is why I'm here.
  6. Neigong

    Different postures help Qi flow through specific meridians of the esoteric body. Technically yes you are correct both feet go on the opposite thigh. But you could also do Half lotus for this, So i'm most positive posture only means so much. Intention is the real catalyst.
  7. Neigong

    The purpose is so your dan tian can move freely "Thats how you manipulate qi, using your freed dan tian". When you break the chains basically the yin qi that flows through your body resides on the outside instead of just on the inside. Kinda like a shield of sorts.
  8. Neigong

    If you read my post, you'd understand that description of the 4 first levels of Mo Pai came from a book. Not me. I posted this to get opinions, maybe even those gigantic parts I'm "missing" thanks :]
  9. Neigong

    Thanks for the excellent quotes Vortex. And i have searched NeiChuan, i just thought i'd start a new topic.