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About Brian

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    He's a very naughty boy!

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  1. Just noticed this thread, Dwai -- I will join your mailing list, buy your book, read it and post a review!
  2. I take better care of my copy.....;)
  3. Walker, you broke the Internet with that post (well, it wouldn't let me reply to it, anyhow), but... Don't you be telling the Dao what to do.
  4. I have a pillow to hold across my abdomen when I laugh or cough. (I laughed... )
  5. My abdominal cavity has been cleaned out and I have been on broad-spectrum IV antibiotics for about 60 hours now -- I suspect I am in far better shape than the message forum... <grin>
  6. What a truly fascinating thread, esp for an old member who abandoned the the forum as a lost cause a couple years ago and who only returned in response to an invitation to "say a few words" about the passing of a dear friend. Several other friends encouraged me to stick around and explore the site to get a feel for how it has changed while I was away. In the meantime time, my appendix burst and I am in a hospital after four hours of surgery two nights ago (your comments about a surgeon's use of a scalpel was an interesting bit of timing, TaoMeow!). I will be here several more days so I will participate in the little luau tomorrow (since it is a a virtual luau, that it -- I am not eating or drinking yet...) This thread is truly fascinating! -smdh-
  7. Jesus from Siberia

    Wise man.
  8. My friend, Jim, has left this mortal coil. His passage is a loss for me, and for all who had the opportunity to come to know him, but I am not -- and have not been -- sad for him because it was not a loss for HIM. Jim completed one section of the trail and moved on to the next section. I would like to think he reflects with fondness upon his memories of us as we do upon our memories of him but I suspect he is "in the moment." I usually am. A warrior, a philosopher, my friend. Fare thee well, Marblehead. Light, Brian P.S. If anyone feels up to it, fill me in on major changes here in the last two years (via PM...)
  9. He's not the Messiah... he's a very naughty boy!!!

    Miss ya mate!

  10. I followed a link someone e-mailed me to a post in a completely different thread, found several PMs from many months ago which I have now answered, and figured I'd poke around the forum for a bit to see if things had improved here. <sigh> Perhaps I'll check in again in six months (or a year or whatever...)
  11. simplify

    Petticoat Junction
  12. simplify

    Mr. Ed
  13. Gun Control and Shootings

    Welcome back!
  14. Belated New Year Greetings

    How curious -- I was thinking about GrandmasterP earlier today.
  15. I think it is "very odd" to believe that one's belief system is not profoundly informed by one's "philosophical view about the nature of man or truth or nature." Perhaps I am just odd. Or perhaps Rorty was seeking to rationalize holding political beliefs at odds with his own philosophical positions? My question would be, "what force?" My statement would be, "we can shape our beliefs or be shaped by our beliefs but the former depends upon recognizing those beliefs and being willing to dissolve our attachments to them."