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Everything posted by Brian

  1. Flat Earth

    Does that cause your tongue to feel rage?
  2. The limits of free speech

    Naaah, you just misunderstand.
  3. Flat Earth

    How flat are you?
  4. Flat Earth

    Your receptors react to what?
  5. Flat Earth

    Now I'm hungry...
  6. The limits of free speech

    I'm just not that into you, Hancock.
  7. The limits of free speech

    He responded by suggesting I am a closeted white supremacist who seeks to oppress him while simultaneously having a romantic attraction and secretly wanting to have sex with him.
  8. The limits of free speech

    Oh, yes -- I most certainly know where you're at with it. The question is, do you?
  9. The limits of free speech

    I'm not expecting you to be an expert on "blackness", just asking you to examine your own beliefs. That's why I ask you questions which begin with a phrase like "What do you think..." or "What do you believe..." See how that works? I am repeatedly and consistently asking YOU to examine your own thoughts and beliefs on an issue about which you understandably have strong emotions and about which you apparently have unrecognized baggage. This is why, you may recall, I explicitly told you that you are not currently in a frame of mind in which you can have an honest and rational discussion, and I told you I would leave you alone on the topic -- out of kindness to you. You responded with a rant about my inability to understand reality. <shrug>
  10. The limits of free speech

    If people who don't consciously choose to be racists aren't really racists then why did you make a point of explaining to me what it is that "the subconscious white racist" tried to do? Why the "subconscious" adjective, and particularly why the "white" adjective? That's quite curious... I absolutely gave you a straight on why I "support white supremacist having the moral right to free speech." Everyone has the moral right to free speech, regardless of whether I find them offensive. That you somehow find within yourself the moral authority to determine who is allowed to speak and who deserves to be oppressed is something for YOU to examine on your own -- when and if you are someday ready to look in that painful mirror.
  11. The limits of free speech

    I've lived in the South my entire life and I learned all about civil rights AND celebrated Black History Month. I then went much further than that and took it upon myself to research race relations in the US going back to well prior to the founding of the union. Do you know, for instance, who was the slave owner in the first legal case in the US regarding slavery? You should find out... This really has nothing to do with my ego, Hancock, but with yours. You are projecting your own deep-seated racial prejudices onto those around you, are thinly veiling implications that those who disagree with your worldview are necessarily bigoted oppressors, and you are passive-aggressively dodging questions which would reveal your own racist ideas. I'll stop for now...
  12. The limits of free speech

    The people you associate with think "white guy, football star, etc." when you say "All American"? Have you actually tested that hypothesis or is that really just what you think? Perhaps you should consider associating with different people (or try talking to someone about this...) BTW, I'm not arguing, either, I'm just tapping on a keyboard.
  13. Nungali and I are married but he embarrassed because it is an intercontinental marriage, so I won't mention it.
  14. The limits of free speech

    Astounding! Please, tell us more about what I am doing and why I am doing it. Please tell us more about who those racists are and what they believe and how they act. You seriously "don't know much about those people in the video"??? Really?!? Perhaps you need to take a little time and educate yourself on the very topic about which you are pontificating.
  15. The limits of free speech

    I wish I could find the skit because Garrett Morris's body language and facial expressions were the kicker!
  16. The limits of free speech

    You actually imagine that posting that video of Malcolm X and Mohammed Ali is an attempt to "put down the African-American"??? You are a tool and don't even know it? Take of your racism goggles and watch that video again!
  17. The limits of free speech The skit (and the mock talk-show within it) was named "Black Perspective." The guest was Julian Bond, a 1960s civil rights activist and a Georgia politician for twenty years who later became Chairman of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) and was the first President of the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC).
  18. The limits of free speech

    Saturday Night Live did a skit, back in the original "Not Ready for Prime Time Players" days, in which Garrett Morris was a talk show host interviewing another (lighter-skinned) black man, who was playing the role of an academic researcher, about the origins of racism. It was outstanding. I tried later to find it on the Internet but it seemed to have been memory-holed or something. Maybe I'll try again.
  19. The limits of free speech

    Just so you know, I had plenty of time to read and absorb your post here which you subsequently edited away.
  20. The limits of free speech

    Why are you dodging the question? What is it that the subconscious black racist tries to do? If that is too specific for you to answer, you can expand it to "What is it the black racist tries to do?" Two more questions for you (which you have previously ignored so I'm not holding my breath): What percentage of white people in the US do you believe are racists (either consciously or subconsciously)? What percentage of black people in the US do you believe are racists (either consciously or subconsciously)?
  21. The limits of free speech

    When I asked him point-blank what percentage of whites in America he believes are actually hate-filled racists who share the views of the KKK and the Nazis, he changed the subject and refused to answer the question. He has repeatedly intimated and almost directly stated that he believes all white people in the US are racists. He is free to hold that opinion and to express that belief in the public square, even though he believes the First Amendment is a lie and the Declaration of Independence a fraud concocted to ensure the perpetual oppression of people of color by evil white men. Personally, I have no dog in this fight because I am pink.
  22. Nungali?!? LMAO Hey!!! @Nungali!!! This guy thinks you are my wife!
  23. Soon, he'll be lamenting that no one (who isn't on his ignore list) will answer his questions. How long do you think it will be before he starts reading the content he has chosen to ignore? I bet it is less than two hours...
  24. I assumed he meant you but I didn't have the impression you are a pervert so...