electric gravity

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Posts posted by electric gravity

  1. God sends a message of peace and balance to the whole network of the tao. Just like when you focus on your dantian it also sends a message of balance to your whole nervous system. The dantian beams the original message of what your suppose to be. The dantian gets its message from the dao the dao gets is message from god. theres a lesson in alchemy and this also why alchemy only takes you so far you must continue to follow the same principles. We are just microcosmic's of the tao thus alchemy and why it starts with meditation. - understand


    Once a taoist tunes into the message of balance from the tao he can beam the message from his dantian (which is the gateway of the tao) radiate this message into the world. As he does this his te will expand until the master becomes the message.


    thus becoming the vessel for the supreme ultimate god's hammer on earth.

  2. The tao is the network god uses to manifest his will.


    The center of the tao is god.


    There are different class of beings that goes from angel to ghost. Just like on earth there are humans all the way to insects. The human being is the highest class of being on earth in the physical plane.


    The tao te ching is all about ascension. Staying connected o the tao in life and in death ascends you.


    Alchemy only gets you so far.


    A true taoist restores his connection with god and follows his virtue from hence it came to the highest realm of the tao with the purest and strongest energy.


    On your way back to the tao you will pass gods and other deities.


    You can get spiritual gifts have all your chakras open and so on. But that really wont put you on the path. What lao tzu did was amazing if you understand it. He left a manual that not only guided thru your alchemy but guided you back o the highest level of the tao.


    When your meditating and you feel connected to everything following the tao te ching guides you thru all the dimensions back to the source of the tao.


    So a taoist master is one who has mastered the path to god. One who can guide you back to the supreme ultimate the tao is just the method of doing so.


    A real taoist master can heal karma and forgive sins and so on.


    The taoist master's te radiates from his body- the message of his energy puts everything back to what it should be. When you meditate on your dantian this happens to you everything will start to balance in you.


    It was for these reasons that taoism was given to man by heavenly decree.


    Taoism is not about tricks and having internal power.


    Taoism is about striving for heaven with the uptmost sincerity.


    Its sincerity of the heart that blazes the path.


    Just look at a real taichi master when he does his form he does it with the uptmost sincerity.

  3. I actually spoke to micheal a few months back on the phone and he gave me some good advice. At this time i was going thru something pretty heavy. Micheal and i had a long conversation.


    Micheal is a good teacher and has alot more insight than some other teachers that i have spoken too.

  4. you work your way up then you work your way back down to the lower dantian. All senses come from the lower dantian activating the 3rd eye awakens particular senses that you bring back down to your lower dantian at the point it really beocmes the lower brain.


    dont worry man you might get there 1 day.

  5. I keep seeing this over and over again. So many practitioners are concerned with power and abilities (and i use to be the same way). Until a tao master opened my eyes.


    The truth is that to keep your heart really into our daily practice you need something to strive for.


    Strive for higher attainment of the tao. Once you become a vessel of the tao you will have the protection and power of the tao. Dont sacrifice the tao for the gifts of the tao.


    Neiking just prepares your body to be a vessel of the tao. It brings you to the door. When you feel connected to everything that ever was and will be your closer to being at the foot step of the tao.


    but learning how to cross over and learning how to master traveling thru the tao and channeling higher levels of tao energy into your body can only be taught to you by a tao master.


    Taoist alchemy just is just half of it. Learning to master the tao is the other part of it.


    A tao master has more power than a neikung master because a tao master can use the tao itself to protect him this and for many other reasons attaining and mastering the dao is the next step.


    If Max continues to teach I would urge him to teach more than bliss because even if you master the kunlun system taught by max it wont make you a taoist master.


    Unless im wrong and he teaches how to extend your aura past your body and attune it to the pulse of the tao it self then beam into the tao and then circulate the tao energy in and thru your body.


    Heres a good question how does kunlun help you into the ascension of the tao? and how does that alchemy relate to the tao te ching?

  6. I have had my questions about max's branch for a while. I dont believe that they practice the real tao.


    I was reading the pillars of bliss book and on page 21 it says that the girl who founded kunlun went down to the cave of demons and prayed to the entities there. The cave is found kwangsi province near the maoshan temple where their snake magic originated from.


    What they promote is not real tao i have had my questions about them for awhile. But dont believe me just look up new world order and the serpent cults.


    Real taoism is holy. Real taoism brings you closer to god.


    Listen to me Taoism is all about restoring your connection with god.


    A taoist has no need of "magic".


    I have had this feeling about max and his group for awhile please back away from kunlun it is not what it is advertised to be.

  7. welcome to the very real spiritual war. i have dealt with this as well. Until i was actually approached by people working for this side. They offered me an all seeing eye bracelet and they wanted me to join them. I declined. This was right before i found my current teacher who put me on the correct path. Pray and go to god. beaware of their manipulation. You can tell this happens when you have unnatrual thoughts pop in your head. Just continue to train, pray and ignore them.

  8. Daoism is extremely inclusive and yet a lot of things do not belong to it.


    Shamans and mediums also exist everywhere, but none are "daoist" in nature simply because their goal of practice differ extremely from the Daoist Path.


    Amen to that.


    Just because you meditate or do some other esoteric stuff that does not make you a taoist. I see it all the time people who have no interest of attaining the dao but yet call themselves taoists.


    To be a taoist you have have to be practicing to attain the tao its that simple.

  9. Some members seem to be confusing kungfu & meditation with magic.



    Amen to that. Magic is actually the opposite of the taoist arts because magic basically means the use of outside energy.


    Some taoists that start off as kungfu practitioners and meditators will actually get pulled into more esoteric stuff like magic and so on. Without ever questioning their impulses to do so. Have you ever thought that their maybe some magic pulling you to it? Just a thought. Neikung means manipulation of your internal energy. Magic deals with manipulating other people by manipulating outside forces for your own will. It has nothing to do with following the greater law of the tao or attaining the tao.


    I never heard of an immortal witch....just a thought.


    Taoist alchemy is all about ascension things like magic is kind of beneath us.


    Look for a tao temple hint hint.

  10. those who say time is just flux are talking about just the mental what about the physical. To bypass time in the body?


    This is where taoist alchemy comes in.


    When a baby is born how do you think its time is imparted to it?


    Look ill put it like this those who figure out what time actually is in this sense will discover the secret of immortality.


    you lose time when ever the mind body and spirit are not insync with each other when this happens what tcm doctors call blockages or negative chi enter the body. When the mind body and spirit are one and are in harmony the guardian chi is strong and the real vitality and potential is regained. This one of the reasons why taichi and the similar arts before it was developed you have to have a physical connection to your body while meditating.


    hint 1. you lose potential, accumalte bad karma and so on when ever you go against your heart your heart follows the greater heart of the tao.


    potential like jing is the combination of your mind body and spirit working as one when this harmony is lost the force that keeps us together (time) leaves us.


    we taoists are all about time if we bypassed it altogether we would be immortals already.

  11. time does exist but its not what we think it is. Time is very personal and very nessesary time is a gift to let us grow at our own rate. time is yang it keeps us from being one and allows us to develop our nature. when we practice things like meditation we become more yin back to oneness.


    everything that exists has its own time and it follows the time of a greater system like we follow the earth's and so on.


    Time is a gift from god.


    Time is closely related to karma.


    A taoist alchemic view of time would be like this,


    Time = Having the ability to exist and grow

    To have this gift of time you must have good karma this good karma is equal to potential


    Potential is equal to jing


    jing is almost equal with vitality


    think about this.


    Young people have an overwhelming sense of potential that they feel like they can do anything. Potential is a real something it is the other side of jing that is lessened by bad karma.


    this is why to have high attainment you must conserve and transmute jing while cultivating te or what taoist would call purifying your essence.


    bad karma ages you by lessening your potential (thus lessening your time on the planet) this is why adults feel like they cant do anything in spirit because they have accumulated bad karma over the years.


    building up and transmuting jing does not build regain potential for that you must deal with the bad karma that you have acquired


    there is always more to it.