electric gravity

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Everything posted by electric gravity

  1. Crane Style Chi Kung

    Sounds like your bringing in too much energy into your system. Your liver and kidneys are being over taxed. The best way to remedy this is to take in less energy and focus on the dantian more.
  2. ill say this and this is all i will say. In times of old before the tao was called the tao by taoist it was referred to as the truth or god. The ancient taoist were known as prophets and sages. Taoism and taoist practices should bring you closer to god. The merging of yin and yang is just part of the ascension process. Your training should give you a better respect and fear for god. There is a darkness that has crept into the taoist arts if you look hard enough you will see it. Ill just tell you what my sifu told me " if anyone or practice pulls you away from god then that person or practice is evil and you must stay away from it". Before training my sifu told that he really didnt even believe in god but after learning our taoist art he couldnt help but too believe in god. Even Jim said it in the mo pai that training helped him have a deeper relationship with god and thats good. Ill put it like this building and circulating chi doesnt make your aura holy it just makes it stronger. If you have ever been by a real taoist it is kind of like standing next to a powerful preacher you feel more moral, you watch what you say, and you feel in higher spirits afterwards. A taoist is the vessel for the supreme ultimate when you stand next to him you should feel blessed like your standing next to the center of creation (god) it self. People who say that neikung has no basis in religious theory or belief is just lying to you or they dont know the truth themselves. It cant be called the supreme ultimate or the ascension path if it doesnt bring you closer to god. God is real and thats just something that you have to come to terms with. The movement of the tao and taoist practices is always back to the source think about that.
  3. What is Tai-Chi?

    tajiquan in and of itself awakens you to the magnetic reality of existance itself. tajiquan is another part of the alchemy. You move because the universe moves it is the unification of movement and stillness thus taichi. It does what stillness meditation could not due alone. all of your neikung and chi training comes together in the taji form itself. Taichiquan expands your shen. Taichiquan is the gateway into the tao. When i practice my form with just a thought i can increase my inner feeling and i can see a network start to form that connects to everything. The deeper i go into my form the more clearly i can see this network. In time you will be able to see this network by just thinking of the feeling but only taichiquan can take you further into it.
  4. sounds like an interesting book.
  5. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    look obviously have something to prove. please move on and grow up you dont know me. we have never met or spoke. please get a life.
  6. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    no i never would. thats your way liar. i never insulted the man or his works. i just posted my thoughts on taoism. and your still not getting it this convo should not happen here every post that is not about his book is in disrespect to him so please be respectful of our host 5et and start a new thread.
  7. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    I never spoke bad of the man or his practice. im not like you. i understand that these are real people behind these posts check the norse thread again and realize what separates me from you.
  8. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    5ELEMENTTAO, I apologize for the mess that has stemed from my posts on here. Im sure your book is of top quality. I wish you all the best. Your a stronger person than most please continue to be strong against all the negativity that you battle. I too battle this as you can see. i wish you all the best. Sincerly, Charles Lee (chen taiji practitoner)
  9. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    Look i just feel bad for 5elementtao im done with this tonight. Scotty ill send you a pm. and Mpway your on for shit list as of tonight. no joke.
  10. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    your both acting as trollers i never said anything about 5et i gave my pinion on norse taosim and i deleted my post because i have class unlike some others. Even though i dont like whats happened on this thread i dont think it should affect the book its here to promote. Mpway, SloppyZhang, ****** Mod Action **** Deleted personal insult to other posters ***** Mod Apech *****
  11. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    Look i just feel bad for 5 elementtao he was just trying to promote his book im going to delete all my posts on this thread except for this one its not fair to him sorry 5et. we should all apologize to him.
  12. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    he continues to insult me on the norse taoism thread. WITH NO EVIDENCE OR PROOF OF WHO I AM. HE'S CRAZY.
  13. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    i never referred that someone in specific was not practicing real taoism i was bringing a point up in general. i can also see that sz sent you the pm to come hassle me too. interesting.
  14. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    sorry sir im not this person you think me to be please stop accusing me of things. thank you.
  15. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    but yet he can make topics against me!?!?!? thats fair real fair. if thats the case you should delete his because if he would have never made thread about me i would have not made one against him. his whole thread was an attempt to insult me. it should be deleted.
  16. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    well if you would read the thread i was just inquiring about the book that i was interested in but now because of his negative response i have no interest in it. i dont think that having strong believes demands verification from you. Especially since i do not know who you are....it goes both ways.
  17. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    **** Mod Action **** Direct personal insult against another poster. Please do not use TTBs for making personal attacks on other posters. It is against the moderation guidelines. Thank you. Apech **** Mod Squad ******
  18. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    what a joke. my name is charles you texan!
  19. [split] off topic ping pong with "electric gravity"

    ok ill have to check it out.
  20. Understanding the Tao

    You have to talk to someone who has literally attained the tao. The tao is very real. It has a pulse. Find a master that has attained the tao you can breath with it, channel it into your body, travel in it and so. the books on alchemy tell you how to get to a level where you start to reach the tao but it doesnt tell you how to specifically of how to work with the tao itself. the tao te ching is the best source for this but if it is not explained by a taoist master your chances of understanding it is slim to none.