electric gravity

The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by electric gravity

  1. The Serpent - Satan?

    well i dont know the answers to the questions posed on this thread but i iwll tell you what i believe. in revelations i beleive that the only thing that we are to relize is that evil is real because jesus already brought the truth goodness. I beleive that satan has worked his way into all religions even taoism. Yin and Yang are not equal in one sense. Yang came before yin just like man came before woman, and heaven before earth one is finite and one is infinite. To say the evil and good balance each is to say that evil is just as strong as good. Darkness cant stand in light. avoid drunkeness of the heart. The taoist or taichi man. Was given to man by heavenly decree. This taji man was a vessel for the supreme ultimate's power on earth. The real taiji master walks with the virtue of heaven. The sages before laotzu simply called the tao the truth. Jesus and laotzu were talking about the same thing read the taoteching and the new testament you will see it. only thru your te(virtue) can you connect to the tao. I see a ton of teachers and programs offering to teach you on how to raise the kundalani but very few on attaining the tao and i wonder why? To bring energy into yourself and get powers is a practice in vanity avoid energy practices that do not attain the tao. i dont ever want to meet a taoist who isnt right with god which basically means means hes a satanist aka a high level occultist just think about it. Being a immortal deals with more than just reaching the level of yin yang gong(taiji chi) if you think just breathing exercises cultivate your spirit then you are lost. if you beleive you are good but think real evil does not exist then you are lost. if you believe that there isnt a common underlying thread between god and the taoist immortals then you are lost. If you beleive that you can attain the tao with out the will of heaven then you are lost. if you beleive that taiji, alchemy, divinity, virtue and immortality are seperate then you are lost. taoist= the supreme ultimate's (god's) vessel on earth. Think about that.
  2. superman neikung

    i dont know if full lotus would do superman any good. the bigger question is there is a way to channel pure yang chi without stillness mediation. and i think he may have went on that journey thru astral travel.
  3. superman neikung

    heres the link to the superman movie about the scene i was talking about heres my question why 12yrs? and what did he learn? and why is this never discussed?
  4. superman neikung

    So whats the implication that an alien came to earth to show man the way? and what if the whole reason that superman is here has to help mankind maybe its the last part of his ascension process? Think about this could you imagine having superman as a teacher?
  5. superman neikung

    so lets have a taoist breakdown of superman why because im board and i think its somewhat interesting. Superman has various powers and we all know what they are but if we just to take the story as it really is. then one would realize that superman had to LEARN how to use his powers so how does he use them is the question. Flying= maybe he is neutralizing the the gravitational fields? Heat vision= maybe super kong jing? xray vision= fully opened third eye? super strength= manipulation of internal power so it just may seem like he has physical super strength. super speed= maybe he uses his internal power to move that fast? cold breath= ???? if superman is an immortal and the main reason he is here (in comic book world) is to show mankind that they they can be amazing just like him. Then why doesnt he teach? maybe he was told not to....so even superman is bound by secretacy (it cant even be helped in the fiction world)
  6. What would YOU ask Chunyi Lin?

    From what i have heard of sfq i know it builds chi, helps chi circulation, and opens energy centers but does it help u to attain the tao? and does it lead to immortality? Also does he teach higher levels than 4? and what does he think of the world today? oh and yes does he believe in god?
  7. Started to study Tai Chi on my own. Suggestions?

    last nite i felt such a serious pain in my heart when i thought about what tai chi really is and what is being taught in the mainstream taichi community. please listen taichi is all about attaining the tao let ur focus be on that dont ever take your focus off the tao. heavenly follows godly, and earthly follows the heavenly, man follows all 3 and emits peace energy (the harmony wave) and becomes a good child of creation. being one with the tao is like going into the career your mom wanted you to go in. every movement of tai chi has this. 1. intention (kong jin intention) 2. spirit ( the emotional feeling you express onto your oppenent) 3 chi circulation (the jing circulation) 4 a particular elemental energy that you are working with. (the elemetnal energy you are working with in that energy expression. taichi is so much beyond forms. please think in this way when you train. plus the alchemy involved.
  8. Chen Style Taiji Quan

    I dont know who you think i am but i practice chen style taichi thats why i posted on this thread. This is the second message ive received like this. Im sorry if you have had a bad experience but im not this person you think i am. btw my name is Charles im sorry i didnt catch your name?
  9. hello bums

    hello tao bums keep training!!!!!!
  10. Chen Style Taiji Quan

    Real taichi is not about fighting, relaxing, internal power, or forms. It is about attaining the tao taichi is the vessel that helps you attain it. When looking at it like this then you can see all the misconceptions in internal martial arts now. A taichi practitioner that has attained the tao his real taichi gong not just yin yang gong. It is about the attainment of the tao when this is attained the power that can be manifested is amazing. Its about increasing your level of chi so you can manifest more of the tao's power. A fully realized taichi practitioner can channel energies from the sun, moon stars, and so on. This is what it means to have the fully alchemy of internal matial art.
  11. Chen Style Taiji Quan

    Well i dont know your motivations for learning tai chi(martial art or chi cultivation) but i can add this. Tai chi IS NEI KUNG meaning this tai chi is all alchemy. Tai chi works like this it is about making your body a vessel for the supreme ultimate (tao). This is not poetry it is real. For example if an opponent was to attack a fully realized tachi practitioner the tao itself would thunder thru him and ward off the opponent. The tao it self aka the supreme ultimate would protect you because you are one with it. To be a taichi practitioner means that you are the supreme ultimate's hammer or vessel on earth. The taichi forms help attune you to nature and how to work with channeling the tao it self thru your body.