electric gravity

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Posts posted by electric gravity

  1. I wouldnt say that JC is in a difficult position. He decided to teach in much risk to his life. If it were not due to him and kosta's work there would be a lot of practitioners who would not be so now.


    JC lost the title of headmaster of mopai because he decided to teach Jim and the following westerners i could see that jim might not be the person that JC would want to see right away at least not at first.


    Plus Jim should not refer to JC as his teacher because he is not anymore.


    Maybe just maybe JC is a little concerned of what else might happen to him if he continues to teach and consort with those his ancestor forbade.

  2. Well it sounds like JC lost the title of being headmaster because he taught Jim and other western students.


    I feel for JC having reached such a high level of acheivement then being held back by a promise he made when he was younger which was kind of racist and i sense JC didnt want it to be that way because he himself is not that way in his heart.


    I think its unfair to JC because he was the current headmaster of mopai and he should have the right to move the school in a new direction but truth be told he has dead guys visiting him and telling him how to run his school who are kind of touch in this world today.


    JC walked a hard line of moving past racist ideology that hinders the spread of the internal arts and keeping his promise.

  3. life does exactly what it is suppose to do.


    Just imagine if you were just some spirit that had never lived a physical life and what would a spirit tell you that had just finished living a life.


    You would ask, "What was it like"?

    and the spirit would say, "Well i got to be born, have parents, be a kid, go to school, learn, fall in love, have sex, graduate from college, eat awesome food, help people, get screwed over by people, fight, work, die and so on".


    Life it self does a lot for soul experience all life is a gift from god and it greatly enhances soul experience.

  4. ok its not about clearing blockages its about eliminating them(which there is a difference).


    1. When you have the correct lower dan tian training your dan tian will beam a signal of balance to your whole body because it holds the memory of what you should be and sends this signal to your whole being. So if your liver has operating too low and your lungs had too much chi or congested chi the correct signal from your dan tian will get them back to firing to what they should be firing at(also when you have connected to the lower dt properly you will feel connected to the chi in your surrounding environment). The more chi the stronger the signal is. The mco is the natural way your energy flows so when the lower dan tian beams this signal long enough the mco will start to flow on its own because this is how you went from an embryo to a baby in your mothers womb. This is tapping into the your original life energy. Storing chi in your dantian and connecting to the original signal of the dantian is 2 different things.


    2. You only use your mind to circulate the chi in the mco to widen the channels so more chi can flow thru in the beginning.


    3. you only keep your focus on the dantian while doing the mco from start to finish if you focus on places like your lower back it will drain your energy and cause tiredness and lower back problems.


    just as a recap


    When you focus on the lower dantian correctly it will beam a signal that will put you back in balance and start your mco but before your mco fully opens(which means if will flow all the time) you can run your mco with your intention just to help widen the vessels for more chi to flow thru.




    The flow of the mco is dependent on your breathing pattern and the movement of your diaphragm (do reverse breathing).


    The mco transmutes your chi into pure vitality and helps with the jing to chi conversion what this feels like is no what matter what time of day it is you will feel like you just woke up not tired but yet not charged full of energy like you just had some pop thats what chi feels like vitality is different. Your mco can keep you up for days without you feeling tired at all like you just woke up because it circulates chi in your central channel which turns into vitality. When your mco is open it will make your dantian hot(the mco is really apart of the lower dantian training it reawakens your te) and makes your nervous system able to carry and handle more chi.


    breathing chi into your lower dantian is not the same energy type of chi that is in your lower dantian after you do the mco one has vitality and the other doesnt you only do the latter to kick start the mco this is only true if one has not reached stillness in their lower dt breathing.




    because once stillness is reached vitality will naturally be stored in the lower dt. If one just breathes chi to the lower dt while not in stillness the natural process will happen as thus over some time the mco will start to flow and once it does it will put vitality back into the lower dt. With the correct lower dt training and the opening up of your mco your te will start to reawaken(which is located in your lower dt)




    because your te vibrates at a higher frequency than your chi so you must speed up your mco(which you will be able to do once your mco opens fully) so it reawakens the te.


    extra tip


    if the lower dt is done right it will spin on its own accord and the ching to chi conversion will happen automatically and feed the mco.

  5. SurfingBudda,


    There's more to that you continue to accumulate karma after your death because your actions in life is still affecting the living world for ex. like Hitler.


    but a change of heart in you could change the energy behind your actions that have already been done this might manifest like ex. (hitler) some people might just all of a sudden lose the inspiration to follow in his footsteps.


    There's the action and the energy behind the action. Without forgivness, mercy, or some type of yin force (like gravity) the energy behind the action might live on forever.

  6. People who get their karma for wrong doings immediately are blessed.


    If you do bad things and you dont get punished watch out it could mean a few (not good) things.....


    Karma can never act against it self ( karma is not revenge or for personal justice.)


    Karma is not so simple every entity has its own karma and its own karma cycle ex. your family, your state, the planet, your country, you and so on. And these cycles inter cross and affect each other.


    Karma could be explained like this- The force that balances energies so things can grow.


    The study of the actual nature of karma is a very deep subject.

  7. Look its like this.


    Your dan tian was the first cell that was created in your body. When that cell is charged it sends a message to the rest of the body of what the body should be. It was like this when you were forming in your mother's womb. First your dan tian formed then your spine up to your brain and then to your arms and legs following the mco. The mco is the natural energy path of how you formed in the womb. This explains why your mco flows better when you have a certain level of chi in your lower dan tian.

  8. If your just talking about regular standing meditation then id say it is 110% all about alignment.

    correct your alignment and relax deeper and deeper. One thing i do to help me with this is i internally tell my self to heal,relax and align and by repeating this in my mind ever so often my body responds with these three.


    I also do my standing twice daily one with the eyes open 45 degrees and then eyes closed as they both do different things.

  9. Every good tradition cultivates Truth, kindness and tolerance as well as the rest of the Virtues...

    Li Hongzi's hilarious assertion that only Falungong cultivates these is well, just plain ignorant.


    His understanding about Buddhism and probably also about Taoism is just bunk.

    I practiced Falun extensively for a few years, and yes it has some great energetic enhancements as well as helping develop certain powers, but It is a cult, so beware.


    I learnt many years ago that just because you experience something good or 'miraculous' within a tradition or with some teacher, in no way means the source it comes through is good or miraculous...


    Some times a student is just fresh and young, and ready to open up to all kinds of 'goodness' and nearly any crap old system can be this catalyst.

    Unfortunatly in nearly every case like this, the student credits the teacher or teachings as being the catalyst rather than their own readyness.


    Falun Dafa is a cult. A good Buddhist school or Taoist school will take you Far, Far, Far further.


    Watch out for all the black and white exclusivness in the book as you read it. Notice the things that say will turn you or your friends into 'Evil' practitioners...








  10. minkus,


    You silly fool i have told you i am not this person i have told you this in reply to the ignorant private messages you sent me and i will tell you once again. I dont know what makes you think I am this person. Please stop harassing me i am reporting you to the admin of this forum.


    Wujin (aka "magia", aka "thunder mind", aka "oh yeah", aka "neoclassical"


    but in your blind arrogance you think everyone is this person even me.


    I have tolerated your immaturity long enough.


    you need to grow up and move on with your life despite what this person has done to you and stop acting like a wounded child.

  11. I love a good debate :)


    My friend,

    I have to step in and intervene. It seems that whether by accident or on purpose you are spreading misinformation.


    The Mo Pai and Tenaga Dalam share many similarities so instead of just singling out the Mo Pai I'll use the TD as my examples...


    Before I start, please dont take any of these in any insulting way.


    1. If you have any actual basic energetic knowledge on TD or even any book knowledge on TD then you can clearly see that XSZ will benefit your practice if you do so before hand. XSZ clears your energetic channels and allows your chi to flow freely. Now, just because XSZ isnt taught in the Mo Pai doesnt mean it cant be beneficial, especially when starting level 2a. XSZ clears your channels and allows chi to flow nicely to the lao gong, in one of the exercises.


    2. In regards to cutting your cords. When you get to that level, you simply dont just "let it happen". You have to "perform" to get it done. Just because the Mo Pai does this doesnt mean that all people need to do this. All real methods have a stage where you have to "push" to get a break through. In the Mo Pai, this is that push. You build up the fuel, compress the fuel and then apply the fuel.


    3. I dont know anything about a book, cant comment on that.


    4. I would agree that David is "stringing" out what little he may know. This isnt so different than alot of other "masters".


    I would also like to ad that if someone asked me if it were a good idea to train in any kind of breathing method that involves breath holding, I would say no, unless supervised by a real instructor and I would ad that the Mo Pai and TD dont resonate with me in any way and I'm already in a lineage and love it way too much to "cheat" on it.


    I'm getting a certain vibe that you compare your experience with everything else and therefore think that your way is the only way. Not that you're wrong because if you stripped your experience down the bare essentials then the basics in your alchemy is the basic in all alchemy. It seems as though the Mo Pai and TD are COMPLETELY different than your path and certainly mine in terms of technique but the theories are identical.




    The most kind regards




    Yes brother I agree with you on all points.


    My question still stands why isn't the most direct path being taken? In my experience when you receive the correct training you excel a lot more efficiently.

  12. so let me get this straight because im not the smartest person out there.


    John Chang didnt read the book his master gave him that had all the real training it which is hindering his students practice from excelling as they should. (but im not sure about that being the reason i mean JC learned the right way from his master so....)


    and dv is now "teaching" a prep form of qigong to help aspiring neikung students excel as they should once they begin training?


    well thats bs because it sounds like dv isnt solving the first problem for whatever reason. and that is teaching the real practice because if you had that then you wouldnt need the prep right?


    So dv is just milking money out of people.


    In the real training the dantian moves and cuts its cords on its own naturally you do not do it with your intent or a seperate meditation that does only that.


    it just seems like very few know and or just not telling the truth.


    If you had the real alchemy you would just be teaching that instead right? Just think about it dont fall for the bs.

  13. ya know somedays im just glad to be a taoist


    somedays it just feels like this



    and not some witch or occultist who believes that they are doing magic, whom does not know any alchemy or let alone the full alchemy, and believes that they can control(which is retarded) and cast out demons with no spiritual attainment at all.

  14. yes they are real. I will tell you this they can attack you, influence you or people around you(which is demonic oppression), and they can infect you with what i can best describe as a dense ball of negative energy that makes you tired, angry, and depressed. I have removed these negative energy balls or seeds from people and myself. All that i have just said comes from personal experience and not theory or believe. If your third eye is open you see them as dark shadows following people.

  15. blasto,


    Buddy i wouldnt want you in my foxhole lets get that straight you seem like the type that would get distracted by the pretty light show of the bullets going by and get your head blown off.

  16. Well Obama is just a way for Arnold Schwarzenegger(whos dad was a nazi) to become President(they couldnt make arnold the president right off the bat so they gave him the biggest state). What hitler had that our government didnt have until recently was a minority in office that they can blame stuff on. Now they do. Obama's whole role is to be indecisive and to have issues with his birth certificate while things continue to get worse. Then arnold( this paves the way for Schwarzenegger) will come along and with the help of the nwo seem to fix everything. Then he will blame obama and african americans in general for the decline in america. Once you understand this then you will see the real plot behind hiphop and even the leaders in that industry are working with the nwo for this agenda.


    like i said,


    "Vanity driven agenda, drunkenness of the heart, backed by self justification lead by unnatural intuition."


    I wasnt speaking out of my ass when i said that i was referring to something specific.

  17. Pray make your aura more holy and by magnetic induction affect those around you. And by the will of god listening to your prayers hopefully lets the channel reopen for the one with the right aura to influence the american culture back to harmony. if not this demonic influence will continue. if you think im bs'ing just check the tnt line up Monday thru friday 7am to noon its all filled with demonic shit. The more time you spend with ur mind on an around demonic presence the more your aura is influenced by it by the same magnetic law get it .....magnetic. And your energy practice just enhances it by making your aura stronger. Trust me on this pray and cultivate spend time in prayer an bath your self in the holy presence bath in the holy energy.


    The rally that happened this past weekend took about 3yrs in building that spirit in people.


    If only people realized that Jesus spoke about leaving the cycle of karma and entering the cycle of grace instead.


    The cycle of karma means death to you unless you become a Buddha but this isn't meant for everyone. If you stay in the cycle of karma you have to work off the bad karma you have and inherited but you can only do so if you enough good karma to let you do it!


    Jesus came for the cycle of grace.


    So movies like the matrix and star wars is pushed but Christianity is down played and kept at odds with Taoism and Buddhism while witchcraft is promoted. In this case it leaves people wanting abilities and powers and wanting to feel special but not holy because if the public really knew the truth about Christianity, Buddhism, and Taoism, they would understand divine virtue and really want that. The deception is deep.


    The only thing you have to do is cultivate virtue and leave the cycle of karma. The real path is kept small for a reason.


    Understanding that Jesus brought the cycle of grace will make you appreciate Jesus, Chang Sang Feng, and Buddha more.


    Those at Glenn Beck's rally are being influenced by something that is not holy or there own. You will recognize this tree by this fruit. Vanity driven agenda, drunkenness of the heart, backed by self justification lead by unnatural intuition.


    Say god and Israel 3 times and realize that this is the major problem man has with god and by the time it gets back to Israel all of man will realize it. While Germany will Germ-many (get it the signs has always been there).


    The ability to broadcast energy is more dangerous than guns (which is just an advance way of stoning each other while giving fake fire power)and is one of the reasons that real fire power is kept back from the public. In doing so keeping the public dumb.


    The deception is deep but its channel to manifest is thru our own sin.



  18. Well in my opinion i feel that the dan tian has to be built and properly activated ;) . Your dan tian spins in correlation with your mco in both directions. When your mco path is open its spins all the time sometimes in one direction, sometimes in the other, and at times both. And its dependent on the breath. Reverse breathing the mco will run up the spin, normal breathing the mco will want to go the other way. There is a ball in your huiyin that spins in correlation with your mco i can close my eyes and see this ball at my hui yin spin with my mco and i can see it change directions with my mco.


    Chia is not a real master in neijia.


    I have been out at the movies just relaxing and enjoying the film and have had my mco come up screaming high during the scary or intense parts. At one point it is dependent on your emotions.


    To have the real attainment of the mco means to have mastered the energy flow of your body. If you wanted you could be up for days without feeling tired at all. And have a intimate relationship with your dan tian


    When your mco opens and runs all the time then you can start going onto higher work with it. Like focusing on your lower dan tian as it runs, then to the middle dan tian, then the to the upper dan tian to further develop those energy centers and charge them.


    This is building the fire

    Opening the gate

    Cultivating the light


    and i could go more and more into it.

  19. most cultivators really dont understand dantian training. you can not reach all the potential by just meditating on that spot alone. you must be attuned to it.


    when you have corretly connected to your dan tian you are saying that you are connected to your original life energy the very energy center of your whole being. Then you should have next to unlimited energy in your daily life. what most cultivators speak about is feeling warmness and a sense of well being when they dan tian train.


    but there is so much more to it. (the above cases are just people feeling the residual energy from focusing on that spot.)


    when you connect to the real living spinning energy ball and wake it up and become one with it you will have very powerful, strong, and radiant energy all the time.


    please understand and look for this truth when training your dan tian.

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  20. look man ill just tell you like this.


    1. you do not go looking for your lower dan tian it should tell you where its at.

    2. after your lower dan tian tells you where its at and it should start to spin.


    this is what you are looking for in lower dan tian training.


    how can you breathe into the dan tian if you dont know where it is?


    anyone who tells you different doesnt know the full truth.

    and why?.......


    because with the right training a student's lower dan tian will start to vibrate and spin within the first hour of the first day with the right training.

    when you take the right posture you will instantly feel where your lower dan tian really is.

  21. yes thats a good point. ive noticed that some being has been trying to steal my chi (some hooded figure) i send him away when ever i see him. I had my student over the other day and i had him doing some special standing meditations and afterwards he saw the being. As of recently i have been spinning my dantian and i noticed that i havnt seen this being since.


    its weird that you posted that.

  22. well i dont know the answers to the questions posed on this thread but i iwll tell you what i believe.


    in revelations i beleive that the only thing that we are to relize is that evil is real because jesus already brought the truth goodness.


    I beleive that satan has worked his way into all religions even taoism.


    Yin and Yang are not equal in one sense. Yang came before yin just like man came before woman, and heaven before earth one is finite and one is infinite. To say the evil and good balance each is to say that evil is just as strong as good. Darkness cant stand in light.


    avoid drunkeness of the heart.


    The taoist or taichi man. Was given to man by heavenly decree. This taji man was a vessel for the supreme ultimate's power on earth. The real taiji master walks with the virtue of heaven. The sages before laotzu simply called the tao the truth. Jesus and laotzu were talking about the same thing read the taoteching and the new testament you will see it.


    only thru your te(virtue) can you connect to the tao.


    I see a ton of teachers and programs offering to teach you on how to raise the kundalani but very few on attaining the tao and i wonder why?


    To bring energy into yourself and get powers is a practice in vanity avoid energy practices that do not attain the tao.


    i dont ever want to meet a taoist who isnt right with god which basically means means hes a satanist aka a high level occultist just think about it.


    Being a immortal deals with more than just reaching the level of yin yang gong(taiji chi)


    if you think just breathing exercises cultivate your spirit then you are lost.

    if you beleive you are good but think real evil does not exist then you are lost.

    if you believe that there isnt a common underlying thread between god and the taoist immortals then you are lost.

    If you beleive that you can attain the tao with out the will of heaven then you are lost.

    if you beleive that taiji, alchemy, divinity, virtue and immortality are seperate then you are lost.


    taoist= the supreme ultimate's (god's) vessel on earth. Think about that.

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  23. i dont know if full lotus would do superman any good.


    the bigger question is there is a way to channel pure yang chi without stillness mediation. and i think he may have went on that journey thru astral travel.