metal dog

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Everything posted by metal dog

  1. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    So if I write a book, record my music, make a movie or create any digital media and protect it as my intellectual property in order to maintain its integrity as created, avoid alteration, support myself and my family in this world, (as my ideas and the fruits of my imagination are extremely sacred possessions and rights) I can then thank Spain and Wikileaks for keeping the pipelines of illegal (but decriminalized) piracy open and siphoning off my potential profits? And so you truly believe you can attain true anonymity on the web? And you also trust the Pentagon to provide you with the means to supposedly do so? I mean...without question?
  2. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    Wikileaks uses the same router developed by the Pentagon and patented by the US Navy: Daniel Ellsberg has been the most vocal mouthpiece on the talkinghead bozos shows in full support of Assange. The only way this could be pulled off, which also explains why it is so horrendously complicated to understand, is that ONLY a "unified intelligence community " can do what is unfolding and 'managing' Wikileaks. Also, Ellsberg has been "run" by Doc 'Death' Kissinger for the past 45+ years. Ellsberg...The Pentagon Papers...same players as before, just now with wikileaks... So keep this trail up the ladder in mind... ASSANGE ELLSBERG KISSINGER MI6/RIIA/TAVISTOCK COMMITTEE of 300 Queen Elizabeth II (Worshipful Companies and Crown Agents)
  3. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    Wikileaks and Assange. Quite a media storm and controversy surrounding them these days. It's being talked about everywhere...and everyone has an opinion. Lot's of pertinent revelations spewing forth into public consciousness through the "whistleblower's receptacle" wikileaks. And the "people's hero or villain", Assange, displayed for your approval or disapproval. Even with a little titillating sexual criminal bent to round out the tabloidesque intrigue. Quite a show, quite an audience. It doesn't matter to me if wikileaks is resulting in bad or good in regards to national security or creating a potential new arena for positive social change. I don't believe that is the question to ask. What is happening here is a cyber-war very much like the war on terrorism. Even with its own false flags and dis-info maneuverings. The war on terror is resulting in colonialization of the middle east to dominate oil and the dominate countries which can be self-sufficient and strong enough without succumbing to the international banking system...or as is eloquently put "Muslim extremists" (Iraq). The cyber-war related to wikileaks is a tool related to..."Financial Engineering". Which is based and run out of London. Such people, as overlords, who may be involved in this are far more intelligent and connected than we could ever possibly know. They may very well be pulling all the strings and wikileaks is dangling and doing the jig at the end of one of those strings. D2 banking... It is very likely that Assange is either a stooge or patsy now being hung out to dry by the higher-ups he was working for and who actually have a more secret and hidden agenda over what Assange could have ever possibly conceived. If Assange is in-the-know on this level then he will be released from these criminal charges and events only to continue in his present publicized position with wikileaks and wikileaks used as a tool for a much larger purpose. If he and wikileaks were truly a threat, then Assange and hackers would now be dead and their body's never found only listed as missing persons. It is more involved and detailed than I have presented here but there is more, much more behind wikileaks and Assange. They are minor players with lots of media coverage...the real work has yet to be done or is being done behind the scenes. What we are experiencing are the extremely sophisticated and complicated steps toward e-commerce, e-currency and a future cashless monetary system. Compliments from the Corporation of London. I raise my glass and toast... the public good, the good of the environment, charity, philanthropy, the soundness of economics within a system that benefits all with equality, truth, ...and to the hoodwinked public who never second guesses anyone's motives. is that? "Transparency"...yes...indeed. Who are the Crown Agents... "Transparency"...yes...indeed. The connections between the professed ideologies of the power-brokers of London and those of Assange and the purpose of wikileaks are closely allied in more ways than one and with quite a few less-known-to-the-public connections. More on Crown up a bit... The 108 Livery Companies too...don't underestimate the power these groups hold internationally by their aged and traditional sounding names... Important overseers and puppet masters in the whole wikileak cyber-war... This becomes a tangled affair when you look deep into connections with the military-industrial complex, arms and drug running, human slavery, pedophilia networks and how these powers from London operate beneath their seemingly innocuous exteriors. The United States is a colony/sub-corporation of England... And let's not forget that something waiting to roll out to dominate the internet like Reuters (British) dominates the Internet 2. Suave...You have arrived...
  4. Alien Greys

    Wayne has found that the Cydonia region of Mars has a similar geometry to the Pleiades star system. Then he found the same geometries in several ancient earth sites.
  5. I had asked of my good Norwegian friend from Bergen... Yours was once a strong and proud race of warriors, strategists and thinkers. What happened to your people? His response...
  6. Thanks. I have seen this documentary some time ago. Definitely 0% brødskive. I am not a fan of Black Metal myself as its vibe is too much for my field. But it is definitely an enegetic cleanser for those that need it. The true wisdom begins in the last part at 6:02... And at 6:59 when the interviewer asks him to..."guide me"...toward understanding him. And all that is given in response is silence. Because the answer to understanding is within. But I don't think the interviewer was the type to get the profundity of that, much less the entire interview at that point. And that is what made it an excellent interview. "You cannot put down your lose." ...ain't that the fuc#ing truth.
  7. Fallen Angels

    I would suggest these for your perusal Mel...I reserve my opinions regarding such things... Book... Video Presentations... Program 1 Atlantis, Alien Visitation & Genetic Manipulation
  8. These are good points vortex. I do not get all gushy and patriotic about America in my analysis of my home country. When I was born my birth certificate is actually a bill of lading. I am in a business relationship with the corporation U.S.A. So I treat it for what it is...a business relationship. If I don't like how business is being done, then I make a business decision to do my business elsewhere or alter how I do business. But we have ventured a long way from the topic at hand which was, simply, "free chi gong classes in Kristiansand, Norway". And someone observant and intelligent enough to know made the comment about "watered-down chi gong". And I made my follow up comments. And I guess my main point would be that when I see Norway attempt to absorb anything exotic into its society from other nations it is not just accepted in its pure form and kept that way. Better put... In the same way Las Vegas is known for its over-produced cheesiness, similarly Norway should best be known to produce second-rate buffoonery. Cold cuts, hot dogs and frozen pizza are not delicacies.
  9. Yours is an interesting post. With a lack of sufficient information about me or my motives you make inquiry, then accusations leading yourself into making conclusions. It's as almost as if you don't really need me to answer or elaborate because you and Freud already know the score. You also display a lot of pretentious arrogance coupled with ignorance. But I like this about you. Maybe one of your better qualities so let's embrace it...for now. But I shall elaborate for you nonetheless...despite the subtle undercurrent of judgment and disapproval in your post. First, let me correct you on your very first statement. My Somalian friend, who is far removed and irrelevant concerning my criticisms of Norwegian society, did not come to Norway as an adult and not "freely". He was thirteen, watched his mother and father gunned down and shot in their heads before his very eyes. Through United Nations machinations he ended up in Norway under the designation of asylum seeker. His story is not my own and it would not do his journey justice to confuse the two. But choice, at that time, was not his. And to say the he "enjoys" the benefits of Norwegian Socialism would be false. He thinks the system makes people...lazy, dumb and weak. He actually refused most of the welfare he has been offered by the state, has two jobs and prefers to earn his own way. His own personal belief system in himself and personal responsibility compels him to do this. And he has made great strides in his life by not having accepted social welfare or remain in a state of acceptance of welfare. He told the Norwegians trying to convince him he needed to be a ward of the state forever under welfare with a subsistence living to go f#ck themselves. And he has become more successful as a result. You see, the system loves to keep immigrants trapped in receiving welfare...because you will never be more than that monthly payment, never be a success, never develop competition against the native population, you will be kept low and insignificant. He is the antithesis to this mentality. His ten year plan is to work earn his own money and in ten years move back to Somalia and buy a farm and start a family. His reasons for being here were not his own at his early age. But he has survived, thrived and made a plan...and he does not like nor want to stay in Norway at all. He rejects the Norwegian Socialist society and the parts of the West that lead people into complacency and dullness. He is not a practicing Muslim and believes that anyone calling themselves a Muslim promoting terrorism or harming another human being is not a true Muslim (in his opinion 60% of the Muslim world are not practicing true Islam). I think the same could be said for any major religion. You now know his quality and why I am proud to consider him a friend. For you to say why he does this or why he does that shows that you are presumptuous and arrogant in those statements. But you are perhaps being all you can be when you do this...maybe not so good to catch you on one of your bad days. You are correct in stating my freely moving to Norway as an adult. And this choice does not negate my observations concerning Norway or their society since my arrival either. If fact, living here, gives me validity towards my claims. Many a Norwegian will also tend to make error, as they label me a foreigner and to be considered the same as an evil rapist Muslim or some parasitic leech draining off their welfare. As if taking from them and getting social benefits was my concern or my motive. And I laugh at this. I did not immigrate to Norway. I emigrated. I am self-sufficient, independently wealthy, solvent in business and have a few locations around the world in which I own properties in which I can either live or visit at my whim. These are my several "jump points" that I can choose to be when I desire. I "live" in all of them. I worked long and honestly to acquire them with no silver spoon in my me on that one. The work I do now is not to survive, but because it brings me joy. I don't need to work another day in my life. Any benefits from Norwegian Socialism are because they are entitlements my wife is due by being Norwegian and that I am entitled to by paying taxes into their system and living here (they even tax the part of my savings I keep in their bank). There is no evil in accepting what is available to you in life. Why don't you not do any deductions on your income taxes this year and let the IRS just have it you can do more for the country and economy? See what I mean? If you have a problem with entitlements then your problem should be with the government who offers them not those that utilize them for their advantage in effort to survive and thrive. There is no inherent evil in that. I also worked for four years as a sole-proprietor before ever taking the social benefit that covered the extremely high cost of incorporating. It was there, so I let them pay it. I already paid four years of taxes and was an active member of the local economy. I don't care that Norway is Socialist or offers welfare or incentives. Those really have little to do with why I own a house and currently live here. My wife and closeness with her family and my child is actually the major reason. If it weren't for the collapsing economy of the U.S. due to the corruption of government and international bankers (European as well as domestic) then we would probably be in Florida. But now that my daughter is in school and has friends with a larger family than my own, I figure this will be better for her. Norway,s wealth or what I can get from it really has little to do with this decision. So now I ski instead of play tennis and surf. When I want something else I can take off and go where I like when I like. I don't need Norway's money. As far as black ghettos, I was raised in one and was homeless for a year when I was thirteen years old. Blacks and ghettos don't bother me, but I don't consider them the first place I want to live and raise my family...based upon my personal experiences. I am multi-cultural in the sense that my place of birth and where I was raised was Southeast Florida where it has the exact proportion of different populations as compared to those of the entire United States. A microcosm of the macrocosm. It also is a big tourist area and most of the people that live there are actually from somewhere else. It is one of the most multi-cultural places in the nation. I also have traveled the world extensively and own homes in a few different places on a few different continents. I mean, what more would I need to qualify under your guidelines to prove I am multi-cultural. Personally, I am Irish, German, Scottish, Welsh, English, Italian and that not multi- enough for you? Why not Somalia? I hadn't given it any thought....just like a hundred other places. I never considered buying a place in Africa as I already have two places in comfortable equatorial climates. Is that unethical for you? Your statements about my ethics and why I should be living in Somalia are askew. And you misquote me or misinterpret me when you say..._"if that's what you love". Because I never said this in regards to Africa or Islam as your question asserts. So it is a confusing question because I never said this in this context. But the scathing heat of the words is definitely felt. I chose for several reasons, familial, economical and ethical, to downsize my American holdings and leave. I don't want my tax dollars supporting inhumane foreign policy base upon a bunch of corporations and politicians making profits or who have their heads too far up Israel's ass. I don't want to do business in a country which just successfully made the largest swindle against its own people in history with bank bailouts. I saw all this coming back in 1998 and made my plans back then. But I still have a place to return to should I desire some beach time and beautiful sunrises. I have three other international locations that I will not reveal here and the most newly acquired one where I live now in Norway. So I have choices. Because I desire to travel and see a lot of Europe over the next ten years, living in Norway would also be, and has proven to be, more convenient by not having to fly over the Atlantic from the U.S. Also, my wife is Norwegian, but we did first not meet in Norway. We are married and have a child. Second one on the way and due in October. My family is small and scattered. Her's is large and centralized. I figure our two kids could grow more with that family participation in their lives. Luckily my wife and her family are only 20% brø they are exceptions and hold promise. And when you refer to over-emotional. I don't recall my ever feeling emotions during the typing of my responses. As I don't, in any way, have a connection with my intimate emotions and internet forums or to the anonymous strangers that peruse them. Your comments about convictions and living in Somalia and the ivory tower jazz is just too irrelevant to me to waste my words to comment upon. I don't know what you are blathering about there, other than more petty accusations and tee-hee-hee adolescent smears. But I like that about you. There were more than a few women who voluntarily took German husbands. One must wonder how many Norwegians were under the spell of the Aryan Master Race theories of the Nazis. Because as I understand it there were quite a few Norwegians that were very complicit with the theory of whites as the Master Race and supportive of Germany dominating the world for the Aryans. It's just that these Norwegians weren't too happy when that goal also meant having to accept Germany invading Norway. Not In My Backyard, so to speak. But babies and children are innocent in this regard. I hope this clarifies. And I have read a lot of threads on topics on this forum and really appreciate your many contributions. Thanks for the exchange.
  10. Just to clarify your first statement... These are not my personal comments from my head. These are not my opinions. It was not me, personally, saying Norwegians needed anything regarding psychological care. I was paraphrasing from the Aftenposten newspaper (Norway's largest) that did a story on it and this is what they declared. The article also had a detailed full-page geographical map of all the areas of Norway and how many and which kinds of these particular drugs were being prescribed and prescription filled through their pharmacies regionally. As most of it is all contained in databases. So, if my repeating what the Norwegian newspaper was stating and their backing up with data is incorrect it is because the newspaper and their sources are incorrect...and off base as you put it. Which would then draw my criticism as to Norway having a fraudulent newspaper printing propaganda demonizing its own people. Which I don't believe is the case. But this was not my opinion being stated in this instance. Ahhh...yes. The sunlight issue. This too was addressed in the article about the lack of light and vitamin D. And I have done my own researches on this. It was also stated how much this is overly-considered as a factor and that seasonal depression could not account for a majority of these alarming numbers. In fact no more than 10%, and 3% in some conservative estimates, were attributed to this consideration. And I will make a correction. They did not state that 400,000 Norwegians were in need of psychological clinical care...but were already getting it. I have lived here for five years and don't suffer from depression, nor seasonally. Nor does my Norwegian wife, her family or any of our close associations. Of my busy practice I do hear of it more and it is usually in the season of later fall to early spring...not all year round. And I would say that it really is about one in ten from my assessments from that small pool of random people who come in for bodywork. And the point was not to declare what was causing the depression, but that the depression is there and to what extent. And that this from a psycho-social perspective could explain a few things regarding my observations of the society. Nothing exaggerated just considered.
  11. When I said back up, there was one previous post where you mentioned you were somewhat in agreement, or I was accurate with what I had said. Ski Gong. I like it. The man is responsible for where he is and what he does even if he is under your tutelage. So if a broken leg is his destiny... I am sure it will be joyful. Will your chi qigong master be teaching to the public or just a select group when he arrives? I know of two other people who may be interested in attending such a thing.
  12. Apologies Mal, this is how it is for me when someone so grossly attempts to insult my intelligence and the blatantly obvious. Hagar threw in a bit of back-up. I know non-raping hoards that will nod in agreement. And hard feelings on my part. There is so much that cannot be communicated or known about another person through the vehicle of a forum. It is also understandable as to why someone would find my quips a bit over the top. But that is what is needed to compensate for the reluctance for those to see. It is my wish that we do get along.
  13. Ahhh...this explains a lot now knowing that you are one of the brødskive peoples. And thank you for that most validating comment. You are making all my points clearly and poignantly. Norwegians can never, ever, take any criticism of themselves, their society or their culture. Even when they feign curiosity and directly ask a foreigner what that person may like and dislike about Norway. When you say what you like, they light up like Christmas trees, puff up their chests like roosters and strut and cluck. But once the dislike parts and opinions start getting rattled off...they bury their heads in the sand and write you off as...ungrateful or delusional. Like you owe them some false flattery and servitude, because now you are in their system "sapping" off their welfare, as they would tend to think it to themselves. Like your money is somehow their money. Denial to the utmost. There only reply to you is "Then why do you live here." So much for self-reflection. Your people need some work. There is no motivation on their parts to even consider this. As I said, they think they are better than they really are and above real self-examination or reproach. It is a common thing...sadly. This isn't even touching the blatant xenophobia and racism, particularly outside the metro areas. Or the use of second world eastern Europeans and Polish as laborers. ("Norwegian Mexicans") Or the Thai internet brides brought over as domestic slaves and f#ck toys. Only to be sent back to Thailand just before the deadline where they would be entitled for residency. Only to be replaced with another one until those couple of years run out. Aftenposten recently stated 25% of all Norwegians are on and/or abusing anti-depressants, psychotropic drugs or pain killers. Another additional 425,000 Norwegians (of 4.8 million total) are in need of professional psychiatric help. Middle class angst....ooh the pain...I drive a Toyota but want a BMW. Or the stress from that 32 hour work week. Why would one even attempt to ask a Norwegian to criticize Norway when they lack such objectivity and can never relax their false pride by taking the most legit critique of those who are foreign and see the blatant contradictions of reality v.s. what they attempt to project themselves and their society to be? This is, as I previously stated, is their most insidious, widespread and biggest fault. And you have revealed it as the root since your very first response and so shall you all linger in your pretentiousness and bitterness toward foreigners who have the eye and the mind to know what's real and say it like it is. As far as Muslims and rapes, this has nothing to do with me for I am not Muslim and I do not rape, nor am I a criminal. Sounds like you have been subscribing to way too much Siv Jensen and FRP causing you to project it onto me and my criticisms of Norway and what it tries to pass off v.s. what is really there. Pure deflection from what I am saying. I find your defensive rebuttals laughable to the utmost for excellent reasons. There are a very few enlightened Norwegians self-aware of what I am talking about. My close Norwegian family and a couple close friends who have fully admitted to themselves long ago and to me more recently that my points are more than valid. They were the ones who actually brought forth the full revelations. This type of honesty will only come from Norwegians who have actually spent perhaps five or more years outside of their gilded cage in foreign lands to have something for the sake of comparison. All these enlightened Norwegians act differently in this respect and it was they, the few, who gave me validation to my initial observations when I first moved here. The best critic of Norway in all of its grandeur is an old Norwegian friend of mine who spent twenty years traveling the world in the military. He is multi-cultural and open-minded, and quite creative to....seeing how the "Brødskive Peoples" is his own and I just borrow it from time to time. When I first moved here, I slowly began to make observations and started to ask myself..."What the f#ck?" Fortunately a couple of enlightened native souls answered my questions and make sense out of it. I had no initial clue just vague feelings based on encounters and subtle hues of something amiss. But over time, and with consistency, coupled with these resounding validations and elaborations I know what I am saying is honest and true. Sorry...but your attempt at arguing this over the testimonies of these Norwegians and masses of non-raping immigrants I have the honor of communicating with have validated it beyond debate. I never new a Muslim until arriving in Norway. Ones I have encountered are some of the nicest people I have ever met. My best friend is a Muslim. You should see the looks from the brødskiver when a white American and a Somali Muslim walk down the street talking and laughing with no judgments or prejudices between them. Their prevailing attitude much similar to your own. Just look at the situation with the supposed Aryan Master Race babies with German fathers and Norwegian mothers from WWII. Your people and society treated these kids like they were lower than dirt, literally spit upon them and threw them all into state-run homes and asylums. Burying the problem, head in the sand style, with discrimination and abuse as these children had to suffer all their lives and still suffer as old adults. Which is why they just sued the Norwegian government successfully for these injustices. Nevermind the attitudes of the typical Norwegians around them shitt#ing on these "half-breeds". Couldn't even accept the innocent half-Norwegian children of war as one of your own. Imagine how it is for an outsider coming to your country. It's too bad you had to take this stance. As if I were lying or exaggerating my claims. Or were just some hateful miserable person who had to project falsehoods to satiate some inner insecurities or an inflated ego. But nothing could be further from the truth. I feel sorry for you if that is what you choose to believe in this instance. I am just as critical of the U.S., my own home country and its people, even more in that respect. I don't let blinders of any kind effect how things really are. You and your people have some work to do. Am I perfect? Yes. And I am always right? Definitely, as it is the world that is truly "all wrong". Don't believe it? Get over it and stop fooling yourself otherwise. But really, what's the harm in your accepting the short-comings I have been kind and generous enough to spend my time enumerating and explaining for you? Think about that one for while before you just defensively tippity-tappity away on your keyboard with another retort. Stop with the invalidations, denials and deflections. Do some self-inventory and make some real change for the betterment of your people and society on the real level. I find it interesting and most predictable that you concede nothing. But, instead, make it about me or Muslims. Again, validating my points. And don't worry, I'll get back to you pronto when I start noticing a difference. Now get to work on it. Peace out.
  14. Survive and thrive. And let all naysayers and mooters skitter away like tumbleweeds chased in the wind by dustdevils. But they need not fret, for I forgive them in advance for their...myopic insolence.
  15. What you describe as "...actually admit" in a tone of utter condemnation is what I call "Not being ashamed to speak the truth in all things, no matter how ignorant of the matter others may be who rush to judgment". What you describe as "...this mentality" is your judgmental and condescending tone coming from someone who doesn't know shit about shit and finds the distance and anonymity of an internet forum to be their soapbox, upon which they can easily sit and vomit their spew. I know what you think of it... You love it... Because you know full well that things in Norway cost three to five times more than in the U.S. and that Norway is the most expensive place in the world to live...beating out Japan. Thus any foreigners setting up a business will face building, labor or renovation costs that are going to be a huge disparity over what it would cost for them to setup a business in their own home country. And, should they want an employee or two, they won't be paying them $7-8$ bucks an hour, but over four times that much at around $30/hour. You love it... Because you know full well the $10,000 dollars I received was exactly how much it took just to cover the extensive cost to officially incorporate my business in the expensive Norwegian system, whereas back home in the U.S. it would cost me only $300. Another huge disparity and reason why the money is available to a foreigner to assist in starting a business. Especially if they decide they need you here. None of that money went toward establishing the physical business itself, just the legal corporate entity on paper. For this high fee, back in the U.S., I could have set up thirty corporate bodies. A 1 to 30 disparity in expense. You love it... Because you know full well that a foreigner here having to learn a new language, business and tax laws is at a serious business disadvantage for the first three years until they somewhat become a master of the system on all levels. Lest you be shunned into business failure thinking speaking English will be acceptable by the populace, especially with such a personalized health service like I provide. The personal funds shelled out on education and course costs for business and law for basic business needs was well over the amount granted to me by the state. You love it... Because you know full well that the service I provide is rare and valuable to the community where I live who benefit greatly regarding maintenance of their health. And that by coming to see me for stress reduction and injury prevention the total amount of money saved by the state for out-of-work back and neck related pain in sick pay and welfare benefits is above and beyond the $10,000 granted to me. All within the first six months of my initial operations. Which I proved to them would be the case with years of data I have kept with my corporate accounts and group rates. This money saved by the state is well over a hundred times more than the $10,000 granted to me just to cover incorporation costs. You love it... Because you know that the likelihood of a self-owned and rurally located business with a small population has a tremendous likelihood to overcome which is going out of business within the first year. No matter your business plan and no matter how good and professional your intentions and preparations. I am used to working in an area of 5 million potential customers within a two city area of Miami and Fort Lauderdale back in Florida. There are only 4.8 million in Norway total. Another disparity that will sink you quick in many a business venture. You love it... Because you know so many people native to Norway do their best to get a cushy, comfortable, safe, secure "state" job within the system with all the welfare benefits and thus the lack of stimulus for private business ownership and entrepreneurial ventures, and being responsible for yourself is low. And that this, in the long run, becomes even more of a drain off the public welfare system and draws people into a complacent non-competitive state of mind. And that lack of competitiveness creates a dulled zombie not capable of critical or progressive thinking and developments. I am so successful now, even against all the disparities and challenges, that a new client has to wait eight weeks to get an appointment. But for you...sweetie can wait twelve weeks. No wait, let me rephrase that. If you were bruised and bleeding rolling around half-witted in a gutter moaning for my assistance to help you to your feet...I would let you lie in the damp cockroach laden filth of your own soiled underwear before ever lifting a finger to help someone the likes of you. (As I would not want to adopt the mentality that you may actually need my You would get a swift kick in your crusty ass as I tell you to, "Get a job"..."You go getter you!" And thus you would be content writhing in your own you know the universe was being fair to you and giving back what you give out.)
  16. alien religions?

    ..uh muh gawd...I think I am going to start to cry... Please don't ban ralis...his scathing and exacting nature brings a certain sanity to my life. We, and the aliens, need him. 1 member vote no foul...
  17. Harmonics, resonance, and interference

    Understood and thank you for your response. This is good. But sometimes the moral imperative demands a hard look and a discriminating decision. To cut down on the trauma and the body count. Here was something else that was relegated to sham "conspiracy theory" for many decades. Covered-up quite effectively by the current Pope when he worked the desk responsible for protecting and perpetuating the actions of child molesting priests. In other words, he got promoted. And this is just LA, never mind the horrors internationally. The Church's stance in defense (paraphrased)..."We do so many other good deeds around the world with our money (mostly stolen) surely this is a minor issue we can police internally. God Bless" After taking a long and deep look into the history and actions of this organization and its many mind has never been more opened. Apologies to the topic relevancy...I digress and humbly move out of the way.
  18. My final comments will be that it is good that Norway is opening up to the exotic. It is desperately needed in many ways. And they will only grow and develop from it if they keep it honest and take it with a dash of seriousness and reverence. But this kind of thing lingers in the background and mostly gives me a chuckle. Not really vital to give it too much attention or energy. I enjoy living here and appreciate all it has to offer and have good acquaintances with many good people I have met over the years. My wife being one of them. Just an expansion on the topic. There is an sense of emergence happening here when it comes to health. Perhaps they will experience a similar health culture hit like the U.S. back in the 1980s. And perhaps some good qualified people with excellent methods will be made to feel welcomed in a land that has a history of being isolated culturally and wary of newcomers. Very funny link blasto. And thanks to Hagar for the insights and confirmations.
  19. Perhaps I should have been more specific with this as it meant they look to and model quite a bit of American pop culture into their consciousness and comically so at times. That is more specific relating to..."the West". But Scandinavia has a fetish for "Uber-Euro-Tech-Le Chique Le Cool" which is even more severe than American's. (And not to the total exclusion that much in the east has not been influenced by the same. As this was not my point) But most people from the middle east and asia notice it and can relate with me regarding it as well. It's an experiential thing with many hues...hard to define in words...but obvious to the wary. I grew up as a kid in a black neighborhood and went to school that was eighty percent black. Then crack hit the neighborhoods and all went to sh#t. So I know real "hood" life. And what a white azz cracka' boy needs to do to survive in low socio-economic hotbed of suburban survival. But when I see a bunch of middle school kids, who know no such reality or strife in Norway, wearing black american ghetto inspired fashions walking around with primate-like swaggers emulating their favorite U.S. rap star videos from television with sh#tty attitudes, it gives me an extra kick because they are so far removed from this reality and divided from knowing anything about it by the Atlantic ocean and a totally different culture. There is no American black culture here at all, just a small number African immigrants light years different than Americans in every way. That swagger is really used so you look tough and dominant so don't get your azz handed to you in the real situation back home in the hood. These people here don't have..."situations". And here, when you see it, in an all white area of a huge middle-class foreign country...its smacks of rebel without a f#cking clue in the most extreme expression. There are other examples of this, in different age groups and in different expressions, but I don't have the time to indulge you with my many illustrations. Should you have further questions or doubts...I must leave you with those at this time.
  20. Norway was very poor before they struck oil in 1970. And it took ten years of their future oil profits to pay back what it took to finance the infrastructure to take oil out of the ground. So real profit did not occur until 1980. Hence nouvo riche. And Norway's population is 4.8 million, very small. There success was luck that they found oil in land that was actually given to them by Sweden. Had Sweden kept this Norway would not have rights to it. Lucky again. But they have taken their good fortune and planned for the future somewhat with frugality. They know the oil won't last and something will have to take its place. Alternative energy technology development and manufacturing may be that future...but who knows? In this respect and how they offer certain considerations for public welfare with their wealth is what I meant by it being a success. But to compare it to a nation of over 300 million is quite different...yes it is. I did not mean this success as a comparison for America with oil and gas supplies. But the U.S. not having their backbone of success in a manufacturing base which is now outsourced and their future piddled away by the wild speculations of bankers dealing with their criminal friend's ponzi schemes on the Wall Street casino. That type of thing is does not fit the Norwegian model. They do a lot to protect worker's rights and wages. Without this selling out and bankrupting of would be able to thrive and offer all of its legal citizens a good lifestyle as a functioning country living up to its full potential. Which it is now not able to do so. That is what I meant.
  21. It is not so much an external display of grandiosity but one of reserved pomposity. Unless you have been drinking or are from Bergen. Like dealing with a primped, yet reserved, thoroughbred horse. Or the other extreme outside of the city of metro-sexuals and into the realm of the redneck mountain trolls. If you consider how great the service is in just about any industry in Norway (particularly restaurants and trades) and chi gong classes follow that trend due to the same can begin to see the downward spiral before all the instructors start calling in fake-sick or wasting thirty minutes every morning drinking coffee, eating cake and talking about last nights episode of "Big Brother" before doing "hold the ball at the dan tien".
  22. Nationalist strands in public media. I am not sure what this means. Could you elaborate? If I were to assume what you mean it is that the media portrays Norway in a much exaggerated positive light and avoids any negative, yet valid, real criticisms of its society. Like the ostrich burying its head in the sand? And absent those criticisms, the ability to examine them and the desire to improve upon them, maintains a status quo of non-change relegated to an excuse or abuse of the false claim of holding onto "tradition" (but actually to the detriment of actual self-development and positive evolution). And what kind of smartphone you have, fashion you wear, or car you drive is not an indicator of evolution I am speaking of. I try not to be harsh and question my observations often, but then the evidences to support them become so overwhelming that I must suspend...niceties. There is a profound unworldliness and naivety to the people in Norway and I attribute my criticisms regarding their outward demeanors-attitudes as a compensation for this naivety. Almost a subtle insecurity or fear. Like children in some respects. But this can have its positive side as well. This watered-down chi gong will become the new fad as everyone will want to be seen in public waving their arms up and down, set up a few accessory boutiques, establish their social hierarchies, puff themselves up with a false sense of superiority and then head out for pub night, pickup some snus and pølse like always. I see you are based in Oslo. Are you a native, one of the "brødskive" peoples?
  23. I just spent three weeks on the coast and sailing in Kristiansand this summer for vacation. Nice place. I like it much more than the capital city of Oslo. If you can establish a necessity for a health service you have training in, even alternative, and can show that there is public interest and present positive testimonials from those who benefit, the government will actually give you funds to assist you in setting up your operations. I have lived in Norway for five years now and ten written testimonials by Norwegian clients were helpful in my getting thousands of dollars granted to me for opening a practice and business in bodywork. As a foreigner, I am also given some tax relief for the first couple years of my business operation to assist in making it a success. Chi gong has started popping up here and there probably by those getting similar assistance. This is what happens when you have a thriving surplus economy with a lot of money in reserves due to a small population and good profits from oil and natural gas spilling over into public health and welfare services. This is what Americans should be getting back home in all areas of life. There is no reason why they should not other than corruption in corporate owned government and greed. This why I chose to come to and raise a family. I had learned back in 1998 that the U.S. economy and real estate was going to tank in the upcoming decade. The problem is much worse than most realize or is talked about in the news. Rather than write my politicians or protest against U.S. foreign policy, domestic anti-terrorism laws robbing my freedom, wiretapping citizens, international torture operations, etc., which wouldn't change a thing, I thought I would do the ultimate protest and withdraw my tax dollars from financing such a beast. It isn't a matter of not being patriotic, giving up on American or even fear. Those are the accusations others will throw at me that just don't understand my ethics and modus operandi in life. Norway is not perfect so don't believe all the hype one may find on the internet about it. The people have a lot of work to do on themselves in many areas, but must be made to see and be motivated to do a self-inventory of their tendencies toward propped-up grandiose, and at the same time small-minded, attitudes. They tend to inflate themselves a bit too much and think they are better than they really are. A typical Western-inspired attitude coupled with nouvo-riche of an oil-based economy. There are exceptions of course.
  24. Harmonics, resonance, and interference

    I would reconsider this regarding the Roman Catholic Church covering up ancient knowledge and to what degree they have done so. In fact, this is the one group who has/had the ability to conquer, steal and sequester most of the knowledge of the ancients and maintains control over great secrets. Some of my greatest teachers confess that it was the intrusion of the church and their orders (particularly the Jesuits) that "milked the minds of the shamans" and took the knowledge for their own and use it for their sorceries. The religion of Rome was known to assimilate into itself aspects of all the pagan religions it would work to replace as it was the easiest way to conquer competing belief systems and assimilate other into itself. The personages that shaped the public agendas of Hitler and top SS Nazis (The Aryan Pan Germanic Black Sun Vril Cult...constructed by agents of the Vatican were a manipulative devise to arouse the pride and passions for control over the masses of Germans and "Aryan" Europeans, not necessarily what Hitler or the top Nazis believed) were Franciscan and Jesuit monks. Although giving inconsistent and contradictory statements about religion Christianity, Catholicism and Jesus... This is not conspiracy, but has been picked up by the conspiracy genre. Dan Brown has done this a disservice, but that is his role. This history is immense and profound.