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Everything posted by Kempomaster

  1. Have a new healing case that I did just last evening on the 30th of December. I have an individual that I have been talking to about buying a bird dog - Llewellin Setter pup, we have been talking for the last month or so. As the story begins - I actually had another individual that I was buying a pup from but actually had to cancel that order at the last minute. So, I had been sort of searching around looking as I am very particular and had been looking for certain bloodlines. I noticed on Facebook a few dogs pic's that I liked and put "likes" on them - well eventually the individual and I began talking and turns out I remembered him from when I Field Trialed my dogs several years previously. So - he started telling me about his bloodlines - he didn't have to tell me much - I knew all about them - it was as if I had been handed a gift, showed me more pic's and they looked exactly like my dogs and the one I had just lost to old age that I wanted to replace. Even better - he had a litter due on December 29th. So - Spirit moved me to text him on the 30th and ask him how his new litter of pups were doing. He told me - mom had one pup 8 hours earlier and stopped - something was wrong and he was scared and getting ready to head to the emergency Vet. I told him not to worry I would help - even though I lived over 100 miles away with a distance healing - and I would explain later. So I did an initial Distance treatment on the expectant mother as well as on the dogs owner - felt his anxiety wasn't helping. But, was urged to do another session - so I followed up with another session, I could see the pups as glowing orbs and was calming mom and the canal for delivery but afterwards again sensed that wasn't enough. So - ok - a 3rd time , listen closely to spirit , watch and look for the problem - open her up energetically - then I saw the problem, one pup was turned sideways blocking the canal - she just needed energetically turned. Then get the energy flowing downward so the pups would flow through the canal safely. I texted the owner who had left the pups with the emergency vet and told him not to worry - they would start arriving soon and they were all alive. He was quite concerned that they had already died. Well I spoke to him first thing this morning and he said the vet got ahold of him and said it was amazing, the births were almost labor free shortly after he left - the pups just kind of came sliding out - and popped out without a struggle and they were all nice and healthy. So - this is a case that involves listening. Spirit - Bumped me and told me to get in touch with him -- I did. Spirit also told me to keep at it when I was doing my distance work until I got it right. Now - I also have a happy dog owner that wants to know more about Stillness-Movement Qigong. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster web site:
  2. Have a new healing case that I did just last evening on the 30th of December. I have an individual that I have been talking to about buying a bird dog - Llewellin Setter pup, we have been talking for the last month or so. As the story begins - I actually had another individual that I was buying a pup from but actually had to cancel that order at the last minute. So, I had been sort of searching around looking as I am very particular and had been looking for certain bloodlines. I noticed on Facebook a few dogs pic's that I liked and put "likes" on them - well eventually the individual and I began talking and turns out I remembered him from when I Field Trialed my dogs several years previously. So - he started telling me about his bloodlines - he didn't have to tell me much - I knew all about them - it was as if I had been handed a gift, showed me more pic's and they looked exactly like my dogs and the one I had just lost to old age that I wanted to replace. Even better - he had a litter due on December 29th. So - Spirit moved me to text him on the 30th and ask him how his new litter of pups were doing. He told me - mom had one pup 8 hours earlier and stopped - something was wrong and he was scared and getting ready to head to the emergency Vet. I told him not to worry I would help - even though I lived over 100 miles away with a distance healing - and I would explain later. So I did an initial Distance treatment on the expectant mother as well as on the dogs owner - felt his anxiety wasn't helping. But, was urged to do another session - so I followed up with another session, I could see the pups as glowing orbs and was calming mom and the canal for delivery but afterwards again sensed that wasn't enough. So - ok - a 3rd time , listen closely to spirit , watch and look for the problem - open her up energetically - then I saw the problem, one pup was turned sideways blocking the canal - she just needed energetically turned. Then get the energy flowing downward so the pups would flow through the canal safely. I texted the owner who had left the pups with the emergency vet and told him not to worry - they would start arriving soon and they were all alive. He was quite concerned that they had already died. Well I spoke to him first thing this morning and he said the vet got ahold of him and said it was amazing, the births were almost labor free shortly after he left - the pups just kind of came sliding out - and popped out without a struggle and they were all nice and healthy. So - this is a case that involves listening. Spirit - Bumped me and told me to get in touch with him -- I did. Spirit also told me to keep at it when I was doing my distance work until I got it right. Now - I also have a happy dog owner that wants to know more about Stillness-Movement Qigong. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster web site :
  3. I am not certain what Michael will charge for the class in 2018 - possibly - don't hold me to this $250 for the 4 week course. So, what we do is coordinate as a group around the world and do Stillness-Movement, while this is taking place - Michael and myself will be "Lighting the Dantian" and/or bumping the individual to a higher vibrational frequency(this happens at each class). Each individuals experience will be unique - most are spot on with the energy projections. The Stillness-Movement Lineage is a true lineage - each new student is asked to truly give this method at least 100 days of time and effort - before deciding whether they are going to adopt SM as their Qigong of choice or perhaps go back to what they were doing previously. You simply have to try it - give it your time and effort - to appreciate it. thanks, Brion
  4. I now how a web page that includes information on qigong and some info on martial arts. I will be expanding as I go and linking it to others - such as it is Linked to Michael Lomax's website - Grandmaster/lineage holder of Stillness-Movement Qigong and I will probably link it to my Martial Arts instructor - Will Higginbotham 9th Dan Ryukyu Kempo. go to: thanks, Brion
  5. I indeed will be opening a large studio 1,200 + square feet in Terre Haute I will teach Qigong classes that will focus on Gift of the Tao Neigong Movememt series as well as do some Stillness-Movement standing and sitting meditation. I will also offer - Qigong (Chi Kung) treatments - in-person direct Qi projection, Taoist Neuro-Enegetic Therapy, as well as Distance Qigong Therapy. Plus, I will offer semi-private Martial Arts lesson's consisting of Okinawan Ryukyu Kempo, Small Circle Ju Jitsu (tm), and Self-Defense classes. to learn more please feel free to visit my web site at thanks, Brion
  6. I am glad that you are starting your journey. It is very interesting the way this SM works. For instance, I put up to the universe that I need a large space where I live to teach and a friend called within a week and gave me an associates phone number to call - so I called him. I walked into the wrong building and talked with two very nice ladies that would like to sign up for class. I then went to the correct building and it was a completely remodeled almost 1,400 sq ft building which could rent for over $2,000 per month. But, I told the individual I could only afford $800 a month. He said the owner was real particular who he rented to and would get back with me. A few days later he called back and said that he would rent it to me for the $800 - and metioned that he did have others that offered $2,000 for the month but he didn't want them in there. He just knew I was a good person and wouldn't tear up his building. Now, this building is also located almost in the center of town - essential to pulling in Light - that will influence the entire town. Very important location. Brion
  7. Anyone interested in Stillness Movement - Michael has not announced it yet, but we generally have a Distance class starting around the last week of January and continuing for 4 weeks. The class is usually on a Sunday - and is a bargain as you will get multiple High level energetic projections over the 4 weeks. We have had folks from all over the world participate. It is like a web of Light that holds the world together. I encourage anyone that is even remotely curious about SM - to ask me any questions you may have as this is High Level Qigong. Your time is Now. Thanks, Brion
  8. My Hawaiian Kempo teacher - Master David Gonzalez - West Coast Fighting Machine received his 7th Dan from Ed Parker. We utilized his Kempo fighting style for speed and sparring and I still teach this to students for the speed factor. However, I have switched to the Ryukyu Kempo system as all the real stuff comes from the Kata's - one just has to know how to decipher the hidden material in them. Brion
  9. Quick explanation- my rank of 7th Dan is from Dillman - most of certificates are signed by Professor Wally Jay, Professor Remy Presas (while he was still alive). The private DVD was one that was provided to Professor Dillman by Master Oyata as it was my understanding that Hohan Soken had asked Master Oyata to work with Master Dillman which he did for some time and he provided him with this DVD that included all the Ryukyu Kempo kata's with many breakdowns - actually done on volunteers, some wearing helmets to protect their heads when they hit the ground. Needless to say in addition to studying with Professor Dillman - Ryukyu Kempo I spent thousands of hours studying how Master Oyata performed the Kata and breakdowns. Plus, I was usually Professor Wally Jay's crash dummy when he came to town - benefit of which - I really learned how to reproduce the hold like Professor did it. I still teach Ryukyu Kempo - being to senior student of Grandmaster William Higginbotham - but - have been investing more time in Stillness Movement Qigong as I assist Michael Lomax in teaching his seminars. There is real power in healing and calmness. thanks, Brion
  10. I practice RyuKyu Kempo and Small Circle Jujitsu - learned Kempo from Professor George Dillman and Jujitsu from Professor Wally Jay. I am currently 7th Dan - Grandmaster - also studied diligently private knockouts/breakdowns DVD from Grandmaster Seiyu Oyata. - Ryukyu Kempo . The Okinawan Masters didn't screw around - utilized energy channels and basically we mastered the art of the 2 second knockout. Go to you tube and look up Oyata Knockouts , there you will see how moves that most people thought " that's the way people use to fight" are actually hidden coded moves that will show you how to attack the energy channels in a given sequence. That being said - there is power in knowledge - and a peaceful resolution is preferred over hurting someone if at all possible. That is why the few students that I still teach - are required to come to Qigong class - learn to be calm - learn to project calmness to others, learn to shield, in almost every situation violence can be avoided. thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  11. See attached Lineage scroll of Stillness-Movement Lineage including Taoist Healing Lineage with Dr. Graef
  12. I read with interest a question about - do I need to have attended a class to do better at Gift of the Tao or can I get from a DVD? I would encourage those that want to attend a class to go ahead and purchase the DVD and start watching it prior to attending class so you can start working on the moves. Michael does a good job of breaking down the moves to 3 movements at a time so you can watch/slow down/rewind. Then practice etc and you will have pretty decent form when you come to class. The big piece of the puzzle is - Intent - what are you actually doing with each movement, and the energetics are built into the movements - so yes you will start getting some benefit, but, I would definitely want you to come to class and have Michael or myself work with you and fine tune your energetics and intent. Because even for me - the energetics keeps growing, and getting bigger and bigger. Quantum Qigong - no limits. We are an easy going bunch and want you to succeed and will do everything to make it easy for you to learn the movements. thanks Brion Kempomaster
  13. What is really interesting to see is the first time my students start practicing Gift of the Tao 2 after they have gotten a fairly good grasp on Gift of the Tao 1. I had a small group of students (6) that were regulars that I wanted to be certain that they were all comfortable with the entire set of GOT 1 - 17 moves, fairly simple set of moves especially when you compare to other systems - some that contain 56 or more moves in the first set and again many individuals that I inquire with fail to feel the Qi in these other systems. However, this group including a 12 year old boy and his mother were all feeling the Qi quite readily and were completely comfortable with all the movements. So I decided we would run through the entire set of Gift of the Tao 2. WOW - The Angels came to visit...the room got extra thick with Qi , different then GOT 1, it was buzzing - different have to experience it. The closing helps bring you back to this world, however, the students needed to sit and regain their focus for 5-10 minutes before they left to go home - the movements were that powerful. So, GOT 1 will generally take a person about 12-15 minutes to go through the movements and GOT 2 can take approximately 25-30 minutes to complete. In GOT 2 you do have the SECA that can be a stand alone set or can be done with the GOT 2, the point here is that with The GOT you have simplicity and exceptional power. Why would you not choose to explore this pathway. You can take 15 minutes and get a great boost in your morning or afternoon etc - I am not certain that another system exists that allows you to do this. Food for thought. Brion Kempomaster
  14. There is a Seminar coming up in Terre Haute, IN July 7,8th, with the clinical Qigong day on the 9th. 2017 The Seminar will take place at the Hilton Garden Inn located at - 750 Wabash Ave, Terre Haute, IN 47807 Contact Michael Lomax @ and go to his store to register for the event What you might expect to learn: Quantum level Qigong Currently Michael teaches - Gift of the Tao 1,2,3, and is introducing 4 These Qigong (Neigong) moves are high level moves that are very simple to learn yet extremely powerful. In addition, we offer Stillness- Movement - sitting, standing meditation. What a great way to restore yourself and start walking down your true path. Those that are interested in learning Clinical Qigong - 3rd Day - Energy Projection Techniques as Taught to Michael by Master Wang Juemin (used in Qigong Hospital in Baoding, China) and Taoist Neuro-Energetic Therapeutics as taught to Michael by Doctor Vincent Graef, Master of Taoist Medicine. If this sounds interesting to you contact Michael or feel free to ask me questions and I will be happy to answer any question you may have. Thanks, Brion Kempomaster
  15. Lets talk about a for instance when I introduced the Gift of the Tao to a Martial Arts group that I am associated with: I have been doing an assortment of Martial Arts for 40 years now - currently 7th Dan in Okinawan Ryukyu Kempo - Senior Student at a particular Dojo that have been practicing another type of Qigong for 3+ years now. I had suggested that I attend one of their Sunday mini-seminars and introduce Stillness-Movement, Michael Lomax, and The Gift of the Tao Movements. The Instructor agreed to allow me time to present - however, on the day of the presentation they had other plans and were only going to allow me 10 minutes of break time while people took a bathroom break. Well, as Senior student I wasn't going to allow that and simply barked out to everyone to grab water and come back out and learn about Stillness-Movement, Master Wang Juemin, and Michael Lomax. I gave 10 minutes of background information on where the Lineage came from - Master Wang, and the 5 Masters that he studied with - most notably Master Hu Yao Zhen - Master Hu actually was known to have coined the term Qigong and was very famous for his abilities and opened the first Qigong Medical Hospital in China. Then we began to work the movements - I worked them very slowly so each person could pick up the moves I was teaching. I noticed people were shaking (Stillness/movement) , sweating, swaying, had expressions of amazement on their faces. We worked through Gift of the Tao 1 one time and then did it a second time - some of those doing the moves were so completely soaked in sweat it looked like somebody had thrown a bucket of water on them . (Note - this is due to the amount of Qi being moved not because we were moving fast or the moves are hard to do.) After we were done the next senior student in line yelled out to the School Instructor - "Will, we've been lied to. What Brion has brought to us is the real thing"! " I cant go on doing what we were doing I have to stop and start following him because that's the true path, I can actually feel it"! More than half of those in attendance agreed that at their first class with me they could actually feel the Qi - whereas the Qigong they had been doing for the past 3 years mind you - a well known variety, they could not feel anything and it was much more complex. So, here with the Gift of the Tao moves - very simple, easy to learn, yet very powerful. I would encourage you to try one seminar and see for yourself. Thanks, Brion
  16. Time for a new case report: 70 year old diabetic with neuropathy in his feet and lower ankle and leg. Was a neighbor of mine and I had been watching him limp around and complain of the pain in his feet. His feet were quite deformed with hammer toes, white color due to lack of blood flow, and numbness. I offered to try to help with an energy projection to see if it could make a difference. He accepted the offer. The energy was directed to stomach channels, liver, gall bladder, bladder, as well as those areas that were in pain - I pulled sick Qi from these areas , then flooded the areas again with fresh Qi. I repeated the process on the opposite leg and foot. He commented on how "light" his feet and "legs" were beginning to feel. And then it was done. I suggested he take his new Qi filled feet for a spin. He exclaimed - "Oh my God!" "I cant believe how they feel - no pain for the first time in ages!" and when we looked at his feet - the skin color had actually returned to a pinkish color of normal skin color. He was very excited. Now I am always amazed at the results that I see with these Qi projections. But, these Qi projections that I have learned from Michael Lomax - Stillness/Movement, , are extremely powerful and the results are very consistent. I set my intent and know what the result is going to be. The follow up to this case is that this individual was so impressed that he told his wife and she made a phone call across the country to someone else in need - a 6 year old child with juvenile idiopathic rheumatoid arthritis. A disease that's tough to treat and very hard for a youngster to watch other children play while they sit on the sidelines. I will report on this distance treatment in another case. However - if you would like to begin learning Qigong from Michael Lomax - he is having a seminar in Terre Haute, IN on July 7, 8th, with the clinical portion being held on July 10th 2017. Simply go to Michael's website - and then go to his store and you can make the purchase for the upcoming seminar. Any questions or comments - Brion AKA - Kempomaster
  17. I must say that certainly enjoyed working with both of you gentleman at the Springfield workshop and I am hoping that I get to see both of you again very soon at another seminar very soon. I think it is amazing what the two of you picked up in the 8 plus days that you were here. Qigong Fu (time and effort / energy - light) that is what we need to do to get really good with this amazing higher level healing system - Stillness-Movement or Jing Dong Gong. It seems the more you do, well the more you want to do! I would encourage you both to practice the healing techniques - willing guinea pigs will present themselves. They will offer you the chance to perfect the Taoist technique - what an absolutely wonderful technique - I have seen incredible results with the Taoist technique that I have reported in my case reports elsewhere in Tao bums. But, the more you practice the technique the better you get at it and the more your confidence grows. Try it for all complicated cases. I have used it for humans with a wide variety of issues, dogs with injured spinal cords, and horses with assorted issues - all with amazing results. Likewise, with the Qi projection - as long as you are doing your daily S-M and Gift of the Tao your ability will continue to grow with your energy (light) projections. I was impressed with what both of you did while you were here. Special Note: I think it's pretty cool that you picked up on the Divine Presence! Because, that was definitely the case. We have multi-dimensional spiritual experiences at every workshop. Definitely a reason in itself to attend a workshop. Most students that attend a Stillness-movement workshop and actually apply themselves. Take the time to do daily meditation and practice the Gift of the Tao Movements - will be an above average healer. Those that embrace the "Lineage". Truly, embrace all that S-M lineage has to offer - not try to mix a little of this and a little of that Will become an extremely powerful healer that will be able to utilize most of the tools that we share at the workshops. With that, I encourage those that have yet to attend a workshop who still ponder if this might be their cup of tea - why wait? The Terre Haute workshop is probably full - we may have 1 spot available ( you would have to check michael's website. but, if these last several posts have sounded fascinating - well then this is your cup of tea. Thanks for reading. Brion Kempomaster
  18. Best Neigong Teachers

    I don't know....How well known is Michael Lomax? He is an excellent Neigong Teacher! and -- he does indeed offer distance classes for a very reasonable price. Perhaps worth checking into to see if he has anything coming up in the future. Thanks, Brion aka kempomaster
  19. In November we had our 2nd annual Stillness-Movement Seminar in Hilton Head Island, South Carolina. This Island destination is a truly unique area to hold an energetic seminar. First, the workshop is held in a room that is glassed and overlooking the ocean and the power of the water as we do our qigong practice is an extra special enhancement. I was beginning my morning by meeting Michael Lomax (teacher) Debbie (another senior student) on the beach around sunrise for early morning Gift of the Tao 1 through 3 work. The air on the beach can be rather chilly in November especially at 6:30 am however, by mid-way through Gift of the Tao 1 we were heating up quite nicely and by the time we completed Gift of the Tao 3 we were HOT! not to mention starting to draw attention on the beach...the energetics always does that. Each workshop has always been a new learning experience for me. There is always something new that is going to happen, will happen, or does happen. This workshop was no exception. There as usual were a number of awakenings - where individuals begin to realize what their true callings are and perhaps where they should be spending more of their life's resources towards. Also, we witnessed a number of spiritual and physical healings throughout the workshop - this is always very inspirational. It is always wonderful the effort that everyone puts forth to attend these workshops - as many traveled long distances -- some coming from London, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, California, and various parts of the U.S. Yet, there is a large group practicing Qigong in Hilton Head, we are unable to get them to sample Stillness-Movement - maybe next time. A truly unique experience at this workshop was having a very talented "See-er" that was in attendance. Most individuals that attend have different talents as we all do, however, this persons talent was - seeing -- They could see what was going on with the Qi in very graphic detail. For instance -- I would project qi at another person in a medical technique and this person could see the qi and into the body of the other person - throughout the other person energy channels and graphically tell me where the stagnant qi still was residing or needed to be cleared. In addition, as the "Teacher" of the workshop was doing very specific qi projections during the Stillness-Movement Meditation - this person again although in a deep meditative state could "see" all of the spiritual elements as they unfolded during the meditation. This was extremely inspirational to listen to her narrative of the events that had just taken place. Another factor of workshops -- people and animals that need help-- seem to find me. On the 1st day a gentleman on the beach -- actually his dog wanted to say hello, after which he told me his story. He had been in Viet Nam and affected by Agent Orange - terrible problems including cancer. Before the week was out I had given him "High Level" Medical Qigong treatments. 2nd Case - More dogs found me -- a Siberian Husky - limping - sprained right front leg - used direct qi projection combined with Taoist Treatment -- Next day --walking perfectly normal. So - all the dog people were looking for me -- before I left one lady took my name and number wants me to call before I come back -- said she will have the dogs lined up waiting...hmmm. I don't know what that means. Anyway --Hilton Head has great energetics -- even better though -- are the energetics of Stillness-Movement and what Michael brought there and brings to very workshop. So, I encourage other workshop attendee's to post their thoughts. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  20. Recent Stillness-Movement Seminar @ Hilton Head, SC

    Another fascinating thing that has happened for me as I have continued to put in "Time and Effort" with Stillness-Movement" - this includes attending many additional I get regular visits from the past Master's of the Lineage. I believe that this is not something that would happen with occasional practice, yet, this happens with dedicated practice to the Stillness-Movement Lineage. Oftentimes, Michael will invite the "past masters" to visit the seminar and they do choose to see what we are doing and come to watch. We have had various high level spirits of various ancestry join our seminars and help enrich our experiences. This has been happening with added frequency whenever I practice - including at home. Typically I have at least one past master that will join me and watch for the duration of my practice - and I bow as I finish. In addition, I generally, get several spirits that join the class that I teach - also of various ancestry - and as my students have put forth more time and effort they have themselves begun to develop "seeing" as their gift and can recognize the presence of these spirits (what a gift!). There are so many fascinating aspects of these seminars that take place - I can hardly put them into words - but with each additional seminar I have attended, I have gotten an additional gift - wow! thanks, Brion
  21. Recent Stillness-Movement Seminar @ Hilton Head, SC

    At this event it was very interesting - as I have learned to listen to the spirits as they direct me. However, during a particular part of this seminar - while others were in meditation and Michael was doing something special and I and Debbie was assisting - I heard enormous laughter and crying and kept thinking - who on earth is doing this? The sounds were uncontrollable! Then I realized that they were not from any one individual - but they were coming from the many spirits that had entered the room! And what I had received was an improved gift of "hearing" at that moment to go along with the other gifts that I already had -- I just needed to pay attention and know when to use them, I had picked this up from another section of the seminar and been developing it -- and here it was (play on words intended). Later, as we talked about what had just happened I had not brought up the laughter or crying and another seminar participant described this phenomena in vivid detail. now that's too cool for words. thanks, Brion
  22. Recent Stillness-Movement Seminar @ Hilton Head, SC

    I received an e-mail from Melissa from Colombia regarding the workshop in Hilton Head. I wanted to express my gratitude towards you for the amazing workshop we just had. Sorry that I've taken so long, but I've been traveling and just recently arrived back home. In regards to my experience in the workshop, there's so many things to say and yet I don't know how to express them or even where to start from. Previously to the workshop I did another form of Qi Gong and didn't feel so much energy as with this system. From my personal experience StillnessMotion is a very powerful and profound system in its simplicity and straight to the point approach. Since practicing the form and meditation I have undergone a rebalance of my energy levels and an increase in the amount of trauma released at cellular level from my body and I'm not referring just to trauma from this life time. All in all I can say that for me it is the easiest most simplest technic I've come across that manages to help every aspect of my spiritual development. It has amazed me to see how fast the results have been, so I want to thank you again for this amazing opportunity you have given me with this new tool in my path to find my higher self, hope we can meet each other again soon, Thanks again from the bottom of my heart Melissa Copied verbatim, Brion
  23. Best Neigong Teachers

    I guess fazelrabbi asked about the "best neigong teachers on the planet" - not actually teachers that you could study with...because if that is the case - unfortunately you would have a difficult time studying directly with John Chang - perhaps - one or two of the others that were on the list might also be a bit cost prohibited....very expensive indeed. Brion
  24. Best Neigong Teachers

    Friend said it very well == if you are considering a Neigong system they you should by all means include Michael Lomax and Stillness-Movement Neigong. The lineage is an extremely powerful lineage - yes you can learn through a distance class as these are occasionally offered, however, any Chi Kung Fu - time and effort - dictates that you invest your time and effort and not simply sit back and await the riches to come your way. All of those you mentioned do have books available ==(I have a full set of Jerry Johnson's books if anyone is interested just PM me) and you can get some info from a book - Michael Lomax has a book that takes one on a spiritual journey and includes useful clinical qigong information - so it depends on what you are looking for in a book. When it comes to dvd's , I know many people including myself that have tried various dvd's and didn't have much success with "feeling qi" from the system. Maybe it was me at the time. By contrast, many have spoke of success with Michael Lomax's Gift of the Tao dvd and feeling qi early on. So -- weigh your options...but, you ought to plan on attending a seminar--invest your time and effort in what your wanting to get. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  25. Taoist Breathing Exercises

    This would be an inaccurate assumption when it comes to Stillness-Movement Qigong. I know that several styles of qigong do emphasize breathing etc -- however, in Stillness-Movement we breathe quite naturally and simply get out of the way of mindfully trying to control anything. We simply let qi fill into us -- with an awareness on dantian - and we don't try to direct the qi anywhere we again simply let it go where it may -- let it clear stagnation as it may - when it does -- then usually the movement begins. The suggestion to trial the system for 100 days - came as a recommendation from the masters of the lineage. You set aside others systems they you may be trying or have tried and see how this one fits. It may take 100 days to truly clear your mind of clutter and stop trying to control whats going on and just allow.... You can learn movement from the dvd but when it comes to the meditation --- you need to at least attend one seminar - distance or otherwise. Then many of these confusing concepts can be cleared up. Now can we be advanced masters of many systems...perhaps that's fodder for a new thread! Thanks, Brion Kempomaster