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Everything posted by Kempomaster

  1. I have been practicing Stillness-Movement for several years now, prior to that time I have been a dedicated martial arts student and currently hold the title of Grandmaster of Ryukyu Kempo. I have found that my involvement in Stillness-Movement Neigong possibly gave me as much as a 1000 fold increase in internal power to my martial ability. Those that get involved in S-M should know that first and foremost it is a healing qigong system that was used in the hospitals of China. The system came to the U.S through Michael Lomax and he was authorized to bring the system to the U.S. by Master Wang Juemin of Baoding, China. However, several of Master Wang's teachers were very accomplished martial artists including Master Hu Yao Zhen. I have found that my martial ability has soared off the chart since studying with Michael - as a result of building internal the point that I need to be careful, but I have always had good control. I will attempt to report on various aspects of this phenomenon. thank you, Brion Kempomaster
  2. I HAD THE PRIVILEDGE OF LEARNING FROM Professor Wally Jay. He made several trips to Indiana beginning around 1985 - the first guy he used as a demo -- hid in the corner -- and that guy sort of looked like me -- so he always used me for his demo from that time on. It's a great way to learn the technique! I hurt for weeks each time -- no bruising - but I knew exactly how to do the technique.. and it wasn't for some time that I realized the full benefit of the gift that Professor Jay had shared with me. Every time he came to Town he would greet me -- oh judo man -- good to see you (I don't know judo - that was the guy that hid in the corner), I will use you to demonstrate. He was truly a Master! Again - add to his techniques -- the internal qi power that you can develop with Stillness-Movement! Look out - just barely touch em - their either on their tippy toes or on the floor. thanks, Brion
  3. YES - it would be nice to stay on topic without an obvious attempt by someone to derail the thread and direct others elsewhere. So the topic is - Stillness-Movement and does it add to ones Martial Arts ability? Yes discussion of Gift of the Tao would also be appropriate as well as discussion of those Teachers in the Lineage as named several early on. However - those are our topics -- thank you.
  4. OldChi - asked me a question regarding - "What do I mean by control?' In the context of how I used this statement of control -- I was referring to physical control particularly when used in Small-Circle Jujitsu. This physical control is needed to prevent either dislocating an opponents joint or perhaps breaking a bone. So, with the additional ability I have developed through my practice of Stillness-Movement -- this amazing "neigong" has led to internal qi ability that I have been able to utilize in my jujitsu techniques. That is to say, that by applying the proper hold (as taught to my by Professor Wally Jay)and using very little pressure - good control - not brute force- then using internal qi and intent, I get excellent results from these and many other techniques. Control - can also be mental. Keeping a calm mental focus - not getting upset or mad. This is very important in martial arts -- a person needs to keep their cool at all times. The practice of Stillness-Movement leads us to be much calmer and those around us also become much calmer. In many situations I have been able to talk people into being much more calm and reasonable. We would rather have this calm approach then fight - remember, fighting is a last resort -- self-defense only. Hopefully that helps to clear up the concept of control. thanks Brion Kempomaster
  5. To refer to the movements of G.O.T as inefficient is simply a wrong answer as a result of never having tried the movements and then having experienced first hand the energetic efficiency of the moves. Very often in martial arts we are taught that you have to do things a certain way - move this way, chop that way etc so we are brainwashed into believing that there is only one correct way to move and that is the manner in which we are currently moving. I learned early on with Gift of the Tao - to just flow with the qi, it(GOT) is extremely efficient, and the qi gets stronger with each move...I can close my eyes an easily find my way through the entire sequence - no rules, just let it tell me when I have done enough of each move and it is time to move on to the next move -- when have you ever done this in martial arts -- usually a defined number of moves, plus martial arts are usually very specific - weight distribution, angle and direction -- this can be used in G.O.T - but you are more free to flow with the qi. Once you learn to do this -- you can apply this to your martial moves...I am not saying to mix GOT and martial arts moves I am saying you can learn how to gather qi and flow with the qi and use the same feeling in martial moves -- most martial artists are too stiff and try to "man-handle" qi which will never work. So, the GOT moves will never confuse your martial moves - I believe they will add to them. My having worked Stillness-Movement has added considerably to my martial arts - through better understanding of the true meaning of the moves. Again I stress most martial artist don't understand the true meaning of the movements - for instance - what many would call a simple karate chop - could be considered by some to be useless, others would know it to be used in an armlock, others to knock an opponent out, others for serious injury to an opponent. Others == well ...let's keep you guessing. You should give Gift of the Tao a try before you write it off as inefficient. You would be quite surprised at what it would do for you. Then there is G.O.T. 2 ....and 3 Thanks, Brion Kempomaster
  6. My credentials: First - I have been a Martial Artist for over 35 years - current rank qualifies me as a Grandmaster - names on my certificate include :Professor Wally Jay, Professor Remy Presas, Professor George Dillman, Grandmaster Will Higginbotham, and Grandmaster David Gonzalez - who had his certificate from Master Ed Parker. My primary martial art has been Okinawan Kempo - which came to us through Hohan Soken and Master Seiyu Oyata two very well respected individuals in their art as well as each of the individuals named in the lineage that I mentioned has earned incredible respect for their contributions to the world of martial arts - especially Professor Wally Jay i.e. Small Circle Jujitsu. For those not familiar with Okinawan Kempo - the format for teaching as in most styles of martial arts utilizes Kata. These kata have various movements that I consider to be semi-abstract as over 99% of martial artist don't understand the true meaning of these movements - most teach the proper angle and direction to attack an opponent or point at acu-points to utilize in the attack. The kata's can be very complex containing over 100 move's and some tai chi kata's can contain 300 or more moves. I have learned to use these moves to at the very least knock an opponent out within seconds of them attacking me. This is just one level of using this as there are several levels. My biggest accomplishment: Several years ago I met and began training in qigong with Michael Lomax! Immediately one of the past masters of the martial arts lineage visited me and taught me how to break-down and better understand a complex movement from one of the most complicated kata's and at the time I didn't understand why this was happening. The more time I spent with Michael - the better I began to understand the power of Stillness-Movement. First and foremost, S-M is a healing based Qigong/neigong. It is an extremely powerful qigong. From the very first workshop I have been able to do healings on all sorts of individuals. However, I was previously employed as a Pharmaceutical Salesperson and my opportunities to try medical qigong techniques came in medical doctors offices. So, I got to work on doctors, nurses, medical assistants, etc. and the techniques from the Stillness-Movement lineage worked almost 100% of the time. This wasn't on 1 or 2 people as I had kept a notebook and had well over 125 cases all with 100% success when I decided it was too cumbersome and just did healing and now have well over 1000 cases with still close to 100% success rate. These are all sorts of different cases - pain etc - you can look up my case reports under a different thread. Now, did this neigong have any effect on my martial arts ability? I would say that my daily time and effort with S-M helped to improve my martial arts ability 1000 fold! Let me explain. I am not a big person - 5'9" 170 lbs and I was confronted by a large person that was looking to fight - he was 6' 3" and probably 240 lbs and he was marching my way on the golf course - in S-M we do shielding - so I put up a shield, then set my intent on what was going to happen - it wasn't going to be pretty, but, as soon as I did -- the big fella stopped in his tracks and backed off and apologized as a result of feeling my qi. The other areas I have noticed is in simple jujitsu techniques - I can barely touch others or put forth and effort - simply use my qi - and it drops them to their knees - including my instructor - yet when they try to use the technique on me -- it doesn't work -- including the instructor - and he is excellent at these techniques. I have encountered others that are accomplished in Bagua and Brazil Jujitsu and they were quite surprised at the ease that I can grab them and toss them around, again this is because I have achieved an enormous internal qi buildup. What a person needs to be -- is very cautious. You need to have extra control once you have this type of internal qi ability because if you don't have control -- you will end up hurting someone. So -- is Stillness-Movement an effective Neigong system. YES! I haven't found a more effective system. I was able to feel qi from the beginning. I took the movement portion and did a demo - Gift of the Tao to a large martial arts seminar in which they had been practicing a different form of qigong( - well known to martial arts )- and they had been trying this other system for 2 - 3 years. Within 10 minutes of my demonstration many of 50+ in attendance could actually feel the qi for the first time and were excited about doing qigong. Some were swaying - some were shaking - some were sweating - some had big smiles on their faces, all were excited about their discovery. So, I can assure you that S-M and Gift of the Tao, and Michal Lomax are the real deal! If you don't want to go to his seminar's that's ok - but don't throw rocks if you haven't attended and you don't know what you are talking about! I would encourage anyone to find out for themselves - attend a seminar - yes the lineage is meant to be a healing lineage. It is extremely powerful. If you put in the time and effort -- you will be amazed at what you get in return. The discoveries you get -- well you will find them for yourself -- your teacher won't have to tell you about them. thanks, Brion aka kempomaster
  7. how to go? where to go? how to begin?

    I would like to suggest an alternate to looking for the ease of practicing in your backyard. Yes -- it will take time and effort to travel -- and you would have to most likely travel to the U.S. to attend one of Michael Lomax's seminar's - but the travel would be well worth your effort. The method of Qigong is known as Stillnes-Movement Qigong -- the very Foundation of this Lineage is based on Meditation, however, there is a complimentary set of movements that Michael created along with his teachers including Master Wang Juemin .These movements are known as the Gift of the Tao - series -1, 2 and forthcoming 3. What is extremely attractive about this lineage is that it is so simple to learn -- Yes - you must learn how to quiet your mind, the Teacher creates the Dantian and energetically transfers the Lineage to the student. The student then builds upon this energetic dantian with each Meditationj - or Gift of the Tao session that they do --- the more time and effort they are willing to invest, the more return on their investment they receive. A person can choose to simply reep the benefits of the Stillness-Movement Lineage for themselves. However, The Lineage is primarily a "Healing" Lineage. So if a person wants to become a "healer and help others -- this Lineage is extremely powerful. Master Wang Juemin - Michael's Teacher - was founder and Chief Healer of the Baoding Healing Hospital - In Baoding, China -- Their only method of healing was Qigong - the methods we used are proven in this hospital setting as well as proven by many famous Qigong Healers including Master Hu Yao Zhen - who coined the term Qigong, In this system I have seen most students be able to do Qigong Healing projections at the first seminar -- this is after 2 days of energy building from doing Stillness-Movement and Gift of the Tao Neigong Movements, This type of internal power development in 2 days in generally unheard of - but is true results with Stillness-Movement Neigong. We have had many individuals from London travel to the U.S. to attend workshops here -- we have had 1 workshop in the U.K. and last year traveled to Finland for a workshop. I am not sure when the next London workshop will be , but, as I said sometimes a bit of investment in your time can pay you dividends in the long run. This is a simple system -- that is very POWERFUL. II would recommend it to anyone wanting to start Qigong. Thanks for reading, Brion aka Kempomaster
  8. In reply to a couple of a questions put forth in this section: Do students of the Stillness-Movement - Michael Lomax see Qi? Well that depends on the time and effort that one puts forth to developing their abilities, First, everyone brings a different talent to the table if you will. Michael told of two ladies at the Baoding Healing Hospital founded by Master Wang (Michael's Stillness-Movement teacher) and these ladies specialty was "SEEING". They were referred to as the "X-Ray" ladies. All patrients were brought to them first and they would do the diagnosis of the sick and stagnant Q, then suggest to the Qigong Doctor where they would direct the treatment. After the initial treatment - the "X-ray lady" would again look at the patient and either say the treatment was good or the patient needed additional treatment in this area or channel. We have evolved - now many individuals are developing the ability to see Qi -- as long as they put in the practice. You can't practice occasionally and expect Big results! But, I have found that as I have moved to a 24 hour Qigong practice that I can yes - see Qi - and/or just KNOW where the sick Qi is -- so I know where to start. In addition -- as mentioned earlier in the discussion -- I get help from ascended Masters -- they will direct me to where I need to go with the patient. This is especially helpful when dealing with a complex patient. So, when we talk about a Lineage -- a TRUE Lineage -- Stillness-Movement in my opinion is indeed a true lineage -- Ascended Masters helping with treatments -- directing me on complex treatments. This is astounding. Well - this was my other area to address - that of Past Masters still teaching---- I have had several appear to me during Meditation and share a technique with me that can sometimes be confusing until I need to use it -- then it is perfectly clear. Or they will appear during a treatment and give direct information on what I need to do to make the treatment more effective. One must truly embrace Stillness-Movement and put forth the time and effort needed to accomplish great results and when that happens this system will reward you with many things coming back your way. But, like anythjing -- you have to take the first step. Thanks, Brion aka -- Kempomaster
  9. Deep dive - help a newbie start practicing

    Well a wise man once told me that it can be very difficult to have serve 2 masters-- that is to say practice Martial Arts and Qigong. I should know this as I have practiced Martial Arts for over 35 years and studied several styles - and studied with several world renown Masters - including Professor Wally Jay - known as Bruce Lee's Jujitsu instructor, and for various other reasons Martial Arts Hall of Fame etc, Qigong has no doiubt added to my ability in Martial Arts - specifically studying with Michael Lomax - Stillness-Movement and the Gift of the Tao series - has given me superb abilities in this area - but it has also awakened other areas for me. The biggest area is that of treating another Human Being (or animal) with compassion and understanding. When we are immersed in this Qigong system we become so calm that others around us become calm. You may think you need Martial Arts - however- the ability to calm another person is much greater than the ability to take them down. In addition, the ability to heal them of their pain -- well martial Arts just can't compare with that. I only have a few students left that I teach Martial Arts to -- I am not taking any new students - I am trying to get these guys to their goal of a Black Belt in Ryukyu Kempo before I discontinue teaching Martial Arts ( I will have attained a 7th Dan Black Belt) and dedicate my life to assisting Michael at seminar's and teaching Qigong classes in jy hometown as well as running a small Medical Qigong Clinic. A quick story -- I did a stand in at a seminar -- Big Martial Arts Seminar - They needed a Qigong Master - as there usual guy decided to take some of his students to a MMA fight instead of teaching his part at the seminar. Most of those attending the seminar had been following this "Master" for up to 3 years. However, they weren't feeling any Qi and it was a confusing system -- lot's of moves to learn etc, etc,. So, in walks - Brion - (that's me) I introduced the movements - Gift of the Tao - gave credit to Michael Lomax and to his teacher Master Wang as well as the Lineage - Master Wangs Teachers - then to a crowd of about 50 people and growing I started teaching the moves - within minutes, no seconds, they realized this was the real deal! -- People were swaying, sweating, shaking,smiling! At long last they had found something they could call real! WE did about 35 minutes of Gift of the Tao Movements - I taught maybe 7 moves - because I start over and do the moves again so people can learn them. They were so impressed -- they were not going to let me leave. I then did 3 Medical Qigong Healings - after which I had a crowd lined up -- and it was time for me to leave -- because at that point everyone wanted healed. So if you want to try Qigong that is simple but POWERFUL -- I would suggest that you make the to attend one of Michael Lomax's seminars. Nothing compares to Stillness-Movement meditation. Then learning the moves is quite easy -- Gift of the Tao 1 - 17 moves -- that is nothing compared to some of the other systems -- especially when you start to realize the oomph in the moves. You just need to see for yourself. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  10. CASE REPORT: 84 year old patient had massive Hematoma on left inner shin running from approximately knee to almost ankle. Result of a 65 # Golden-Doodle running into her leg . Patient thought she had suffered a fracture -- great deal of discoloration , purple, raised portion of the Hematoma was almost the size of a Baseball at the center - yet spread the length of the shin bone. Patient rated her pain at a 9 out of 10 on a standard scale of 1 - 10. She was also unable to walk. She had taken extra pre-cautions and was elevating the leg as well as using an ice pack for 20 minute intervals. Treatment: Began the treatment with invisible needle acupuncture to open the channels involved in the leg - kidney channel, spleen channel, liver, also bladder, stomach . I used the invisible needle technique directly to the hematoma to help pull the stuck qi out of the area. Next I began to project Qi to the channels to again open the energy flow of the channels -- the pull sick qi from the channels and pull sick directly from the Hematoma. Finally - I created a vortex of energy from two different channels and expanded the energy outward -- as I did - the sick Qi from the area -- flew out of the leg - from the knee, shin, toes and claf -- as this was happening the hematoma was returning to normal size and the purple color was leaving. I continued to expand the vortex ouward then again back inward -- each time - snapping sick Qi out of the leg. Then , I decided it was time to stop -- the leg was pretty close to normal in size and color. However , within 10 minutes of stopping the patient did feel somewhat sick and ended up having a bowel movement 10 minutes after the treatment had ended. After which the patient stated she felt much better. Results: Immediate - Patients leg showed immediate visible improvement following the treatment - the purple color had completely gone -- as rated by the patient and practitioner. Also the patient rated her pain level had decreased from a 9 out of 10 to a 4 out of 10. This rating was achieved 1 hour after initial contact by the practitioner. Follow-up: Next day - I met with the patient the following day and she was walking normally and stated that her pain level was now down to a 1 out of 10 and she showed me the leg and she was amazed that there was no bruising left on the leg and no discoloration remaining. CASE REPORT: 84 year old patient had massive Hematoma on left inner shin running from approximately knee to almost ankle. Result of a 65 # Golden-Doodle running into her leg . Patient thought she had suffered a fracture -- great deal of discoloration , purple, raised portion of the Hematoma was almost the size of a Baseball at the center - yet spread the length of the shin bone. Patient rated her pain at a 9 out of 10 on a standard scale of 1 - 10. She was also unable to walk. She had taken extra pre-cautions and was elevating the leg as well as using an ice pack for 20 minute intervals. Treatment: Began the treatment with invisible needle acupuncture to open the channels involved in the leg - kidney channel, spleen channel, liver, also bladder, stomach . I used the invisible needle technique directly to the hematoma to help pull the stuck qi out of the area. Next I began to project Qi to the channels to again open the energy flow of the channels -- the pull sick qi from the channels and pull sick directly from the Hematoma. Finally - I created a vortex of energy from two different channels and expanded the energy outward -- as I did - the sick Qi from the area -- flew out of the leg - from the knee, shin, toes and claf -- as this was happening the hematoma was returning to normal size and the purple color was leaving. I continued to expand the vortex ouward then again back inward -- each time - snapping sick Qi out of the leg. Then , I decided it was time to stop -- the leg was pretty close to normal in size and color. However , within 10 minutes of stopping the patient did feel somewhat sick and ended up having a bowel movement 10 minutes after the treatment had ended. After which the patient stated she felt much better. Results: Immediate - Patients leg showed immediate visible improvement following the treatment - the purple color had completely gone -- as rated by the patient and practitioner. Also the patient rated her pain level had decreased from a 9 out of 10 to a 4 out of 10. This rating was achieved 1 hour after initial contact by the practitioner. Follow-up: Next day - I met with the patient the following day and she was walking normally and stated that her pain level was now down to a 1 out of 10 and she showed me the leg and she was amazed that there was no bruising left on the leg and no discoloration remaining.
  11. Case Report: 52 year Old Female Patient with Severe Low Back Pain. Patient had just been to Physical Therapy and received treatment in which they had done "traction " for her. Perhaps they over stretched her as she could barely walk. Patient also rated her pain level at approximately an 8 out of 10. Diagnose the nerve root (s) that were causing the problem and then with the patient laying on her stomach - begin to do "Taoist Neuro-Energetic Healing" - I had to stay on one particular nerve for approximately 10 + minutes until it responded.. Most of the Treatment was to the Lumbar region of the spine with some to the sacral area. Afterwards, i used some direct Qi projection followed by pulling of sick Qi. Results: Outstanding! The patient that was unable to walk without stumbling and having her back grab with intense pain was now able to walk freely without any grabbing sensations -- this was after only 15 - 20 minutes of treatment. In addition, her pain rating had decreased from an 8 out of 10 to no more than a 1 to a 2 out of 10. I suggested additional treatments to help alleviate the pain and perhaps to reconsider allowing the Physical Therapist to do Traction in the future. Follow-up -- the patient has continued to go to Physical Therapy - and has asked me again on 2 - 3 occasions to help unlock her back. Sometimes, we are slow to learn. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster To Answer Green Tigers question about the "Big blast of Qi" I used in my case with the 12 year old patient -- that was unique to the case -- not something I do all the time -- just something I was moved to do -- I am not certain -- that a big blast of Qi actually does justice to what I did, I was really removing from his body - in one shot- what was causing his problems - so it took what would look like a big blast -- but you have to be careful with small people, sick people, etc when you do that. Anyway - thanks for asking -- Brion Case Report: Had a approx 30 year Old male (Martial Art Student/Qigong Student) - been coming to my classes on a regular basis for about 4 months. Never misses class. We always practice Qigong class 1st, then switch gears and I teach a semi-private Martial Art class. This young man is a cable repair guy -- he works 10+ hours a day installing cable TV. On this particular day - his right fore-arm was all cramped up -- plus he had the remnants of a severe dog-bite on his right fore-arm. This dog bite was still bright red in color. I noticed that he was having quite a bit of trouble with all of his arm movements so I stopped class and offered to treat. Treatment: Qi Projection - Large Intestine, Triple Warmer, Small Intestine, --Gently to Heart and Pericardium -- then pull sick Qi. Treat above and below cramping. Also treat direct to where the dog had bitten -- pull sick qi. Immediate results --cramping left his arm, dog bite began to fade - immediately. Long term effects -- opened the students eyes to what Qigong really was "he said he was pretty sure he had been feeling the Qi - but when I did the treatment - it opened up a whole new world for him"! He was so excited! He said, now his Qigong is getting better -- I have to agree he is getting better with his Qigong -- his attitude towards the other Qigong students is better. He should be attending a Stillness-Movement seminar with us very soon as he is now more interested in seeking his destiny. Thanks, Brion
  12. I don't see the difference either - of what Hu'd daugher is doing and Stillness-Movement. I believe - she refers to it as" Still and Moving" Qigong -- MJJ Becker has done much more research than I and can correct me if I am wrong -- but again I don't see the difference. Also, when considering the Lineage - as I mentioned - Master Hu - taught Master Wang . So there is no question whatsoever that Master Hu is present in the Lineage of Stillness-Movement. So I feel it is very important to acknowledge those that have contributed to our Lineage. Plus, Master Wang - taught Michael - many , many, many Healing teachniques that were derived from the Stillness-Movement Lineage - How Many of these techniques came from Master Hu? How many came from the other teachers? What really matters is that when we practice what is Stillness-Movement - and when we "Embrace" this system, it is as if the Stillness-Movement Lineage will Embrace us back! When we are trying to help other individuals by using the Medical techniques to assist them with their pain or disease -- we get help - answers come to us -- For instance, when we might be drawing a blank on how to possibly treat someone - all of the sudden - we will know the right thing to do -- the right treatment will be given to us - like a gift! That is part of the Stillness - Movement Lineage! Give yourself a gift -- and try attending a workshop! thanks, Brion
  13. That is a good question. 1st - I wasn't saying the other stuff was "fake". My understanding was that the "master" or "teacher" made one trip to china and after coming back declared himself "Master" and "Lineage Holder", then began teaching seminars and handing out certificates after each seminar. The certificate is perfect for a Martial Artist - they like a certificate. However - until - someone brought a superior product to them - "Gift of the Tao" Movement - in which many of them could immediately feel the Qi - they didn't know what they were missing. It could be that the other system is an ok Qigong system. However, the Teacher - doesn't know anything about the system and isn't qualified to actually be teaching it. Now consider - Michael Lomax - he spent 12 years with Dr. Graef - learning the Taoist Medicine and Taoist Qigong. Next, he traveled to China and studied with Master Wang Jue Min - who was noted as perhaps the most powerful Qigong man in China. Michael studied with Master Wang for about 10 years and then Master Wang insisted that Michael bring the Lineage back to the United States and begin teaching it here. So - many years of Time and Effort went into learning what he is currently teaching to others -- that is why it works. I have also spent a great deal of time and effort into learning the system and building my Qi - so when I went into teach the group - they were definitely going to feel it. Versus someone else that is just throwing around titles but doesnt really have the stuff to back it up! So if you attend one of Michael's seminars - you will be very pleased - that he has spent years developing his knowledge of Qigong and his Qi power -- I don't think you will find a better teacher in the United States then Michael. Thanks for reading Brion
  14. Case Report: Got a young Student 12 year old male - comes to Qigong Class on a regular basis -- say's he wants to be a Qigong Teacher! Last night when he arrived - wasn't feeling well - color was pale, nose stuffy, all around draggy. His, Mom also comes to class, she said that a number of kids at school had colds and virus's. Prior to starting class - used Rosemary Oil did - energy field cleansing - Plus projected energy to loosen blockages - pulled out most sick qi. During class -patients started to sneeze - nose started running. Then had him sit -- used one strong Qi force to knock sickness out (1st - shield everyone else in the room) -- then did the Qi shot. Patient reaction - WOW - that was the 2nd time that - that has happened to me. It was one big boost and I felt everything leave me. He exclaimed - I am all better - we watched him for about 10 minutes - no nose running and his skin color had totally changed. He did look all better - I will have to follow-up with his mom on Friday and find out. Brion aka Kempomaster
  15. Hello - Kempomaster - Brion B. Here -- I don't know if the average Tao Bum reader realizes how valuable this offer is....I am one of Michael Lomax's Senior Students and have been practicing with him for some time now. i have also practiced Martial Arts for over 35 years and been exposed to and me tmany very talented Masters in the field of Martial Arts. Many of those have tried to manipulate energy - however - none have come close to the mastery that Michael Lomax has. Plus, the system of Stillness-Movement and his movement system -- Gift of the Tao -- allows you to feel the energy almost from the moment you begin practicing the movements. Let me give an example: I was invited to fill-in as a Qigong Master at a Well Known Martial Arts Weekend Camp - when their regular Qigong Man had something else to do. This martial arts group had been following this particular Qigong style - many for over 3 years - without being able to "feel" the Qi. I gave a brief introduction giving as i should credit to the Masters of the Lineage - Hu Yao Zhen, Zhou Qian Quan, Chen Yin Ming , Jing Wei Qiao, Liu Jui Zhen, and of course Michael's teacher Wang Jue Min - Then I began to teach the moves from the "Gift of the Tao 1" - within 4-5 minutes (there were 50+ people in the room) more than half the people in the room got big smiles on their faces - they couldn't believe it -- this is what Qigong is suppose to be! They could actually FEEL it! Then they started to sway with the movements - some people started to sweat - they were getting so hot! After I finished - they wouldn't let me leave -- the questions began - the questions wouldn't stop. Finally - one of the attendee's that had been doing the other Qigong for 3 years announced -- this Gift of the Tao - Stillness-Movement is the real thing -- I can no longer do the imitation - fake stuff, I am going to have to follow Brion and ask him to teach me - which I have gladly done. The DVD - Gift of the Tao 1 is extremely valuable -- it will step you through those movements and once you learn it - it will be yours - forever. Then you will have - Gift of the Tao 2 -- which you just have to do -- it takes you to a much Higher level -- when I teach it in class -- the students generally have to sit for a bit and gather themselves - before they get back in their cars and drive home - it is the ultimate de-stressor. You really have to have attended class to appreciate the Taoist Medicine DVD -- it won't do you much good with the background of class -- but - once you have had a class -- it will be a tremendous resource and is worth at least $300 itself -- Here is where we need to give credit to Dr. Vincent Graef for teaching Michael the Taoist Medicine. That word "Taoist" is thrown around quite often, however, in my 35 years of traveling about in Martial Arts I have seen people who thought they knew healing, acupuncture, etc - and I have never seen anyone that could do anything close to what we can do with the Taoist Medicine or our Energy project We Qi Lia Fa that Master Wang taught Michael. If I were you - any just thinking about signing up -- the value of those DVD's would be enough to get me to sign-up quickly and get the DVD's -- maybe get him to send them to me - and try to start practcing - Gift of the Tao 1- prior to class. Hey - maybe I will see you there. Brion aka Kempomaster
  16. Case Report#2 Also From Indianapolis Qigong Demo Water Qigong/ Kung Fu Female Patient in her Mid 50's having recntly returned from Canada and having had a multi-night stay in Hotels. She had gotten fairly severe sinus congestion, stuffinus etc as a result of her hotel stay. Treatment: Utilize Medical Qigong Treatment Directed towards water then have the patient ingest the water - wait a few minutes for the result. (Patient - had more than 1 issue - so I went ahead and was treating a different issue then checkedback in with the patient on her congestion issue after approximately 5 minutes to see - so this was a self-assessment by the patient to determine whether to water-Fu was an effective treatment for her congestion) Result: Patient after 5 minutes was amazed that her sinus congestion was completely cleared and the sinus pressure and throat pain that she was having was eliminated at that poin in time. The other treatment that I gave her was for plantar fascitis and that treatment took an additional 20 minutes after which I again checked on the congestion and again 20 minutes after that and she was still congestion free and the patient had determined that the water fu treatment was an incredible success. I will report later on the foot treatment that was given as I will contact the patient and ask for her to given me an account of how she feels 4 days post=treatment. thanks, Brion
  17. Case Report: As Reported Above I was approached by an approximately 30 yr old female attendee at the Martial arts/Qigong Demo in Indianapolis - she mentioned that during the time that she was doing the Gift of the Tao Movements she was having a lot of shaking in her legs. I suggested that this may not be unusual that her body may be trying to shake off sick or stagnant Qi while she was doing the Gift of the Tao movements and as a test a projected Qi at her abdomen and in fact her legs started to shake. So I asked her if she would mind being a test subject. Treatment: Project Qi to assorted channels throughout the legs to open these channels including - gall bladder, stomach, spleen, liver, kidney, and bladder, during the treatment I inquired to the patient how she had injured her back. She immediately looked at me with that look -- How did you know? as we had not discussed a back injury! she said she had injured her back riding horses several years earlier - so the treatment expanded from her legs to also included her back along her spine and bladder channel on both sides of the back. I continued to project to these channels and pull sick Qi until I felt the treatment was complete. Then I tested with another test shot of Qi to the abdomen -- this time NO leg shaking. I asked the patient to walk around and self-assess her legs. She said they felt much LIGHTER and not like they had before and now she had no back pain - even though she had not brought the back pain to my attention before. So she felt 100% better. The treatment took me approximately 15 minutes to administer.
  18. This is Kempomaster posting an experience from this past weekend. I was invited to give a Qigong Demonstration at a Martial Arts Camp in Indianapolis, Indiana - This camp was part of a 3 day festival celebrating Professor George Dillman's 70th Birthday. Prior to this event many of the participants had been studying various forms of Qigong including but not limited to Wild Goose Qigong and many had shared with me that they had invested up to a year or more of study and purchased many dvd's yet were not feeling any of the energetics. Now, I can't speak to the actual time and effort each of these individuals may have put into developing a feel for the Qi but what transpired was truly eye opening. First, I took about 10 -15 minutes to introduce my audience (approx 35+ Martial artists) to my Teacher - Michael Lomax and the Stillness-Movement Lineage, Including Master Wang Jue Min as well as the 5 Masters that he studied with, I also briefly intoduced Dr. Vincent Graef as he represented the Taoist Medicine Lineage. Since I was working with Martial Artist - I felt compelled to tell a story about Master Hu Yao Zhen (one of Master Wang's teachers) - Master Hu in addition to being a Master of Qigong was also Master of Xingi (martial arts) and was regarded for his technique - single finger shakes heaven and earth. After my 15 minute intro - I had 45 minutes left to work movements from Gift of the Tao with a group of individuals that had NEVER worked these movements. NEVER WORKED THESE MOVEMENTS. I Taught the 1st three movements - in slow motion -- so we could all move with the QI - FEEL the Qi -- we did this for about 10 minutes.. After 10 minutes we started over and did the same three movements again -- slow motion -- Move with the QI -- FEEL the QI. WE HEATED UP THE ROOM so much -- we had to take a short break and get water and re-group. WE Worked Movements for a total of about 40 minutes - then I accepted questions for 5 minutes before my allotted time was up. RESULTS: Overwhelming -- the crowd announced immediate results like no other Qigong they had tried before they felt the QI.....THEY were so impressed that they actually FELT the QI. AFTER JUST THE FIRST SESSION -- they didn't have to buy multiple dvd's, attend muliple seminars etc etc before they started to feel the Qi -- they got it after just 40 minutes. Now that didn't happen in 100% of the cases. There were some people that were trying to use Martial technique -- snap, snap , man handle etc -- rather, then soft, smooth, easy, handle and absorb the Qi As I worked with the group though - more and more people kept flowing into the room -- by the time my 1 hour was done -- I had over 50 people in the room that were all trying to get caught up and learn the 5 moves from the Gift of the Tao that I taught. Next, I did 3 REAL time Healing Demo's -- chose 3 from the crowd that approached me -- 100% results -- I will report on those next -- I did have to leave the room after that -- because all 50 were wanting some healing after the 1st three got results. thanks for reading. Brion aka Kempomaster
  19. Neigong at the Beach!

    Gift of the Tao and Stillness-Movement at the Beach - especially at Hilton Head. 1st - Hilton Head beach is a very unique beach - the sand is much like that at Daytona Beach - where if they let you you could drive a car down the beach (no cars on the beach in Hilton Head), however, you will have to be content riding bikes down the beach - there are bike rentals all over the beach and I am guessing that in November you could probably rent a beach bike for 4 days for $25. Not bad. Also, since the sand is packed so tightly - it makes for easy movements in practicing Gift of the Tao on the beach. Caution though - as this area seems to have a unique energetic vortex - you should find that the Qi gets extremely thick, extremely fast. I mean unusually thick. It was like my arms were trying to stir cake batter. Then after working G.O.T. 1 for one complete sequence - I had shifted energetically to a different dimension. It was as if a pert of me had left the island and travelled to a different planet - but I was still watching the earth bound me walk around on the beach. - So the G.O.T. combined with the natural Qi that abounds on Hilton Head are a very calming mixture. When I was not practcing movements - I was sitting on the beach practicing Stillness-Movement. One of those beach chairs that almost sit on the ground worked very nicely. Again, the shift was quite dramatic and I found that I could practice S-M for most of the morning - while my wife read her book. Of course, she would occasionally ask me a question - and my response was probably - huh, what, no I don't wanna come back, I've gone to a amazing place of pure light. So, I think anyone that attends will really enjoy the energetics of the Island. Now - as Michael said - our meeting room - has windows across the front of it that allow us to see the sea (ocean). The ocean is right there, this Holiday Inn is updated and nice - the fact that it is right on the beach makes the nightly rate even more attractive. What I like as well - is that this will be off-season and would should be able to visit the beach and not feel crowded. Plus, when you go out for lunch or dinner , there should not be a long wait - if any wait. Lastly, the location of the Holiday Inn is in Coligny Plaza - sort of a little village within itself which is also very nice. Once you are there - you can park your car and walk everywhere - grocery store within 2 blocks, plenty of restaurants nearby, CVS drug store - everything is within walking distance. So think about it -- no, if this workshop is talking to you...yes you. Then I think you should attend and give Beach Qigong a try. You'll be glad you did. thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  20. Oh my goodness I have to warm up my kidding machine - Just Kidding - but, just for Harry. If Harry is coming to Finland them I am coming to Finland. (Brion aka - Kempomaster) I also have a really good story about shielding. Shielding will be something that Michael will discuss at the workshop. WE, use shielding to protect ourselves from any stagnant qi that we are burning off of a patient, we can use shielding to protect us from harmful situations. The shielding story I will present involves protecting someone else from a harmful situation. About 2 weeks ago my daughter (Age 24 - today) had her Gall Bladder removed - the gall bladder was sluggish and off/on I had treated her with success yet she was still having issues with many foods that she ate. So about 3 days after surgery she was ready to venture out with a friend. As she walked out the door I felt the need to throw a shield around her to protect her while she was out. A little voice told me - "while your at it, go ahead and throw a shield around Erik -(my son age 28,) he was attending a concert in a town about 100 miles away from my home town. So, I threw the shields around both - and with confidence - didn't worry about things after that. My daughter cam home later that night - no problems. My son got back - mid-afternoon the next day. He was wide eyed and said the wildest thing had happened for which he had no explanation. He and several hundred others were camping in Tents in large field that had some trees around the edges of the field. They were all camping following the concert that he (they) had attended. He said for some reason he felt the need to get out of his tent and move into his car and sleep (his car was right next to his tent). What he couldn't explain was when he woke up the next morning to total devastation that had hit the area while he slept. Trees were fallen near his car and everybody's camping gear - tents, chairs, awnings, everything was totally destroyed. The tents were ripped to shred's - he said all in little pieces , chairs were all bent and destroyed, THAT IS EVERYONES - EXCEPT HIS! He said it was as if he had a protective circle around his campsite - NOT A SINGLE ITEM of HIS WAS EVEN DISTURBED. The devatsation that had hit everyone else had left him alone. He had downed trees nearby - but the stayed outside his circle. When I told him that I had thrown a shield around him the night before - he replied that had to be it! He couldn't understand how his stuff was completely untouched and everyone elses was destroyed! I explained - Stillness-Movement is very powerful Qigong. We need to listen...the more we work at our Qigong the more this lineage will help out. I could have just thrown the shield around my daugher - but - something told me to shield my sone as well. This is pretty cool stuff -- I am looking forward to meeting everyone in Finland in September. Look out Harry - I am saving my best stuff for you. Thanks Brion aka Kempomaster
  21. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Oh my gosh - you have to be kidding me are an undergrad and you believe that peer review means a faculty of one....wake up. Peer reviewed journals generally have committee members where several experts in a field of study will review the content of a study/pubklication for various errors, ommissions, correct statistical analysis, etc. As I stated my background - Pharmaceuticals - 23+ years - I have detailed physicians on various studies that cover a variety of Meds (thousands of studies in my 23+ years). I have also spent considerable time with many Internationally known Medical Doctor/Professors that have published hundreds and in some cases thousands of scientific studies that were all published in "peer reviewed" journals - ie - New England Journal Of Medicine, Journal of American Medical Association, Journal of Ob/Gyn and on and on. Furthermore in my time with these Professionals they had taught me as well as my Company had taught me all the intricacies of Medical Studies and what is a properly designed study and what is not. So, I think with that being said I would gladly follow their advice before I would take heed to a Undergrad Student and his/her Peer Review of one! Furthermore, treating real issues that are presented in Humans or animals - Horses, Dogs etc - when these real issues have been previously diagnosed by a Medical Professional is much more credible than myself or someone else trying to create the Medical Experiment with Mice - especially a pain experiment - and then try to deduce that the mice indeed feel better.. So thanks for your thoughts - but I will stick with my results and my many observational data that I have collected over several years. The results were the results - almost 100% success as rated by the patient being treated = many of them being Medical Professionals - Doctors, Nurses, and their staff. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  22. Scientific Approach to Practice

    I have indeed worked on a number of animals -- mostly dogs and horses. One case in particular involved a horse that was owned by a doctor of Veterinary Medicine. She had tried many approaches to help heal one of her horses that had developed a physical issue - The approaches she tried included the service of an Equine Vet, an acupuncturist, and a chiropractor. None of the previous attempts had helped the horse. After 1 Taoist Treatment - the horse (which had an S.I. misalignment - causing it to drag his right rear leg) no longer dragged the leg. After 3 treatments the Vet/Owner pronounced the alignment as back to normal, walk and or gate - back to normal, and the horse had stopped ":cribbing" eating wood to sooth pain. The Vet then gave me a letter of recommendation for anyone wanting treatment for their animal. Another local Doctor of Veterinary Medicine has called me and had me come into the office to work on injured dogs --- One in particular had a severe spinal injury - the dog screamed non-stop when it came in and was going to be put to sleep - I treated the dog w/Taoist Treatment 3 successive days and the dog went home the next day - normal no problems - no residual problems as confirmed by the Vet and the dogs owner. These are just a few examples of animals that I have treated -- one would assume that we don't get a placebo effect with animals - either it works or it doesn't. In the above cases - it wasn't the body's ability to heal itself as the results were almost instant - the treatment(s) were given when other modalities had failed. I have not scanned the study in question onto this thread as it is over 25 pages and length and I don't see the purpose of posting the entire study - I may do that in the future. My purpose with case reportsd and letting readers know about the study is to introduce others to the world of Medical Qigong and the various ailments that can be successfully treated with Medical Qigong and Taoist Medicine. This stuff works - over and over and over. In humans and in animals. Animals are very rewarding to treat as they have different ways of showing their appreciation. The horse above - Killion - would wrap is neck around me and push me back to work on him more. He reacted just as humans do to Taoist Treatment - yawn big times - over and over, sway back and forth, and stomp his feet as the "Sick Qi" was expelled from his body. When I went to visit him on a follow-up after the 3rd treatment -- he galloped across the pasture to see me. His owner/Vet - confirmed he hadn't galloped for over 2 years - but the Taoist Treatment made the difference. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  23. Scientific Approach to Practice

    Iam adding a reply to the suggestion that I might be "snake oil salesman" - of course you never know that might have a beneficial effect for some purpose -- Yes it does - anti-venim- perhaps you should have been injected with some to reduce the venom in your words. So - a Scientific Study is not a study - unless it is in a Peer reviewed journal and then has been replicated. In terms of new drug approvals that ius true - the Medicine generally need to have gone through various phases of study and been able to replicate the results. At which point the material is submitted to the FDA which usually send the application back with instructions on areas of further concern....etc..etc..etc Now in the case of the Scientific study that I was referring to - if you took the time to read all of the posts - which it doesn't appear that you did. I pointed out that the study was a paper for a Graduate Level - State University Class. Having wotrked in the Pharmaceutical World for almost 24 yrs I know a fair amount about the design, parameters, statistical analysis, limitations, etc of a "Study". I have also spent a great deal of time with many Physicians/Professors that have designed hundreds of Scientific Studies and yes most of them were published in various Scientic Journals - all peer reviewed, all top of the medical/scientific world -- so I am very familiar with what is a proper Scientific Study and what is not. As I pointed out in my original post - I posted the info to show that in fact a study has been done in which - we had two groups properly divided - each treated by a Medical Qigong practitioner - each group having beliefs that either this type of treatment would work or they firmly believed that the treatment would not work. There was a well accepted Stanbdard Pain scale used - which Medical Doctors use daily - whereby a patient self-rates their pain 1 no pain to 10 extreme pain. Each patient completed a belief survey and pain survey prior to and post treatment. The results were undeniable in that the Medical Qigong Treatments worked regardless of belief in therapy and the results were highly statistically significant using a 95% confidence interval. These resu;lts and the paper were presented to the University Professor and received an excellent score. I have also stated the limitations of such a small scale study - 20 people - limited to the course of a semester and suggested that with SOMEONE willing to pay for a large scale study - University or otherwise - that I would donate my time to help prove the effectiveness of Medical Qigong and Taoist Neuro-energetic Medicine. This Qigong simply works - my own observational studies - (look it up - these are done all the time) has shown that the techniques I use have an effectiveness rate of 98% or better. The 2% that don't seem to hit the "healed mark" are those that are generally lost to follow-up (look that up also - as most large studies generally have 5 - 10% lost to follow-up or patients don't follow the guidelines for treatment -ie- they take other meds, don't come back for additional meds or treatment) The cases that I refer to are not a mere handful - 20 or 30 cases - the number is well over 800 cases and I see 98% or better success rate. Last night I had an approx 40 yr old female patient with assorted pain complaints - consistent with fibromyalgia. She rated her pain prior to treatment at a 9 on a scale of 1 no pain to 10 extreme pain. The treatment took me approx 1 1/2 hours to complete. I utilized the Taoist Neuroenergetic Medicine treatment and upon completion the patient was completely amazed and rated her paion at a 2 - in otherwords almost no pain at all and that was after one treatment. Now - yes- I will have to do follow-up to see whether the patients pain scale remains at a 2 - yet - I did recommend additional treatments and this is where the patient has some responsibility. Today - I treated an approx 45 yr old Male - Medical Doctor - that called me and asked me to help him with extreme pain in his mid-back and neck and stiffness unable to move his neck. Again, the treatment I used was Taoist Medicine - combined with Medical Qigong/Off-Body Qi projection. The treatment lasted 1 hour. The patient (A MEDICAL DOCTOR) rated his pain as completely resolved and his range of motion for his neck - as "Back to Normal". These are results that I have come to expect with the Energetic Treatments that I use - the Treatments were taught to me by - Michael Lomax, he was taught Medical Qigong by MASTER Wang Juemin and the Taoist Medicine br Dr. Vincent Graef. If you would like to know more about the amazing Lineage of Healing - I would be happy to post the other Masters names from the Lineage. This stuff works in amazing fashion. There is nothing wrong with questioning whether it works or suggesting scientific studies to validate. But if you want to sit back and criticize and you have never really taken the time to attend a valid seminar or more fully investigate the truth then you are just spewing hogwash because you like the way your words look in print. To design and complete a study takes money - Doctors that have come up with great off-label uses for med's are not the ones that are charged with doing a study. Typically - Large Companies will - perhaps Insurance or Managed Care Companies that see the benefit of treatment and overall reduced cost of treatment for patients by utilizing Medical Qigong or Large Hospitals or Institutions. As I stated previously - I would be happy to donate my time to treat the patients and prove that these treatments are in fact phenominal and could be a big part of Medicine of the Future. So when you get the study organized - please call me! Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster
  24. Brief case report - Combination Taoist Neuro-Energetic Balancing, Qi projection, Open Energy Gates. I had a 55 yr old male call me on Thursday - he sounded really depressed about something - his comment - Brion, I really need your help I am in so much pain I can't sleep at night. I asked him the source of the pain - he replied my shoulder - Of course I assumed it was his left shoulder as I had worked on that shoulder on a previous occasion. So I asked for confirmation on the left shoulder. He said no - that shoulder hadn't bothered him since I had done the Medical Qigong for him approx 9 months earlier. He was depressed over the prospect that his body was simply breaking down as he aged and he does a great deal of physical work for a living - he is owner of an auto shop/mechanic - lot's of lifting, twisting, rotating etc. Of course I did reinforce that we do "fall apart" as we age and we can only do the best we can to try to stay healthy. I'm not sure my comment helped as he insisted he was in a lot of pain - it was getting worse and again he was having a lot of trouble sleeping. Treatment: Taoist Neuro-Energetic Balancing, open energy gates at wrists, Qi projection - Lung Channel, Large Intestine Channel, Triple Warmer Channel, and Small Intestine Channel. Direct Qi projection to the area of the shoulder that was causing the pain. AND - I always treat both sides for balance. Results - During Taoist Treatment - sick qi was burning off out of hands and face. Then immediately upon opening the energy gates at wrists his neck released and he gained mobility that he didn't realize he didn't have until freedom arrived. As I projected Qi on the right arm -- sick qi was continuosly running out the left arm - then as I changed projection to the left he finally took a deep breath and got to a much deeper state of relaxation. At the point of balance the patient exclaimed - WOW! Do I feel better! Oh my gosh the pain is almost completely gone - at least 80 - 90% of my pain is gone! That is just incredible! Up to this point point I had noticed that his wife was occasionally peeking into the room. This time she looked in the room and asked "Did that really help you"? He said again -- yes it's just incredible how much better he felt overall - much calmer - "Lighter" - those were his words. Of course after she saw how much better he felt - she had to ask me - "How on earth does that stuff work" I took about 15 minutes to explain - Medical Qigong and Taoist Medicine - But I told her if she really wanted to know..... Then she should attend one of Michael Lomax's Seminars - Stillness-Movement, Gift of the Tao/Neigong Movement, Medical Qigong, Taoist Medicine.... the stuff is just too cool for words! Thanks Brion aka Kempomaster
  25. Taoist Chinese Medicine

    I practice this Taoist Chinese Medicine and have exceptional results on just about every case that I work on. I have worked on tons of people and quite a few animals including dogs and horses. With one particular horse - the horse - Killion was owned by a doctor of Vet. Med. He had a physical ailment that caused his hind quarters to be misaligned - they had tried an Equine Vet, an Acupuncturist, and a Chiropractor. They did not get any results with any of the previous approaches - finally I talked them into allowing me to tr this Taoist Medicine on their horse. The entire treatment was quite amazing - the treatment usually puts most humans into sort of a trance or intermittent deep sleep. Well Killion the Horse was no exception -- he yawned over and over while repeatedly smacking his lips. His big eyes got droopy and his head hung towards the ground. His tail whipped in circles while I was working on the hind quarter - all said - the treatment took me about 2 hours to do. Horses are big. Afterwards - the Vet walked Killion in the arena and guess what - he was no longer dragging the hind foot that he had dragged for over 2 years. He even let his owner saddle him up and ride and he hadn't been ridden fot over 2 years. Over the course of the next 3 weeks I did 2 more treatments on Killion and by the last treatment his alignment was back to normal and he galloped to the fence to greet me whenever i came to visit. The Vet was amazed - the horse was pleased and their other horses begin making noise - they wanted treated also. Now fast forward to about 2 weeks ago - I was vacationing in Hilton Head Island, S.C. -- I visited the horse stables on several days while on vacation. In order to get the horses to come say hello to me - I started doing Stillness-Movement Qigong while standing near the fence - I used energetics to invite the nearest horse to come visit me. he finally walked up to see what was going on with me. I used calming energy projection - then started to do Taoist Med for him - he got right into the groove, started yawning etc, when he had his fill another lined up and then another. One horse came from across the pasture to see what all the fuss was. he got right in line and got his Treatment. After 6 horses - I decided i would have to come back tomorrow for additional treatments as there was about 25 horses in pasture and that would have taken me forever. Note: I was not giving each horse a full treatment, rather, I would search out the areas that needed treated and do the taoist technique. And yes - when I cam back the next day - horses came back over to greet me. However, one in particular kept chasing the other horses off so I could just work on him - so he got his moneys worth. This Taoist Med is very cool stuff - i use it for all sorts of treatments - if others are interested I would be happy to post additional case reports of a variety of human ailments that this technique has helped. AND if I am not mistaken I believe Michael Lomax just released a DVD that goes into great detail on how to do the technique - I think it helps to attend a seminar and learn 1st hand , but, the DVD is a great resource to reinforce what one has just learned. Thanks, Brion aka Kempomaster