The Observer

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Everything posted by The Observer

  1. Truth is Universal

    Maybe truth is universal though and I just can't see it yet. It seems every religion is divided into the outer portion for popular consumption and the inner mystic part for monks/priests. I've heard stories of Orthodox Russian hermit priests that cultivate abilities not unlike Qigong Masters (i.e being able to see "God's Plan" for people....sounds alot like Masters that can read your karma)
  2. If you want free time and don't wanna work for 40 hours a week, work your ass off in school get good grades and make a name for yourself; you're not the only one that wants these things and you have to earn them. Like Lerner said get the medical degree and the right doors will open up. Being that the medical field is as lucrative as it is, you can fund any other dreams you have later with the money you'll be making from the medical stuff. Matter of fact, that's what I'm doing now (College--->Med. type degree--->Occupational Therapist---> Acupuncture and Herbology College---->My dream career). I'm sorry if came off mean, but I went through the same worries you did and I realized I had to spark the fire within me to drive forward. Keep your head up! Too add also..the heart/logic is a false duality. The logic is to make your heart happy by following your path.
  3. How can you meditate if you can't breathe?

    Find a certified doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine/whatever paradigm you're into...until then you can try a few things: 1) Cupping the arms opens up the lung channels. 2)Try brewing her tea with honey, lemon and ginger. This simple remedy allowed me to cure a nasty case of sinusitis I had when I sucked up too many of my own boogers.
  4. Truth is Universal

    I wouldn't jump to any conclusions about Orthodox Christian theology as I'm not following that path or their teachings...sometimes it's just better to focus on one path instead of jumping from one to the next trying to correlate them all. Just some friendly advice, don't wanna rain on your parade.
  5. A Brief Commentary on Lao Tzu's intentions...

    With regards to the DDJ being written only for rulers* of countries: Are we not all ruler's, at least of our own body? Perhaps the principles of the DDJ may be applied to the microcosm of the body, then the family, eventually reaching out towards infinity. *Perhaps like a literal ruler (measuring stick), the ruler should be the bar by which everything else is measured by. Just a thought that crossed my mind.
  6. Science is still too basic to completely explain energetic phenomena. When it fully breaks out of it's reductionist, materialist shell it may make some head way. IMO the Yin-Yang/Five Element Theory is superior to western science because of the inherent disunity (in "modern" science) between the various scientific fields; be they Chemistry, Biology or Physics compared to the holistic view of constantly trans mutating elements seamlessly reflected from the micro to the macro. The disunity we see today may be a result of the subordination of science to corporate-state research programs that keep different research and development teams compartmentalized so that various groups of scientists working on the same project are kept in the dark about what the other research team is doing.
  7. Tao particle

    I don't know if it's relevant but if I'm not mistaken doesn't: Jing correspond to Solid (Yin, Earth) Chi " " Liquid (Transition between Yin/Yang, Man) Shen " " Gas (Yang, Heaven) Anywho I can't say I can even fathom the thought of Tao, let alone a particle that embodies it. I'm thinking that perhaps if someone did glimpse it something crazy would happen like they lose their mind or their head blows up lol. On a serious note however, I think the Dao concept is beyond science. Western science is a primitive technology; at least compared to the full body of traditional Chinese knowledge.
  8. How do Taoists feel about having pets?

    In reply to the OP, I believe that having pets doesn't go against the way. If I'm not mistaken even ants engage in a form of domestication in which they farm a certain other insect that produces a milk like substance that serves as sustenance for the ant colony. In any case just by existing we are engaging in a form of interference so pursuing "non-interference" is a difficult, if not impossible, endeavor. Following the Way is more akin to harmonizing and co-creating with nature than being totally passive. I mean sometimes you literally have to do nothing, but sometimes you have to take action. Just some humble thoughts from a fellow walker of the Way
  9. you are your teacher

    I tried being my own teacher but then realized I didn't know sh*t lol .
  10. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Yeah man I also came across that info online, additionally I also saw that it is apparently disrespectful to have one in your bedroom so I ended up putting him on a bookcase next to my door, sort of like a sentry. Lmao I better not sleep with my mouth open. Damn that's crazy. I coulda swore one of my statues kept doing that....could be all in my head though. This story brings Robert the Doll to mind.
  11. Trying to find out who these gods are...

    Yikes. Well looks like Virtue is right. I may want to get a proper Lu statue...Thanks for the replies guys. On a different note if anyone happens to know about Feng Shui is it bad to have Guan Yu standing right above my head while I sleep?
  12. Bruce Kumar Frantzis

    Great great video. I always forget how important relaxing is. Thanks
  13. [TTC Study] Chapter 4 of the Tao Teh Ching

    When one meditates and reaches a moment of being refreshed and invigorated and the self is cast off, even for a second, this phrase truly comes to life. I think you could compare the Tao to a vast, deep lake that we're all swimming in. The crazy part is that 99 percent of us get thirsty and desperately search for water, forgetting we are swimming in the very stuff that can replenish us.
  14. A perfect wuwei act

    I think this is a great real life example of what happens when a government loses Dao. Luckily the Dao De Jing tells us: "That which goes against the Dao comes to an early end."
  15. A perfect wuwei act

    Great post, as always Taomeow (I'm a sparse poster and a longtime lurker).
  16. Year of the Water Dragon

    Anyone wanna do a reading for me? I'll pm my 4 pillars info....

    This was a refreshing and enjoyable post to read. Thank you!
  18. I've come across some important information that made me realize the importance of knowing myself. I think astrology could serve as an important aid in this matter, so getting to the heart of this post, can anyone here recommend any good Chinese astrology/Bazi books or material?
  19. Any good Chinese Astrology/Bazi books?

  20. Taoist Bed Chamber Arts?

    Hmmm. Thanks for the links, guys. I may need more time to digest them. Anyone have any experience with Daniel Reid's material? I have my doubts about Mr. Mantak Cha's methods....
  21. Desire for diffrent reality

    I don't necessarily speak for Marblehead, but I think he's saying that in crucial moments it is good to forget yourself (sense of self). When that happens you are operating at 100% clarity, thus able to carry out decisions according to the Tao. A decision that is in accord with the Way can be said to be not doing because the doer is at one with the Way. Hope that made sense. I think most of us have had an experience like it before (to varying degrees of intensity and impact). Here's an example of what I think it means: When I used to meditate Zen style, one of my favorite moments was when I temporarily forgot who I was and a great big smile cracked on my face.
  22. [TTC Study] Chapter 39 of the Tao Teh Ching

    You know what...I agree w/ you. Same ideas, different words! I guess I just felt like people want to make the leap straight to intuitive without doing the necessary work (not directed at you Zero, just speaking in general).
  23. Tai Ji Sparring

    What you say about learning from anything is true in a relative sense...however when learning a martial style it's a lot simpler to go to a qualified teacher that can give you advice and feedback than say a book on, for example, taijiquan which can't correct subtle errors you might not pick up on in the same way a live teacher can. Additionally I think you should look at how a man carries his personal life before you start taking his advice; clearly Lee did not act like a master off screen, so (at least for me) that doesn't make him a truly worthy teacher. A book I highly recommend if you like chess and Tai Chi Chuan is The Art of Learning by chess prodigy/master and Tai Chi push-hands world champ Josh Waitzkin. It addresses a lot of the issues you brought up.
  24. How does it feel to Party while in an Enlightened Egoless State?

    I don't think a man of wisdom would engage in excessive drinking and drugs that would bring short term suffering upon himself and make him a burden to others.
  25. Chuang Tzu Chapter 5, Section A

    Personally I would love to hear your thoughts! One of the main reasons I post here is to read others thoughts and see my own assumptions proven wrong.