The Observer

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Everything posted by The Observer

  1. What I see here is not a disagreement on core concepts really. I just see an argument between one set of teachings vs another. I'm sure the view from the top of the mountain is just as lovely for those accomplished in Vajrayana as it is for those in Zen Buddhism.
  2. Reacting to compliments

    So your theory implies different levels of truth from individual to individual? Personally I think truth is just your input of rules (mental programming) into a system (reality). Logic is a useful tool, but only in appropriate situations. Just as I say, wouldn't use a wrench to hammer a nail into the wall, I wouldn't say use logic to write a poem or tell my girlfriend I love her. I guess it's different because I've had a few poignant lucid/semi-lucid experiences that make it a personal knowing for me. But I agree with what you say about subconscious projection onto dream states; who's to say I wasn't doing it either?
  3. [TTC Study] Chapter 18 of the Tao Teh Ching

    So when unspoken virtues need to be taught and instilled it's a sign that things have gotten rotten?
  4. How did you get here?

    I think I came here because I was looking for alternatives to my previous Sivananda Yoga practice!
  5. Dependent Origination

    I highly respect Buddhism and your beliefs but personally I genuinely think the key is to love and appreciate the permanence of impermanence. We are all constantly transforming and changing, it's a fact of life so I just try to roll with the punches and accept heartache and pain as another part of life. Perhaps Nirvana lies within Samsara? Without sadness, I would not be able to distinguish the flavor of happiness!
  6. Reacting to compliments

    Well lol technically no...I just became a bit confused as to what it was you were saying. Although to be fair I could have tried a little harder to understand, instead of being lazy and just asking! Well all that presumes, for example that is physical reality is the only one that exists/matters. Yes certain things are true, in a relative way however. Generally speaking you are talking about absolute truth/absolute reality, which I don't think exists per se. I think it's more along the lines of, you manifest your own reality. Interesting you use these examples because in the first car example, I genuinely believe if your focus is powerful enough/you've many decades of meditative experience or spiritual training you can literally manifest things (instantly) in your reality. Shoot, you even manifest your reality in more subtle ways, all the time! From my personal experience, the dream state and reality are not that different from each other. My take is this: The dream state is a sort of a trainer version of physical reality, in that it is very easy to manifest and create various things. Reality (waking/physical awareness), however requires more muscle (IE greater concentration, focus) in order to change things.
  7. [TTC Study] Chapter 20 of the Tao Teh Ching

    Haha, good point! Hmmm, you make more good points lol. However, I don't believe that just because we've been operating a certain way for a long time, we should just continue in that fashion. After all, what is the Tao but change itself?
  8. Dependent Origination

    Could be true! I actually believe this to a large extent. If reality is just a giant feedback loop would you really want this as your manifestation (that because you are human you can't aspire towards higher things)? I think maybe existence is formless and meaningless, but as consciousness we give it form and purpose, so why not aspire towards a happy, exciting and beautiful experience?
  9. Reacting to compliments

    What do you do naturally? Reject compliments? (I'm genuinely curious, I hope I don't sound mean.) What is your truth? How did you come across it?
  10. [TTC Study] Chapter 20 of the Tao Teh Ching

    To my knowledge fear comes from a lack of wisdom/confidence. I have had a few lessons with fear and while a useful tool there's better ways of dealing with, or reacting to dangerous situations.
  11. Reacting to compliments

    I wholeheartedly agree with Fiveelementtao as well! I once got a fortune cookie that said "Things in life should be simple". I tend to agree. I try not to be burdened with an "ego" construct that I need to destroy. Walking around with that kind of stuff in my head makes life quite complicated. I think the way to liberation is not shadowboxing with madeup enemies! In general I try to just be a practical and more importantly good (well, I try ) person. So yes accept their gift with a smile and heartfelt thanks!
  12. Dependent Origination

    You've hit a wall that can only be passed through by direct experience. No amount of debate is going to bring you to the direct perception you're looking for. Being told about enlightenment is never the same as enlightenment.
  13. competition, dominanance and violence

    "A virtuous person promotes agreement. A person without virtue promotes blame." Lao Tzu
  14. What is your Enlightenment paradigm?

    Maybe we should find out for ourselves; first hand?
  15. buddhist practice

    Ultimately they are different paths to the same place. In practical terms however, stick to one practice and respect that practice and/or master's teachings by not mixing it with others in an ill-informed manner.
  16. Unhelpful judgment, or a taste of the truth?

    I think you are right in taking responsibility for your own actions and not playing the blame game. Don't put yourself down though!
  17. Is visualization important?

    Practice makes perfect
  18. Tai Chi: Stillness through Motion DVD

    You familiar with Sifu Wei Lun Huang by any chance?
  19. Stop complaining about suffering this/suffering that. By believing yourself to be the victim you actually create the situation. Take initiative and do whatever is necessary to get were you want to be. Don't let yourself be abused and pick yourself up. This world's a dog eat dog world and often times people will not help you so don't depend on them. But when you do pick yourself up do try to be helpful and courteous to others
  20. Hermit Video

    This doesn't sound too enlightened to real hermits have internet access? He may need an old Zen master to woop his ass and get his head out of the clouds.
  21. Basic Ba Gua book recommendation

    Hey, I found a local Baguazhang teacher in my area, Master Wei Lun Huang (Master Huang's website). Anyone heard of him? Is he the real deal?
  22. The Way of the Warrior

    Impossible, I posted them up a few minutes ago lol. READ don't skim!
  23. Ressources for Taoist study areas

    I'm about to study from a book called "Chinese Natural Cures" by Henry C. Lu. It gives a brief rundown of various herbal/food remedies for various illnesses as well as a very good rundown of the Taoist understanding of the human anatomy. If it helps, start by learning Taoist anatomy then everything else will make more sense. So far this approach has been helping me (although I've only just begun myself).
  24. The Way of the Warrior

    Why? I can't hate you for your opinion or beliefs...if you truly feel committed to this path then no one can stop you, but open your mind and properly inform yourself; deeply probe into yourself before you take this next step... Then the rest is all you ! Best of luck in whatever endeavor you undertake Dreams! Visit these links, read them and then talk about paranoia: To be aware of the whole truth, even the ugly part you'd rather deny, is better than conforming to what they spoon feed you through television and the media. I'm sorry if I hurt anybody's feelings but I feel the whole picture must be shown before we start making judgments based on skewed misconceptions.
  25. The Way of the Warrior

    Frankly I find all this talk about dying for your country kind of pointless. My philosophy has always been, worry about immediate family and friends first, then worry about the community and so on and so forth. Dying for politicians in DC is pretty low on my priority list. And in regards to the War on Terror (or whatever it's called these days), it's completely fabricated. Our supposed casus-belli, 9/11, is completely illegitimate as it was conducted as a false flag operation by the same U.S government that screamed bloody murder, kind of like the Gulf of Tonkin. So the whole deal (yes, even Afghanistan) is a big lie. Don't believe the hype.