The Observer

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Everything posted by The Observer

  1. Salutations!

    Hey guys I'm new to the forum so I figured I'd pass thru here and say hey.
  2. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    Haha I'll see about that sir...I feel circumstances may lead me to this but not yet.
  3. Enlightenment and the Hermit

    Thanks for the insights everyone. Very, very helpful
  4. Military Training

    Ahhh....I would but my own attachments are holding me back friend...I do live with the guilt of holding a double standard though. However in the meanwhile I hope to continue learning from all who I come across both hostile and friendly, perhaps until the choice becomes clear in my head. And yes I agree with Drew's statements for the most part. I actually had to write a paper on the !Kung society (Bushmen) for an anthropology class of searching for answers has lead me to similar conclusions as Mr.Hempel.
  5. Military Training

    Do the research on supposedly "savage" societies and you will see that they are more in touch with their own true nature than the majority of us "civilized" (domesticated) people. Yes they are not perfect but they are a long ways better off then the unmitigated disaster called civilization.
  6. Military Training

    Don't join the military with ideals of spiritual advancement. All "govern-ments" going back to the rise of civilization have been corrupt, materialistic and blood thirsty...just do your research on who's really at the top of the pyramid and come to your own conclusions.
  7. Meditation turning me into a nice guy wuss

    Hey I don't pose as an enlightened being nor do I mean this as a personal attack but perhaps consider: #1 What is your definition of a "manly" person? and #2 Where did you get this conception of masculinity from? Was it yours? Was it someone else's? Essentially what I'm driving at is don't fall into a programmed social group (Research social engineering), be your own person and if others label you different, so be it, be master of yourself.