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Everything posted by Jetsun

  1. A gift for Non and other lust-driven men

    You can only get to this stage if you have embraced and normalised your animal sexual centre in the first place, Tibetans don't have hundreds of years of sexual repressive conditioning to work through like many of us do in the west so not many of them understand this. Ken Wilber explains some of these issues very well about how when you transcend a level of your development you have to include all that is below it and if you are still repressed and in the dark in certain areas they will come back and undermine any progress you try to make in your future development
  2. A gift for Non and other lust-driven men

    I think those sorts of meditations are meant for specific people at a specific point in their development, which is why you need a lama to prescribe them. One thing Osho got right was he said in the Christian west there is much guilt around sex, so he worked at trying to get people to embrace and love their sexuality before they even attempt to transcend it otherwise the method could be used as just another way to reject yourself.
  3. I think the natural nature of your heart is compassion so to go against your own nature is to go against the tao, which is like choosing to swim upstream with lots of stress, suffering and wasted energy rather than the natural ease and pleasure of being carried downstream
  4. I have been trying to reply for half an hour but my mind keeps tying itself in knots. While i think good and bad are mind judgements which ultimately don't exist that doesn't mean that there isn't a virtuous or a non virtuous path to take, to not give the money would in the end cause you suffering as well as the boy because even if you can keep guilt from entering your conscious mind your subconscious mind records everything and it may create a barrier to your own development and even if you can keep such feelings out your entire life I believe you would in the end confront them during the death process, so there is always a reconning for your actions in my view.

    You can't read Beelzebub's Tales like a normal book, a lot of what is said within the book is not meant to be taken literally and is often said with a direct purpose and intent, what he said about Kundalini could have been said as a shock just for specific people for the purpose to get people to really question the assumptions they have about Kundalini, so I wouldn't draw too many conclusions form a few statements. But people have tried to equate Gurdjieff to Islam before and failed, it is true that he is influenced by Sufi's but his main mentors were Christian and his work is more often described as esoteric Christianity or Christianity before Christ, while they say it is sourced from many ancient teachings I personally think much of it is based around the teachings of the Essenes. He may not have travelled to India but he did travel extensively in Tibet and didn't say the Buddha was the last genuine messenger from that region as he also talks about "Saint Lama" who some have equated as being Padmasambhava who brought Buddhism back to Tibet.
  6. I saw a programme on tv a few weeks ago about a centre where many of the worlds experts gather to discuss the origins of the universe, when asked if any of them believe in the traditional big bang theory none of them raised their hands, many of them believed in similar theories like multiple big bangs, but I just thought it was interesting that none of the worlds experts agree they all have different theories.
  7. The Lower Chakras

    With anxiety and a sense of not being grounded. I have tried to work with this area in many different ways such as yoga and more psychological methods but haven't found an effective method yet.
  8. The Lower Chakras

    This is pretty interesting dmattwads, I wonder if working on my root and sacral chakra will help. What teaching do you use to work on this area? where did you learn it from?
  9. The Law of Attraction

    You attract what you are but it's just egotism to think most people have power over what you are all the time, just sit down to meditate and you see you have no power over your thoughts and just do a bit of observation in life and you see most people are completely reactive to life and get blown this way and that by their emotions. You can set intents to do something but what do you do with conflicting intents which undermine your aim? it still comes back to finding a way to let go and unlearn things which are blocking your progress which is more or less what Lao Tzu says, rather than exclusively focusing on what you want by repressing anything in you that opposes it.
  10. Beyond Good and Evil

    If you examine things closely enough at the root of all action is the desire to be happy and avoid suffering, then it is difficult to say anything is evil as at the root there is this self compassionate wish, then all that stops that wish from being fulfilled is ignorance about the right path to take not an inherently evil nature.
  11. I was wondering does anyone have any experience of the health and energetic benefits of doing prostrations for a long period? for example in Tibetan tantric practice they prescribe doing 100,000 prostrations as preparatory practice which is said to balance the body and mind and eliminate pride. Supposedly the the hands clasped at the head, throat and heart purify those centres while when you are prostrate having the knees, elbows and head on the floor grounds the energetic currents so they can be released into the earth, which is meant to balance the meridians. I was wondering if anyone can testify to the benefits of this practice as I was working out to do 100,000 you would need to do over a hundred a day for a few years which is quite a prospect
  12. My experience of Cannabis when I used to smoke it regularly was that I initially thought it was teaching me things by cutting through a lot of falsities in life to reveal what is more true, for example cheesy false things on tv and radio were unbearable, I remember watching Cocktail with Tom Cruise and it being physically uncomfortable to watch because of the false cheese. So I thought it was teaching me see reality more clearly, but after a while I realised that I was becoming apathetic about much of life, it was sapping a lot of my drive and spirit, so I think some of these plants or allies may aid you at a cost, some of them may charge a price which may not be worth paying.
  13. Benefits of prostrations?

    Thanks this has made a lot of things clearer for me. The question I am having is that if the practice is meant to almost consume your life that you merge with the practice for a time then for someone who has to do a job and work for the majority of their day then they may not ever get to that stage of surrender in the practice. I'm guessing then that the 100,000 prostrations is meant more as a monks practice to be done all at once continually over a period of a few months rather than spread gradually over a few years, although im sure prostrating every day can do no harm.
  14. Hehe too late I ordered it the other day with the dvd, I will have to see how I get on with it and report back. I'm surprised you say it is so hard to learn, it has been marketed as an easy to learn set for the masses
  15. Well any time you intentionally do anything it is not non-dual so it doesn't matter if it it qigong or whatever, so in that respect all qigong start as not non-dual, but like she says it can can lead to non duality but also she says anything can lead to non-duality if you know how, I forget who it was but there is a legend of a Buddhist becoming enlightened by grinding grain in a millstone.
  16. Yes reconsidering I think I was talking a bit simplistically about these things, but the point I was trying to make was that I think the belief in reincarnation is one of the forces keeping the status quo and making people to resigned to circumstances. Also perhaps the belief in reincarnation removes the sense of urgency from peoples lives so they don't feel the need to make the most of their time and energy as they will always have other lives to do things the right way, always have the next life to get enlightened and make a difference in the world. Although you could argue this removes anxiety from things but also it could also mean you don't live in the moment and make the most of your life as you put things off to the future.
  17. For example if reincarnation had been deeply established in the West I doubt the European reformations and events like the French revolution where people destroyed class and social barriers would have ever happened, because instead of feeling the need to change things about society they would have just felt it was their own fault why they were in their position. While in places like India the disgusting class system stays firmly in place.
  18. What did the Catholic church get by repressing reincarnation? I'm more of the opinion that the theory of reincarnation is an eastern form of brainwashing or social control of the masses so people think the injustices in society are a result of previous life misdeeds, so it is a way to stop people revolting against the elite who own all the wealth by making the population feel responsible for their lot rather than blame and rise up against their oppressors.
  19. Yes if you take a close look at the evidence for evolution you can pretty safely regard it as a fact, yet officially you still have to categorise it as a theory. If you read professor Dawkins scientific non religious works he presents the evidence very clearly.
  20. Very nice, I think he is doing a great service by bringing these techniques to the masses. It sounds like he may have a plan of starting his teachings in the west with physical teachings then later going into the spiritual in more depth. Has anyone trained in the Dragon and Tiger Medical Qigong he talks about? how do you rate it?
  21. Taoism Vs Buddhism

    Yes I was surprised he said those things too, each has their own experience I guess but the focus of Buddhism is living in the present moment. Also the lack of humour in Buddhism I have hard Taoists mention a few times before but if you see someone like the Dalai Lama he is full of humour and laughter, for example if you go up to him and you have a beard even if you are a high lama he will pull it like a cheeky school child just for a joke.
  22. You cant discount other ways children could absorb information about such things, children absorb everything like a sponge so something like a tv or radio documentary going on in the background when they are playing when they are very young could implant enough information in their subconscious for them to one day express the information "out of nowhere" speaking in a foreign language or talking about events they could have never physically experienced. Also children can pick up other peoples stories and pain very easily energetically, for example I have heard about children of holocaust survivors drawing and talking about concentration camps even though their parents had never directly talked to them about it, yet I don't think they are reincarnated Jews killed in the camps rather they pick up on the wounds and pain contained within the family energetically without a word being said. I see no reason why children cant absorb all sorts of stories and information energetically from people.
  23. I was just reading what Bruce Frantzis says about how Dune has parallels to Taoism Perhaps that's worth a read
  24. Japan

    There have been huge earthquakes throughout history, many before man started to pollute the planet. I guess the dinosaurs must have upset Gaia too which is why they got wiped out by nature, or they upset the new world order... If anything all this shows is that the universe is totally impersonal and doesn't give a damn about individuals in the grand scheme of things.