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Everything posted by Jetsun

  1. Britain and the European Union

    The problem is instead of having the formidable and noble Lee Kuan Yew we have Boris bloody Johnson and Michael bloody Gove.
  2. Britain and the European Union

    Yes the young people are going to have to learn the hard way how the older generation have shafted their future, which hopefully means that they will get more politically active and some fresh blood comes into politics
  3. Britain and the European Union

    How did you get shafted? if you bought a house during that period anywhere down south you are quite likely to be close to a millionaire now. Generous pensions of that era are guaranteed by the state.
  4. Britain and the European Union

    In the UK university education was free until 1998
  5. Britain and the European Union

    If you look at the voting statistics what has actually happened is that the older generation has screwed over the younger generation. The baby boomers who during their time had free university education, cheap affordable housing, plentiful employment (largely down to the stability created by the EU), large generous pensions with early retirement, who have saddled the later generations with mountains of debt and ruined the environment now have gone against the wishes of the younger generation who has to work and try to make a living in this climate and can no longer go and work in 27 other countries abroad. Has to be the most selfish generation in the history of the UK.
  6. Britain and the European Union

    Just shows that the people like you and the political elite had their head buried in the sand about this issue I have been talking about And I voted remain and wanted to keep the union but at least I recognised the issue which drove us out
  7. Britain and the European Union

    You are attacking a straw man. I never said I was against all immigration or that I solely blame immigration for my problems, but immigration is a factor in increased house prices and is only going to get worse. It has been agreed upon by both sides of the Brexit debate that 240 houses a day need to be built to keep up with current levels of immigration, how is that going to work when your own links say that that figure is impossible to meet? Unmanaged immigration is letting everyone in without planning how you are going to deal with all the new people and increased population. Nearly all nations try to manage their immigration levels so they can manage infastructure such as schools, medicine and housing. Excessive levels creates a strain on all of that an on social cohesion. Not managing it is incompetence by government
  8. The only part which has a free will to choose happiness or suffering is that which is free, so conditioning has no choice whether conditioning is positive or negative because it is what it is and has no choice to be different than it is. So if ones awareness is stuck in their negative conditioning they can't necessarily chose not to be because they are not in contact with that part which is free to chose differently. The irony being the part which is free isn't actually an individual "I" as the "I" is always conditioned, so we as separate individuals don't have a choice, rather only that which is already free has a choice, so really there is no free will to chose suffering or happiness when we perceive ourselves to exist as separate beings.
  9. Britain and the European Union

    Its quite simple, the more people the more demand for houses, thus without increased building of homes the prices of existing houses rockets to levels where nobody except the wealthy can afford one. It is a fact that immigration and the population level has an effect on house demand, and immigration is at record levels in the UK as pointed out by all independent statistics. This is just a fact and if you can't point out the basic facts of a situation out of political correctness then we are really are utterly screwed. I have no problem with immigrants and immigration if it can be sustained, ie by increased investment in public services, schools and building of homes. Without that then the main people who benefit from un-managed immigration are big business and corporations who can pay rock bottom wages to their staff,
  10. Britain and the European Union

    Immigration has been increasing exponentially, 330,000 in 2015 which is the second highest in recorded history!!! so how is demand decreasing?
  11. Britain and the European Union

    From what I have read here it sounds as bad or worse than I thought it sounds. It basically confirms that the target number of houses can't be fulfilled even if they want to and with record numbers of immigration last year how is that sustainable? For someone relatively young like me who lives in the South East I am basically screwed when trying to buy my own home unless both me and my partner can somehow get a job at a minimum of double the average wage,and even then it won't be easy. The younger generation are more or less screwed unless they inherit wealth or property .
  12. Britain and the European Union

    Never thought about this before but it is a bit strange that when voting in this country they make you vote with a pencil ... which can be erased and replaced with a different result. Bring a pen with you !!!!
  13. Britain and the European Union

    The day has come, i'm still somewhat undecided but will probably vote remain, if we had a different government in charge one that I trusted not to use the opportunity of leaving to enrich their friends and screw over the common worker even further I would probably vote leave. But as it is leaving would probably make things worse in the sense that many of the things that the EU is blocking such as TTIP and many environmental de-regulations our current government supports and tries to push onto Europe, which I believe would be a complete disaster for us and without EU blocking it would be a free pass for them to implement it on Britain. I don't believe they have any intention to lower immigration even if we do leave as they are the biggest supporters of big business who benefit from the depressed wage. So as bad as it sounds I believe the EU is a regulating factor on our current government, who are basically a bunch of wankers and the Labour party are completely inept so they aren't getting elected any time soon, so it is the wrong time to leave in my view.
  14. Healing, how long does it last?

    Most healing methodologies don't go deep enough which is why you will find problems often resurface. Significant issues may exist on the level of thought and emotion, but the juice or hook may go deeper than that into the karmic history and genetic history and the glue which holds it all in place is the sense of identity contained within the entire network. So many methods temporarily release the pressure from within an issue but often it just starts building up again, which can just maintain the cycle of resistance. The deeper healing methods I know of work with both energy and consciousness, by bringing a "higher" or free level of consciousness to the deepest part of an issue it liberates the sense of identity contained within it, which sounds like an active doing but ultimately involves holding a place in complete acceptance or stillness. Clearing out on all the different levels it exists then removes the charge so even though the momentum of an issue still exists on the level of habit it is no longer is empowered or contain any energy so it eventually dissolves away. When anything separate is held in stillness it collapses into emptiness as it has nothing else in awareness to reflect its existence to maintain its identity, so it is always the emptiness which is the healer or liberator no matter what healing method is employed. You could say love is the healer but all love really is is allowing something to exist as it is without resistance, without insisting it changes, and the irony is that when something is allowed to be as it is it then changes. Resistance is always at the root of preventing anything from naturally transforming and the root of resistance is always a sense of identity, so usually why issues return is because ultimately we don't want to give it up. We haven't associated our negative experiences and suffering with the identity and don't see clearly its relationship, so we resent the suffering and try to get rid of it and heal it but don't want to give up its cause.
  15. Non-Gradual Dzogchen

    Ah ok I get what you mean. About the only person who I would consider being an instantaneous realizer without remainder is probably Ramana Maharshi, as his transformation and realisation was so dramatic and complete he seemingly didn't have to do very much to overcome any thoughts or negative tendencies after his shift, yet even he had to spend three years in seclusion afterwards to assimilate and get used to it
  16. Britain and the European Union

    It's been confirmed that we need to build 240 new houses a day for the ongoing future to keep up with the current levels of immigration... which isn't going to happen . Basically they want to cram everyone in like battery hens so a few people at the top can make a few more million while paying rock bottom wages.
  17. Is there a need for company?

    There is a certain level of anxiety hardwired into our genetics which makes solitude and isolation very difficult, probably going back to the times when being thrown out of your tribe meant almost certain death. Overcoming that anxiety is incredibly difficult even if you are awake or highly realised, your conditioning and genetics encoded into the human body still come into play.
  18. Britain and the European Union

    I agree with a lot of what he says, except that the Muslim immigration into the UK has very little to do with the EU, the vast majority of immigration from the EU has been white Christian Eastern Europeans, the Muslim immigration largely comes from straight from Pakistan. At the moment the only way for the new Muslim arrivals that Germany has imposed on the EU to get into to get into the UK is to obtain an EU passport which takes a number of years being settled in a different country. Turkish entrance to the EU will never happen.
  19. Britain and the European Union

    I'm still on the fence and doing more research, as soon as I hear any highly emotive polemic arguments from either side I just ignore it and move on to more balanced opinions. I'm personally more concerned about the power of big business and corporations over the country than the EU at the moment. You can argue that the EU facilitates this but in some ways it regulates it also, as our European neighbours are far more educated and politically active against things like the TTIP and the influence of companies like Monsanto compared to people in Britain. Our current government certainly panders to the big corporations and bends over backwards to help them screwing over the regular people, so leaving the EU would probably mean our current government can do that even more by drawing up its own version of TTIP, which would mean that Britain would be awash with cheap hormone pumped beef and environmental regulations go out the window and the NHS gets sold to anti-ethical drugs companies. Although in the long term a future non Conservative government may have more power to take on those institutions and stick up for the regular worker if we were outside of the EU, if we haven't been completely sold out by then.
  20. Britain and the European Union

    Strange title for the content of the article. When I was studying history Anthony Beevor was considered a well respected and reliable historian and his perspective on the EU is an interesting and helpful one.
  21. Dalai Lama says 'too many' refugees in Europe

    This is essentially why Germany and Merkel want the refugees in because their population balance is screwed. The issue for all the rest of Europe is their population balance isn't as screwed, yet Merkel makes this policy which unbalances every other country. For example if you look at Sweden now their entire welfare capacity is already bust, and thousands more refugees arrive every week, Won't be long until medicare and schooling are stretched beyond their limit, which doesn't benefit the refugees or the native population long term.
  22. Dalai Lama says 'too many' refugees in Europe

    Makes sense, everyone knows it's a disaster to let so many in permanently so quickly, all except Merkel and the heads of big business and corporations who benefit from the influx of cheap labor.
  23. The issue for us humans is the recognition of this perfection rather than an attainment of it, so yeah it is true there is already inherent perfection yet we don't acknowledge it or realise it. The path of Dzogchen is therefore to try to help you make this shift from non-recognition to recognition of what already is.
  24. For me on my android phone at least 50% of all pages I load come up as an error, but I have just worked out that if I click reload in the address bar then the page will usually load