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Everything posted by Jetsun

  1. Ego and enlightenment

    To kill something you have to find it first
  2. Funny Spanish cathedral experience

    I think the best Cathedrals are the Christian ones in France built during the Dark Ages. They full of esoteric wisdom and built with sacred geometry, check out Chartres for example, modern scientists still can't work out how the alchemists made the stain glass windows.
  3. Buddha and the mind

    Depends on what map you use to try to navigate reality. By basic awakening in this sense I mean that the core sense of 'I' has gone from their heart. They have awoken out of the sense of the person who they thought they were most of their lives and their identity is no longer limited to the human form they are in. That type of awakening is pretty common, has over 300 interviews with people who have had that type of awakening. To really embody that awakening so most of their conditioning is gone and they can lead other people to the same realisation is quite rare though I think.
  4. Objective reality

    Thanks for your condescending evaluation
  5. Objective reality

    I have many experiences of what a psychologist may call 'merging' with others or illusory unity and the experience of non-duality is of a completely different taste, so from experience you can tell the difference. They aren't the same thing. With non-duality it is complete non intrusive intimacy, like coming home which feels healthy and liberating to the body, whereas merging is ultimately a neurosis based upon co-dependency, so is more like an intrusion or domination which feels sticky and ultimately unhealthy and imprisoning, even if in the short term you feel more secure.
  6. Objective reality

    No that's not it
  7. Objective reality

    'I' have experienced shared consciousness, which is why I wrote what I did. I was working one on one with someone in London who is 'awake' and spends a lot of her time in non-duality, and in one moment I looked into her eyes and instead of seeing her I saw the same consciousness as what was looking, I saw me in her. It was only a split second but basically changed everything. Then I spent the rest of the night freaking out because it basically meant that the underlying consciousness is shared, is 'one' and the ego denies 'oneness' because it means it isn't special and separate, it is death to ego separation consciousness.
  8. Objective reality

    That which all thought arises within is shared. As an experiment if you examine what your thoughts arise within can you find any edge, or beginning or end to that space? Now if everyone is in the same situation then is is possible that it is the same space? I understand that this is unlikely to be accepted by anyone without direct experience but it is possible to have the experience of recognising that the same consciousness which is looking out of your eyes is the same as that looking out of anothers. While freaky to the mind it is also the only form of true intimacy or what some call non-duality.
  9. Buddha and the mind

    Awakening isn't that rare, I have met 4-5 people who have gone through basic awakening just this year.
  10. Buddha and the mind

    I tend to think that the majority of Buddhist texts use the word 'mind' to mean something very different than the thing that the modern western thought understands by the word 'mind'. The western understanding is very influenced by modern psychology and focus on the brain, whereas the ancient Indian and Tibetan isn't. Which probably accounts for a great deal of overall misunderstanding.
  11. Objective reality

    Objective reality is what's happening, ie its raining, the crops aren't growing, the wife has the Plague. Subjective reality is our thoughts and beliefs about it, ie God is displeased with me.
  12. Funny Spanish cathedral experience

    Christ wasn't Catholic, he was Jewish.
  13. Tilopa six words advice

    To observe, be aware and watch is the natural function of consciousness, you don't have to do it or make it happen. Its possible trying to do that type of observation with effort can create an internal division, what is observing what? Instead of being intimate and unified with life observation of it can lead to a dissociation from it.
  14. Suffering

    There is a mixing up of absolute and relative meanings throughout all of that text. Just because the original "I" thought emerges at the heart it doesn't mean that the brain doesn't create thoughts. In absolute terms the absolute creates everything, but that doesn't negate the relative reality. If you are sensitive you can feel thoughts vibrate at the level of the brain. And you can do brain scans which show which areas of the brain light up when you think about certain things.
  15. Suffering

    This doesn't say anything about thoughts originating from the heart Unless you talking about the heart in the sense the the heart is the same as the self, or absolute, but in that sense everything originates from there, but it has very little to do with what most people usually refer to when talking about the heart. "From this absolute standpoint, the Heart, Self or Consciousness can have no particular place assigned to it in the physical body" (Ramana Maharshi)
  16. Suffering

    Ramana said that the sense of I leads back to the heart, I don't recall him ever saying that thoughts originate from the heart.
  17. Socialism does work

    The old debate between the superiority of the free market model and the Marxist type socialist state model is over, the free market won pretty much emphatically, all you have to do is look at countries like South Korea and post war Japan in comparison to its neighbours to see that much. But the debate now about the role of socialism isn't about that. The free market model has evolved into being dominated by huge corporations increasingly wielding control and power over the world, who by their nature will exploit people and the environment if it means more profit, there are no moral drives or considerations in how they operate, most of the top executives have to exhibit psychopathic traits in order to get to the top. 1% of the population now own over half of the worlds wealth and their proportion grows each year, while billions live in abject poverty. So clearly things aren't exactly right. Not that I have any definitive answers about how to solve all of that, but I see no evidence that blind adherence to free market capitalism is going to solve it. The model in Scandinavian countries is by American standards pretty much socialist and they have better education, healthcare, life expectancy, quality of life, lower crime rate, better care of the environment, while remaining prosperous and competitive economically. The cost of that model is that they pay high tax, but if you can see that the taxes you pay go to keeping your country in a decent state and don't go on phoney wars and straight to the 1% then people are happy to pay. Some people argue paying high tax is like taking away your money by force, but you only make your money in the environment and infrastructure around you which is created by the people and government you live in, you and your business don't exist in a bubble. Some people say that if you pay high tax you are more controlled and less free, but is a Scandinavian really less free than an American? in many ways they are more free, they are better educated and have more freedom of the press and more freedom not to be murdered.
  18. Socialism does work

    I think the situation is far worse in countries with a focus on private healthcare, the poor die and the rich can afford to live.
  19. hate in our world, endgame

    I don't think the cosmos will have to end but humanity may not survive with the way things are going. There are many working at deeper levels to try to help the situation but who knows if they will succeed.
  20. Socialism does work

    Compare both to the US which would you prefer? Not that the NHS is perfect by any means but it is far better than a system set up for drugs companies to push illness creating drugs onto the population, which is the way the NHS is headed now it is starting to be sold off. Look at what happened when the government sold of the railways to private companies, efficiencies didn't improve and the prices sky rocketed. The housing market isn't much better either. It is all just been set up and sold off so the rich get richer with no benefit to most ordinary people. Not that I advocate full Socialism but in some areas it is obviously a good thing. The world is increasingly being dominated by profit driven companies with few moral considerations at all. The vast majority of the people in this world are shit upon by that system. Most of the scaremongering over Socialist ideas is left over outdated conditioning from the Cold War times, it is mixed up with all sorts of fears over annihilation, all that old programming and social conditioning needs to swept away to get to the reality of the situation.
  21. Socialism does work

    Why are they likely to be such a disaster? most of the decent things about the UK were founded upon liberal principles, such as universal healthcare and education. Many Scandinavian countries are heavily influenced by Socialist and Liberal principles and by many methods of measurement they are some of the best places to live on the planet and don't look like falling into economic disaster any time soon. Big business promotes the fear that such ideas are going to lead to economic disaster, but it is just scaremongering and a means to control people into being good obedient consumers.
  22. Spinning Chakras

    I think a focus on the heart chakra is a mistake, the yearning which inspires devotion comes from beyond the heart chakra, perhaps the source follows the path in the same area as the heart chakra but isn't really the same thing. For example if you read a love poem it may trigger the heart chakra, but if you read the longing and yearning in the poetry of Rumi it triggers something beyond that. You could call it that which is beyond the inner heart or spiritual heart.
  23. Suffering

    The majority of our suffering is caused by trying to avoid suffering. That is pretty much the extent of Buddhist wisdom which has stuck with me. Yet it seems to be ingrained into the human organism to try to avoid suffering, so even if that principle is fully understood it is difficult to really embody it, at least I personally find it difficult. We who are like senseless children shrink from suffering, but love its causes. We hurt ourselves; our pain is self-inflicted! - Shantideva
  24. Taking entheogens is probably the best way to allow astral plane entities into your system, also parts of your consciousness can remain in the realm the entheogens bring you to even after the experience has worn off, potentially creating a kind of permanent opening or tear in your energy, all sorts of things can get hooks into your energy as a result . Nothing else is going to help you until you get clean. I'm not saying this as a moralistic scare story, I have done my fair share of such drugs myself including master plants like Ayahuasca, but since I have been learning energetic healing I have had first hand experience of healing the negative effects of what I describe here inside of myself and others, so I know it as an energetic reality rather than just a judgemental belief.
  25. Serve the world, if you can't help humanity then try help nature. Celebacy doesn't necessarily have anything to do with spirituality though.