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Everything posted by Jetsun

  1. Glastonbury is a fascinating place I try go there for a break every year, it has turned into a sort of new age centre but there is some sort of energy and mystery there in the Tor which I have not felt anywhere else. Thanks for the vid
  2. The only real immortals are:

    Ah there are lots of immortals, and us humans think we are so superior yeah it is true that there are no true immortals, Gurdjieff said that even those who attain what people call immortality that is preserving their consciousness in their astral body after death have to die in the end, it is just they survive for such a long time comparatively to the regular human life that people called them immortal, but even they must die in the end.
  3. Anatta (no-self)

    The general mechanism in my experience is that all sorts of thoughts, desires and impulses in us are repressed and held down in our day to day lives until some time when our defences are relaxed a bit they arise into our conscious awareness. There is nothing you can really do about it, those things arise to be seen and liberated, so to have the approach that you need to do something about them to get rid of them is the conflict created by the ego which prevents their natural liberation. A thought is just a thought, it only has power when it is believed to be true and it is only usually believed to be true when it is spun around a story with a separate I as the main character, the belief in a separate I is the glue which holds it all together.
  4. What is your motivation for practicing?

    In the beginning I wanted to become more compassionate and powerful and reduce suffering and become more healthy and stable and maybe even have some experiences like bliss etc. But in the process it has all changed, now I see that I get absolutely nothing out of all this; what a shock that was hahaha. Now its just a case of seeing if there is anything which can be done which reduces the resistance to what is.
  5. The mind arises within silence, there is no need to do anything except recognise what is.
  6. People have all these concepts and ideas in their mind which interfere with the appropriate spontaneous direction coming from their heart. "Spiritual" ideas and concepts are often just more interference.
  7. Yeah fair enough I just think everybody should forget enlightenment, immortality and powers etc and remember that the truth sets you free!!
  8. You missed to try find out what is actually true from your list Hehe says a lot really
  9. Does Anyone Have Power?

    John Chang seems to show some sort of electrical power which can be used for acupuncture type healing, whether that power of healing is much better than an electro acupuncture machine I don't know, but it is kinda interesting. Fakir type powers are interesting too. But none of which I think compares to the power of people like Amma and the Dalai Lama, but their sort of power even though it is obvious for everyone to see can't be measured properly so people don't think it exists because it can't be examined in a lab and quantified into a neat box.
  10. Does Anyone Have Power?

    People involved in the official school and lineage of Mo Pai have shown power, whereas those who are trying to do it without the lineage on their own from books and second hand information have demonstrated no power except the ability to balance books on their head.
  11. In my experience the space that occurs between the thoughts is the same space in which the thoughts arise, which is always present because it is that which everything arises within and permeates. So if it is always there then there is no need to try to create a state of no thought to recognise it, the only issue which prevents the recognition of the space is fixation on what is arising, if you stop fixating then you can recognise that the stillness and space is always there no matter what. So from that perspective the state of mind full of thoughts is no better or worse than that with no thought, the issue is the narrowing and fixating of attention on the content to the detriment of what the content is arising within; which is usually because we have some sort of mind fabricated story connected to our sense of "I" within the content arising. Not that I expect anyone to take my word ahead of a Lama with an official title and lineage but that is my experience and understanding at this current time.
  12. Ramana said the holy mountain of Arunachala was awake or conscious. No doubt some of the temples are just copies but i'm sure a lot are on sacred places where the land is more awake or there is some sort of concentration of energy. In Buddhism many are built on the spots where masters did their remote cave retreats, Paro Taktshang in Bhutan is one example where Padmasambhava did a three year retreat, then masters like Chogyam Trungpa years later had spiritual experiences in the same place, so there seems to be some sort of quality either in the mountain or created by a master meditating there.
  13. Bias against New Age

    Everything was new age once, Buddhism, Christianity, Taoism.
  14. To make this thread useful why don't you explain to us what you think Rushan is?
  15. Someone asked Master Yun-men “What is Zen?” The Master replied, “That’s it!” The questioner went on, “What is the Way” The master responded, “OK!”
  16. ~~~~~~~ Mod warning ~~~~~~~~ RongzamFan as you are recently back from a suspension I don't think it is a good idea for you to be baiting or subtly insulting other members, please refrain from doing so here and in all of the other threads in the Buddhist section or you will be suspended again. Further action may be taken once the other mods log in and see the reports ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  17. The Collected Works Of Korean Buddhism

    I heard that many Koreans were converting from Buddhism to Christianity because they associate their new wealth and prosperity in their country with Christian-American influence, whereas Buddhism is associated with the time of weakness and poverty.
  18. I didn't stick with it because it wasn't the right technique for me at that time, with the mentality I had then I was trying too hard to make things happen so I had to switch to even simpler forms of practice so that controlling part of my mind couldn't dominate. I gave it a really good go though and at times could feel benefits; relaxation is basically what it is about but relaxation on a profoundly deeper level. It did teach me some things in that you realise that emptiness is at the root of all problems, blockages and issues, so it wasn't completely wasted practice. If you have no confidence in it already that is probably not a good sign but what they usually recommend is that you do it for 100 days with an open mind then see, you may gain confidence through practice.
  19. The Superiority of Tantra to Sutra

    No its not, read
  20. I found starting above the head was better than on top of the head, then you scan down until you encounter a blockage and sit with it until it dissolves, then you move on to the next one. It is best to work on one blockage at a time but there is a technique where if you don't think a blockage is going to shift you can move the energy onto the next one and when that shifts it dissolves both. I would bring the energy down the whole body at the end to the lower dan tien, but I think it isn't possible to do the whole body properly in one session. I gave the Water Method a good go for a few months but didn't stick with it, but this woman here used it to heal a number of long term problems like PTSD with it so for some people it works so I don't think its Bruce's invention from his imagination.
  21. So he is condemned because he is liked by some deluded guy. Not the best argument I have ever heard
  22. "Real" Transmission

    Certainly there are all sorts of things you can receive through videos and pictures and even picking up objects, but when it comes to the transmission of what people call the natural state it is hard to be confident that you have actually got it without personal interaction (basically because it is too simple and too obvious that you think it must be more than that), many masters are transmitting that state constantly in their videos because they have embodied it within their being, usually in the silence in between their words, but without personal instruction it is hard to recognise that they are actually doing so. Once you have had such instruction you see it all the time.
  23. "Real" Transmission

    There is a sort of transmission which goes on in many situations, for example if you go in a room where someone is really depressed and you are a little bit sensitive you will feel the energy and mind state of the person and it can bring you to a similar place within yourself, which is a transmission of the depressed state. So there is a sort of mixing and meeting of consciousness whenever you meet anyone else which is why there can be a sort of transmission just being in the presence of a master without them doing anything formally, just being in the presence of their being can transmit that state to you, which is why there are records of strange things and people waking up and having spiritual experiences around masters without them even doing anything. For example people said the transmission of Ramana Maharshi was just sitting in his silence, people still got it even though he didn't do any formal rituals like the Tibetans do. But that sort of transmission is difficult by video or YouTube because there isn't the person there to align your consciousness with as easily, if you have already had any sort of pointing out instructions then videos can be a good reminder of where to put your attention. Theoretically it is possible to get transmission of the nature of your being through a video because it is something which is already present within you right now so it is just a matter of becoming aware of what already is, but I don't actually know of anyone who has got it through a video, there is a likely to be a lack of confidence in what is going on without alignment with the master in person.