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Everything posted by Jetsun

  1. What's up with the illuminati?

    It seems to me from history that the Illuminati and Masons are more likely to be on the side of progress and enlightenment than many other forces like the Church. The Masons were responsible for things like the French Revolution and founding of the United States including critical foundations such as seperating Church and state, aiming for liberty, education and knowledge freed from the tyranny of backward monarchs and regressive Church. Maybe they haven't been so nice recently but historically they don't look so bad.
  2. The root chakra is associated with survival, you need adrenalin to power your body to fight or flight when under threat.
  3. Renewing ourselves for the New Year

    There are the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises which includes things like self reviews, self observation and various spiritual meditations and contemplations. I have not done them but I have heard positive things about them.
  4. Question about Bruce Frantzis' Water Method..

    I have been re-reading some of Bruce's books and I might have not fully understood his instructions on dissolving agendas, so please ignore the advice I gave in this thread. It is probably best to start at the top of the head, things will dissolve with time you just have to be patient. All points of your energy are connected so you can resolve blockages in your body without working on the area directly
  5. Tonal & Nagual

    I did about 6 months of recapitulation, I even made myself a box to sit in to do it, god knows what my family must have thought of me at that time. I can't say it particularly cleared my personal history, but I think most energy work will more or less do the same thing as you become mindful and a little more detached you bring old reactions and energies into the present which clears your past. On a basic level working with the Tonal and Nagual I consider it pretty much the same thing as working with your masculine/feminine sides, working with the right and left brain, logical/artistic. Tonal can be worked on in your outer day to day life of work and relationships, while Nagual can can be worked with through dreams, visions, connecting with your intuition. There are plenty of dream yoga type practices available these days
  6. Question about Bruce Frantzis' Water Method..

    With outer dissolving your release whatever you find into outer space, so for example you scan your body find a blockage and it is released outwards with your attention and breath; with inner dissolving you are always looking for the energy behind the blockage, then the energy behind that, then behind and behind etc until you find inner space. So the energy pattern is imploded into inner space rather than released into outer space.
  7. Bodhisattva

    Shantideva explains it in much shorter texts such as his Bodhicharyavatara,yet you still have to be a master to understand the second half of that text.
  8. Bodhisattva

    The best way to understand what a Bodhisattva is is to go and meet one in person, go and meet some of the highly regarded Tibetan Lama's, and a common experience of those who do is they find someone who completely accepts you as you are with all your faults and confusions and conflicts. They communicate to you that you are perfectly ok as you are in that moment, which may not sound that impressive to some but when it happens it is an incredibly powerful lesson.
  9. Reverse & Vase Breathing.

    Vase Breathing and Tummo are not exactly the same things. This is a good explanation of the Vase Breathing technique which is very easy to do.
  10. I have read some of his books and I am surprised that Tsoknyi Rinpoche is not as well known or famous as some of these other Dzogchen masters, I found his teachings and explanations far clearer than most others I have found. Also most don't know that he is the son on Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche and often in the Nyingma tradition a great deal is passed down from father to son
  11. Reverse & Vase Breathing.

    This isn't true when he was in the UK the time before last, I know because I was involved with his lodgings and logistics when he came to Oxford. He ate what he was given and woke up at about 4am every day to do three hours of practice before beginning his day.
  12. Reverse & Vase Breathing.

    One of the reasons to do Vase Breathing is to stabilise your "lung" in its home below the navel, the consequence of this is that you have a clearer mind and more stable emotions. I can't compare it to reverse breathing but vase breathing helps, Tsoknyi Rinpoche explains this in his latest book where he also comments that if you look at the Dalai Lamas face he has a lot of clarity there and his eyes are clear which means he has his "lung" stabilised down at its home most of the time, but this doesn't have to be done using contrived breathing methods he explains resting in Rigpa can do the same thing. So don't expect these Buddhists to always be walking around doing Tummo all the time the basic method of stabilisation is to maintain a small amount of breath below the navel which would be impossible for someone on the outside to observe, or even better to maintain non dual consciousness throughout the day then all that needs to be done gets done effortlessly.
  13. I have realised that I am scared to let go of all the conflicts and internal dramas going on inside of me because I fear my life will be left meaningless, it is the personal story of my life which I feel gives my life meaning and if I let it go I will just be a lifeless boring empty shell; even though all theses issues and left over resentments and outdated patterns mostly cause me suffering at least it is life with some sort of narrative and interesting drama, better than boring void. If I let go the hurts other people have caused me then there is no consequence of their actions, those people never get to see the affect of their harmful action on me so they get away scot free, so I hold onto my anger and resentment like it is precious and keep reinforcing my revenge intentions in my mind and anyone who tries to take it all away I see as a threat. So it could be that most of the spiritual work I have been trying over many years may has been pretty worthless as you can't let go of what you want to hold on to, to steal a phrase of Sadguru it is like like trying to lift up a plank of wood you are standing on. Although it could be that the spiritual work is what has made me finally realise this, can anyone relate or do people find that they can just let go off all their stuff without much resistance?
  14. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    I have learned a bit of pendulum dowsing, only to ask basic stuff so far though, haven't found any water or riches yet. Do you?
  15. Happy Winter Solstice 2012

    Most powerful place I have been and I have been to many famous power spots around the world. Many didn't notice its appearance in the Olympic opening ceremony, it all began with the Tor and ended with the world's flags planted in it, which is incredibly powerful esoteric symbology and initiation, yet most had no idea what they were really witnessing.
  16. Middle DanTien: solar plexus/heart?

    In Fourth Way understanding the solar plexus is the area with greatest concentration of nerve nodes so therefore it is known as the seat of the emotional centre, which is one of the three bodies in man, so it can be explained physiologically why that area is considered an important centre. Whether the map of the three bodies in the Fourth Way match the map of the Dan Tiens is debatable, but I think they do. Gurdjieff would say in a real man ie a man who has worked on himself properly when he says "I" it will vibrate in the solar plexus, whereas with most people who have no real self development it will vibrate elsewhere, often in the head.
  17. What do you suggest to cure a hangover? I understand rehydration but I find I also get anxiety, anger and tiredness, feeling sick etc. Anyone who says don't drink gets minus karma points.
  18. White Skeleton Meditation instructions

    Thanks for the link, if you find any other titles by Master Nan which are new or we aren't commonly aware of let us know, apparently only a small portion of his work has been translated into English so far mostly by William Bodri, I wouldn't be surprised if more get translated at some point by others which could go under the radar.
  19. Spiritual Lineage Explained

    I never used to really have any reason to believe in personal spirit guides, but one time I was doing some basic shamanic journeying and seemed to get stuck and bogged down in a place which felt quite foreign, I didn't know what to do so I called out for help and seemed to be transported to a place with other beings sitting around a fire which just felt so right like I was coming home to somewhere that I belonged, after that I started to become more open to the idea of spirit guides.
  20. I think if your brought up in a Christian culture its hard not to be attached to your Christian upbringing, I was with one of my friends daughters recently who can only just talk and she got a doll and started preciously cradling it saying "baby Jesus baby Jesus" and her parents aren't the slightest bit religious and don't even have a bible. The story of Jesus is one of the most powerful tales we are told as children which contribute to the formation of our personalities, its unlikely that reading the Tao Te Ching as an adult will have the same influence even if you consciously regard it as more important.
  21. They should really stick to the constitution and allow people to carry single shot muskets which can unload a few shots a minute
  22. If you guys want something simpler try the technique of Nyoshul Khen Rinpoche, who is considered one of the greatest Dzogchen masters of recent generations: Simply breathe in as you raise your arms. Then exhale sharply as you drop your arms. Does that sound too easy? Perhaps. But in that moment of dropping, you can actually experience a sense of wide-openness, a gap in which there is no separation between experience and experiencer, no solidity, no judgment. Rest in that gap for as long-or as briefly as it lasts. Don't try to extend it or hang onto it. Simply let it occur, and let it go - p.191 Tsoknyi Rinpoche "Open Heart Open Mind"