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Everything posted by goonis38

  1. Overtone singing

    Hi all, I know I'm missing something... But am I the only one that could not listen to that. My goodness! It maid me want to crawl out of my Now I'm sure it has some kind of spiritual connection. I'm sorry, I hope not to offend. I live in an area with a lot of Native Americans they sing in away that is close, but much more beautiful. Maybe I just didn't hear the right person... Ok take care Mel
  2. OBE

    Lol "follow the directions more perfectly than as if hypnotized". Wow makes me wonder how many times this my have happened to me. I know there are a lot of people who don't even think this is possible. I guess if I wouldn't of seen it myself, I wouldn't believe it either. JK have you seen the city? Hope you don't mind me asking... What about the higher beings. I know I have spoken to one. But never have seen one. If you don't want to talk about it here, send me a message please... I would love to know what you have seen... It would mean a lot to me... Thanks for all Melanie
  3. Hi there,

    I was like wow what a nice pic... I need to get a better look at this guy. So I click on your web page look really close. And I'm like thats Brad Still cool pic Mel Good movie

  4. RIP ~ Great Master Ruan Dong

    Hi there, I am very sorry for your lose. I know it must be painful. And what a great lose to the whole world it sounds like... Melanie
  5. Hi Isn't amazing how important breathing is... I mean people take it for granted like blinking your eyes or what have you. I find myself holding my breath all time, which I know helps in causing me to have more stress in my life, and no telling what else. I just find it funny how the little things we take for granted are so important... I'm so glad I found this forum, I have to admit. I feel like I am way behind on my learning. But it's a start. I will try and remember to breath! And look into some of these books. Melanie
  6. OBE

    Wow... Thank You SY, I will really take all you said into account. I sure don't want to get any older any faster. I'm 39 pushing 40. That is enough to make me think twice right there, not to be vain." I know what a woman". And I understand about the negatives, that are there. And know that to be true... But I also heard of some wonderful story's also. You where talking about helping people. My friend said he did this in hid OBE. And everything you said is true. He said he could visit a person where ever they are. That you can have sex, on the astral plain. But that it is better than what normal sex is here... More love, and energy... Could be you are losing energy? I wonder... I guess there is good and bad, just like everything else. But this is the first time, I heard about the getting older faster. Goodness!! But then you go back to you don't get something for nothing. I think if you are right. I will pass. But I have to say my body was trying to go into this vibration, and sleep paralysis all by it's self way before I started trying on my own. So why would my body try to do something on it's own? That is a good question, if anyone has an idea... Please if you don't mind. I will not try to do something, that is harmful to myself, or someone else, ever. I am all about goodness and love... But why would your own body go there by it's self, with no help? Or was there help? I'm unaware of... Anyways, that was very kind of you, to take the time and write all that all. THank you again... Your Friend Melanie
  7. OBE

    Hi there, Thank you, I love the one's I have watched, And I know they will be all great. I need to be close to a bed...Or I will fall Talk to you later Mel
  8. OBE

    Hi there, Thank you, I love the one's I have watched, And I know they will be all great. I need to be close to a bed...Or I will fall Talk to you later Mel
  9. OBE

    Hi again, Nice to hear from you... You seem to have a good understanding of this I can tell. When me and my friend where practicing, we would set our clocks, sleep and get up at 3:00 or 4:00. And wake up and lie back down, and try and have an OBE. But about the timing he lived in Amsterdam. I live in the US. So timing was different. And then there is some other timing, that I know your talking about. Like If I get to the vibration state, and my mind wont stay focused, my timing gets off. Lots of other things can through you out of the race also. But when you get it. It's so cool... Yes? And oh the pics of your exit point... Go ahead and pm if you like, I'm not sure how to work this. I'm still getting to know the forum, and trying not to piss off people with my poor writing Your friend Melanie
  10. OBE

    Hi there again, Yes that is how it works, people can become so good at this. You could send them pics of a room, and they can travel through an OBE and pay you a visit. Sounds crazy... Mel
  11. OBE

    Hi there, Love the pic, that cat is kicking that dogs I get you, that's what I understand also. It's not just astral plain travel. A person can come visit. Way cool, and a little creepy. Especially while taking a bath. But seriously from what I understand there are privacy rules. If they are followed that is... Mel
  12. OBE

    Hi there, The Guy Bless your I am so sorry! I gave you, and everyone else such a problem reading that. It sure wasn't my intent. I will try and do better next time. Please forgive my terrible grammar, and spelling and lack of spacing. Now that I look back on it, I would say that was the main Take Care Mel
  13. OBE

    Hi there, I know, I was so scared the first couple of sleep paraylsis, and looking down on my body vibrating. I am so sorry... being so young. I bet that was scary, with no one to explain things to you. Have you learned a lot by now? I know there are people who can travel, and come straight up to you, in body. I just think this is so amazing... So tell me of some of your experiences, if you would like... Melanie
  14. OBE

    Thank you so much for your support, I will look into what you are saying... That is something about our Birthdays. I will get in touch with you. It's funny there are always those people like that. That you are talking Thanks for the encouragement... Melanie
  15. OBE

    Hi everyone. Thank you all for all you great advise. I will look into each web-site, that you all have suggested... And I agree about protecting yourself, very much so. Thats why I'm here speaking to you nice people instead of jumping into something. I really appreciate all the great advise, again... Melanie
  16. Nice forum, glad to BE here :)

    Hi there so nice to met you... Melanie
  17. Hi new to your forum

    [size="3"] Well hello nice to met you. I have only been involved in one other forum, ever. So It will take me awhile to learn my way around. Thank you for having me. I am 39, with one daughter that is 8, a 13 year marriage. I have always been interested in what else there was to the world, and outside of it. I have studied, and listened, and looked into lots of different perspecsive's and ideas. I recently met a person, which is no longer in my life. But showed me the basics of having an OBE. I seem to be a natural at it. I had already in the past year been fighting with sleep paralysis, and waking up vibrating, looking onto my body. Not knowing what was happening. So this friend told me how to go into a basic OBE took right away. Haven't been able to since though, and this has been a week or so. Well I guess this is enough to start. There always is much more. But so nice to met you. And thank you for having me. Also I guess I hope to find some guidance. So that I am not just throwing myself out there without protecting myself... Your new friend Melanie[/size]
  18. Hi there, I also have had the same type of thing for years. It sounds like anyways. And what I do is take my fingers right at the base of the skull and push as hard as I can into those nerves. It should feel good, or hurt in good way. Don't over do it. Or anything. Best thing would be if you could get someone else to go at it from another direction. Like you laying on back, them pushing upwards into that area. You would have to guide them, we know just where they are, others don't. It causes me tension headaches. But if I do this regularly it really helps. Anyways your not the only one my friend... Take care, Melanie
  19. Hi there, Thanks for adding me as a friend...

    Can I ask did you, go how about it? In the same way? how many times did you get to go? What did you see? Did you see the city? Please I really would love to talk to you. The person that got me started on this just left me on my ear with this. I would really love some guidance and more ... Melanie

    P.S. I know it's no pipe dream, people...

  20. Hi everyone!

    Hi there, So nice to met you, I'm also new. Hope we learn all we can... Your friend Mel
  21. Hi there Leon,

    Thanks for being my first friend, your so sweet... take care Melanie

  22. OBE

    Hi there, Can I ask did you go about it? In the same way? how many times did you get to go? What did you see? Did you see the city? Please I really would love to talk to you. The person that got me started on this just left me on my ear with this. I would really love some guidance and more... Melanie P.S. I know it's no pipe dream, people can even met there...
  23. Well, Good Morning, I wanted to tell you congratulation's I am very happy for you. I hope you find just what you are looking for, and I have feeling you will... Sending good thought and love your way... Melanie
  24. alien religions?

    Hi there, Sorry it took me so long. I'm learning my way around here slowly but But yes I have heard of that happening to a person, this guy that was suffering from some kind of attack. Said something reached inside him and grabbed hid heart, can you imagine that is just awful. I am sorry you got such a scary rude awakening to. I have heard lots of people talk about these watchers. I wonder what they are up to, besides the obvious. Now someone earlier was talking "Nephilium" sorry for the misspell but also known as "fallen Angel" I think these and watchers are mistaken for aliens some of the time. Now thats not to say there isn't something else out there to. This ol world is something else. And we could never quit learning... Mel
  25. Modern Magick

    That is so funny I was saying at a place called the Camino Royal. A known place, Hotel for people to go and do this type of thing. I always met Pagan people in the elevator. And one Time I was talking to one of the guy's from the staff at the bar. I'm friendly... He had brought me my food earlier. And any ways he said he went up to the penthouse suite, to take some food and wine, and the door was open and lights on every where. People getting after it every where. He was like where would you like this sir? Get this... the man never stopped, "oh just where ever is fine" and just keep at it. It was so funny that poor guy that worked there was like why can't they dim the lights at least. And how come I can't come to your room and that be going on? I said it's like all the nudist colony's, they are all the I guess they are exchanging that energy and aren't thinking of