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Everything posted by goonis38

  1. I Wrote A Poem."Hot Cup of Tea." Would Love to Share.

    Hi there, It's funny I go to your web page and read your work every so often, and I loved that one and so many others... Beautiful... Melanie
  2. Head in the clouds

    Hi there, Just a thought but moving is very stressful and a lot of work... But it is also rewarding... You could just be resting your mind... Wasn't it you and me that talked about this before, and you where saying you where in the park checking out a frog like forever? Rather it was or not. I think as long as it isn't causing you to many problems. I think day dreaming is good... But I am a day dreamer also. But when it's time to get things done I do... So just depends on the amount of this you are talking about... You feel a lose of control over your situation right now, you will settle in. And San Antonio is awesome... Take care Mel
  3. What happens when we need to survive?

    Hey Kate, You know you are like the tenth person to mention being a healer to me... I'm wondering now... There are so many avenues to go down on healing... I love helping people. I have been told I have a healing touch. I always have a smile for Thanks Kate something for me to think on... If you don't mind me asking, did you go down this path? And if so which road did you take? If you don't wan t to say I understand... Take care, lots of love Mel
  4. What happens when we need to survive?

    Really I didn't know that, But they are never as good as the first... It is kinda sad that way. It's like you just can't make another "Road House" another good one... God bless Patrick Swayze's soul sounded like a good man...
  5. What happens when we need to survive?

    Sorry double posted...
  6. hello, a little intro on me

    Hi there, Great to meet you... You will find some great people here...Melanie
  7. Science and PSI

    Hey there, I know this... There are all different types of God given gifts. Everyone that has one is not a fortune teller. Some have other gifts... We can't just lump everything up into one pill and make it work... People that have gifts tend to hide them and feel different and weird, and that people are going to make fun of them. Call them crazy, or just plain weird. This has been going on since the witch burnings. 'PEOPLE HATE WHAT THEY DON'T UNDERSTAND" and thats a fact, we on this forum understand this. We are all a little different than the so called normal people... I decides a long time ago, I don't want to be normal, they can keep there normal and be happy with there heads stuck in that sand... I myself, I'm going to look, and learn, and try and understand what I am to understand... And you don't have to push these things, they just come naturally. What is unnatural is holding your self back for 20 years like I did. Because I thought I was weird or different and some how I was wrong for that... At almost 40, I have learned to love myself... And life is an adventure, you never know whats down the next rabbit hole as the original poster of this thread was talking about "Alice and Wonderland" Great movie and true lesson for a lot of us... Take care all Melanie
  8. What happens when we need to survive?

    Hi there, That would be like the movie "Red Dawn" remember that old movie... It will be the only time I will be glad to live in the middle of nowhere in West Texas. And I will be glad I was raised shooting guns, and know how to set up a camp site, go fishing. catch grass hoppers for bait... And if it gets any worse than that. Well we might as well just start praying that all suffering wont last long... But lets just hope these things don't happen... Take care Melanie
  9. 11:11 on 11/11

    Promises Promises Scotty... Where we all going to met in San Antonio with our friend that just moved there.... I'm holding you to your word. scotty... And You guy's are just after my unicorn... Mel
  10. 11:11 on 11/11

    You guy's are to much fun... I didn't even notice today is 11/11/10... Not as good as 11:11 11/11/11 Wow... We will need to party just for fun... Melanie
  11. 11:11 on 11/11

    Hey there, I just saw I thats right next year we have a big one coming... I'll be ready... Am you say... Hey I'll make sure and show up with my unicorn... Mel
  12. Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime

    Hi there, That was beautifully said. I love all native people to what ever land we live on and always try and show respect... It is amazing to talk to them, and they have cool and wonderful things to tell us if we listen, if we only take the time... My Grandma was from the wagon days 1905 here in West Texas and she could just pick something that looked like a weed and boil it and make medicine, her own eye drops a so forth. Never went to the doctor, and lived a long time. She loved to show this x on her leg where a snake bit her and they had to suck the poison out... If we would only listen to these people, we are loosing so much... As far as dreaming... That is a deeper a subject than most people know... I know very little on it. But we dream walk all the time in our sleep, it's just remembering it. We can even met up in our dreams, to cool... Life is an amazing place... That is an awesome thread... Thanks Melanie
  13. I made it to Texas

    Oh I love The River Walk!! me and my daughter went there for summer vacation... You are going to love that town. The buildings are beautiful... Melanie
  14. I made it to Texas

    Hi my friend... So you are in Texas, me to... Maybe we will run into each other and not even know it. I have went to Las Vegas an ran into someone from our town of 500 so weirder things have happened. You are a good person, I'm so glad you got away from that situation. No one should be treated the way you where. I read some of your story's, I'm sorry... You can have a fresh start on things, this is good, and maybe great... Lot's of beautiful girls in Take Care Mel
  15. "The Awakening"

    Hi Everyone, I have been aware of something changing all around us for sometime now. I think a lot of you may have noticed it also... I don't get this from a book, or the internet. There have been many thought's on this of some people... But this is my own observation through my own experiences... Please share yours if you have had or felt anything in the last few years or so. I would say, and in the last year it really has stepped up a notch or two... My idea of "The Awakening" is that a lot of people are coming to enlightenment at this time... That could be in different ways depending upon the person and his or her self... In my case, I will tell you... When I was a little girl I could see auras, and hear a person that was close to me that I knew well. Talk to me, and then I answered back without saying a word. Scared me to death... So I pushed all this back for along time now. I am 40 this year. And in this last year I am "Awakening" rather I like it or not... Now at first this was very alarming to say the least. I went running to Church, asking everyone I thought might know what in the heck was happening, you think oh no I'm crazy... And in the end I found there was nothing wrong with me. And that most people don't know what you are talking about... Especially in my area. I live in the midwest Texas area. They do not believe in anything such as this. And if you where to speak of it. You would be called a witch... Sad... So back to the point, So I think this is going on all over the world. Why, or how, or what. I have no idea. Maybe some of you could add some ideas on that. Are you Awakening also, and for something we are, this I know... But what, or better yet why? So in the last year my growth has been things like. I have gained since of smell, and touch, and hearing, of spiritual activity around me. Can't see a thing. Like a blind man with a stick... I can tell the difference between spirits by there smell for the most part... And through my trying to understand I have went to different web pages and read and talked. A lot of the ones that are all about being physic I don't care for, they seem to be to into there selfs and there gifts. Instead of why, and what, and giving credit to there maker... I think this web site has it right more than most, in my opinion. You give the Thanks to the creator and look for guidance through that. Not your self. I think this is very important. I don't think it matters what religion we are, we have a God he is the same God no matter what we name him. As long as we give the thanks and credit for all we are and have to him. This is what is important in my mind. To many people saying I did it. (We do nothing alone)... So from this site... I have learned a lot for a short time, and have a long way to go I know, and meet a great deal of beautiful people. Thank you... I have learned to meditate, Chant, Center myself which I needed to do so badly. Clear my shackras some I didn't even know I We may not all agree, all the time, and that is good. This is what makes for a good discussion... Yes? Ok, talked your ear off now... What do you think? Take care all Melanie
  16. Healing Music

  17. Healing Music

    Yes I do, namely Spring Forest Qigong "back to the Universe" and "Heart sutra Chant" but I have other titles coming in the mail. I also like to chant myself when meditating, it's a great way to repel "ear worms" and I happen to work in the music. Just the other day I was chanting "oooommmm, mwaaaaah" while driving. For five hours Thanks for the recommendation, I'll check it out. Hi there, My name Is Melanie or goonis I was wondering if you wouldn't mind answering a question or two... I was reading this and I have been listening to music also while in meditating, and then I try in with out. Also have chanted my belief system... They are all good ways it seems. I was just asking myself yesterday if the music was getting in the way of my concentration, what do you think? Could that happen? Also King Kabalabhati or anyone who wants to jump in what are "ear warms" something I may need to know... I did notice there seemed to be something in the way of my meditation reaching to the level it had been, then I started chanting my God's name and it seemed to release something... Is this the same? Thank you for your reply in advance... Melanie
  18. The Way of the Warrior

    Hey there, I'm an Army brat, Dad 25 year special forces, brother 25 year special forces... I am proud of you and the path you have chosen, it isn't for everyone. But you sound like you know what you want and that is great. You will do well... I was going to join up when I was a young girl, my brother laughed and said "no not for you Melanie" He was right... Thank God that he mad people like your self and my family to defend what is right, as we can... May everything run smoothly for you, if it is meant to be, Take care... Melanie
  19. sleeping during the hours of 10-1 am

    Hey there, Really that is cool, But I am in trouble I go to bed at 9:00 PM and I sleep until 6:00 AM everyday. Unless something is going on that I'm worried about... I have to get my beauty If less sleep makes us live longer I'm in trouble... I will die young, but be pretty. Just hope that isn't true... Mel
  20. Hi there, That is true, I know sometimes. I will do something wrong that I have done before. And then later feel bad, and ask for forgiveness. And I will say to myself can't keep doing the same thing over and over and expect forgiveness. So I just try and do better each day... It is hard not to be to hard on your self, but at the same times. It is good to give yourself a good kick in the butt to straighten yourself out every once in a while... I tend to be kinder to others, than I am myself and more forgiving. And it is just as bad not to forgive your self than it is to not forgive others. Sometimes I think we receive Gods forgiveness way before we do our selfs, depending on the person I guess... But at last all we can do is the best we can... Take care... Mel
  21. 11:11

    Hi me again, Any body look at the clock and it always seems like it says 11:11... Now I know clocks don't say But you know what I mean... I'm sure this topic has been on here, but it seem to fit today for some reason... Whats everyones take on it. Or am I the only one... Your friend Melanie
  22. 11:11