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Everything posted by goonis38

  1. Astrology and Chi-Gung

    Hi there, I have been looking for this thread again, I wanted to post on it, and bring it back up where it belongs... I notice what you are talking about... I don't get the results at the times that are not the best. And I noticed I started waking up around three or a little after to meditate when it is needed it seems... You guys are so lucky that live in places with the perfect triangulation of the sky's. Australia is on the list, and a lot of you guy's live there... That is awesome. Or to see the results of being on one of those beautiful mountains... Wow. Maybe some day. Just getting started on my journey... Mel
  2. 11:11

    Hey, I agree with you completely, and it hasn't just been clocks. I have sales receipts and things do the same. It is just that clocks are more obvious that is my point, we would notice it more. I would like to add I am not a clock watcher, as I notice some people are. If you are looking at your watch every sec well of course you are going to see 11:11, well at least twice a But at last this is the beauty of a forum. We all agree to disagree and it has given us something to talk about... Yes? Yes I have been in contact with my guides, and Angel. But when I was a child I saw it also all the time. And then it stopped and now it's back... Master number 1# take care Melanie
  3. StoneHenge

    Beautiful!! Thank you... Mel
  4. New Here, Come To Learn Energy Cultivation and Kunalini

    Hey, so nice to met you, great information, and people... Mel
  5. Advice in 20 characters or less

    " Until you walk a mile in a mans shoes, don't judge him" " Beauty is only skin deep, but you can be ugly all the way to the bone"
  6. 11:11

    Hey Kate, Right we are in the flow... Got ya... Mel P.S. I like a good positive attitude, why not look for the good in things...
  7. 11:11

    Well, Thank you, I like the way you and Leon think... I believe that we can receive signs of things to come... Good and bad... And I believe this one to be good... This is no new thing to me either, as a child I used to see it, about the time I used to see peoples auras... I think it is funny how people are about things. It's as the old saying goes. "Until you walk a mile in mans shoes don't judge him" Every truth, is not true for every man, or woman... take care Melanie
  8. Hello from Finland

    Hi there, Great to met you...Lot's of great people, and information... Melanie
  9. 11:11

    Hey, Does that really happen to you? That is something else, that would trip me out. Pretty cool, I bet your friends get a kick out of that... I loved that thread on the lions that was so cool... Melanie P.S. I love Lions
  10. Growing Pains

    Hey there, Yes I felt this way the other day, and couldn't meditate properly and things where not quite right. But by the next day built back up... Melanie
  11. Loneliness

    Hey, Ok you totally made me want to be a lioness... My eight year old always ask me "mommy whats you favorite animal" and I have always said Lion... Now I know why... Cool... Mel
  12. Advice in 20 characters or less

    " If you live in a glass house, don't through stones" "If your going to be a turd, go lay out in the yard" " You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink"
  13. 11:11

    Hey there, I'm with you, I get up every day a minute before the alarm clock goes off also. So yea i have heard a lot of different ideas on this subject. I love all the positive ones... The other ones can go to I like the one about, it means your Angel is watching over you. I don't like the one about the end of the world, I think that is all bull... But I'm liking what ever Leon is saying... Mel
  14. prediction or bill baileys genious?

    Hey, I get you now... On my thread you said that, and I was like what, who? He sounds funny I haven't heard him... Mel
  15. Stonehenge burial

    Hey scotty, That whole article looks interesting... This stood out to me, again with the amber, but they also talk of lots of trading which I'm sure that would of been a great thing to trade... There is still so much we don't know about all of this, it interest me to. I don't understand people that it doesn't interest. I mean look at all they have built and done... It is just amazing... Mel Two barrow burials near Stonehenge in Britain were excavated in 1808 and 1818 and contained amber jewellery and gold artifacts that resemble types found in the eastern Mediterranean.
  16. 11:11

    Hey, It is very helpful and nice of you. I will do this, I have been telling my body to relax but not to the extent you are saying, but I sure will do that. I am a very positive person I like to think of as many things in a positive way as I can. I even do my best to turn a negative to a positive when it is obvious that it is not. So if anything I liked Leion's idea of 11:11 being of something good... Now i do know people who are as you say negative types. I live with one of them, and it is a constant battle to keep those people up... Glass is always well almost always half full in my mind, where the people that you speak that glass is half empty... Yes? But I could do with some more relaxation maybe I will float off this Mel
  17. Levitation

    Lol sorry, Just taking up for rainbow vain, as if she needs taking up for. That's terrible, I knew you where no Ok you can come out of your room now. Oh I was on that thread, and saw that video on sitting, and stretching. I have been doing that. I will do half and half, see the difference... I'll keep checking it though it's funny how you can see something different each time... Thanks Mel
  18. Levitation

    Hey there, That is awesome, I had a feeling that my whole body could lift with the proper thought. Oh man I bet that man that saw you was amazed. You where 14 years old, so young. You where full of all your chi and qi to the max at that time... yes? So have you done anything close to that again. Or are these things passing phases. This is why everyone is so wanting to rebuild that chi and qi. I wonder I am almost 40. But I am just getting started, maybe I haven't used my stuff yet... But with meditation and lots of it we rebuild our self back up? To shen is the goal? I love to meditate. I can do that for hours. We are all so blessed to be alive and able to experience all the wonderful beauty that life has to offer... Thank you for sharing... Melanie
  19. 11:11

    No you are right my friend, I have been meditating a lot, it has been very helpful to me. Thank you for seeing that... Mel
  20. Stonehenge burial

    Wow thanks, That is interesting, Amber was a rear stone back then for anyone to have... Whats your idea on this one? Mel
  21. 11:11

    Normal who wants to be normal... I kinda like being Alice that fell down the rabbit Mel Oh edit, "my version of normal" very good, I like you. You get it. What ever it is...
  22. 11:11

    Lol.... I know that song I'm that old, I new it in two notes ... You think I have such things running in my mind? No not me, none of it true!! Cool... Thanks I hadn't heard that in like forever... Mel
  23. 11:11

    Well Thanks, but at last the link didn't work... But it's the thought that count my friend... Mel Was it good?
  24. 11:11

    Hey, Thats weird, and cool.. Mel
  25. Chi into Shen

    Ok... I have actually seen that people that are mentally ill have glossy eyes... Wow. That is something else and it makes since, if your soul was in a mess so to speak, this would happen. As your eyes are the door way to your soul. Amazing... Thank you for always taking the time, you are very nice... Mel