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Everything posted by thetaoiseasy

  1. Affirmations for the New Year

    I laughed as well. Then I felt like someone socked me the in the nuts.
  2. After many years, for first the time I decided to take on students to show them stuff in person this past christmas. My observation in the ones who have bad qigong side effects is that they've all been doing the simplest thing wrong...based on reading a bunch of random books. You might have heard the basic tip to place your tongue against the palate to induce downward flow.. When I saw my students do this, I realized that all of their tongues were laying flat against the palate. This causes major stagnation! The real idea is to "curl" the tip of your tongue upward and against the front teeth gums, so the tip of the tongue is pointing upwards. Many of my students had immediate relief. You might find this tip a bit helpful. At this point, I will leave this thread, since I think you have clear ideas of what you want.
  3. What you want is desire. When desire becomes sublimated or "consumed," it becomes kundalini energy, or yang energy. You don't like the feel of energy. You like desire. So don't sublimate it in the first place. I already told you how to stop. Stop looking at porn. Stop doing your crazy marathon exercise. You'll feel horny again. YAYYYYYYYYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYHOHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOO. edit: downward energy has nothing to do with this. your desire has already become energy and cannot become desire again, unless you use the energy to digest high amount of food. so eat a lot of meat.
  4. Cultivation Is Not A Separate Practice

    Thanks for reading
  5. Cultivation Is Not A Separate Practice

    Thanks for reading, Taoiseasy
  6. Living on ch'i

    Living on qi is only possible with sublimation. The lower dan-tien is essentially in your intestines. If you have qi there, you'll be hungry as heck. If you can do pure spiritual practice, your energy will rise up to the higher parts of your body. That's when true bigu--not suppression--is possible. Spontaneous fasting occurs when your energy is light and pure ,and you can't stand to put in gross, yin energy into your body. At that point, you might throw up if you put in food your body.
  7. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Calvin: [i pray for] The strength to change what I can, the inability to accept what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference. Calvin: Do you believe in the Devil? You know, a supreme evil being dedicated to the temptation, corruption, and destruction of man? Hobbes: I'm not sure man needs the help. Calvin: You just can't talk to animals about these things. Mrs. Wormwood: "What state do you live in?" Calvin: "Denial." Calvin: I like maxims that don't encourage behavior modification.
  8. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    while we're at it -- I'm sorry for everything, cat.
  9. Introduction to Dzogchen Retreat with B Alan Wallace

    Hi, Can anyone describe to me what a "rainbow body" is, as defined by Dzogchen? Thanks
  10. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    Vmarco, can you explain that quote in your own words? I don't get it.
  11. Religion is the poison of Spirituality

    ------------------------------------------------- anyone who writes under this immortal line is unenlightened. oops! I just did.
  12. pro jing cuisine

  13. pro jing cuisine

    I'm not sure about the specific mechanism. Basically, many vegetables have phytonutrients that resemble estrogen. They compete with estrogen for the same receptor sites, so they prevent estrogen from binding the receptors and exerting their effects.
  14. pro jing cuisine

  15. demonic mantra

  16. I don't need to defend him or anything. He's a grown ass man. But clearly he's just referring to the endless arm-chair psychiatry this thread has turned out, which I contributed to. Besides, he posted this a few pages back: "I think that several of us here (myself included) really want to see you make this breakthrough that you appear to be on the verge of ... but we cannot do it for you, or force you to do it. This is your life and your journey. Take as much time as you need, and good luck! I'm going to let this go now, so that that fear-panic-resistance feedback doesn't harm your progress."
  17. sometimes we need to add "just kidding" to the end of our posts.
  18. Introduction to Dzogchen Retreat with B Alan Wallace

    taobums is awesmoe
  19. Immortal Spirit

  20. K: A person finds out when she understands that every moment of our living life is already death and rebirth. Death as most know it is only the physical death, the mere decay of organic matter. Every one of us will die in that sense. But the true life and death refers to the state of your spirit. When you grasp the essence of your life, you live. When you hold on to the garbage of your life, you are already dead inside. You do not need to wait for the physical end to know heaven or hell. You know the truth because you are the model of the universe.