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Everything posted by thetaoiseasy

  1. Spiritual Literature - To Read Or Not To Read

    reading is qigong... why are you attracted to reading some authors, and not others? in all honesty, it's energy response, not just words. reading can be a very serious form of practical cultivation if you select the right author (and not just authors that make you feel good) and make it a energetic practice.
  2. Breaking the Cultural Spell - Mark Griffin

    haha, you'll find many people with type of energy talk like this. when your energy is all in your head, language is not your primary faculty. He does the pauses because he's at loss for words. as he should be. but i doubt its any mind control or deliberate.
  3. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    Ish, yes. all of the artist's energies are imprinted in the music. and people wonder why music tastes vary so much amongst people... music is my number two passion. and i've noticed my tastes have changed quite a bit as well...
  4. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  5. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  6. ?????????? What if you're a devil though? Please don't lock down my free will!!!
  7. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  8. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  9. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  10. Nam just died

  11. Nam just died
