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Everything posted by thetaoiseasy

  1. Purpose of Mantra?

    mantras have 4 main effects. powerful mantras contain all 4 effects. some only have one 1. the sound of the mantra itself causes an energy response. For example, ong tends to resonate at the upper dan tien. 2. the meaning of the mantra causes a mental projection that causes a energy response. ie. you say the name of a deity that you highly respect for being holy, and that mental ideal of holiness causes an energy response. 3. the mantra, repeated over and over again, escapes the intellectual and conceptual realm (ie. words) and lets you enter emptiness better. 4. more debate-able is that you attract entities that respond to certain mantras they used in their past cultivation, and they guide you in your advancement.
  2. What do you want out of your practice?

    what is power?
  3. Energetic Qualities of Amber

    i looked at some pictures of amber. They vibrate in the region of the throat and lower mouth. The energy is really soothing...
  4. complete spiritual sobriety> bliss -- any time, any day.
  5. What do you want out of your practice?

    I'm a bit too dense to understand what you are saying. Could you explain?
  6. What do you want out of your practice?

    Why do tao-bummers like the pepperoni pizza so much? Can people learn to like it? Is it just a born preference?
  7. Coffee. Good or bad?

  8. dealing with...

    Thanks for the advice, ^.^
  9. Using Qi to fight evil entities

    Just a thought. The idea of evilness is often limited to the realm of imagination. It serves as the fertile ground of religious fantasy, the battle between good and evil. I wouldn't fight for either side so quickly, without making sure where I stand and how prepared I am. That is, I wouldn't be so quick to categorize any entity in the spiritual world as "evil" in the first place. Such categorizations will only amplify the realization of evil in a person's mind, which is undoubtedly the primary source of evil, if there ever were one. Raise your vibrations in your life, and there will be no fear of evil, and no need to fight evil as the main concentration of your cultivation.
  10. all the tips "shifoooo" has about managing money are detailed in the first post of this thread....
  11. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  12. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    thanks rene! : )
  13. New Age Bunnies

    Before I posted, I actually didn't look at any of the posts after the OP's post, so I didn't even see what you posted....0_0
  14. New Age Bunnies

  15. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  16. The External World is Ultimately Unsatisfactory

    If no external, then no internal. If no internal, then no external. both are equal, one and the same.
  17. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

  18. Some Beginner Cultivation Tips

    swampland: your energy floats upward whenever you touch your face. in cultivation a basic principle is know the bright, keep to the darkness. upper deficient, lower excess. You don't want the energy to float upwards for no reason. it'll make you anxious.