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Everything posted by thetaoiseasy

  1. Drew, don't you think you are using your teacher's name a bit recklessly? You constantly throw out his name, but do you consider what he thinks? Chunyi lin is all about love and helping others, not fajing or whatever. It just seems a bit disrespectful.
  2. Some Thoughts

    Thanks for reading, Best, Taoiseasy
  3. Some Thoughts

    Thanks for reading, Best, Taoiseasy.
  4. Warning labels

    i'm pretty sure only you can see your warning status
  5. Some Thoughts

    Thanks for reading, Best, Taoiseasy.
  6. Spiritual growth and the strain on marriage

    best wishes.
  7. Cooking up a storm

    lol, this is awesome, turtle.
  8. Two questions

  9. Removing stuck energy in the head.

  10. Thanks for reading, I appreciate it. Best, Taoiseasy
  11. the FASTEST way to ground ?

    until you realize your mind is the fire creating the heat...
  12. Where is the love?

    O at D, orgasm at distance....interesting. I'm afraid to ask.
  13. ...

    I wish you the best. Please take care. It's okay to become discouraged -- I know it's not easy.
  14. there is no god but thats ok.

    Thank you, I appreciate your sentiment. I will check the book out.
  15. there is no god but thats ok.

    ^^^^^^ This is a matter of definitions and semantics -- which is different for everyone. I define it is this way, though. God is the highest energy you can conceive of. Tao is the formless and impersonal void that follows the law of nature. Whether your God is Tao--whether you can conceive God as a non-being-- depends on the development of your mind.
  16. there is no god but thats ok.

    Of course there is a God. You only see as high as you stand, however. God may be a BMW, Lady Gaga, your wife, the sun, even yourself. Personally, I think you can see a little God in everything.

    There is no use in denying self, unless you mean to deny self-interest.
  18. Thank you. I don't want to get on a soapbox in the general forum for my random thoughts.
  19. can I have a personal practice log?

    hahah! we'll see.. edit. i'll be under the great firewall of china. but i was thinking of logging my noob teaching efforts over there in the ppf. we'll see how that turns out.
  20. can I have a personal practice log?

    thanks for noticing, cat! haha, its okay, sin. i'll be very happy when my name pops up in the personal practice forum.