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Posts posted by dawg



    I have been to the spirit world more times than I can count… I have seen the highest heavens down to hell… I have even bumped into people (alive and dead), that I knew while in the spirit world… don’t worry about gods or religions… however good a person you are in this life, that’s how good a place you will go to in the spirit world when your body dies…


    1)... Reincarnation… it is impossible to die, even if we wanted to…when our physical body dies, we wake up in the spirit world with our conscious mind, and our unconscious mind (which is also our spirit body)… our conditioning (karma) in our unconscious mind (which is also our spirit body) determines the length of time we spend in the spirit world, and where we spend it… and then it determines where, and in what situation we are reborn in the physical world, with a new physical body… we also carry past life conditioning (karma) with us in our unconscious mind (spirit body) when it “reincarnates”, which is why newborn babies are so different...


    2)... The spirit World… The physical universe is a reality, it exists, it just is, it is the “truth”… no nation or man “owns” the physical universe… and science is just man’s feeble flawed attempt to describe the physical universe… the “physical universe” and “science” are two completely different things… in the same way, the spirit universe is a reality, it exists, it just is, it is the “truth”… every god you ever heard of exists… no god or religion “owns” or “controls” the spirit universe, and every god was born and will die… and religion is just man’s feeble flawed attempt to describe the spirit universe… the “spirit universe” and “religion” are two completely different things


    3)... What part of our mind reincarnates… we have two separate minds… There is a conscious mind that can think freely and create new ideas “outside the box” of our conditioning... Then there is the unconscious mind (sometimes called the subconscious mind), which is basically a super computer loaded with a database of conditioned behaviors (karma), some of which we carried over from a past life, most of which we acquired as small children, below the “age of reason”... because once we reach the age of reason... our unconscious mind (subconscious mind) will only accept conditioning that agrees with the conditioning it has already accepted… so although the unconscious mind is very powerful, it has the conditioned mentality of a small deluded child (arrested development)… it is only the conscious mind that can think outside of “the box of its conditioning” that grows up into an “adult”...


    The conscious mind is able to process approximately 40 bits of information per second. But the unconscious mind (subconscious mind) is able to process approximately 40,000,000 bits of information per second... (these are conservative estimates from current brain research)...


    The unconscious mind (subconscious mind) cannot move outside its fixed programs… it is trapped inside the “box of its conditioning”... it automatically reacts to situations with its previously conditioned behavior responses… and it works without the knowledge or control of the conscious mind. Studies from as far back as the 1970’s show that our brain begins to prepare for action just over a third of a second before we consciously decide to act... in other words, even when we “think” we are conscious, and in control of our actions, it is the conditioned responses in our unconscious mind that are actually making our decisions for us… essentially, we walk through life in a hypnotic trance, because we believe that the voice we hear in our conscious mind is us “thinking” and making decisions, when in fact it is the voice of our conditioned responses… it is the voice of all the people who conditioned (controlled) us, when we were young children, telling us how to act and react… what to believe and think… what is good, and what is bad... etc... The unconscious mind is controlling us 95% of the time!...Neuroscientists have shown that the conscious mind provides 5% or less of our cognitive (conscious) activity during the day – and 5% they say is for the more aware people…


    The conscious mind cannot cope with the simultaneous "multiple images, feelings, and thoughts” of the unconscious mind, which is the reason why the unconscious mind is “subconscious” to the conscious mind. The conscious mind is simply not able to process and "be conscious" of the unconscious mind, because of its speed and complexity…


    Telepathy is the universal language of the spirit world… whatever language we speak, other spirits will hear us in their language… it is “perfect communication”... another spirit will know exactly what we mean, and we will know exactly what they mean…


    The unconscious mind (the spirit that we are) is “telepathic” and can hear the thoughts of other people, and communicate with the subconscious minds of other people and with spirits, without our conscious mind being aware of it… it is in this way that our awareness is connected to all other awareness in the universe, so that our awareness is part of the larger universal awareness… this is what creates what the psychologist Carl Jung called the “collective unconscious mind”, a larger human mind of which every individual is a part…


    The voice in our conscious mind, is the voice of our karma… it is the voice of our conditioning… our karma is simply the conditioned reflex responses in our subconscious mind that we have been taught by other people to believe is “reality”… the voice of that conditioning which is our karma is always talking to our conscious mind, this is how our karma controls our life… the voice is always telling us to act in ways that lead us to produce results that “are our karma” (conditioning)”… for example, if it is our karma to be rich, the voice of our subconscious mind will lead us to riches, because it has been programmed with the knowledge of how to make money… if it is our karma to be poor, the voice will lead us to poverty, again because that is how it has been programmed… if it is our karma to commit suicide, the voice will convince us to kill ourselves… if it is our karma to develop a fatal disease, the conditioning will act on our subconscious mind (we are the author of our own health or disease) to produce the fatal disease…


    We are a spirit with a body, not a body with a spirit… our conscious mind (and personality) is just a temporary superficial interface that allows our spirit to reincarnate in a physical body, and survive in the physical world… while our unconscious mind is the eternal spirit that we are… when a person reincarnates, their past personality and past conscious mind becomes a permanent part of their unconscious mind (which goes from life to life), and a new conscious mind and personality is created…


    Delusion is what happens when a newborn baby is taught (conditioned) how to survive in the physical world (physical survival), and taught (conditioned) how to survive within the context of the culture that it is born into (personality, mundane social reality)… then when that baby reaches the “age of reason” it is trapped in a “box of reality”… and if that person tries to escape the delusion of that “box of reality”, they are considered “crazy”, and punished…


    It is the unconscious mind that attains awakening (enlightenment), not the conscious mind… the unconscious mind attains awakening, when the “delusion” (mundane reality, conditioned reflex behavior, karma, etc...) that it is conditioned with, is permanently destroyed… then after its awakening, with all delusion gone, the unconscious mind becomes like a very gentle and brilliant simple minded giant with magic powers, that knows absolutely everything… and that is always ready to help you in any way that it can… it becomes completely reliable and trustworthy… it is your best friend, your soul mate… and with the destruction of “delusion” (“conditioned reality”), the voice of the unconscious mind that is always talking in the conscious mind, is gone… the two minds become one, giving you a sense of “wholeness” or “completeness”, “lacking nothing”... and there is no longer any conflict, so that all turbulence in your conscious mind ceases, and it is now “empty”, quiet, and serenely peaceful…


    4)… The “alpha mind”… The mind that was once called the “subconscious mind”, is now properly called the “unconscious mind” by psychologists... but considering that abundant research has shown it to be the dominate mind, controlling the “conscious mind” at least 95 percent of the time… and that it is (our immortal soul) an immortal mind that survives the death of our body… and that it is our awareness (consciousness) in the spirit world… and that it is the mind that reincarnates in a new body… and that it is the mind that attains awakening (enlightenment)… calling it the “unconscious mind” is a gross misnomer… I call it the “alpha mind”, because it is the “dominate mind”, and because it is us, the immortal spirit that we are...



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  2. “Adam” and “Eve” in the “Garden of Eden”


    The story in the Bible of “Adam” and “Eve” in the “Garden of Eden” is grossly misunderstood… the Garden of Eden was not a “place”, it was an enlightened innocent “state of mind”… the Adams and Eves had no concept of “good” or “evil” (“like” and “dislike”), and everything just was, simple cause and effect… they made no value judgments and accepted everything just as it was... but once they ate the fruit from the “tree of knowledge of good and evil , their state of mind became deluded and dissatisfied… the Eden in their mind was corrupted and no longer existed… they were not driven out of the Garden of Eden by some wrathful god, because the garden of Eden was not a geographical location… “original sin” was simply the knowledge of good and evil which allowed them to make “value judgments”, which created more and more delusion, making them more and more dissatisfied and unhappy… and because each generation teaches their children what is good, and what is evil (mundane reality), “original sin” (dissatisfaction and unhappiness) was, and is passed down from generation to generation… the “wrathful god” punishing Adam and Eve for their “original sin”, was just one more product of men and women’s delusion, which was added to the story later to explain why all the later men and women were so dissatisfied and unhappy…


    When you meditate, and successfully reach enlightenment, you have gotten rid of “original sin” (good and evil)… you do so by walking the “middle path” between “good” and “evil”, as described by the Buddha… you realize that “good” and “evil” are just cultural value judgments that our culture has “conditioned” us with… both "good" and "evil" are "clinging"... you realize that “good and evil” are what generates our “delusion”, and is what generates all of our dissatisfaction and suffering… so that you realize that you must be totally neutral, totally indifferent, and walk right down the middle between good and evil… and have no good intentions, and no bad intentions, so that you cling to nothing... everything just is... there is only indifferent cause and effect... if you do this, this happens... if you do that, that happens... you do this until delusion is destroyed, so that you no longer have delusion or make karma… so that you (surprise, surprise) return to the “Garden of Eden”…

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    1)… NORMAL SEXUALITY… Everything concerning gender, sexual attraction, sexual intercourse, orgasm, and conception is a function of the second “chakra”… and is driven by the electromagnetic attraction between a negative charge (male/YANG), and a positive charge (female/YIN)… A man whose second chakra is “negatively charged” (YANG) is sexually attracted to a woman because her second chakra is “positively charged” (YIN)…. A woman is sexually attracted to a man because her second chakra is “positively charged” (YIN), and his second chakra is negatively charged (YANG)… This is because opposite electromagnetic charges attract one another, and similar electromagnetic charges repel one another…


    Note that each chakra spins in the opposite direction of the chakra directly above or below it… also note that all of the chakras of a men and women, spin in the opposite direction of the other sex…




    2)… CONCEPTION… The life of our body started with the union of an egg from our mother, and a sperm from our father… The egg and the sperm each had a single strand of DNA, but neither could survive for very long by themselves, each would have died without the other… It is the union of the two strands of DNA (one from the egg and one from the sperm) into a single unity that created a “life force”, activating the single cell of the fertilized egg, causing it to divide and multiply, growing from that single cell (the egg) into a full term baby… The DNA of the egg has a positive charge (YIN), and the DNA of the sperm has a negative charge (YANG)… the egg exerts an electromagnetic attraction on the sperm (in the same way that a positive pole of a magnet attracts the negative pole of another magnet), this is why the sperm is attracted to the egg, and knows where to find the egg… this is why the sperm when it reaches the egg, enters the egg, and joins its DNA to the DNA of the egg, forming a double helix… this is how the life of our body began. The fertilized egg now has 2 strands of DNA forming a double helix… the mothers’ DNA (from the egg) has a positive charge (YIN)… the fathers DNA (from the sperm) has a negative charge (YANG)… THIS DOUBLE HELIX OF THE TWO DNA (with one positively charged coil, and one negatively charged coil) IS NOW A TINY “INDUCTION COIL”, GENERATING A SUBTLE TWO WAY (positive and negative – yin and yang) FLOW OF ELECTRICITY (this is the Qi force) THROUGH THE MERIDIAN OF THE UNITED DNA, THAT ACTIVATES THE UNITED DNA (making it alive), AND GIVING THE SINGLE CELL OF THE EGG THE ENERGY FLOW THAT STARTS THE SINGLE CELL DIVIDING AND MULTIPLYING, GROWING INTO A BABY… this flow of energy goes from cell, through every cell in the body… If the negative charge of the sperm’s DNA is stronger than the positive charge of the egg’s DNA, the baby will be male… If the positive charge of the egg’s DNA is stronger than the negative charge of the sperm’s DNA, the baby will be female.




    3)… THE CADUCEUS… The two snakes represent the Yin and the Yang… if there is a black snake and a white snake...the black snake is called “Ida, and is the YIN, and the white snake is called “Pingala” and is the YANG… they form a double helix spiraling around the staff which represents the spine or central meridian of the body. The heads of the snakes represents the two lobes of the brain. The flow of YIN-YANG (the two snakes) spiraling around the central meridian (or sushumna) is inducing “Prana” (Qi force) in the central meridian which is rising up through the spine. The wings at the top of the staff represent the enlightened soul taking flight… The double helix of the snakes also represents the YIN-YANG of the two strands of DNA of the fertilized egg, while the staff and wings represent the life force (the Qi force) that the two strands are inducing… Showing that the body itself is a larger “fractal” (same geometry on a larger scale) of the single cell…

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    When I first wrote this description of the universe I was thinking strictly in terms of western physics. It was only later that it dawned on me that the universe I had described was also a “yin-yang universe”… and I then realized that the ancient Chinese of the Zhou dynasty who founded Taoism knew what they were talking about… not only did they get it right, but they did so in such a simple and elegant way… I also realized that Taoism was probably originality considered “pure science”, or simply “the truth of our existence”… not a “religion”, as we think of religion today… that “yin-yang” was simply an accurate description of the universe… So I have added this yin-yang introduction of my original description of the universe. To show how my original description of the universe in terms of western physics, is also a description of a yin-yang universe.

    ………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………


    The Tao is the “something” that existed before time and space, about which we can know nothing… As a word the Tao literally translates as “the path” or “the way”, and refers to the natural laws of the universe, and the natural flow of change… We call it Tao, but we cannot correctly name it, because names define and limit, and the “something” which we call Tao is indefinable and limitless… This “something” called Tao is the origin of the universe and its working… The Tao is the unity that is the mother of the duality of forces (“Yang” the active force, and “Yin” the passive force) that is the physical universe and all things in it.



    In western physics the yang force (active force) is “Energy”, and the yin force (passive force) is “Gravity”…


    Sir Isaac Newton’s third law of motion states that, “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction … the “action force” is ENERGY (Yang, the active force of Tao), and the equal and opposite “reaction force” is Gravity (Yin, the passive force of Tao)… they are equal and opposite… one cannot exist without the other… This is the duality of the Universe.


    In the description of the universe that follows, I will describe how Yang/Energy and Yin/Gravity are the active and passive forces that create (the illusion that is) the physical universe that we know… And how Yang/Energy and Yin/Gravity (Yin) are simple Electromagnetic Forces… Energy (yang) is the force of “expansion”, a flow of force out from the center… Gravity (yin) is the force of attraction, a flow of force in towards the center… When you read the description of the universe below and read “Energy”, think “Yang”… and when you read “Gravity”, think “Yin”.











    Neither classical physics, nor relativity physics, nor quantum physics can describe the “unity of the universe” (a “Theory of Everything”); and in addition they are mutually contradictory, so it is impossible to unify them in their present form. This situation can be considered to be “evidence” that some parts of each theory are correct, and some parts are not; that all three contain faulty “assumptions” and/or “conclusions”, even though the “logic” of their mathematics is correct… And that these faulty assumptions and/or conclusions are what have blocked any further development of these theories, thus blocking our understanding of the unity of the universe…


    It is not possible to “prove” theories of physics or astronomy with mathematics alone. Mathematics can only “describe the logic” of a theory, and the logic is based on “assumptions” that are “assumed to be true”. No matter how good the logic is, if the assumptions are wrong, the logic will produce a wrong conclusion. At best, mathematics can only show that the logic (based on the assumptions) is valid or “true”, but mathematics alone cannot prove that the “assumptions” or “conclusions” are valid or true; or that they are even possible.


    For example, I can “mathematically prove” that a human can reduce themselves down to a point. Because I have observed (observational evidence) that a human can lose 10 pounds in a month. So if a 180 pound human loses 10 pounds a month for 18 months (mathematical logic), that human would weigh zero pounds and be the size of a point. The “observational evidence” is true without question, and the “mathematical logic” is unassailable; but my “mathematical proof” proves nothing, it only describes the logic of the “theory”. It is mathematically possible for a human to reduce themselves to a point, but you have an abundance of other “observational evidence” so that you know that it is not possible in reality.


    It is the “assumption” that a human could reduce themselves down to a point that is wrong, so the conclusion is wrong. It is this kind of “mathematical absurdity” that has corrupted the logic of modern physics and astronomy, blocking our understanding of the universe. If all of the “false assumptions” and “false conclusions” were weeded out of “classical physics”, “relativity physics”, and “quantum physics”; they would fit together seamlessly. The problem is not the mathematics; the problem is the false assumptions and false conclusions associated with the mathematics.





    1)INTRODUCTION… To understand the universe, it is first necessary to understand why and how gravity is an electromagnetic force of attraction; so that you can then understand why the universe is an electromagnetic universe. It is for this reason that I begin this paper with a brief description of electromagnetic gravity.


    Sunlight… The speed of light takes approximately 8.3 minutes to reach the earth, so that when we see the sun in the sky, we are not seeing the sun where it is now, we are seeing the sun where it was a8.3 minutes ago. Sunlight does not point back to the sun’s true center of gravity, whereas gravity always points back to the sun’s true center of gravity. So if gravity is radiation it is instantaneous, propagating so fast (infinite speed) that it reaches the earth instantly, before the sun moves in the sky.


    The Equation for Sir Isaac Newton’s Inverse Square Law of Gravitation describes “gravitational radiation” that propagates at “infinite speed”; and his equation gives an accurate answer, so it was considered proof that gravity was “radiation”, and that it propagated at “infinite speed”. Newton lived before Coulomb’s inverse square law of electromagnetic force (attraction of unlike charges, and repulsion of like charges”), so he could not consider that gravity was an electromagnetic force.


    Albert Einstein knew that gravitational radiation could not propagate at a speed faster than the speed of light. And even if it propagated at the speed of light, gravity (like sunlight) would not point back to the sun’s true location; and as a result the planets would drift away from the sun and leave the solar system. So he said that gravity could not be a force. And because he knew that the gravity of a massive body (star) could act as a “gravity lens”, and that it was the curvature of a lens that focused light; he proposed that gravity was the curvature of 4-dimensional space-time around a body, and then he developed the mathematics to describe it. But he was never able to describe how the curvature was created, and how it worked…


    2)… But Consider What Happens if You Simply Reverse the Direction of Gravity… Then gravity no longer needs time to propagate from the sun to the earth. Because then, Gravity is always flowing in from outside the solar system, flowing past the earth to where the sun’s center of gravity is now. It is only because gravity was considered to be radiation that it appeared to propagate at infinite speed. Gravity that flows in towards the sun’s center of gravity does not need to propagate at an infinite speed to be instantaneous, gravity is instantaneous at any speed, because it is always flowing pass the earth now, flowing to where the sun’s center of gravity is now.


    3)… If Gravity Flows in Towards the Sun’s Center of Gravity, Gravity must be an ordinary simple electromagnetic force of attraction of “classical physics”, with “finite speed” (speed of light) in accordance with Einstein’s Relativity. And note that Sir Isaac Newton’s gravity equation (inverse square law) is only measuring the “strength” of gravity, not the “direction” or the “speed” of gravity. So the mathematics remain exactly the same even if you reverse the direction that gravity propagates. This is why Sir Isaac Newton’s gravity equation gives us an accurate answer, even when he wrongly assumed that the sun’s gravity was a form of “radiation” that propagated instantaneously at “Infinite Speed” to the earth… It has been the “accepted assumption that gravity radiates out from the sun”, that has corrupted our logic, and has blocked our understanding of gravity, since Sir Isaac Newton published his “Principia” in 1687…


    4)… If Gravity is an Electromagnetic Force of Attraction… the sun which radiates (repels) electromagnetic energy, must have a negative charge (in proportion to the size of its mass) which acts through its center of gravity, so that its center of gravity is a negative mono-pole. And gravitons must have a positive charge so that they are attracted to it, and flow to the sun’s center of gravity. And because gravity can pass through all matter, gravitons must be tiny enough to pass through molecules and atoms, so gravitons must be positively charged quanta.


    5)… How “Mass Attracts Mass”… Gravity is a force of finite speed (speed of light) that is propagated by gravitons that are “positive quanta”; that flow in towards a center of gravity because it is a negative “mono-pole” and they are attracted to it. But note that two masses are not attracting one another directly. That the negative mono-poles at the center of gravity of each mass are attracting the same positively charged Gravitons that are between them (the two masses). And as each mass pulls the same Gravitons in towards its center of gravity, they are pulling themselves together. It is a 3 way attraction. The center of gravity of one mass (negative charge), is pulling in Gravitons (positive charge), that are being pulled in by the other center of gravity (negative charge). The attraction between two masses is, “negative charge”- “positive charge”- “negative charge”.


    6)… Sir Isaac Newton’s inverse square law of gravity is essentially identical to Charles Coulomb’s inverse square law of electromagnetic attraction… The only difference is that Newton is using the sum of the masses and the distance between them squared, while Coulomb is using the sum of the charges and the distance between them squared; but both are measuring electromagnetic attraction. Newton is indirectly measuring the charge (of the masses which is in proportion to the size of the masses), while coulomb is directly measuring the charge. So gravity is unified with electromagnetism in this way, as a simple electromagnetic force of classical physics. Newton’s Law is a specialized law, intended only to measure the attraction of two masses, while Coulomb’s law is a universal law that measures all types of electromagnetic attraction and repulsion.


    7)… When Einstein said that e=Mc2, Einstein said that energy must have MASS… translated into simple English grammar, this means that he said, “energy” = “mass” x “the speed of light” x “the speed of light”… this means that every “wavelength” on the “energy spectrum” has “mass”… you cannot have “energy”, without “mass”… because “energy” is “mass” in motion… this means that every “wavelength” on the “energy spectrum” is a moving “particle” or “quanta”, creating a wavelength… energy has a “negative charge”, therefore “energy” is “a particle or quanta with a negative charge”…


    8)… Why there must be a GRAVITY SPECTRUM… Sir Isaac Newton’s “third law of motion” states that “for every “action”, there must be an equal and opposite reaction”… this means that, for every “moving negatively charged flow of energy particles or quanta” (with negative spin), there must be an equal and opposite flow of “moving positively charged gravity particles or quanta” (with positive spin)… this means that there must be a “gravity spectrum” that is equal and opposite to the “energy spectrum”ENERGY IS THE ACTION… GRAVITY IS THE EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION… this is the whole basis of the “conservation of energy”…


    9)… What generates Gravity…The earth is orbiting around our star “Sol”, our sun… our sun is orbiting in our milky way galaxy… our milky way galaxy is orbiting in our galaxy cluster, which is orbiting in our galaxy super cluster, which appears to be moving towards the “great wall of galaxies”… all mass in the universe is moving out from the center, as the energy of the universe expands …so that all masses have this “kinetic energy” as a result of all this movement, in proportion to the size of their mass… this in turn induces an equal and opposite flow of “kinetic gravity”… that is a flow of “moving positively charged gravity particles or quanta (gravitons), in proportion to the size of the mass… the “kinetic energy” and the “kinetic gravity” are both acting through the center of the mass… THE KINETIC ENERGY IS THE ACTION… THE KINETIC GRAVITY IS THE EQUAL AND OPPOSITE REACTION…


    10)… Einstein’s “Curvature of Space” Gravity… The “gravitons” (positively charged quanta) flowing towards the “negative monopole” at the center of gravity of a massive body, are Einstein’s “curvature of space gravity”… the strong flow of positively charged gravitons flowing towards the negatively charged monopole, attract and pull the negatively charged photons of light towards the center of gravity of the massive body… bending the path of the light, and focusing it like the curvature of a lens would do… this is the curvature of space that is continuously updated as the massive body moves through space… this is the 4 dimensional space-time of Einstein’s gravity, 3 dimensions moving in the space of “time” (the 4th dimension)…








    Paul Adrien Maurice Dirac… 1902 – 1984


    11)… Dirac’s Quantum Field Theory… Paul Dirac is considered the father of “quantum field theory”… quantum field theory originated from the “Dirac sea”… the origins of the Dirac sea lie in the energy spectrum of the Dirac equation, an extension of the Schrodinger equation that is consistent with special relativity, that Dirac had formulated in 1928… the equation was extremely successful in describing electron dynamics, but it possessed a rather unusual feature, it described “anti-matter”… because for each quantum state possessing a positive energy “E”, there was a corresponding opposite state with a negative energy “-E”…


    The idea of the Dirac sea implies an infinite negative electric charge filling all of space… and in order to preserve symmetry (the conservation of electric charge), there must also be an infinite positive electric charge density which is exactly cancelled by the Dirac sea… because the two electric charges are equal and opposite, the Dirac sea is neutral and unobservable… only changes (particles popping in and out of existence) in the Dirac sea are observable… this is the original concept of the “quantum field theory”…


    When Dirac published his work in 1928, the established world of physics ridiculed him and his work, calling him an “ignorant crank”, and dismissing his work as “rubbish”, because it didn’t agree with their work… but in 1932, another physicist proved by observation (beyond doubt) that Dirac was right… and in 1935, Dirac received the Nobel Prize for physics…


    But in the late 1930s when Dirac’s original equation became widely accepted, it was “reformulated” (changed) by others… Dirac’s sea became a vacuum, a state in which no particles existed, instead of an infinite sea of particles whose charge was equal and opposite… this destroyed the original integrity of Dirac’s equation, eliminating both “causality” and the “symmetry of electric charge”… the infinite energy of the quantum fields now came out of “nothingness”, and returned to “nothingness”… the conservation of energy and charge was completely ignored… needless to say, Dirac was not happy with the “reformulation” of his quantum field theory, and he never accepted it… he continued to maintain that empty space “must” be filled with an equal and opposite sea of negative and positive electric charge, to preserve the symmetry of electric charge so that the mathematics of his Dirac Equation would give accurate results in all situations…


    The reason that Dirac’s original equation was reformulated was because it had a unique feature… if you tried to use his equation to calculate something it wasn’t intended for, you would get an answer of “infinity” meaning that what you were trying to do was impossible… this is why it was reformulated by other physicists, Dirac’s equation told other physicists that their theories were impossible… so they reformulated his equation to make their theories possible … This is why Astrophysics has been lost in the woods since the late 1930’s… burdened down by a lot of dysfunctional theories, and has degenerated into a herd of squabbling competing theories, none of which can credibly describe the universe… Quantum Mechanics is the only area of Quantum Physics that has any credibility…


    All through science, we observe almost total symmetry between positive and negative… Dirac’s original equation validated the conservation of charge, which means that charge can neither be created nor destroyed… charges come in positive and negative, forces come in positive and negative, particles are symmetric between matter and antimatter. This last came as a great shock to physicists when Dirac’s equation first predicted it, but after it was proven by observation, and was accepted, symmetry became the justification for many of our theoretical structures… now it is only in energy that physicists deny that such symmetry exists…


    12)… The following model of the universe is based on Dirac’s original quantum field theory. It is a universe where empty space is filled with a Dirac Sea, a neutral sea composed of equal and opposite negative and positive charge. It is a universe with total symmetry. It is the symmetry of energy, and gravity. It is the symmetry of NEGATIVE CHARGE and POSITIVE CHARGE. It is the symmetry of Dirac’s Sea. It might at first seem that the universe is far too complex to be built up of nothing but two simple electromagnetic forces of classical physics. But the complexity of the universe is an illusion. Think of the complexity that your computer and the internet have generated in just a few years, which is based on a binary code of “1” and “0”. The universe has been generating complexity for hundreds of billions of years. Also consider that the universe is built up of nothing but 3 types of particles : negative particles, positive particles, and neutral particles. But the neutral particle has charge, it is only neutral because it has an equal balance of positive and negative charge. So the universe is made up of nothing but kinetic and static “negative charge” (energy) and “positive charge” (gravity). The universe on every scale is a electro-magnetic structure, an electro-magnetic hologram illusion built up of nothing but negative and positive charge.









    13)… Why the Universe Expands, and why the Expansion is Accelerating… In 1998, astronomers discovered that the universe is expanding at ever faster speeds. The accelerating expansion of the universe is currently one of the most famous, and most embarrassing, problems in physics. It’s an “effect” still searching for a “cause”… Until 1998, everyone thought the universe’s expansion was slowing down after the “big bang”.


    The universe expands because the energy of the universe flows into the lower potential that surrounds it… Even if the universe expands uniformly, it is still a mass, and as such it has a center of mass/gravity… and everything in the universe is moving and being carried out from that center of mass/gravity as the universe expands… the motion of the orbit of the earth (and our star the sun, other stars and planets, moons, galaxies, and other heavenly) is not powered by the “momentum” of the big bang… all motion in the universe, the motion of atoms, the flow of electricity, the metabolism and movement of living creatures, the motion of all orbiting masses is driven by the flow of energy out from the center of mass of the universe to the edge of the universe, as the universe expands… this is why the expansion of the universe, and the motion of heavenly bodies do not experience entropy…


    The energy of the universe is an electromagnetic force. All energy has a negative charge. A negative charge repels other negative charges, so energy repels other energy. This is why energy radiates and flows to a lower potential. This is why the universe expands. The universe is surrounded by a lower potential, therefore the energy of the universe flows or radiates out into this lower potential that surrounds it. The drawing below, of the “inverse square law”, clearly illustrates why the expansion of the universe is accelerating. It shows that even if the universe expands at a constant rate of speed, the ever increasing volume of expansion is an accelerating geometric progression; and that the exterior surface area of the universe exposed to the lower potential is also an accelerating geometric progression, giving the universe an ever increasing potential for expansion.




    This drawing of the inverse square law explains why the expansion of the universe is accelerating, even if the speed of expansion is constant.





    14)… “Dark Energy” and “Dark Matter” are the universal Dirac Sea that fills all space. Because of later revisions of Dirac’s original quantum field theory equation (made by others) that changed the Dirac Sea into “empty nothingness”, the “negative charge” (energy) that makes up half of the Dirac Sea has now been mistakenly assumed to be “dark energy”. And the positive charge (gravity) that makes up the other half of the Dirac Sea is now mistakenly assumed to be gravity that is generated by “dark matter”.


    15)… The Quantum Field… When particles pop in and out of existence in the “quantum field”, they are popping in and out of existence from this “Dirac Sea”. This “Dirac Sea” can be considered as providing credible causality for the “quantum field”, and it restores the conservation of “energy”, and “electric charge”.


    16)… All Heavenly Bodies… Galaxies, stars, planets, moons, comets, etc, are charged masses immersed in, and moving through this conductive Dirac Sea.






    17)… “Time” is the flow of “Energy”… We experience time as “motion” and “change”… “Motion” is the flow of the energy force, while “change” is the result of the energy force flowing… The flow of Energy is driven by the expansion of the Universe… Energy flows from the center of the Universe towards its edge, for this reason time flows in one direction only. The past is gone, and no longer exists, and the future does not yet exist except as a probability. We exist and live in a “now”, the present moment… The “past” and the “future” are only “intellectual concepts”, they are not “existing realities”. Without the flow of energy, there would be no motion, change, or time… Time is measured in units of Motion… The motion of sand through an hourglass… The motion of a shadow on a sundial… The motion of a pendulum swinging back and forth… Time is measured as units of the Earth’s and Moon’s motion… The “day” is “one rotation of the earth”, the motion of the sun across the sky, day & night… A “lunar month” is one cycle of the waxing and waning orbiting moon… The “year” is one orbit around the sun, one cycle of the changing seasons… These are arbitrary local (Earth) units of measurement… The Motion of the Earth is very erratic… Because the orbit of the Earth is an ellipse and not a perfect circle, the earth speeds up, and slows down as its distance from the sun varies… and the other planets in the solar system exert a gravity pull on the Earth, depending where they are in their orbits… so the length of both the day and the year varies… The solar system does not keep “perfect time”… Atomic clocks use the vibrations of atoms (motion) to keep “perfect time”, but atomic clocks get out of sync with what the Earth is really doing, and have to be adjusted to match “real” Earth time which is erratic… the metaphorical “beginning of time” was when energy started to flow. The “end of time” is when energy stops flowing.


    18)… The speed of light is a constant in any frame of reference, because “time” and “light” are both the “flow of energy”, so propagate at the same speed. If they slow down or speed up, they do so in tandem.







    Newton’s assumption that gravity was radiation, that propagated at infinite speed was a “false assumption”… but because he used the “inverse square law” which only measured the strength of gravity, not the direction or speed of gravity, the mathematics still gave him an accurate answer… and because the mathematics gave an accurate answer for the strength of gravity, it was considered “proof” that the “assumption” (that gravity was radiation) was true, and that the “conclusion” (that gravity propagated at infinite speed) was true… and so it was considered a “proven fact” that gravity was “radiation” that propagated at “infinite speed”, until Einstein declared that it was impossible for gravity to propagate at “infinite speed”… but Einstein still accepted as a fact, the “false assumption” that gravity was “radiation”, and so he reached the “false conclusion” that gravity could not be a “force”… instead, he said that gravity was the “curvature of 4-dimensional space-time”, and so he then created the mathematics (true logic) to describe gravity as the curvature of space-time… and so our understanding of gravity was still blocked… and even today as you read this, it is still considered a “scientific fact” that gravity is “radiation”… it is this “false assumption” that has made it “impossible” for physics and astronomy to understand “gravity”, since Isaac Newton published his “Principia” in 1687… and unless you understand gravity, it is not possible for you to understand the unity of the universe… it is only by questioning the “assumptions” and “conclusions” of contemporary “scientific wisdom”, that physics and astronomy can remove the barriers (false assumptions and false conclusions) that impede further understanding of the universe…



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  5. MALIKSHREDS... Not to rain on your parade, but have anyone ever certified that you are enlightened? Since the Buddha went into Nirvana, it is important to be certified if your enlightenment is true or not, otherwise you're merely in a Demon State.



    Don't worry about me, worry about yourself...



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  6. "NORTHERN AVID JUDO ANT... No matter how angry, violent, or unacceptable my behavior ever might become, you will continue to promote the very base ideals which my life revolves... perhaps you can better transmit truth with calm than I can incite change at all... perhaps it is irrelevant all together and all that is left for me is to die... but I will die fighting for what I feel to know is correct and true."



    just think about what you want which is positive... don't think about what you don't want... this is because you attract to yourself whatever you think about... don't fight anything, you just energize it with your energy... if you fight anything, you are clinging to negativity



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    • Thanks 1


    “DELUSION” is the toxic voice of your thoughts in your conscious mind… many people believe that their thoughts are somehow useful to them… and believe that the inner voice of their thoughts is there to help guide them to make better choices so that they will create a happy, joyful, comfortable, fulfilling and successful life for themselves… If this were true then they would find themselves feeling satisfied, happy, confident, relaxed, at ease, peaceful, positive, optimistic, good about themselves, successful, fulfilled and worthy…

    But if we consider what it really feels like to have that critical inner voice living inside our conscious mind, we will invariably notice that it makes us feel inadequate, weak willed, lacking confidence, unmotivated, risk averse, overly cautious, fearful of making mistakes, paralyzed, anxious, confused, unable to make clear and focused decisions, incompetent, sad, stuck, pessimistic about the future, unworthy and so on… which prevents us from being able to create a successful and fulfilling life… it is this voice, that creates all of our dissatisfaction and suffering…it is the voice of delusion… but don’t dislike or hate it, that is clinging to it… instead just think of it as the “voice of childish ignorance” and dismiss it as having no credibility… simply be indifferent to it...

    Meditation… The whole object of meditation from start to finish, is gaining control of, and permanently silencing that voice in the conscious mind… the voice that is coming directly from the subconscious mind… that voice which is the voice of your “conditioning”… that voice is not your voice, it is the voice of “mundane reality”, it is the voice of all the other people who have taught you what you should believe is “real”… that voice is how the mundane world controls your thoughts and actions… that voice is the voice of your karma, it is how your karma (conditioning) controls your life…that voice is the voice of your delusion…that voice is the source of all your dissatisfaction and suffering… when you destroy that voice permanently, your subconscious mind becomes enlightened, and “awakens” as if from a dream, and you “know” and understand “the truth of your existence”… and once you “know”, it is impossible not to “know”…and because now the voice is gone, the conscious mind becomes “empty” and “serenely peaceful”…

    Note…you get rid of the “voice” by systematically purifying your mind of the mundane conditioning that is creating the voice… it does not matter what method you use to purify the mind, and destroy delusion, that is of no importance… all that is important is that the method works for you…

    Breathing during meditation… When meditating and observing our breath, we should not control our breath with our conscious mind, but instead let our subconscious mind do our (automatic) breathing for us, then we should be aware that by observing our breath now, that we are observing our subconscious mind taking care of us, and get in sync with it, and then simply let go, and let it “lead the way”… this helps to set up “investigation”, or set up “communication”, and/or “interaction” with the subconscious mind…


    Step (1)… Concentration (samahdi)…this is developing the ability to temporarily stop the voice in your conscious mind, so that your mind is quiet and peaceful… this is the first step in regaining control of your conscious mind…

    Step (2)… Getting rid of “anger” (dislike) and “greed” (like)… anger and greed are the two sides of the same coin… understanding that when someone makes you angry or greedy, that they are not only controlling you, but they are also stealing your energy…and then learning how to remain indifferent, so that you no longer respond with anger or greed…

    You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger… (Buddha)

    Step (3)… Reaching equanimity (“live” and “let live”)… Realizing and accepting that other people have different opinions and beliefs than you, and that their opinions and beliefs are just as valid as yours… a person with equanimity is never sucked into arguments with others, about who is right, and who is wrong…nor do they become upset if they are beset by the “slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”…equanimity is a state of psychological stability and composure which is undisturbed by experience of, or exposure to emotions, pain, or other phenomena that may cause others to lose the balance of their mind…

    Step (4)… Body investigation… understand that you are not a body and personality with a spirit; understand that you are an ancient spirit with a new body and personality…understand that you are not your “body” or your “personality”… understand that you are an ancient immortal “spirit” with a temporary “body” and “personality”, and that you have had an uncountable number of bodies and personalities in the past… understand that the spirit that is you could not “die” even if you wanted it to, and that when your body dies, your spirit is alive in the spirit world, and if you have not attained enlightenment, your spirit reincarnates in another physical body and personality…

    Step (5)…”The middle path”… the “truth of our existence” is that there is no “reality… everything just “is”, nothing is good or bad… good and bad are just value judgments of mundane reality… and mundane reality is just a survival strategy created by humans to ensure the survival of the species… “the truth of our existence” is that we live in a universe of “cause” and “effect”… consider that in the physical world that if you stick your hand in a fire (the cause), the effect is that your hand will get burned… does that mean that the fire is “bad”, No!... it is just the truth of our existence... in the spiritual world, “intention” is the “cause”, and “karma” is the “effect”… if you intentionally harm another person (cause), you will create “karma”, karma that harms you (effect)… this is the truth of our existence... this is the reason why it is necessary for you to make everything (and everything means everything) “neutral” (middle path, neither good nor bad ) to reach “awakening”… consider a “screwdriver”.., is it good or bad..? No… it is neutral… it is just a useful tool if you want to drive a screw…this is being indifferent, treat everything with this kind of indifference…you must be able to hold this attitude of indifference, long enough for mundane reality to collapse and vanish permanently, to reach awakening… once you reach awakening it is permanent…when you reach awakening, you will “know”… it is impossible not to “know”…


    You can search throughout the entire universe for someone who is more deserving of your love and affection than you are yourself, and that person is not to be found anywhere. You yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe deserve your love and affection… (Buddha)

    Forgive yourself for not being perfect…realize that you are no better or worse than anybody else… be totally honest with yourself, and love yourself… otherwise you will be unable to be honest with others, or love others… accept and forgive yourself just the way you are… if you are unable to calm your mind when you sit down to meditate, forgive yourself for not being perfect and at peace, this takes the stress out of the situation so it is easier to be at peace…offer no resistance to “the way things are”, or you will set up inner conflict… whatever happens “just is”, it is not “good” or “bad”, it is neutral…”be indifferent”, don’t make “value judgments”, just let everything flow past you…you are always “here”, and the time is always “now”…


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  8. I am sorry to be so long in responding to comments, but I have been in the mountains of northern Thailand since last July (the beginning of the rainy season), and have been off line since then… I am back online now, and I will now try to respond to comments as quickly as I can…


    a few words about my stay in the mountains… I was living in a “kuti” (monk’s hut) in a “forest monastery” where I knew most of the monks… the area of forest that belonged to the monastery was huge, and my kuti was the furthest up the mountain so that I had almost total solitude… it took me 20 minutes to walk from my kuti down the path to the main buildings of the monastery… I had to wade through the “rainy season streams” that crossed the path, or ran down the path in places… in other places I had to jump from big rock to big rock… I saw a lot of harmless snakes while going up and down that path, and there were shed “tree snake” skins hanging from the rafters of my kuti, but I also saw common cobras, and even saw a “king cobra” twice which is rare because they are very shy and avoid any contact with humans… they usually hear you coming, and instantly disappear so that you don’t even know they were there… the first one which was a very young one, was only about five or six feet long… the second one was at least fourteen feet long (they grow up to eighteen feet), and had its head stuck in a pool of water looking for something to eat, so it didn’t hear me coming… I didn’t see it until I heard it beating a hasty retreat, and looked down to see the tip of its tail sticking out of the pool of water about three feet from my right foot, then looked up to see its head and body coming out of the other side of the pool, as it very quickly fled and disappeared from sight… in Thailand it is considered “good luck” to see a king cobra…


    My kuti was built atop an immense rock, and took two flights of steps to reach it, so that the windows looked out into the tree tops… the most awesome thing that happened to me while I was there happened one night when I blew out the candle (my kuti had no electricity) to go to sleep… I noticed that there was a very bright light backlighting the trees in the direction that I could see out the window in front of me… I wondered if the monks had set up such bright lights to do something… then as I continued to look, I noticed what looked like round balls of light flying around in the tree tops, so then I realized it was devas (heavenly beings)… and the area of bright light was coming closer and closer to my kuti… then there were thousands of bright round lights flying around in the trees outside the window… and as I sat there in amazement, the round lights came rushing through the window and wall, and swirled around me like a tornado, causing every nerve in my body to fire, then out through the opposite window and wall… it must have done the same thing to the wildlife in the attic space between the roof and ceiling of the kuti, because I could hear chirping and wings flapping, scurrying of feet, baby rats squeaking, “tokays” (big loud lizards) grunting, etc…


    The funniest thing that happened to me was again one night when I blew out the candle in my kuti to go to sleep… I lay down and closed my eyes to go to sleep but I found myself in a spirit realm instead… (I have been to the spirit realms more times than I can count, and I have visited the highest heavenly realms down to hell realms… I frequently find myself spontaneously in a spirit realm when I close my eyes to go to sleep, when i just want to go to sleep… so I open my eyes then close them again… but I am in a spirit real again, so I open my eyes again, and turn on the light, then after a few minutes I close my eyes again, hoping that I am not in a spirit world again… if I close my eyes again and continue to be in a spirit realm, I usually just lie down in the spirit realm wherever I am and go to sleep there… no spirit has ever bothered me or woke me up)… so I close my eyes again and I find myself in a spirit world again… and it is night time, and I am surrounded by bushes and trees… it looks like a good place to sleep, so I lie down on the ground and close my eyes, and am almost asleep when I hear a voice saying, “what are you doing ?”… I open my eyes and I see a guy standing there wearing a sweat shirt and khaki pants… (this tells me I am in a ghost realm, because that is the only place in the spirit world where you would find someone wearing a sweat shirt and khaki pants!!!)... so I say that, “I’m trying to go to sleep!... then he says, “my house is on the other side of those bushes, and I have an extra bedroom, you can sleep there if you want to”… so I say, “ok”, and follow him around the bushes to his house, and we go in the back door thru to the living room, we turn left and he opens a door into a room with a comfortable looking bed with a comfortable looking “stuffed chair” next to it… I thank him for his hospitality, and he goes out closing the door behind him… I lie down on the bed which is comfortable, and close my eyes to go to sleep… I am almost asleep again when I hear muted voices… I listen more closely and realize that it is a group of people talking… so I get up out of the bed and go over to the door and listen again… the voices are coming from the living room, so I open the door part way and look into the living room… in the living room are small groups of people talking… one of the people notices me looking into the living room and greets me, so that everyone now is aware of me and greets me… so I greet them and open the bedroom door and go into the living room, where I now join the “party”… talking with anyone who comes over to talk with me… then I notice that the front door is open, and can see a small group of people standing outside talking, I go out the front door onto a small porch… I can see two cars parked in front of the house, and a small group of people talking next to one of the cars… I turn around to go back into the living room just as a group of 3 young women are coming out the door… so that we block each other from going thru the door… we both apologize for blocking the other, and talk for a few minutes… it is only when one of the women says, “I’m so glad I had the opportunity to meet you”, that I realize that everyone had come to see the “live human” that my host had spending the night in his house… I go back inside the living room, where I sit in a chair about six feet from my host who is sitting in a chair grinning at me… at that moment I recognize him, and I realize that I know him (I’ve never seen him wearing a sweatshirt and khaki pants before)… he is one of my spirit guides, my favorite who I haven’t seen for a while, he taught me a lot… and I realize that it was no coincidence that I was trying to go to sleep behind the bushes in his backyard… so I just sit there grinning back at him… there is no need to say anything, because I know that he knows that I have recognized him… people are starting to leave now, when a wild eyed guy comes in (he has black disheveled hair, the stubble of a beard, and he looks like he just woke up)… he looks around and walks over to me looking at me as if I am an inanimate object on exhibition (he doesn’t say a word to me as he stares at me from every possible angle… then he cautiously pokes me on the shoulder with his finger, to see if I responded (I didn’t), pulling his finger back quickly… when I didn’t respond, he cautiously poked me on the shoulder five times to see if I responded (I didn’t)… he then backs up and scrutinizes me, tilting his head this way and that… then he cautiously pushes my shoulder with the palm of his hand, pulling his hand back quickly… again I don’t respond… he then backs up again and scrutinizes me again, then shrugs and turns around and walks out the front door… almost everyone was gone now so I say goodnight to my host, and thank him again, and go back to my bedroom, to finally lie down and go to sleep… the next morning when I wake up in my kuti, I am full of joy and start laughing at the absurdity of it all… (being a house guest of one of my spirit guides in the ghost realm, who holds a party in his ghost house in my honor)… then because all the ghosts I met at the party were such decent well meaning people (they are preparing to reincarnate and my spirit guide friend is their teacher), I send “merit” (good karma) to everyone at the party (even the weird guy who was poking my shoulder to see if I would respond)… then I send my spirit guide friend a telepathic “good morning”, and thank him again for his hospitality, and laugh some more…


    Note… although I have been to the ghost realm many times, walking around on the streets and in public areas of ghost cities talking to “street people ghosts”, asking them questions about the ghost realm (they usually thought I was dead and had just arrived in the ghost realm, so were friendly and informative… once I was even offered a job!!!… but you don’t just walk into people’s houses in the ghost realm, any more than you would do it in the physical realm)… this is the first time I have been a house guest in a ghost house… the ghost house was very cozy and comfortable… it was like being in a physical house, except that it did not have a kitchen or bathroom, for obvious reasons…



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  9. Hello Tibetan Ice,


    You said…


    As this experience occurred a few more times, in various circumstances, I noticed that they all had the same characteristics:


    1) Monkey mind was gone (no voice broadcasting anything). There was a distinctive inner silence… (this is what is meant by the mind being “empty”)


    2) There was great bliss, love, joy, beyond belief… (nirvana)


    3) Whatever I was looking at was crystal clear, brighter and luminous (leaves on trees, the sky, grass, etc).


    4) There was an overwhelming feeling that I "was" everything. It was all me. The sense of "me" had become everything. I was the soap in the shower, the tub. I was the trees, the sky, the park bench, the other people.


    5) You can still 'think' but it is a direct knowing, like the thought (which are few and far in between, I don't know if I would even call them thoughts) just appears in an instant 'knowing'. And, the knowing is very clear, precise.. almost luminous. Also, the thought comes from a location above the head, instead of the usual locations with relation to the head space…


    These experiences have been so wonderful and mind-shattering that I wish I could just stay in them forever. ( I also wish I could make others experience the same state). The states have never lasted that long...


    Have I described the state that you are permanently in now? Did you notice the feeling that "you were everything"? Do all objects seem brighter than before? Is that what you are calling awakening?



    Yes, this is what I experience permanently now… yes, this is what I am calling awakening… what you describe is like the enlightened mind, the permanent state of consciousness that you are in when you “awaken”… what you have done is to temporarily escape “delusion”, and see man’s natural state that is hidden behind the delusion… then delusion closes in around you again, and your vision of enlightenment fades away and is hidden again… the only way to reach that state (of enlightenment) permanently, is to destroy delusion permanently…


    Although It is the subconscious mind (6th chakra which absolutely and totally controls the lower five chakras) that becomes enlightened when delusion is destroyed… it is only the “independent” conscious mind (7th chakra) has the ability to destroy delusion… this is because the conscious mind has the power “to think outside the box” of its conditioning (free will and logic)…


    The Buddhist meditation that I did, systematically neutralizes delusion’s control of the conscious mind… starting with learning to stop the voice temporarily (Samadhi/concentration)… then as the concentration gets deeper and deeper, getting rid of anger and greed, reaching equanimity, and then moves on to body investigation meditation… the conscious mind becomes stronger and stronger… the goal is the middle path, where there is no “duality” (delusion)… everything “just is”, nothing is good or bad except intension… in this way, the conscious mind weakens delusion’s control of it, bit by bit… until (one day when you least expect it, and are relaxed in a “safe place”, with your mind free of thoughts), delusion (mundane reality) collapses and is swept away amid loud noises (louder, higher, and deeper than you have ever heard) and blinding flashes of lights… then the bliss hits you, and it is as if you have been asleep, and have just awakened from a dream (the delusion that seemed so so real)… you are now back home, back in the “real world” that you have had glimpses of before…


    I think I'm a bit afraid that if this state were to persist, I would no longer know how to perform my highly technical skilled job at work or even be able to drive a car... I imagine that it takes some getting used to!


    You might experience some minor disorientation at first (like getting used to the bliss)… like you would experience if you go from bright light to darkness, or darkness to bright light… and your eyes need some time to adjust… but the awakening makes it easier (almost effortless) to do all the things you did before… and your ability to “know” by intuition, would greatly enhance your ability to perform at your “highly technical skilled job”… you would be able to intuit solutions to problems… you would become a “genius” at doing your job… and it would not endanger you while you were driving your car, your ability to concentrate and intuit would make you safer… your enlightened subconscious mind would never throw you a curve and put you in danger, it would always be protecting you from danger… you would be safer than you are now.




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  10. Hello Matthew,


    You said…


    1. About feeling "weird". I guess I should have explained what I meant by feeling "weird" better. I don't feel weird in relation to society (I live in Austin, its hard to feel weird here haha). What I meant was that sometimes after meditating for a while I'll feel weird to myself as in "different" .... its very difficult to put into words. I guess the best way to put it is that I'll just feel a little "off".


    This is good because it indicates that the meditation is having an effect, and that your meditation is working… you could say that the whole point of your meditation is to feel different… for the better…


    2. In regards to finding a woman, this is something that I have been confused about for a while now. I know the monks do not get involved with women since they are seeking enlightenment. If I wanted to reach enlightenment would a woman be a distraction from that? On the other hand I must admit I do have that desire, and its not just for the sex, but for the companionship aspect of it (which really isn't much of a shocker since most people want that type of thing). So I find myself in the quandary of trying to figure out if I should keep staying single and meditate enough to eliminate that desire or to meditate in order to better understand exactly what kind of woman I really would want.


    First off, don’t get married in desperation, because you are lonely… and I would suggest you live with a woman for a while before you marry her… being married is like being a “Siamese twin”, you have lots of companionship, and no solitude… your attitude should be that you are looking for a “roommate”, who is a spiritual friend… do you want kids…? Does she want kids…? maybe you set a wedding date five years in the future, because if you can cohabitate for five years… you should then know if you want to make it legally permanent… and I will repeat what I said before… find a woman who is a serious meditator, so that your woman, understands her man… a woman who does not meditate would not understand you, nor would she consider your meditation important… she would interrupt your meditation constantly, she would think that your meditation was just a “silly phase” that you were going thru… and your relationship would be doomed from the start… a mundane woman would see your meditation as a rival for your attention, and either she or your meditation would go… but If your woman was a spiritual friend (as well as a physical friend) who would not be upset if you went someplace to do solitary meditation for six months, she would not be a hindrance to your enlightenment… but having kids would be a hindrance because you would consider your kids more important than yourself… so you would consider “being there for your kids” more important that enlightenment…


    Now a story about enlightenment... in the time of the Buddha, a poor ignorant worthless old man who had been thrown out of his house by his family because he could no longer do any useful labor, came to the Buddha’s monastery and wanted to become a monk… but the monks at the monastery ridiculed him, and chased them away… so he decided to kill himself by throwing himself off a nearby cliff… the Budda who was returning to the monastery became aware of the old man, and put himself in the old man’s way… when the man approached, the Buddha hailed him asking, “where are you going old man…?” the old man did not realize he was talking to the Buddha, he thought he was just talking to another ordinary monk… so the old man told Buddha what had just happened when he went to the monastery, and since he could not become a monk, he was on his way to throw himself off a cliff so he could start his next reincarnation… the Buddha told the old man that if he followed him back to the monastery, he would get someone to ordain him… the old man was estatic saying, “really ?... do you know someone important there, can you really get me ordained …? So the Buddha took him back to the monastery and had him ordained… a week later, the old man had attained enlightenment… the other monks were amazed, and came to the Buddha asking him how the old man had reached enlightenment so quickly… the Buddha replied, “he had already thrown away his body”… (when he decided it was worthless and was going to throw it off a cliff to get rid of it… so that he could move on to his next life)…


    3. Also I've been trying to implement your advice about meditation but I still find my mind wondering often.


    You are repeating “Buddho” and observing the breath, as a way to block your thoughts… but if that doesn’t block your thoughts… try to analyze why… what is the problem…


    (3a)… is it because you have been over stimulated by the mundane world, and are “hyper” as a result… if so, meditate to sounds that will relax your mind and put it into a meditative state (alpha brain waves)… surf “youtube music videos” and you can find an endless supply of good sounds to download… just focus your attention on the breath going in and out, and just let the music wash over you… use the music in place of the “buddho” to block your thoughts… the idea is to replace the voice in your mind with peaceful sounds…


    Goggle and download these, and give them a try…



    Om Mani Padme Hum - Original Extended Version.wmv



    Sound Therapy - Whales Singing




    75 minutes of thunder and rain - relaxing noise for your ears



    Peaceful Aum namah Shivaya Mantra Complete



    Tibetan Chant - Heart Sutra



    Relaxation music -Chinese Bamboo Flute Yoga –Meditation - Natural sounds




    (3b)… is it because you are having “negative thoughts”… if so, realize that those thoughts are not you… that those thoughts were put in your head (subconscious mind) sometime in the past by someone else, to control you… forgive that anonymous person (or persons) for putting those thoughts in your head, and send them some “love”, whoever they are, and wherever they may be (they probably need some love)… then forgive yourself for accepting the thoughts, and feel some love for yourself, for all the good things you are… hug yourself, and say to yourself, “I love the goodness of the spirit within me”… then let go of it all, and breathe deeply and freely…


    (3c)… is it because you have a problem… and you are distracted by it and can’t concentrate on your meditation…? Try to think of your problem as an opportunity to change things for the better… don’t think (obsess) about the problem and feel helpless (depressed)… rally the troops instead… get in an alpha state, and ask your subconscious mind to help you find a solution… and ask your spirit guides to help you find a solution… while you work your way through the problem…


    (3d)… is it because you have a really really big problem… like is it because your whole family was killed at a family reunion, by a falling meteor, which you missed because on your way to it, your Mercedes ran over a giant armadillo and flipped over totaling it, throwing you into a thicket of prickly pear cactus and mesquite… then when you held a wake for them at your ranch, the candles around the coffins, caught the curtains on fire, burning down your ranch house... and sparks from the house set the barn on fire, killing all your prized horses that were locked in their stalls, and burning up your new Maserati Gran Turismo which you had parked in the barn so it would be “safe”… and while you were reading the “dear john letter’ from your girl friend who had just run off with your best friend… you received the news that your faithful beloved hound dog "meatball", had died because he ate too much charred horse meat… and then when you tried to telephone your insurance agent (Billy Bob Smith who was your fraternity brother at University of Texas), the insurance company told you that they had no record of you having any insurance policies with them, and that Mr. William Robert Smith is wanted by the feds for insurance fraud, and is believed to be hiding somewhere in South America… If your problem is this big, I can only suggest that you be a selfless saint in at least your next ten reincarnations to cancel some of your bad karma… : )



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  11. Tibetan Ice,


    You said,


    Your statement about siddhis is kind of disturbing to me. I'm never happy to hear about gurus who caution about siddhis and then don't demonstrate any. It always seems like a cop-out to me, like they are hiding the fact that they don't have the ability, are not realized, or at least, don't know the proper technique… I also find it strange that you can say "I was describing my interaction with my subconscious mind… and how the subconscious mind of every person has access to all the knowledge and powers of the universe..' and yet cannot demonstrate what that statement actually means. Or perhaps you don't want to demonstrate? If I could walk through walls or fly, I would never tell anyone because I would become a target.. Some things are best kept secret.



    I am glad you understand that although I am a dawg, I am not a performing dawg that does tricks on demand…


    Don’t be disturbed by what I say below… read it carefully and understand it… don't judge it… if you are ripe and ready for it, you will see the truth of it… if you are not ripe for it now, it will lay dormant in your mind and perhaps be useful to you later…


    I assume you aspire to awakening… and from what you describe of your practice, you have attained much… your efforts have not been in vain… but you need to be more systematic and cover all bases, if you ignore some things, they will become your weaknesses… and if you aspire to awakening, not once did you mention the most important thing of all… THE DESTRUCTION OF DELUSION, WHICH “IS” AWAKENING… delusion (mundane reality) is located in the subconscious mind, the 6th chakra. but only the conscious mind, the 7th chakra can destroy delusion… if you destroy delusion you would attain awakening, and all your attainments would come together, giving you everything you desire…



    you can develop as many siddhis as you want, and still not be awake (enlightened), or any closer to awakening… you need to purify the conscious mind (7th chakra), and use it to destroy delusion (purify the 6th chakra) the subconscious mind, to be awakened… and unless you are awakened, delusion controls 100% of your subconscious mind (the 6th chakra), and 95% of your conscious mind (7th chakra)… so if delusion controls your conscious mind 95% of the time… the siddhis, which are powers of the subconscious mind, would be under the control of delusion for at least 95% of the time… and you would be unaware of it… Because your deluded subconscious mind with powers would subconsciously control you…



    At present, your mind is filled with thoughts (the voice of your mind, delusion), and you react to them… in other words, you “think and react”… but if you were awakened, your mind would always be empty of thoughts, and you would “know and act” instead… until you can purify your mind of thoughts (mundane reality, the conditioned reflex reactions (thoughts) that other people have filled your subconscious mind with), you would be unable to control any powers that you may attain…



    In short, you now have no control of your subconscious mind… zero… and you cannot control your conscious mind 95% of the time… to control the powers that the subconscious mind is capable of… you need to control your conscious mind and your subconscious mind 100 % of the time…



    Norbu says that he remains in a deep dream-like state during his waking hours. I think part of the formula is to be asleep while you are awake, so that everyday existence becomes the dream that it really is. Once you realize this, that's when you really wake up. So, the method would be to dig as deep as you can while maintaining a connection to normal consciousness, so you can fuse the two together.



    The dream is the world of delusion, the “mundane reality”, the hypnotic trance that you now live in… and yes, you are asleep… not just you, but everybody who has not awakened… you can intellectually realize that you are in a hypnotic dream, but you are still totally asleep… only when you destroy delusion, do you wake up from the dream… and it literally is like waking up from a dream… which is why people call it “awakening”




    The conditioned reflex responses in your deluded subconscious mind are your karma… the voice of your subconscious mind that is always talking to your conscious mind, is the “voice of your karma’… this is how your karma controls your life… the voice is always telling you to act in ways that lead you to, and produces results that “are your karma”… for example, if it is your karma to be rich, the voice of your subconscious mind will lead you to riches, because that is how it is programmed… if it is your karma to be poor, the voice will lead you to poverty, again because that is how it is programmed… if it is your karma to commit suicide, the voice will drive you to suicide… if it is your karma to develop a fatal disease, the voice will act on the subconscious mind to produce it… if it is your karma to have a beautiful body and face, the voice will act on the subconscious mind to make your body and face beautiful… unless you are awakened, your karma controls the powers of your subconscious mind…


    When you destroy delusion and awaken, you are destroying your karma… so that you are destroying the voice of your karma... your conscious mind is totally and permanently transformed… it is now blissfully empty, and serenely peaceful… you don’t “think”, you “know”… you don’t “react”, you “act”… it is always “now”… you feel more “normal” than you have ever felt before, and you realize that this is obviously the way physical human existence is supposed to be…



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  12. Hello Tibetan Ice,

    I have three questions, if you don't mind. . .

    I will do my best to answer them… but bear in mind that I know nothing about your chosen path or practice… or how far along you are in your practice (level of attainment)… roughly speaking, are you doing Buddhist “samadhi practice” or Taoist “energy practice”…? If you are mixing them, each will interfere with the other…

    1)… I have gone through meditative states where I see thousands of images/thoughts/visions go whizzing by. It is like being caught in a tornado of colors and lights, all very clear and crisp, moving rapidly, appearing and dissolving like lightning. So many of them it is bewildering and I wonder what this is. Am I getting close?

    you were in your subconscious mind... I don't know what kind of meditation that you were doing, but you are definitely seeing your subconscious mind… (it is possible that you got there by opening your third eye, but you don't mention anything about how you transitioned into your subconscious mind)... you can now understand why your conscious mind is unable to cope with it, so considers it “subconscious”… do a google search on “how to communicate with the subconscious mind”… there are some good sites that are informative… surf around and follow links… you might also google ‘hypnosis” as well, since the "delusion" of "mundane reality" is essentially a "hypnotic trance state", that is a result of our cultural conditioning which is located in our subconscious mind…

    2)… Lately, during my breath meditations, explosions are occuring in my head. Twice, in separate sessions, there was an explosion around the third eye and my arms starting doing a rapid dog-paddle, like I was trying to pull myself out of a tunnel, or maybe I was just so shocked that that was the reflex? Did you experience anything like that? What is happening there?

    My meditation is “Samadhi mediation”, that involves deeper and deeper states of concentration… so I have not experienced anything exactly like it, but when I awakened I heard loud rumbling sounds and flashing lights, then the kundalini shot up my spine and my third eye opened… plunging me into my subconscious mind which was like your description in question one… body motions like the ‘rapid dog paddle’ are usually caused by the kundalini… so you might have been opening individual chakras, or even aborting the rise of the kundalini “by pulling yourself out of a tunnel”… I can’t say for sure
    3)… You said: "or like a very gentle and brilliant simple minded giant with magic powers who knows absolutely everything…"

    I was describing my interaction with my subconscious mind… and how the subconscious mind of every person has access to all the knowledge and powers of the universe..

    Do you now have any siddhis? For example, can you tell me what I look like, how old I am and what my past lives that I can remember are?

    The Buddhist monk who was my teacher, warned me away from siddhis… saying that, “if you want siddhis, you have already been seduced by them… if you want them, it is only because you want to use them… and what could you use them for, other than to build up your ego”…

    He said that siddhis are a by-product of concentration... that siddhis have nothing to do with self-realization and awakening. A practitioner may manifest Siddhis due to strong passions and intense desires, and if that is the case, he will never attain awakening... that Siddhis are a great hindrance to spiritual progress, and so long as one remains within the realm of Siddhis, there is not the least hope of enlightenment.
    So I have never been into attaining or exhibiting siddhis…

    But, this does not mean that a person manifesting Siddhis is not awakened… Siddhis may appear spontaneously before or after awakening, without any effort on the part of the practitioner… but they should never be used to show off…

    When I began meditating seriously with the goal of enlightenment, I began to spontaneously find myself in the spirit world… if I sat down to meditate and closed my eyes, or got in bed to sleep and closed my eyes, I would find myself in the spirit world… if I opened my eyes I was back in the physical world… if I closed my eyes again, I was back in the spirit world again… so I would close my eyes and sit down in the spirit world to meditate, or lay down in the spirit world and go to sleep… in the morning I would wake up in the spirit world… then I would open my eyes and I was in my bed… then if I closed my eyes again, I was back in the spirit world again…

    one of my spirit guides used to take me around the spirit world and show me different spirit realms… frequently I roamed around on my own… I have been to the spirit world more times than I can count… I have seen everything from heavenly realms, ghost realm, and the hell realm…I bumped into a dead friend while I was walking around talking to “street people in a ghost city in a ghost realm, he was the same old friend, and he looked great, just like he did when he was alive… he was with a group of about ten other people preparing to reincarnate, on their way to do something, so we only spoke in passing because he had to keep up with the group… then another time, one of the monks in the monastery where I was meditating, came and found me in the spirit world where I was meditating, because he wanted to ask me about something, then after I gave him the information he wanted, he just walked off in the spirit world… I have also met the extremely beautiful woman in one of the high heavenly realms who was my wife in my last reincarnation which was it that heavenly realm (she has elaborately arranged blond hair hanging down to her waist)… (on a scale of one to ten, she is a five hundred)… she asked me if “I wanted to marry her again, like before ?”... she thought I was dead, and had just returned… I told her that I didn’t know, since I was still alive and trying to reach enlightenment… (and I have since reached enlightenment, so will not be in that heavenly realm)… if I had said yes, I would have had to abandon my physical body to die, back in the physical realm, and abandon my attempt to reach enlightenment… the spirit world is an incredibly amazing place… the beauty and spotless perfection of the heavenly realms is awesome… it is beyond physical imagination… and the way heavenly women (and men) look, move, speak, and laugh makes physical women (and men) seem like baboons by comparison…

    everything in the spirit realms is created by thought, so you can imagine how strange and weird that can get… the language of the spirit world is telepathy… everyone can hear your thoughts, so you need to have an “empty mind”, except when you want to communicate… you can talk to anyone no matter what language they speak, because you hear them in your own language, and they hear you in their language… even if they are a different species than you…

    I have seen snow covered mountains, sailing ships on a sparkling sea, gardens full of flowers, fruit, and trees, castles floating in the sky, buildings that change like kaleidoscopes as you walk through them, a fireplace with fire… and I have been driven around in what looks like a Mercedes through what looks like leafy suburbs of Los Angeles… the spirit world is as solid as the physical world… I am a shameless tourist, and like to fly around and look at everything… I like flying around and using telescopic vision to zoom in on whatever looks interesting…

    All the gods exist, but none of them made or control the universe, and they were all born and will die… (consider that “god the father” is a male god, which means he must have a penis and balls to be considered “male”… (remember that he made adam in his own image and likeness) and why would he have a penis and balls unless there was a “goddess” with a vagina… which means that he was born of a goddess)… they have no control over the spirit world… they are just powerful entities that live in a high heavenly realm… they want you to worship them because that sends them the energy that keeps them alive (otherwise they would have to die and might find themselves in hell or some other very unpleasant reincarnation)…

    no religion “owns” the spirit world… and in the same way that “science” is just man’s attempt to explain the physical universe which “just is”… “religion” is man’s attempt to describe the spirit universe which “just is”… at least science can “see” the physical universe, so it is not totally out to lunch… but how many religious leaders have or can “see” the spirit universe ??? ZERO… organized religion is blindfolded, deaf, and lost in the woods…

    What is it like being dead ?… if you were crossing a street, and a car came speeding down the street, and hit you, killing you … you would get up, brush yourself off, then notice that your body was still laying on the street… you would think and act just the same as when you were alive… but nobody would see you or hear you, and would walk right through you… your spirit body would look the same as your body… you would still have your conscious and subconscious mind… you might loiter around for a while in the physical world, and even go to your funeral… but you would soon proceed to the “ghost realm”, which is the “grand central station” of arrivals (deaths) and departures (reincarnations) of the spirit world… you would still have your conscious and subconscious mind until you reincarnate, then your conscious and subconscious mind would become your new subconscious mind (why people can remember past lives), and you would be born with a blank new conscious mind…

    nobody judges you when you die... it is all just simple “cause and effect”… it is not a contradiction to say that atheists can go to heaven… if you are good, you go to a good place… if you are bad, you go to a bad place… imagine that you have a television set, and all of the television channels are the many spirit realms… what you, watching the television set will see when you die, is the channel that your mind is set on… in other words, the voice (thoughts) in your mind (which is your karma talking) determines where you go, and sends you there… then when you use up your good and/or bad karma (accumulated “credit” or “debit”) you reincarnate…

    but I do not consider my ability to see the spirit world to be a siddhi, it is a normal power of the human subconscious mind… I also frequently experience telepathy while I am in the physical world… sometimes it is the thoughts of people who are alive and sometimes people who are dead, and sometimes it is my spirit guides…

    one time when I stepped out of my body and squatted down so that I could take a close look at my 4th chakra turning around (I even put my eye up to hole and looked in the hole)… I suddenly became so telepathic I could hear the thoughts of everyone in the city (millions of people… it was an obscene roar of humanity, it made me understand why “holy men” live as far away from human habitation as they can get…

    all I know about my past lives is what has appeared spontaneously… when I awakened I saw the akashic records, and could have looked up all my past lives, but past lives don’t interest me… to me looking at my past lives would be as interesting as looking at my dirty laundry from the past umpteen years… all that interests me is the present… the moving point in time called now…

    so can I tell you what you look like, how old you are and what your past lives that you can remember are? I am not into that sort of thing…


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  13. Willing To Listen,


    If you think you have it so bad in this life, and think that you can escape it by killing yourself… you are a fool… if you kill yourself (your body), your mind will go to hell (an even worse situation)… then when you finish your stint in hell, you will be reincarnated into a life similar to the one you have now, where you will contemplate killing yourself again, and again, and again, and again… until you deal with your situation and work your way through it… you must understand that YOU created the situation that you are in (you cannot blame anything, or anyone else), and that no one can change your situation but YOU… because your situation was and is created by YOUR actions (and inactions)… it won’t be easy, but the alternatives are very much harder…


    The world is not a good or a bad place…if we are happy, we see the world as a good place… if we are sad, we see the world as a bad place… our view of the world is just a mirror image of our own mind… the world itself is neutral…


    Good luck to you,



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  14. Dmattwads,


    I tried to cover everything… but if this does not answer all of your question, ask me again and try to be as specific as possible…



    THE CONSCIOUS MIND IS A SERIAL PROCESSOR (with only one image or thought at a time, in a lineal sequence). The conscious mind can process 40 bits (nerve impulses) per second… the conscious mind understands “words” and “logic”, it is very “rational”… the conscious mind is the mind of our body’s senses… “Consciousness” is usually defined as being aware of the physical senses… if a person cannot see, hear, smell, taste, or touch, they are said to be “unconscious”…


    THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND IS A PARALLEL PROCESSOR (with many images and thoughts arranged in many different complex patterns and structures simultaneously). The subconscious mind can process 40,000,000 bits (nerve impulses) per second, so it is 1,000,000 times more powerful, complex, bigger, or faster than the conscious mind… and can think hundreds or thousands of different thoughts simultaneously… the subconscious mind understands “visual images”, “emotions” and “feelings”; and is totally “irrational”… the subconscious mind controls our body…


    The subconscious mind can process 40,000,000 bits (nerve impulses) per second, so it is 1,000,000 times more powerful, complex, bigger, or faster than the conscious mind… and can think hundreds or thousands of different thoughts simultaneously… the subconscious mind understands “visual images”, “emotions” and “feelings”; and is totally “irrational”… the subconscious mind controls every aspect of our body… it never sleeps… it has been taking care of you every second of your life, day and night…




    your subconscious mind is controlling your life!

    You have two separate minds that create your conscious mind’s controlling voice. There is the conscious mind that can think freely and create new ideas “outside of the box of your conditioning”. Then there is the subconscious mind, which is basically a super computer loaded with a database of programmed behaviors, some that you carried with you from a past life (karma), and some that you acquired before you reached the age of six or seven (when you were most gullible and impressionable) and were taught (programmed to believe) what the adults called “reality” (how you should think and act)... you have been programmed with a conditioned response for every possible situation





    (3)… ARE YOUR KARMA…



    The subconscious mind cannot move outside of its fixed programs… It automatically (reflex) reacts to situations with its previously “conditioned” behavior responses; it works without the knowledge or control of the conscious mind. We are usually not even aware that most of our actions are subconscious conditioned reflex responses.


    Studies from as far back as the 1970’s, show that our subconscious mind begins to prepare for action just over a third of a second before we consciously decide to act. In other words, even when we ‘think’ that we are consciously deciding to act, it is our subconscious mind that is actually making the decision for us...the subconscious mind is controlling us 95% of the time! Neuroscientists have shown that the conscious mind of a normal person provides 5% or less of their cognitive (conscious) activity during the day, and 5% they say is for the more aware people, many people operate at just 1% consciousness.


    It is the subconscious mind which shapes how we live our life… Note that the reason that an enlightened person is said to be “awake”, is because they are no longer in the “hypnotic trance” of conditioned behavior and sleepwalking through their life… they have awakened.


    Most of our decisions, actions, emotions and behavior depend on the 95% of brain activity that is usually beyond our conscious awareness, which means that at least 95% of our life is conditioned behavior that comes from our subconscious mind. Our life reflects our subconscious conditioning, because the job of the subconscious mind is to create a “reality” out of our subconscious conditioning. If our subconscious conditioning is negative (caused by negative programming and experiences), our subconscious mind will recreate those negative experiences in our life, again and again.


    The voice of our thoughts, is not our voice… it is the voice of all the people who have conditioned us… our thoughts are all the “value judgments” and “control trips” that our family and our culture have programmed us with, to control our behavior… our awareness is clean and pure… the defilements in our mind that we want to purge our mind of are these conditioned “value judgment” and “control trip” thoughts, that other people have filled our mind with.


    Our subconscious mind is conditioned by a form of ‘hypnosis” that we call “education”… we are conditioned (hypnotized) when we voluntarily agree to believe what “respected authority” (parents & family, school teachers, religious teachers, government, media, friends, etc.) “suggest” to us… they suggest to us what things are good or bad, true or false… how we should behave, how we should think, what is “normal”… what is “reality”… so that the 95% of the time that we are controlled by our subconscious mind, we are in a hypnotic trance… simply reacting to stimulus with conditioned reflex behavior… our conscious mind’s “ego” thinks that it is making all of our decisions, that it is in control of our fate, but in reality it is just a puppet of the subconscious mind…


    We are taught to be greedy, and to want as much money as we can get… we are taught to chase pleasure and sex… we are taught to get angry when certain things happen to us… we are taught that what we believe is right… and anyone who disagrees with us is wrong… and so on. And as time passes we forget that we have learned these behaviors from other people, because they become automatic responses, so that we think that they are our natural and spontaneous reactions… so that we become locked into a mundane hypnotic trance state that we consider to be “REALITY”… we are like “zombies”… THIS CONDITIONED ‘MUNDANE REALITY” IS THE IGNORANCE AND DELUSION THAT IS CALLED “AVIJJA”… that we must see through to liberate our mind… then it is as if we “awaken” from a long sleep, and see the true nature of our existence.




    Meditation… The whole object of meditation from start to finish, is gaining control of, and silencing the voice of the mind… so that we can investigate the mind and purify it… then permanently destroy the voice of the mind by destroying “Avijja”, the delusion (mundane reality) that is the source of that voice… when we have destroyed “Avijja”, all delusion falls away and we become awakened… and we clearly see the truth of our existence… don’t get in a rut and do the same meditation all the time… try all kinds of different things to keep it fresh… try everything you can think of… do whatever works for you… there is no right or wrong way to meditate… (it does not matter what method we use to purify the mind, and destroy Avijja (delusion), that is of no importance… all that is important is that the method works)…


    Breathing during meditation… When meditating and observing our breath, we should not control our breath with our conscious mind, but instead we should let our subconscious mind do our (automatic) breathing for us (like when we sleep)… then we should be aware that by observing our (automatic) breath which is controlled by our subconscious mind, that we are also observing our subconscious mind, and get in sync with it… then we should simply let go, and let it “lead the way”… this helps to set up “investigation”, or set up “communication”, and/or “interaction” with the subconscious mind…


    Meditation and the “five senses… when we meditate we are trying get in touch with our subconscious mind so that we can observe and investigate it… so we must turn off the conscious mind, which blocks our access to our subconscious mind… to do this you :


    SIGHT… Close your eyes so that you are not distracted by what you see…


    SOUND… You mentally repeat and focus your hearing on “Buddho – Buddho – Buddho”, so that you are not distracted by some other sound, and focus on it instead…


    SMELL… You should meditate in a place where the air is fresh and odorless… you should not smell anything distracting (especially food)… burning incense can be used to provide a “special positive atmosphere”…


    TASTE… Your mouth should feel clean and neutral, rinse it out with cool water if necessary… if you get thirsty when you meditate, keep a glass of cool water within reach…


    TOUCH… You focus your awareness of touch on feeling your breath going in and out of your nose… remember that your breath is controlled by our subconscious mind, so that when you feel your breath going in and out, you are feeling the “touch” of your subconscious mind…




    Answer to question…1)… listen up, this one is extremely important… When you go to sleep at night… you get into the bed, turn the light off, get comfortable… and “let go”… so that you drift off to sleep… but if you put effort into “trying to go to sleep”, you will never drift off to sleep… meditation is the same… when you meditate, just sit down, close your eyes, and let go… don’t “try to meditate”… pretend you are going to sleep, just let go… and you will go into Samadhi (concentration)… sleep itself is just nature’s way of forcing people to go into one-pointedness (total concentration) Samadhi … just let go no matter what you experience, because your subconscious mind will take care of you just as it does when you go to sleep… just as it has done for you all your life… if you can’t hear your breathing, just relax, you are in no danger, you are just going into deep concentration, a sought after mile stone on the path… that will put you on a permanent plateau of peace and serenity… it means that you are attaining a higher level of consciousness…


    Just relax and indifferently observe your thoughts…see through the illusion of “mundane reality” and just be aware that your thoughts are not coming from you, that they are just conditioned reflex reactions that were put there by other people to control you… don’t respond to the voice in any way, because if you do, you are giving the voice some of your energy, and energizing it… if you feel “weird”, be aware that the “weirdness” is just delusion (mundane reality) trying to control you… everything that you feel as a result of your meditation, is a programmed response put into your mind by “mundane reality” to control you… to make you conform… (no, no, not me… I’m not weird, I’m normal… watch me, I’m going to go down to Mac Donald’s and get a supersized Big Mac, a double order of fries, and a jumbo Dr Pepper to wash it all down… see, I’m not weird… I’m normal !!!)…


    Regarding relationships, I would advise you to avoid women who go drinking with their friends in clubs every Saturday night, and women who go to church every Sunday morning… actively try to find women who meditate, then go for one with some spirituality… there must be some kind of meditation organizations that give lectures or sponsor social events, near where you live… If she meditates, you could talk about meditation for hours, and form an instant bond… A sane woman in your life, who understands why you meditate, could bring you much joy, and in no way hinder your meditation… she could put a big smile on your face… if you let her… so let her…


    Answer to question…2)… all the people who you knew, who have died, should still be somewhere in the spirit world… so you should be able to talk to them… everyone goes to the ghost realm first… then their thoughts (karma) sends most of them on, to a heavenly realm or a hell realm… the ones who don’t have enough good or bad karma to go to a heavenly realm or hell realm… remain in the ghost realm… they look and act exactly the same as they did when they were alive in the physical world, even the same clothes… you may well have seen ghosts walking about on the streets, before they went to the ghost realm, without realizing it, because they look just like everyone else… the ghost realm is a strange place that is very bland and ordinary, without the beauty and powers of the heavenly realms… where ghosts, for lack of knowing what else to do, try to live a life like they lived before they died… they live in “ghost cities”, have houses and possessions and live with other family members, have jobs, and even have restaurants and clubs… (I was once offered a job in a ghost city… because I was walking around talking to the street people, asking them a lot of questions… so they thought that I was dead, and had just arrived… they were very friendly)… they can see and hear, but cannot smell, taste or touch, which makes them yearn to reincarnate in a physical body again so that they can experience “physical pleasure” again… some of the people who are about to reincarnate, are in the ghost realm preparing for their next life… The other consideration is the relative speed of time… from my own experience, it seems that time in the spirit world can move faster or slower than time in the physical world… but I have not been able to see any consistent pattern to it… nor have I heard anyone else give a reasonable description of time in the spirit world, compared to time in the physical world…


    Answer to question…3)… if you find it hard to motivate yourself to meditate... don’t set a time or time limit… just start doing it, without “thinking about doing it’… you can stop any time you want… you can start any time you want… don’t make a big deal about it, just sit down and observe your thoughts flowing by, you don’t have to “do” anything… and don’t be suckered into believing one word of your thoughts (especially negative thoughts), they are just what other people wanted you to believe, so programmed you to believe it… you are just observing to see what is in your subconscious mind… just consider meditation as a “quiet time” when you can “let go”, and take a rest from all of the bullshit of the world… a place where you don’t have to put out any effort… a place where you do not have to “ suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune”…




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  15. I have roamed around in the spirit world more times than I can count… I have seen everything from heavenly realms, to a hell realm…I bumped into a dead friend while I was walking around talking to “street people" in a ghost city in a ghost realm, he was the same old friend, and he looked great, just like he did when he was alive… he was with a group of about ten people preparing to reincarnate, on their way to do something, so we only spoke in passing because he had to keep up with the group… then another time, one of the monks in the monastery where I was meditating, came and found me in the spirit world, because he wanted to ask me about something, then after I gave him the information he wanted, he just walked off in the spirit world… I also bumped into an extremely beautiful woman in one of the high heavenly realms (who had elaborately arranged blond hair hanging down to her waist)… (on a scale of one to ten, she was a five hundred)… she asked me if “I wanted to marry her again, like before ?”... she thought I was dead, and had just returned… I told her that I didn’t know, since I was still alive and trying to reach enlightenment… (I have since reached enlightenment)… if I had said yes, I would have had to abandon my physical body to die, back in the physical realm, and abandon my attempt to reach enlightenment… the spirit world is an incredibly amazing place… the beauty and perfection of the heavenly realms is awesome… it is beyond physical imagination… the way heavenly women (and men) look, move, speak, and laugh makes physical women (and men) seem like baboons by comparison…


    Everything in the spirit realms is created by thought, so you can imagine how strange and weird that can get… the language of the spirit world is telepathy… everyone can hear your thoughts, so you need to have an “empty mind”, except when you want to communicate… you can talk to anyone no matter what language they speak, because you hear them in your own language, and they hear you in their language… even if they are a different species


    I have seen snow covered mountains, sailing ships on a sparkling sea, gardens full of flowers, fruit, and trees, castles floating in the sky, buildings that change colors and shapes like kaleidoscopes as you walk through them, a fireplace with fire… and I have been driven around in what looks like a Mercedes through what looks like leafy suburbs of Los Angeles (big trees and big houses)… the spirit world is as solid as the physical world… I am a shameless tourist, and like to fly around and look at everything… I like flying around and using telescopic vision to zoom in on whatever looks interesting…


    All the gods exist, but none of them made or control the universe, and they were all born and will die… (consider that “god the father” is a male god, which means he must have a penis and balls to be considered “male”… and why would he have a penis and balls unless there was a “goddess” with a vagina… which means that he was born of a goddess)… they have no control over the spirit world… they are just powerful entities that live in a high heavenly realm… they want you to worship them because that sends them the energy that keeps them alive (otherwise they would have to die and might find themselves in hell or some other very unpleasant reincarnation)…


    No religion “owns” the spirit world… and in the same way that “science” is just man’s attempt to explain the physical universe which “just is”… “religion” is man’s attempt to describe the spirit universe which “just is”… at least science can “see” the physical universe, so it is not totally out to lunch… but how many religious leaders have or can “see” the spirit universe ???… organized religion is blindfolded, deaf, and lost in the woods…


    What is it like being dead ?… if you were crossing a street, and a car came speeding down the street, and hit you, killing you … you would get up, brush yourself off, then notice that your body was still laying on the street… you would think and act just the same as when you were alive… but nobody would see you or hear you, and would walk right through you… your spirit body would look the same as your physical body… you would still have your conscious and subconscious mind… you might loiter around for a while in the physical world, and even go to your funeral… but you would soon proceed to the “ghost realm”, which is the “grand central station” of arrivals (deaths) and departures (reincarnations) of the spirit world… you would still have your conscious and subconscious mind until you reincarnate, then your conscious and subconscious mind would become your new subconscious mind (why people can remember past lives), and you would be born with a blank new conscious mind…


    Nobody judges you when you die... it is all just simple “cause and effect”… it is not a contradiction to say that atheists can go to heaven… if you are good, you go to a good place… if you are bad, you go to a bad place… imagine that you are a television set, and all of the television channels are the many spirit realms… what you, the television set. will see when you die, is the channel that your mind is set on… in other words, the thoughts in your mind determine where you go, and send you there… then when you use up your good and/or bad karma (accumulated “credit” or “debit”) you reincarnate…

  16. Hi Dawg, glad you are back!


    I wanted to ask you about your thoughts or experiences on the phenomenon in meditation when one gets stuck just spectating the silence/emptiness.


    At this point I feel spectating is utterly redundant and would like to disapear entirely, as on those occasions when the time disappears.


    I dont know the why or the how of why sometimes I get stuck spectating, as if my consciousness is perched in an alert mode in a sea of emptiness.


    Do you have anything to say, either theoretically or - hopefully - practically, about the difference between the spectating and the disapearing?!


    Hello Cat,


    You said “At this point I feel spectating is utterly redundant and would like to disapear entirely, as on those occasions when the time disappears. I dont know the why or the how of why sometimes I get stuck spectating, as if my consciousness is perched in an alert mode in a sea of emptiness. Do you have anything to say, either theoretically or - hopefully - practically, about the difference between the spectating and the disapearing?!”…


    You have reached one pointedness… your level of attainment is a “treasure”, it will be your new base line… you will never lose it… even if you died tomorrow, you would carry that attainment with you to your next life…


    You have finished stage 1 (developing Samadhi), and should proceed to stage 2 (developing Equanimity)… stage 3 is (developing Non-Self… Non-Duality)… stage 4 is to break through to full enlightenment.


    Your “concentration” (Samadhi) is very well developed … the goal of the meditation up until now, was to develop the strength of your concentration… so that you could do stage 2… You now should use the concentration that you have developed, TO “INVESTIGATE” YOUR MIND, SO AS TO DEVELOP “WISDOM”… to remove all the “defilements” (desire, aversion, & delusion) from your mind so as to purify it… and reach “equanimity…


    DESIRE & AVERSION… I WANT & I DON’T WANT… PLEASURE & PAIN… LOVE & HATE... you investigate your mind to see and understand how “dissatisfaction” (Dukka or unhappiness) is caused by “wanting” & “not wanting”… that everything “arises” & “passes”… that everything is “impermanent”… that what you “want” (desire), is only temporary and will pass away… and that what you “don’t want” (aversion), is only temporary and will also pass away… that “desire” and “aversion” are the two extremes, on either side of the “middle way”… that desire & aversion are the two sides of “delusion” that causes us to be dissatisfied or unhappy… that “delusion” is that little voice of our conditioning, in our mind that tells us what we are supposed to “desire”, or have “aversion” to… that once we let go of “desire” & “aversion”, we discover that we can enjoy the things we like even more than before, and the things that we don’t like don’t bother us any more…


    Now that you can control your mind, you can reprogram your mind, and clean out all the “junk thinking” that other people have filled it with… it is time to start interrogating that little voice in your head… choose a topic you want to “investigate”, then start asking that little voice “why” should I do this or that, or why should I like or dislike this or that… or think this or that… and when it gives you an answer, don’t accept it, demand another answer, and another answer, and another answer, until it falls silent… you can interrogate and investigate anything in your mind or body that seems relevant to you… you can even ask one lobe (Yin) of the brain to answer a question, then ask the other lobe (Yang) if it agrees, and why or why not… no holds barred… anything goes…


    I just posted this in another comment, but it is relevant to this comment so I am repeating it… if you have not already done so, this is how to get rid of your "anger"... when you see anger arising, realize that no one can make you angry except yourself... that you get angry because you "decide" to get angry... once you realize that someone who is trying to make you angry, is doing so as a "control trip", and that if you get angry you are letting them control you... you can refuse to accept their anger... you can "decide" not to get angry, instead of "deciding" to get angry... it is that simple, to rid yourself of anger...


    You can even control physical pain by investigating it, and disassociating your awareness from your body… for example, if your leg hurts… you can say, “my leg is just a piece of meat, it can’t feel anything… so who is feeling the pain ?... my brain is just a piece of meat, it can’t feel pain?…. and I am a spirit, I am just awareness, and spirits can’t feel physical sensations ?... you disconnect the pain from your awareness… when I go to the dentist I pretend that my body is a car, and my awareness (spirit) is the driver of the car… my open mouth is the raised hood of the car, and the dentist is a mechanic working on the motor… I just sit in the car meditating on something far away, until the mechanic is finished…


    Practical application…


    1)… “to disapear entirely, as on those occasions when the time disappears.”… this is one pointedness, all that exists is the one point of your “awareness”… when you hear about a yogi or monk who sits in meditation for several days without sleeping, this is what he is doing… when you hear about a yogi or monk who goes for a month without sleeping, he is sitting like this at night, instead of sleeping… one pointedness can energize you better than sleeping… it is a good way to recharge your batteries… when you go to sleep at night in your bed... you can observe your breath, and silently repeat the mantra, and put yourself into one pointedness as you go to sleep... and even if you don't go into one pointedness, you will put yourself into a deep restful sleep... I do this most nights, and wake up a few minutes before the alarm clock goes off, feeling wide awake and energized... if you are restless and having a hard time going to sleep, this can be especially useful... and it enhances your concentration as well…


    2)… “as if my consciousness is perched in an alert mode in a sea of emptiness.”… this is the ideal state to be in when you do “investigation” of your mind to develop “wisdom”… your concentration is too strong and alert for your mind to distract or deceive your awareness…



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  17. Hey Dawg I loved that answer, it was not just one of the best answers I've heard on Tao Bums, but in my life I believe :).


    Just the other day I had an experience about that little voice of conditioning that you were talking about. For most of my adult life when ever I see the typical busty hollywood type "blonde" bomb shell I find myself getting really nervous. So the other day I saw one of these and when I began to feel this way I asked myself why. What I discovered is that these girls are really not my type, BUT due to my father, the media, and most other media influenced males I have been around I was made to think that the highest calling in life was to get one of those kind of girls. I had never really stopped before and asked myself if I truely liked that type of girl, I had just assumed that I did cause that is what that voice in my mind told me I did, which turned out to not be me, but all of that conditioning.


    Hello Dmattwads,


    What you describe is exactly what you should be doing... that is what is called, "investigating" the mind to develop "wisdom"... congratulations... you are on your way to becoming a man of wisdom...



  18. Thanks for such intense commentation on your topics. If you truely are a very happy person, I am only in the position of extracting wisdom from your words.


    The voices of our thought our indeed mostly not of my own, just like you described. Now I was wondering, when I turned those voices down I become so dull and uncreative. Empty... How come? I'm doing something wrong?


    I actually see the thought as it arises and become a witness to them, I find out who's voice it is in my imagination and then in between there is only silence, just awareness and observing and my focus. What is the purpose of this?


    Hello Everything,


    You said, "I actually see the thought as it arises and become a witness to them, I find out who's voice it is in my imagination and then in between there is only silence, just awareness and observing and my focus. What is the purpose of this?"


    What you describe is very very very good... it is exactly what you should be doing... you are "investigating" your mind, and developing "wisdom"... You are getting rid of the "junk thinking", that you have been conditioned with... you are purifying your mind... keep on doing it and it will take you to the level of "equanimity"... you will be "mr. Teflon", and all the "slings and arrows of outrageous fortune" will slide off of you, like water off a ducks back... nothing will get you "upset" ever again...


    After you reach "equanimity", the next stage is to develop "non-self"... to get rid of your "personality" (name, race, age, other peoples expectations of you), and break out of all your limitations, so that you can "be" who ever you want to be, "do" whatever you want to do... to "act", instead of "react"... real freedom...


    If you have not already done so, this is how to get rid of your "anger"... when you see anger arising, realize that no one can make you angry except yourself... that you get angry because you "decide" to get angry (and cling to it)... once you realize that someone that is trying to make you angry, is doing so as a "control trip", and that if you get angry you are letting them control you... you can refuse to accept their anger... you can "decide" not to get angry, instead of "deciding" to get angry... it is that simple, to rid yourself of anger...



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  19. Apologies to dawg et. al. for the tangent.



    Well, I was mostly curious why you have such a negative view of Einstein. Now I know.


    I'm sure you have better things to do with your time than try to convince me of something I am unlikely to be convinced of ;). Moreover, I know you are unlikely to be convinced to believe other than you now believe, but FYI:


    1. At least half of Einsteins best ideas came after his separation from his first wife Mileva Maric.


    2. (from Isaccson's "Einstein: His Life and Universe", the most recent Einstein biography and the only one that draws upon all the private letters recently released by Einstein's estate)


    So the scientific jealousy accusation seems unfounded to me and hence also the accusation of violent intimidation.


    Thank You Creation,


    Your comments were very timely and well spoken... Einstein is one of my heros, because he was a very spiritual man, whose spiritual attainment enabled him to see the universe more clearly than other men... he was also able to freely admit a mistake, on the rare occasions that he made one... and when he divorced his first wife Mileva Maric, he gave her all of the money he was to receive from winning the Nobel Prize...



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