Rocky Lionmouth

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Everything posted by Rocky Lionmouth

  1. How to learn 'sung'?

    I try to study the amazing ”yeah thats an unintentional double backflip with a corkscrew, who would have thunk i’d pull that off?” thing kitty is doing but then that spotted belly comes into view and i wonder if it’d be thin or thick fur and when can i pet it, would it mind if i just gently scrunched its ear up a little and i’m totally lost to it... But thats a bengal right? I’ve almost never seen ”regular” cats get so into playing they’ll do an aerial show and i hear some of the more ”wild” groups such as bengals have an extra gear for serious awesomeness. I did observe my old cat Selma catch a low flying and overly cocksure bird at about a meter off the ground in a similar fashion, she was just eyeing it and suddenly went off like a spring, straight up and latched that sucker with all four paws midair before landing (not gracefully but) very satisfied. Then she bit it half to death and suddenly remembered she left the stove on and just fucked off, tail to the stars.
  2. How to learn 'sung'?

    Like a continuous experience but not as evident as rain. It’s more as if there is an enjoyable quality to the rain and you’re wearing goretex shoes, had your favourite breakfast which means you’ll feel like lunch around lunchtime, the coffee you didn’t drink wasn’t needed etc... It’s the little things.
  3. How to learn 'sung'?

    Taomeow put a very important head on a crucial nail! ”Investing in loss is the quickest way to a win” said dear Sifu to me while we were talking of loosing respect and status or just falling flat on ones face. Do it wrong and do it wrong and do it wrong and the something changes just a tiny bit and so forth. I’d like to venture that standing like a tree without looking at moving and more dynamic exercises directed at developing Sung, aka Sung Gong, is not necessarily going to enhance your sung at all. Standing will benefit sung if you’re on the way, but to simply stand to get sung won’t yield very fast or noticeable results. I agree with Freeform and Steve and Taomeow on this and i think developing Sung is a cumulative practice. You do it, even just a little every day and it starts to happen. That video with exercises is great stuff to learn from, but even with such good guided exercises and clues to the feedback etc etc it’s still not a binary state. You WILL feel it when you start get there but you wont notice it until you notice what it does for your other practices. It’s not like you cross a threshold and you have it. It needs to be developed, maintained and enhanced daily. If you’ve done considerable work to develop it you can go without for some time but too long and your body is going to start blaring pain and stiffness. Standing wont help you dissolve deeper blockagesor stiffness or a certain tendency to favour weight on your left big toe or something else. Just standing and tai chiing without proper sung gong to strenghten the foundation is not going to do the trick. Sung gong isn’t also just one of those things you do and it happens on its own. Sure, a little, but Meows quote there really emphasises the crux: understand what you didn’t know you were doing wrong and correct it. That takes a lot of focused study that can only come from experience in sung practices, which in turn pivots only on surrendering to those exercise and try to experience why they are so fundamental and powerful. Enough blab from me now.
  4. Sexual Jing: Is It Really Limited (?)

    Don’t forget executions, there’s been plenty of those as well with and around kings. Sorry for the crude edit there Shubin but if we look at it as that the whole issue with kings is more like an issue of many humans from all strata and situations.
  5. Sexual Jing: Is It Really Limited (?)

    Well, this is sort of a condensation or extremis inferrence statement in the OP: sexual jing (which i’m not sure what you mean by) and jing as part of the limited resource of early-heaven energy bestowed uppn a person by their parents, ancestors etc etc are not the same. Traditional Qigong as i’ve studied it before coming on here and even after has shown no tendency at all towards regarding jing or sexual essence with any obsession. The fact that jing is limited, idk if this is supposed to be YuanJing or ”just” Jing, seems to always be explained as a part of the seemingly limited energy to propagate life and it’s finite nature. Our jing is used to replenish and maintain our physical manifestations and our potential to propagate our species, but afaik Jing itself cant be said to be equal to semen or eggs, precum or cum liquid in either physical gender. Jing feeds and supports the making of such substances, and probably a very Yang part (i’m going of the creative or generative principles of Yang energy) does in fact get ”spent” breeding. Sexual jing isn’t really something i’ve come across that much outside of TDB. I think it could be something like Kranks expounds: nutritional, metabolism and stuff. Jing is said to be one aspect pf the Trifold Unity of energy. Jing is sometimes exenplified as being - but not exclusively - manifest in physical essence and liquids, hence the semen parallell. This from what i’ve seen reported and witnessed from some traditional exponents, but not all. I think semen and jing could quite possibly have a correlation, but semen retention and the like with forced celibacy could also be not only for ready students but for students who would benefit from it. There are seldom wholly recommended practices for everyone, especially not so direct. I mean there’s quite the possibility that if you do practices based on jing and semen that you agument the jing manifest through and in your semen, but if so that probably has a purpose. Compare jing sexual guidance as readily available on here and other places as ”you might need to use rhinitis decongestant spray” instead of ”everybody should use rhinitis spray because it is GOOD”. Taoist and qigong practics seldom just propagate panacea methods to everybody everywhere on the same basis, or at peast in my experience. However: whatever you decide to do about sexual energy practices know that energy manifested in sexuality and related activities is deep, old and VERY powerful. Take care ok?
  6. Proposed simplification of forums

    While on the subject of fun I’m going to suggest having a timeout zone where people can be sent for misbehaving. That would be the fool-subsection, open to all except those on probation who, either permanently or temporarily, can only view and post there... the Mordor Supermax subsection. ”Oh look, they brought a cave-troll, how wonderf-f-uuck, run if you can!!!1!” It would be a deterrent (for me at least) and sort of preparing for the unfortunate event of another RWBS-epidemic, from which i hope the Tianzun would protect us swiftly...
  7. Proposed simplification of forums

    Luke my dear, you totally underestimate my potential dedication to colonize that section.
  8. Proposed simplification of forums

    I’d love to see that, with the bracketed lol and all. Sorry, i’ll get back to reading again.
  9. Proposed simplification of forums

    Idk how talk has been since the first page because i only got this far before i had to meddle. Daoist section does present a narrower scope of interest both in posting and habitual parttaking, not to bash on GenDisc but the scope gets so wide you could call organic spiritual topic-salad without being judgemental about it. It kept me out at least. I like flat too, cross pollination is important. I mean from time to time i see fuck-all happening in DaoDisc for days or even weeks while GenDisc is bursting with activity at a pretty steady level. I like the openness and range Gen offers, but it’s also why i seldom go there myself, let alone post. Perhaps thats partially because of how things (d)evovled, that the span also gave opportunity to ”getting away” with some rather dubious or shifty writings? Well, never mind the speculatives i brought, i’ll get back to reading instead of running my fingermouth.
  10. No more right-wing bullshit.

    It is metal! Di goat of saturn tells me! @flowing hands, i get it. Good to see things change, thanks for the reply.
  11. No more right-wing bullshit.

    Word up. The whole debacle-thing aside it cannot have been very easy at all, even now post The Second Coming of Sean we’re still a mouthy bunch. I remember the thing where you got into that fight you’re talking about @flowing hands, i understood you had enough because there was something personal abrewing ther, it must have been since i remember you guys went at eachother hard. I dipped my nose in that business and spoke out my dissappointment regarding your tone and strategy in how that fight developed, but i have been missing your input on stuff, it wasn’t personal on my side there so i hope you’re not cross with me but i’d understand it if yes. Either way Hands: Sorry if i stepped in it or contributed to your decision to jump ship, that was in no way my intention.
  12. The cat is out of the bag

    Anytime Meows, you know it. No such thing as a mere cat! The only comparable entity i’ve come across are the maiar from Tolkiens tales. Well, it might seem a little overkill but it’s not like they had to be asked to engage, rather a question of recognizing the fact they showed up and were all like ”Hi! Good, you’re here. We thought we’d set up over there, is there room enough for everyone else?” Re: doors and cats i think your observation is on point! I have yet to meet a cat who is happier with a closed door than an open one and part of their duty is ensuring they are just that. Why have a door if you keep it closed, that just makes it another wall! Open doors cant be kicked in, open doors are important and cats are their keepers, it’s not a question of traveling through them i think, thats mostly a matter of pragmatics or purpose, but the true energy of a door is the option to use it. I guess that is why the Tianzun, wise and strong beyond measure, were more than happy to keep an eye on the door; it shall be open and servicable at your discretion from what i understood. I think the four generals are here somewhere too, i saw an umbrella bobing about a while ago.
  13. Problems most might not understand!

    Re question nr 3. Yes, you should use abdominal breathing while weight lifting, BUT only once you’ve gotten a very good, i’d say deep even, bit of practice with it. Until you can breathe abdominally without lifting shoulders, tensing up, loosing posture and other kinks that mean you haven learned to engage movement only in the relevant parts of your body. To do this is suggest you dont mind breathing techniques while weight lifting and instead focus on what is called Song Gong for your overall body development and standing meditation for the breathing techniques.
  14. The cat is out of the bag

    The mountains dance and the earth reverberates with joy the earthquake salutes its friend a thrice threefold roar from the maws of me to the meow of you Nine palaces rejoice Seven and their servants shine brighter all the heavenly generals muster their armies Loyally present their flags and let their drums roll with thunder To match the mighty power of thine purr at an auspicious time you return not a moment too soon Heavens protect you my dearest Cat! <3
  15. I really like your take on it @Wu Ming Jen, starting at the center and the lower field is precisely that afaik. All things start at the center and must pass through it in going anywhere. It’s the great equalizer, the Emperors position and where he stands is where the center is. What litterature translations on alchemy i’ve read also speaks to this it seems (might be wrong of course), the center as True Earth is the necessary ingredient to both do and control the process.
  16. SM - Importance of Tree gong

    Slightly OffT perhaps but i’ve pondered what sort of feedback flora gives and i’d appreciate some feedback on these impressions. Not meaning to derail, i just thought that it could be the right place. So, ”met” a lot of trees and i gotta say most i’ve had the occassion to spontaneously come in some sort of ”feeling expericence” type of contact with have been pretty grumpy, stale or bitter somehow if not directly hostile/off-putting. Birch, ash, chestnut, beech, some oaks and rowan (landscape and soil type has major influence i think) and maples are just not very nice. Some individuals are either just not open to me at all and others seem very chill, but they are exceptions. Some were in city areas, some in the forest and other very different settings, they were all different in flavor and feel. Most of them didn’t seem to be at odds with me being human, their baseline gave me aversion and mistrust as a reaction. A few i’ve tried to elaborate with have seemed responsive but erratic, confused or detached. I’ve come to the concluseion that most leaf bearing plants are just not very buddy buddy like. Conifers have shown variation, pine-trees have this silent but inclusive vibe going almost everywhere i meet one, they keep birch at bay or as ”pets” almost. I really like pines, we have understanding. Junipers and spruce can be nice if the plants have space and reflect lush nourishment and growth but as soon as they stand close or in a thick forest they’re just defensive and almost angry, unless the soil is considerably damp and sour (that earthy, pungent smell of acidified spruce sap and stale marshlands) where they’re downright depressive to be around, there is almost a decadent vibe of enjoying the rot... idk, i guess it could be silly of me but the experiences have been fairly consistent. Cultivated or half ”domesticized” fruit trees, flowers and similar plants often incite a very positive disposition, my impression is they’re really into hustle and bustle and relating to things somehow... i tried to chill with some multimillenary olive trees last summer and that felt good, majestic and just beyond, i dont think they related but they felt very safe to be around. But regular trees in nature, as they come in scandinavia at least are not my kind of crowd at all. Further up north where forests grow and are tended to over a cycle of about a century is better because, i think, their growth period is slow and they come up well balanced because loggers and forest keepers calculate and clear out competing flora to encourage the trees to feed well. Farther south where there is more nourishment and seasons are less harsh the trees feel sorta dull and heady in comparison, as if the industrial cultivation gives them too much juice so they go a bit gym-rat after some fifty years of mainlining Earth food undisturbed... From keeping a cutesy little garden with all manner of fruit and flowers and a senile old chestnut(?) that had its crown chopped off decades ago before we moved in i like to keep flora as company, especially the cheery ones, but trees in general are no-go for energetic practice for me. I’d say that beside those few ”friendly” trees i bump into (and i apologize to almost all who seem disturbed or negative just in case, like bumping people in the streets) flora is more useful as barometers for what kind of energy the land and sky creates there. A good spot has chill trees and bushes, inauspicious land is detectable from how its inhabitants feel and live. Does any part of this resonate with those of you who work with trees in qi-gong or do i need to go in the padded room with my ideas on this?
  17. No more right-wing bullshit.

    So... yeah, of course it is the actual owner and supplier of this FREE service of a Dao/spiritual board drawing a boundary and asking everyone who isn’t willing to play nice to leave who is childish, not those who have outstayed their welcome and know this for a fact but still argue the abstract principle of having their way unconditionally because rights, free speech and yada yada. Do you guys also crash weddings and claim it’s a free country when the newlyweds tell you ”please leave, you’re not invited.”? I bet my nose you do, after reading this. Do you argue semantical rethoric of impartiality when something you don’t like gets kindly asked to leave before being escorted off the premises? I just dont think so. It’s not at all infuriating to read page after page of ”uh, excuse me GOD, stop dictating stuff, i feel denied my right to live if i cant be on here against your wishes to blab and rant and bully. Aint this heaven? Well then let me bully people in the name of free speech, Jesus man, stop being butthurt God. Amen.” Lord Guan Gong help me, this is pitiful to watch.
  18. No more right-wing bullshit.

    When someone clearly states what the takeaway is and even highlights it thusly: No racism, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, climate change denial, fascism, crypto-fascism, antisocial bigotry, or far-right bullshit in general (including QAnon and Pizzagate lunacy). The only reasonable response ought to be Tops off @sean, i applaud the stand and support it. Not without its own complexities and whatnot but it was definetly about that time.
  19. Lima, your timing eerily synchronized with advice from my SO and my general idea of what to do. Besides slacking off which has been frequent during late spring and early summer 😳
  20. You know when someone goes to great lenghts to explain something that is more or less perfectly obvious to most people in the room and someone tries to jokingly tell them ”You don’t say? Stop the presses, you’re never going to believe what this one just told me!” and the irony of the moment is just totally lost on that first someone who proceeds to go on and on to make sure their ”breaking news” is delievered? Wait for it... just a few minutes more...
  21. Lima, imho it travels and revolves amazingly fast. My own progress however is snaillike to a snail.
  22. @Daolander1 thank you for that long-awaited permission to keep blundering in futile efforts down a dead end road, fun talking to you.
  23. I’d say no. Afaik one is supposed to build from the ground up, like a house. When the house is good to live in and store your reserves in you use it. When you need to dip into your reserves you do so from the top. Analogy: you are human between heaven and earth, you live off the earth and what heaven feeds it to grow. So first you make sure you can stand on the ground, the study yourself while you study the earth and once you have built considerable relationship to the earth you can gain from heaven and study your relationship with both of them. So when you use energy you get it from the sky, through your connection to the earth and it is expressed out of you in a similarly descending direction. This is probably overly simplified and only corresponding to where i’m at and in no way a final thing. I’m still learning from earth and it is slow.
  24. Central channel or Heart Field?

    Totally friend, i understood the react and i wrote the post in a spirit of humor Don’t be sorry, it was an enriching experience in the end and it lead me to revert to Sifu for questions and new perspective, things changed drastically.
  25. Central channel or Heart Field?

    Dwaimandem my friend, pray that you never do, i have and at first i trusted them and it put me off these practices for a time out of sheer desillusion.