I was in the 9th grade when I felt attracted to searching the library for esoteric topics. I found Yogic thought and similar Indian traditions, and had the feeling, getting warmer, but this is not 'it.' When I read about Zen, with its wry directness, I felt that I had come home. There was nothing in my environment that would have suggested anything like this - so perhaps it is evidence of reincarnation. I do not favor the idea of reincarnation in general, as I generally see very little evidence for it, but the facts of my own path are tantalizing.
I once asked a monk who led Zen groups, "If there is no individual soul, what is reincarnated?" He said, "That's an interesting question." I was shocked, not that he didn't know the answer, but that he had never asked himself the question.
I practiced by myself for a while, and found my way to a couple of sesshins at the San Francisco Zen Center when I was a college student, when Suzuki Roshi was alive. I remember that I was there when Appollo landed on the moon, because the Roshi said in Teisho, "You know what they will find? Rocks." I have practiced occasionally with others in NW Zen centers, but never quite found a Zen home. Zen is in my bones, but I actually feel that perhaps it is my heart that needs developing more than my insight, and I am now drawn to develop my compassion more than my insight.
I have chosen Gassho as my nom-de-Zen, as I seek to develop more gratitude and compassion.