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I could overcome a 15 year addiction to tobacco with this miracle plant. One session(10-12 hours), one follow-up (10-12 hours). No cravings at all. Great team. http://www.awakeninginthedream.com/ It's a teacher plant - one of the primordial wisdom teachers of humankind - that is saving hundreds of lives now...an authentic re-birth!
Wuji Qigong performed by John P. Milton. I think it's a good DVD for learning Wuji, excellent production, skillfully teaches the progressive steps, good explanations.. http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/T%27ai-Chi-for-Liberation/1978.productdetails
Blessed Alan Watts... "Man has to discover that everything which he beholds in nature - the clammy foreign-feeling world of the ocean's depths, the wastes of ice, the reptiles of the swamp, the spiders and scorpions, the deserts of lifeless planets - has its counterpart within himself. He is not, then, at one with himself until he realizes that this "under side" of nature and the feelings of horror which it gives him are also "I". Alan Watts The Wisdom of Insecurity, Chapter 7: "The Transformation of Life", p.111. We must see that consciousness is neither an isolated soul nor the mere function of a single nervous system, but of that totality of interrelated stars and galaxies which makes a nervous system possible. Alan Watts
hey, hey, relax, my friend, I was drawn since the first moment to Taoism, very intuitively,because I felt unconsciously the strong shamanic roots not totally severed - despite the late patriarchal attempts to tame the wild shamanic...years later from my personal experience, sinchronicitiesetc. I got conscious confirmation... I think that if you dig deeper enough, you'll find shamanic roots - or traces of it - in all the traditions: no big deal, it was the primordial tradition , coming back to Africa, millions of years ago... And I think the problem is not Big daddy, or Big Mommy....but the lack of playfulness, the trickterish, protean knowledge that Reality is much more than any view,always... I love the fluidic theology of the Bushmen: they say that God has a wife and children...one day it rained, there were a lot of frogs,that week, the Bushmen called God "frog"....when we'll retrieve such theological/cognitive freedom, the world will be different...
If for some coincidence I had any Egyptian ancestor, I'd feel really proud now
Individual with controversial opinions...? Excuse me....???? Embodying and speaking about the Big Love is a controversial opinion....????? Oh, I got it, like that subversive anarchist mystic who was crucified for embodying love... Excuse me, there are growing numbers of kkkristians in many western countries, increasingly psychotic... (I've had personal experiences: really scary) this is not a joke, unfortunately:
Fox News = Tox News
I'm not so sure about that...Brad Keeney has received serious death threaths because of his work (and he is a Christian!) In any case, I'm for supporting the Arab people wanting to evolve towards a Turkish democracy type, and not focusing in the extremist elements..."Energy flows where attention goes"...isn't it?
In Japan, there is a Giant Hornet which kills whole hives of bees, primarily to eat their children. It is so deadly that annually, attacks from this insect kill human beings in excess of every other natural insectoid and animalian threat, poisonous or otherwise. These monsters cannot be stopped once their scouts have marked a hive, and... within a few hours, 12-15 of them can anihillate 30000 bees. They can fly 60 miles at 25 MPH due in part to a food they produce which results in extreme strength and voracity. In the average attack, none of the attackers are killed. The Japanese bees have developed an amazing and instructive defense. They either lure the scout within the hive, or swarm it outside the hive with ~500 workers. The result is not combat, and is fascinating. Encased within the swarm, the scout may kill a few bees, but the remaining bees beat their wings in a rhythmic pattern resulting in rapid heating of the core of the swarm. The bees can withstand 118 f. The scout can withstand 115 F. The target temperature within the swarm is 117 f. After a short time, the scout is destroyed by a combination of suffocation and being cooked. This is the power of unity in the face of a sophisticated and overpowering threat. If the bees -attack- the threat, or do -anything other than this action of unity- the scout will escape, mark the location of the hive, and return to decimate it. We may take an interesting lesson from these highly intelligent social creatures. The power of unity is not combat, it is warmth. And WARmth, generated by cooperative unity magnified by total agreement... ...can destroy any threat. Darin de Stefano
"That is how it will always be until they claim their birthright by closing the Koran and opening their minds." Change Bible instead of Koran: same problem, hundred of thousand of fanatics in all western countries...but they are "our fanatics"... Without mentioning the long atrocious bloody history of Christianity (Inquisition, crusades, religious wars, native american cultural extermination,etc.etc.)
I'm curious about this crazy wisdom teacher...some feedback...? http://walkingstick.org/Faculty.html "Jewish shamanism? Jewish sorcery? Jewish magical healing? What would Aunty Fanny say? But it’s all here in Magic of the Ordinary, in which Rabbi Gershon Winkler with wit and wisdom leads us to rediscover the more paganistic and pantheistic mysteries underlying the ancient Hebrew tradition. I highly recommend this book." —Andrew Weil, M.D., author of Spontaneous Healing and Eating Well for Optimum Health "Gershon Winkler’s brilliance shines a light on the buried shamanic practices of Judaism. Magic of the Ordinary is a treasure—I loved it and was deeply inspired by it." —Sandra Ingerman, author of Soul Retrieval and Medicine for the Earth http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1556434448/walkingstickfoun http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0740747207/walkingstickfoun
When you want to find what is invisible, then look even deeper and even more lovingly into this concrete world here and the higher world will emerge. Kabalistic text of the 13th century a pith instruction for a whole lifetime...
some feedback about first hand experience...? http://www.soundstrue.com/shop/T%27ai-Chi-for-Liberation/1978.productdetails
by the way, the production of the Wuji T'ai Chi (or Primordial Qi Gong, if you prefer)DVD performed by John Milton for Sounds True, is EXCELLENT (graphics, detailed explanations...etc.)
I tried to read them: too much traditional for me.. Jay Michaelson has a interesting progressive site about Kabbalah http://learnkabbalah.com/ and fascinating articles for example : http://www.jaymichaelson.net/ayahuasca-and-kabbalah/ A couple of books that look promising: http://www.jaymichaelson.net/everythingisgod/ http://www.jaymichaelson.net/godinyourbody/
OK, Led to this form shamanically...makes total sense! thank you!
It looks like the Bushman culture has kept till today (in an arc of time of 60.000/100.000 years old, according to scholars)the spontaneous contact with the Life Force that was at the beginnings of pre-Vedic culture (Pashupati shakers) and the other lineages...first it was the raw, spontaneous unfolding of the energy, qi,n/om...then people began to write down the postures, asanas, practices born from the direct encounter with the Life Force. I experienced this in the last years: first my body was moved by the energy into asanas (I didn't know a word about yoga in that time), spontaneous mudras, qi gong postures and movements...(some of them very "esoteric") that I saw later in books, DVD's, etc. More people I have met told me about the same experience. it's circular: you can either attune to the n/om/qi and being danced....or you can adopt the asana/posture/sequence of movements that lead you to the attunement of the energy....
After watching the Self-Adjustment Qi Gong DVD by Jenny Lamb, I want to share a gem of a book. I found it (it found me...?) sinchronistically after my body began to manifest the spontaneous movement through a series of 15 workshops in Holotropic Breathwork, some years ago. It's ten years now since I began to "play" with it, and still I consider this book has everything to awake you to a spontaneous practice of awareness in movement.. The book is an adaptation from the formless form - Seiki-jutsu - by Ikuko Osumi sensei, who was considered one of the most gifted healers in Japan. It's full of insights for anyone interested in the spontaneous practice... http://www.amazon.com/Energy-Break-Recharge-Your-Autokinetics/dp/0307440362/ref=sr_1_14?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1296709235&sr=1-14
I love it. The approach of the "meditation coach" Lorin Roche - 40 years of experience - is one the healthiest I've found in many years... "We know that we are inextricably part of nature – we smell, taste, hear and breathe Her wisdom every day. When we recognize ourselves as creature on this Earth, the texture of life is enriched and simplified. Metaphoric reality speaks of our inner nature, and is not a far stretch from the literal. We are human beasts; we are walking trees; we are the soil that gives birth to new life. This awareness makes our needs immediate and clear: What does my creature self need to thrive? Tend to your inner nature, honor it in the movement of your life, and let meditation support this self-care. (...) A healthy approach to spirituality embraces the full spectrum of human experience. You do not deny anything. Meditation is a vessel of awareness, and you bring your entire being into it. You welcome every impulse, every emotion, and every desire. When you pay attention to your inner life without prejudice, you begin to appreciate all these impulses are part of your body’s innate intelligence. The instincts are sacred. They are the wise motions of life that impel us to survive, breathe, feed ourselves, rest when we are tired, heal and seek out friends and mates. These natural movements are exquisite and precious. Engaging with the wondrous process of how life renews and sustains itself on every level is a foundation of meditative practice. When we honor our instincts, they put us in touch with our human creaturehood and what we require to be healthy animals. When you embrace them consciously, each impulse gives you a gift and enriches your life. As you meditate, you bring awareness to these movements that are usually subliminal. You give them all permission to be alive and shimmering in your being, so that they have a chance to integrate with each other. Having lively access to your instincts will give you a raw physical vitality, so learn to befriend them all." Lorin Roche http://lorinroche.com/page70/page45/page45.html
A free-form ritual approach (very resonant to Shaking Medicine): ICONOCLASTIC RITUAL The Underlying Instinctual Sources of Paratheatre http://www.paratheatrical.com/iconoclasticritual.html