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Everything posted by Ulises

  1. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    If you feel inclined to support the San People: The 'Music of the Kalahari San' CD features San healing songs featuring voices, instruments, and drums. The CD has 18 tracks and is 70 minutes in lenght. All proceeds are returned to the San Communities in which the Kalahari Peoples Fund serves. http://kalaharipeoples.org/music_cd.html
  2. Instinctive Meditation

    Very sad and true....Lorin's words are a great tonic for the awakening of the natural wild soul...
  3. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    "No one can be quite free from schizophrenia - the habit of false concreteness - where we identify the metaphor with the referent. Gregory Bateson objected to the "vulgarity of the fundamentalist" - one who believes the metaphors of the right brain (that is, whole brain) can be translated into the language of the left brain (creatura). This happens with the scriptural literalists and the scientific literalists. It is rampant in New Age talk. The most important matters of life, from art to ecstasy cannot be explained. He advised us, 'It can't be done. Don't try it.' He regarded all efforts to articulate the processes of whole brain process, from art to religion, as insane. 'When attempted, translation from right to the left is teratogenic, creating of monsters', So let us enter the WILDERNESS and know that there is nothing that can be said so as to fulfill the criteria of left brain rigor. Let us act and speak, as part of our experience, with disciplined voicing of the Unknown Whole. Into the holes we go..." B. K. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfeNcsQZmZY&feature=related
  4. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    Thank you! A n/om rainbow hug!! ; )
  5. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    It came now to my mind: a short way to describe the effect of the Shaking: It's healing the living polarities (child-like/mature) in a balancing way with aliveness as the healing agent (heart more alive, etc.)
  6. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    I'm not, although I'd love to go someday, especially to Glastonbury and other ancient places in UK with a cool guide as Julian Cope http://www.themodernantiquarian.com/home/ (10 years ago, I had a potent past life regression about England, with archetypal energy rippling in a healing way in my everyday life, for months..) The Shaking manifested in my life around 15 years ago (some other people in the gatherings told me similar stories), then I found Brad Keeney's "Energy Break" through a beautiful sinchronicity...let's say I've been shaking for 10 years. Again, the quantum jump has been to meet and shake with a group: that's the primordial approach and I have the feeling that was/is the original (Pashupati Shakers at the origins of Tantra in India), but I don't want to be dogmatic...simply, the synergy of fields of consciousness works (first is the rhyzome, then the individual mushrooms...): http://www.shiftinaction.com/discover/audios/chris_bache/working_with_the_fields_of_consciousness
  7. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    mmmmmmm...I have no idea! I mean: I'm laughing more, crying more...I feel more alive, from time to time - it looks like a expansive, organic rhythm of expansion/contraction - I feel more in love with Life, just being, in awe of existence, liking more the people I meet, feeling the poignancy of our little human lives (our confusion, struggles, joys & sorrows).... I'm behaving more spontaneously, more child-like (and feeling more the paradoxes of Life, this amazing Cosmic Joke)...more sinchronicities, more insights, more meaningful dreams....deeper grief, deeper anger (but it is released more quickly and I'm not scared of her...the same with waves of fear - although that is a personal issue) (There are certain things that I feel is premature to share..but I feel are on the way) I'd say that Shaking Medicine is cooking me, making me more real (by the way, that was the message from Teonanactl in a gorgeous, challenging session, with a entheogenic midwife, two months ago...) Again: the big, decisive shift came through two Shaking Medicine gatherings (three days each one, about 10 hours a day) january and May 2010....after those gorgeous group gatherings, solo practice everyday - twice/three times a day (from 5 minutes to 1 hour...following the organic rhythms...)
  8. What fascinates now is A.H. Almaas linking what Aurobindo calls the Supermind to the Diamond Guidance http://www.ahalmaas.com/Glossary/d/diamond_consciousness.htm In a recent interview, Almaas disclosed - in a very down to earth manner, without the "woo-woo" of other "lineage meta-narratives", that this unfolding is 10.000 years old... all of this fascinating,...these days I resonate very much with this "transpersonal cognitive" approach (more than all the colourful side of lineages, "spiritual entitlements" and what not...): "If you follow the truth, you will get to deeper and more objective truth. And if... you keep following the truth, you will get to the deepest and the ultimate truth, the Absolute. That is why we always emphasize the truth. If you seek anything else, you might not get to the Absolute. If you seek anything that is not truth, you will get the thing you seek. But if you seek truth and you really want the truth, the truth will be revealed to you. So our perspective here is that we work on all kinds of things. We work on personal things, practical things, day to day things. Ultimately we work on these things not for their own sake, but to follow the truth to ultimate reality. What will ultimately satisfy you is the truth. You might not believe me in the beginning, but that doesn't matter. You will find out on your own if you truly follow the track of truth. When I say that our orientation is to follow truth all the way to the ultimate truth, I mean that the inner journey transcends life and death. When we talk about the ultimate or absolute truth, we don't mean some kind of mysterious thing someplace. In the beginning it might appear that the truth is some kind of distant, mysterious, unknowable thing, maybe at the depth of your heart or at the center of the universe. But the truth is everywhere and is everything. When you realize the absolute truth, you realize everything is the truth. You cannot see that until you realize the Absolute, its reality and its purity. Then you realize there is nothing else. You forget about spiritual experience. You are not spiritual anymore. You become thisworldly instead of otherworldly. You realize that the world is the Absolute. Everything you see is the spirit, the Absolute. There is nothing else." Inexhaustible Mystery, A.H.Almaas
  9. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    This is very close to my heart... "Shaking medicine is swamp mojo that serves muddy wisdom while gobbling up overly simple dualisms and arrogant pomposity. It comes to kick your spiritual butt, making you more human and present to the fleas, lice, and alligator pissing near your pillow, while removing the constraints that hold back infinite joy and the ecstatic flight of extreme delight. Surrender to the hilarious vastness of the cosmic dance and become its Rumified servant of extreme love." B.K. The Bushmen are a gorgeous example of the Biology of Love at its fullest in the Shaking Medicine... "This is an important and exhilarating book by two authors from quite different backgrounds - the one a therapist, the other one of the foremost biologists of the last half a century. Together with Francisco Varela, Humberto Maturana formulated the theory of autopoiesis - the self-production and self organising that characterises living. This has been massively influential in a range of disciplines - biology itself, cognitive science, artificial life, the law, social sciences, therapy, management science, philosophy. What the discovery of autopoiesis signalled for Maturana in addition to its fundamental biological implications at the molecular level, was the critical role of reflexivity in our making sense of the world we inhabit and the living we constitute through our recurrent coordinations of actions with other reflexive beings. The book - which has a wonderfully informative and concise introduction by Pille Bunnell - celebrates the collaboration of Maturana with Gerda Verden Zoller in identifying the critical role of prolongued intimacy in the evolutionary emergence of humanness, and indeed for the arising of language. There is a convincing case that it was the emotional predisposition for living together in long-term relationships of mutuality that led to languaging as an intrinsic feature of human evolution. Alongside this is a strong and compelling claim that it is such mutual affection (expressing the fundamamental emotion, love) that distinguishes us from our immediate evolutionary predecessors (chimps). The latter, in spite of their genetic proximity to human kind may be characterised in their social living as devious and manipulative rather than loving. Of course, we see in present-day humankind an unfortunate mix of the legacy of our chimp ancestry competing with the uniquely human. What this book does is provide a powerful affirmation of an optimistic insight into our future, with important lessons for our co-existence with each other, different cultures and the environment. It unfolds a narrative of how it is the quality of our recurrent interactions with each other as autonomous but responsible beings that lays down both the ethics of our present and the direction of our future." http://www.amazon.com/Origins-Humanness-Biology-Love/dp/1845400887
  10. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    Uffffffff...slippery terrain (I know the endless threads about Kunlun). I'll just say this: Im my experience (I've attended a Kunlun seminar and I watched the Jenny Lamb's DVD), the important thing is the attuning/surrender (choose your metaphor of relationship) to the mysterious n/om. The rest is details: cultural forms, "flavors", so to speak.. I have to add that the strongest life-changing experiences happen in a group setting, Bushman-like. After 10 years of spontaneous solo practice, the loving, ecstatic RELATIONSHIP between Shakers("pulling the ropes", being "rope" a metaphor for the heart-based sinergy among Shakers) made all the difference for me, magnitudes beyond a solo practice. (Same experience, recently, in a Timothy Freke Big Love group,in another, more meditative, context). So, now, my main interest is helping to ignite a grass roots, non-profit comunity of Shakers where I live.... (I just remember that, interestingly, anthropologist Gegory Bateson - one of the founders of cybernetic/systemic thinking, and Brad Keeney's mentor - documented already in the fifties, along with her partner Margaret Mead, how the Balian parents teach children to put their feet like in the Self Adjustment/Kunlun thing, to induce spontaneous movement...but it's not my thing, I prefer the complete free-form of seiki-jutsu/autokinetics/Shaking Medicine, but that it's only my taste, I repeat. Some people will resonate with Self Adjustment, some with Kunlun...and some, like me with Shaking/Autokinetics... The fair thing is that people can have info about the whole spectrum of spontaneous practices and then they can choose/integrate (altough the difference for me is that Brad Keeney stresses that the feeling heart-based focus is the root ... I resonate with that..)
  11. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    Good finding! yeah, I love the "Shaking Medicine" book, of course....but the "energy break" is my favourite, in terms of clear instructions and solo practice
  12. Seiki-jutsu/Autokinetics

    I began following the advices from Brad Keeney's Autokinetics (western adaptation from Seiki-jutsu;he is the formal heir of this healing art, received from Ikuko Osumi). I usually begin sitting, touching gently my eyeballs - as a message of opening to the body/mind - from there...anything is possible: sometimes is like Jenny Lamb movements in her DVD, sometimes more vigorous, Bushman-like; many times, spontaneous sounds/throat singing at the same time, or taichi-like,etc.etc: the beauty is that is unpredictible, totally free-form (altough it feels VERY guided, so to speak...).When I feel I'm done (movements slow down,etc.) I touch my eyeballs gently again - closing gesture, and I rest, integrating... The blissful expansion/creative insights/etc. are coming more frequently.... Seriously, the "Energy Break" book is a gem...
  13. Wikileaks - Thoughts

    "Why I have nominated Wikileaks for the Nobel Peace Prize": http://www.snorrevalen.no/2011/02/02/why-i-have-nominated-wikileaks-for-the-nobel-peace-prize/
  14. I hate to get all Biblical, but....

    Power to the people!!! via facebook: "As an Israeli, I want the Egyptians to win Israel's sense of entitlement is a curse, and we are all either under its spell or under its shadow; only the inconceivable that turns into the inevitable can bring change to this place." http://www.haaretz.com/blogs/a-special-place-in-hell/as-an-israeli-i-want-the-egyptians-to-win-1.340886
  15. Into Wholeness

    I've had the joy of meeting professor Stephen Gallegos. Such a respect of the mystery and beauty of Reality! I want to share this first-hand cosmological experience by him: pregnant with beautiful numinosity... "..I then felt myself being whisked off into the cosmos, further and further, beyond the sun, beyond our solar system, beyond the Milky Way. And even further until I was in the edge of the universe, and still further until I was at such vantage point that I could see the universe in its entirety. I was stunned by what I saw: the universe was alive! And it was a single organism of awesome complexity, but whole and totally integrated. I recognized that it was still in the stage of its early development, comparable to a fetus, still differentiating the various aspects of itself. I saw how everything that exists, including me and every being was a part of that awesome being. We were aspects of its components just like the various parts of own our being are aspects of who we are. I saw that everything that exists is part of a greater whole and that the whole requires every part in order to be fully who it is. Every part is essential. And out of this a harmony ensues. (...) The profound and mysterious complexity of the Universe accompanies me to this day, its unity, its aliveness, and the impossibility of ever expressing in words haunts me. Every aspect of the Universe, including us, has a place of relationship with it. We are perhaps the only beings who think that we are somehow independent, not realizing that our most profound task is to remain aligned with the Universe, in relationship with this awesome, vast being. And that our own wholeness is vital for the wholeness of the Universe. And only in this way do we ultimately come to experience our own place of belonging in the Universe." Into Wholeness: The Path of Deep Imagery Eligio Stephen Gallegos PhD http://www.futureprimitive.org/2011/01/stephen-gallegos-the-path-of-deep-imagery/
  16. Best book on Tantra?

    "Buddhism is the odd one out" I have found all kind of missionaries in my life, all of them preaching/praising their religion as "the one and only"; sorry, but I feel you are not different: the system devours the person. Sufis say Sufism was the root of all systems; Shaivites, that Buddhism is Shaivism in disguise; Buddhists like you that Tantra originated in Buddhism (it's a joke, isn't it?): BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORING!!!!!!! I'm sick of meeting religious zombi-minded people. Sick of the religious sectarism that is destroying humankind. I remember how Mirra Alfassa (Sri Aurobindo's yogic partner), considered by (non-sectarian) scholars in comparative mysticism, as one of the most extraordinary mystics of our time, was shown the extreme importance of not degrading her experiences into another religion....
  17. Best book on Tantra?

    A classic http://www.amazon.com/Tantric-Way-Art-Science-Ritual/dp/0500270880
  18. ‎A spiritual classic to be retrieved. Kindred spirit with Taoism... "I believe that most of what was said of God was in reality said of that Spirit whose body is Earth." "It was an excitement of spirit for one born in a little country town in Ireland to find the circle of being widened so that life seemed to dilate into a paradise of beautiful memories, and to reach to past ages and to mix with the eternal consciousness of Earth, and when we come on what is new we pause to contemplate it, and do not ...hurry to the end of our journey. The instances of earth memories given here are trivial in themselves, and they are chosen, not because they are in any way wonderful, but rather because they are like things many people see, and so they may more readily follow my argument. The fact that Earth holds such memories is itself important, for once we discover this imperishable tablet, we are led to speculate whether in the future a training in seership might not lead to a revolution in human knowledge." AE Russell http://www.sacred-texts.com/neu/celt/cov/cov10.htm
  19. Best book on Tantra?

    I told you I have a mischievous smile on my face...it's a pity you can't play with me...
  20. "The Candle of Vision"

    yeah! A web of awakening... A big hug, brother
  21. Best book on Tantra?

    I love these two books by Daniel Odier http://www.danielodier.com/ENGLISH/entree_e.html http://www.amazon.com/Yoga-Spandakarika-Sacred-Origins-Tantra/dp/1594770514 http://www.amazon.com/Desire-Tantric-Awakening-Daniel-Odier/dp/0892818581/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1296083888&sr=1-1 ...and this is a gorgeous, juicy translation - a labour of love (the fruit of 40 years of intimacy with the text through experiencing it trough practice) - of one of the foundational tantras: http://www.lorinroche.com/page13/page13.html *** I cannot resist - a mischievous smile on my face - to put this fragment from the intro to the Spandakarika: "When in 1975 I met the yogini Lalita Devi - who would become my master and who would transmit to me the teachings of the Pratyabhijna and Spanda of the Kashmiri Shaivism stream - I took it a step further and grasped the impact of the Kashmiri siddhas on Tibetan Buddhism, which, by the way, "Buddhafies" the siddhas to such a degree that Alain Danielou would go on to write that "Tibetan Buddhism is Shaivism in disguise." One of the most striking examples is Saraha's 'Queen Doha', which includes the following stanzas: A [saivite] yogi in whom a [pseudoexistential] pristine awareness [allegedly imparted to him by Siva himself] has come about, [and hence] in whom there is no fear, will, whilst wearing the insignia of Siva [as a charm], look for a woman born in the outskirts. . . . Taking in her qualities he will [reciprocate by] offering his pristine awareness, Reverberating within the intensity of immediate experience, and, For the time being, he will take this pristine awareness - heightened in its sensibility through Being's genuineness [operating in it], approximating in flavor, [being's nothingness replete with everything in highest perfection] - as the Mahamudra experience. Scholars with Buddhist tendencies, uncomfortable with this pas- sage, have it follow, or replace it with, similar verses - sometimes in parentheses, it is true - removing the allusion to Shaivism, just as they often delete, purely and simply, all allusion to Saraha's master, who was a Shaivite yogini. It seems that in seventh- and eighth-century Kashmir, and even in later centuries, there reigned a great freedom of spirit and that the yogis and yoginis, when it was a matter of realizing the ultimate, hardly wor- ried about the etiquette of the masters or about their belonging to one group or another. The great Abhinavagupta himself had many masters, some of whom were not Shaivite. What I am proposing here is to rediscover this opening of mind by presenting the texts of Ch'an, Dzogchen, and the Mahamudras - Chinese, Tibetan, and Kashmiri - texts that only mystical experience can bring together."
  22. "The Candle of Vision"

    I feel more and more that we are - as a species - trough a deep cognitive change. http://kingsleydennis.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/quantum-consciousness-3-hyper-communication-quantum-states/ http://kingsleydennis.wordpress.com/2011/01/19/quantum-consciousness-4-evolutionary-agents-%E2%80%93-our-next-quantum-leap/ The mind-expanding, heart-opening effects of just one gathering with Tim Freke keep rippling in my everyday life.. I hope there will be more midwifes like him facilitating the re-birth of planetary citizens living from the Heart...
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5YXAvdYhhWc&feature=related