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Anybody have any idea how to find the original form of the `light body` mantra in Sanskrit, Where the hell did this thing come from?
Ulises replied to Xienkula1's topic in General Discussion
This is a excellent mantra....you may want to try.. ...as always it's the "gut feeling" that will tell you if it's for you or not... ; ) Om Hrim Hamsa So'ham Swaha The Mantra to the Supreme Light By David Frawley Above is the Mantra to the Supreme Light, Param Jyoti Mantra, which is a famous Vedic, Vedantic and Tantric Mantra. We could also spell it phonetically as OM HREEM HAMSA SO HAM SWAHA! This mantra brings us into the Divine or inner light and causes it to resonate in our body, breath, speech and mind. (...) The Mantra to the Supreme Light is a Tantric mantra. Om is the Supreme Shiva. Hrim is the Supreme Shakti. Hamsa So'ham is the unification of Shiva and Shakti in our breath and consciousness. Swaha indicates consecration into the light. This mantra can be used along with the worship of the Goddess to bring her presence into our hearts. You can translate Shiva/Shakti=Tao/Te as the great scholar and mystic Sir John Woodroffe explained many years ago... Shakti in Taoism: http://www.sacred-texts.com/tantra/sas/sas11.htm -
International Council of Thirteen Indigenous Grandmothers
Ulises replied to sifusufi's topic in General Discussion
I love the interview with Grandmother Bernadette Rebienot http://www.futureprimitive.org/13grandmothers/ -
"We have reached the moment, where consciousness turns toward an other dimension." Satprem (1923-2007) was a french autor and confidant of 'The mother' and Sri Aurobindo. During World War II he was a member of the French Resistance. He was arrested by the Gestapo in late 1943 and spent one and a half years in German concentration camps (After the film by Davide Montemurri "L'Uomo Dopo L'Uomo", India, 1982). http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4XPbV1xH5c&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e9xMMzT_hwg&feature=player_embedded
Well...I don't know much...just that he was the director of a famous circus in Madrid, Spain...my mother told me that he was a very interesting character, living the European bohemian life of the early 20th century...that could explain some facets of my personality... ; )
Thank you, guys...I found these videos, very sinchronistically, in a moment very intense. I'm sorry, Kate; I haven't learnt the beautiful language of my French ancestors...now I'd really like to know... ; ) but I think he says: "la force creatrice", the creative force...
"...now the time may have come at last to unveil the Mysterieswhether they be Vedic, Orphic, Alchemical, or Catharistand to recover the whole truth of the two poles within a third position, which is neither that of the materialists nor that of the spiritualists. The ascent of man into heaven is not the key, but rather his ascent here into the spirit and the descent also of the spirit into his normal humanity and the transformation of this earthly nature. For that and not some post mortem salvation is the real new birth for which humanity waits as the crowning movement of its long, obscure and painful course..." Sri Aurobindo or The Adventure of Consciousness, Satprem *** "In 2006 Satprem had sent a note to Kireet Joshi in which he wrote: 'I have reached the goal.' What was the goal that he referred to? Was it the completion of the process of physical transformation or fixation of the supramental consciousness into his physical consciousness? That I dont know. Previously also he wrote to me that he had achieved the goal. What I know is that the supramental Light had come into his body. In his entire body there was a peculiar radiance. That I've observed." Anurag Banerjee
On 11-11, 2010, one million people across the globe will mentally project a unified vision of a new paradigm for our species... a new reality. The very real physics that connects human consciousness with molecular structure will be harnessed en masse during the largest scale simultaneous manifestation transmission in recorded history. join us: http://www.newrealitytransmission.com/
"no other guide or light/but that one in the heart/ burning bright" ; )
I'm in love with the Bushman spirituality...at least for me, it resonates so much with the Taoist heart-view... ; )
It's not necessary to sign in, of course. Just to check the time converter from EST to your local time. As the Bushmen would say, 1 million people "pulling the ropes" can be amazing...
"The awareness that we can achieve this direct transformational experience of the sacred central intelligence of our planet stands at the epicenter of the New Mysteries. It is an integral part of the re-enchantment of ourselves as well as the re-enchantment of Nature, one that may convey to us the knowledge as well as the certainty of our ecological niche within Sophia's Dream. This alone will reveal to us the shape and direction of our destiny as souls traveling across eternity...." http://www.sharedwisdom.com/article/new-mysteries-sophias-dream
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"You can help the world to become alive..." "When the Heart of the World begin to sing..." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBDfodFUOb0&feature=player_embedded
I cannont resist to fantasize what would happen if 16 Qi Gong practitioners would try this collective posture from the Orphic Mysteries with open hearts, as the master Chunyi Lin recommends... (not necessarily naked) ; ) My link Orphic ceremonial bowl showing sixteen naked adepts, eight men and eight women, in a circle with their feet touching. (“The Sanctum of the Winged Serpent,” Orphic bowl, 200-300 CE. In Joseph Campbell, Creative Mythology, p. 96.)
Excellent thread1 Thank you
Greetings, I strongly recommend "The Bushman Way of Tracking God" by Bradford Keeney. Stricto sensu, it's speaking about the Bushman way of attuning to the Life Force, but the author weaves effortlessly the world traditions of attuning to the energy, revealing the common experiential ground underlying schools, lineages, cultural forms, etc. It looks that this is a "mojo book", meaning that the original intention of the author was to create a book infused - so to speak - with the qi of the "Shaking Medicine". There are already some reports from readers having interesting experiences (dreams, energetic phenomena, etc.) which seem to point in this direction. Here a interview about the book: http://arewelistening.net/podcasts/BradfordKeeney_2010_9_28.mp3
And you are a gentle soul....thank you, brother A n/om hug ; )
I've attended two gatherings of Shaking Medicine. It's stunning ( and I have experienced some amazing experiences). It's difficult to put in words, but the key thing,for me, it would be kind of dropping your mind in your heart - definitely is an opening to heightened feelings - an attitude of child-like expectation, or opening to the mystery...from the heart. I have to say that shaking with a group of people has been/is the strongest catalyst for change, growth,healing, ecstatic joy, at all levels in my life...I keep doing it by myself, but I long for joining a group of shakers...the synergy is amazing... I learnt an adaptation of the Japanese version - seiki-jutsu - ten years ago through this book: http://www.amazon.com/Energy-Break-Recharge-Your-Autokinetics/dp/0307440362 Keeney had a fascinating series of sinchronicities that led him to Ikuko Osumi sensei - master of seiki-jutsu - and he had the formal transmission as the heir of this healing art. Brad Keeney has edited a enciclopedia of global shamanism - "Profiles in healing" series - with all the medicine people he has worked with..it's a gem of a collection: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5448450-ikuko-osumi-japanese-master-of-seiki-jutsu-profiles-in-healing I'm posting a simple instructions just in case anyone want to try: That Shaking Feeling and How to Get There Shaking medicine is different from any spiritual dancing, aerobics, trance dancing, or bodywork I have experienced or witnessed. It is not the ecstatic dancing of Gabrielle Roth or the organized whirling of the Sufis. You don't consciously create the shake. The shake shakes you. Once you get going, you may find that some of your automatic movements seem familiar, but here they serve to bring forth the shaking medicine. In this spirited expression, the shake and the vibration are more important than the dance. Here are some possible experiences: • Highly charged excitement • Simultaneous deep relaxation and heightened arousal • Vibrating, prickling, or tingling sensations; sensations of energy or electricity-like currents circulating in the body • Intense heat or cold • Muscle twitches and involuntary body movements: jerking, tremors, quaking, and shaking • Desire to move into an unusual body posture • Awareness of an inner force moving inside you or an inner voice that guides • Feeling of being high ("drunk from the shake") • Intensified sexual desire • Increased heartbeat • Spontaneous expression such as laughing or weeping • Improvised vocalizations • Hearing inner sounds like bees buzzing, drumming, moving water or wind, roaring, whooshing, thunder, ringing, or music • Altered states of consciousness: expanded awareness, trance, or mystical experience • Blissful feelings in the head, particularly the crown area • Pervasive and indescribable bliss • Intensified feelings of love, peace, and compassion • Visionary and out-of-body experiences and imagined flight • Belief that you are acquiring a healing power • Stimulation of the desire for creative expression • Deepened understanding of life; enlightenment, conversion, or transcendent experiences Knowing that what you are experiencing is "normal" can make it more acceptable and pleasurable. A GOOD PATH TO THE SHAKE Shaking in the company of others is one of the most powerful experiences I know. Your shaking can be catalyzed and deepened by the presence of others. You can join me and others for that experience, or you can begin on your own: 1 | Focus on good feelings -- preferably love, compassion, and kindness -- and stay connected to them. It doesn't matter what words or phrases, if any, come to mind. 2 | Turn on some spirited rhythmic music and start wiggling and moving. 3 | It doesn't matter whether your eyes are open, half-closed, or closed. Do whatever feels natural. 4 | Activate your muscles, wiggling and moving them from head to toe. 5 | Gradually increase the rate of breathing until you are breathing rapidly. 6 | Assume an active attitude toward becoming excitable. Encourage yourself to tremble, shake, and quake. 7 | Continue shaking for as long as you wish. This is not an indulgence. 8 | At the end of the exercise, let your body do what it wants -- lie down, sit, walk, or whatever feels right. 9 | Do this when you desire, even once a day, but at least once a week. --b.k. If somebody it's interested here is a audio experience with Keeney: http://www.soundstrue.com/articles/Shaking-An_Ecstatic_Celebration_of_Spirit_and_Life_with_Bradford_Keeney/
Yeah! Malidoma's and Prechtel's are great books. I think one of the best books on shamanism is Barbara Tedlock's "The woman in the shaman body". She is the granddaughter of an Ojibwe midwife and herbalist and was trained and initiated as a shaman by the K'iche' Maya of highland Guatemala. http://www.barbaratedlock.com/ A book that I'm reading now that is fascinating is Hank Wesselman's "VisionSeeker: Shared Wisdom from the Place of Refuge". And the recent experiences he has had are reeeeally interesting: http://www.sharedwisdom.com/article/encounter-jinn-genie-egypt
This feels exquisite to me...much in resonance with the integral spirit that brought me to learn about Taoism... Reincarnation As Organic Metaphor, an Essay The philosophical generosity that birthed the Vedic spirit is completely absent in today’s world. Our world culture has become religiously self-righteous and utilitarian. The view that spiritual realization arises as a gift from nature, a flowering of various invisible, organic processes, has vanished. Judeo-Christian-Islamic theologies assert the existence of a God separate from nature. Accordingly, they tell us that the world was created for a two-fold purpose, first to glorify this transcendent, separate God, and second to redeem the human race in time and space. However, this view is dualistic in nature and ultimately incorrect, for nature does not exist in linear time. Nature’s time is cyclical. An apple tree produces apples year after year without any ultimate purpose other than the joy of fruition. Nature’s functioning is not teleological. Humans tend to hyper-intellectualize, projecting purposes onto other life forms. They freeze the fluidity of life into rational concepts. Judeo-Christian-Islamic dualistic theologies have devastatingly stained the spiritual fabric of our world. Reincarnation is a charming, sensuous metaphor for organic life in migration. Rebirth was not meant to create the impression of a linear march (of births) through time. Instead it pointed to the world as fertile soil in which human beings might flourish. The ancient Vedic rishis, or seers, were ardent lovers of nature – even nature-worshippers. In the natural world they saw the “reason” for existence, filled as it was with spontaneous displays of overwhelming beauty. Skies, seas, mountains, fragrances of sweet flowers, were meant to lift the human spirit into supra-sensual ecstasies. Perceptual, emotional, and mental faculties were spiritually stimulated by natural phenomena. Knowledge and devotion were like strings on a guitar, fusing into the melodic rhythm of the total human being. Lila, the spirit of playfulness, the self-generating power seen in nature, was the universe’s matrix, the ultimate “reason” for its existence. Evolution allows the soul’s maturation through time, carried by the force of desire. Just as a flower requires sunlight to live and grow, human beings blossom through yearning. Desire is not a dirty word, as certain spiritual traditions insist. Desire’s force serves the expansion of human consciousness as it matures and deepens into a painful hunger for God, culminating in moksha, spiritual liberation. Liberation or moksha x`is actually desire’s fruition, not its negation. The yogas of karma, jnana, bhakti, and raja were the spiritual paths of action, discrimination, devotion, and meditation. They conveyed a theme of adapting any and every form of human activity into the Self or pure consciousness. These spiritual paths affirmed compassionately that any type of person could awaken from dualistic experience, and evolve from the waking state to unlimited Brahman consciousness. Samsara often referred to as the wheel of birth and death, the field in which transmigration occurs, literally meant “running together,” or “wandering.” Samsara referred to living movement, like that of a meandering river. This non-mechanistic image starkly contradicts the guilt-ridden idea of rebirth as retribution. It nullifies the cold notion of physical embodiment as a mechanical exercise carried out by the indifferent principle of cause and effect. Judeo-Christian-Islamic monotheistic, utilitarian theologies seeped into the fabric of Hinduism over the centuries, tainting its immaculate, highly metaphorical, notion of rebirth. The rebirth process was carried out by the vasanas, infinitely subtle, wave-like energy patterns. Vasanas transmigrated from body to body, bridging incarnations. Curiously, the word vasana comes from the root VAS, which means “to perfume.” A human being “perfumed” from body to body. Vasanas, trans-fleshly fragrances, organic blueprints of matter and psyche, were the potentialities of consciousness, acting to transform matter into energy, and vice versa. A reincarnated human being was hardly considered a heap of residual, karmic debris. He was a floating fragrance, evanescent as a wisp of air, seeking a proper nervous system, one that would in-breathe him into human form. This ethereal view of rebirth may sound effeminate and oversimplified in today’s overly patriarchal spiritual climate. A circular, self-generating reality cannot be grasped by a mind obsessed with purposes. Reincarnation, organically understood through metaphors, exasperates the strategies of the rational mind to obliterate a spontaneous ontology. Only a mind freed from utilitarian consciousness can grasp the reality of a purposeless existence. Time, space, and nature vibrate as webs of energetic frequencies, organic nexuses through which living forms grow. These frequencies may be grasped intuitively by a poetically liberated awareness. The ancient Vedic understanding of reincarnation remains a brilliant, liberating, and life-affirming metaphor, vivified in an aboriginal, spiritual innocence, solidifying a vast, organic, evolutionary process. David Spero http://www.davidspero.org/teachings/metaphor.html
Hi, Brad Keeney explained to us that power is a "station" in the development of n/om/kundalini/life force that all the Bushmen pass at some point - you feel omnipotent, you feel that you can jump to the fire,fight lions with your bare hands, etc. - . Keeney put the example of Carlos Castaneda, saying that according to the Bushmen,and framing it in a linear way ( of course it's much more complex and non-linear) the path of power is the primary school: when you reach the Big Love, you are doctorate...I'm saying all of this with a mischievous smile, of course... It's difficult to imagine a more rough environment that the Kalahari desert, so these guys are not wimps, or "bliss bunnies", to use a disgusting expression I have seen in some forums in the last times...and yet they say that the most important thing for the development of a human being is the "softening of the heart"and to feel the Big Love that holds all opposites together...to hold in your body and heart the vibration of all opposites. The love they embody can be, for hardened individuals visiting them, terrifiyng... Also, the Bushmen stress again and again that word games can very easily trick us, so the important thing is the FEELING, not the thoughts... I've been pondering this matter for some time. I like what Antero Alli says "The magus is in love with power, the mystic is empowered by love" http://www.verticalpool.com/2010interview.html ...and I feel that in the end is a mystery (hyper-complexity) why you choose to be in love with power, or to be powered by love ( and I think that can change at any moment: some great Bushmen healers "fall" in sorcery and come back to the healer path again...)
I attended recently a one day workshop with this guy: amazing, exquisite, beautiful, soulful, mischievous, MAGICAL..:REAL
My pleasure : )
hi Mokona, It can be my timing, but this latest book by Brad Keeney is - for me - a quantum jump: full of heart & soul, courage and magic: a transformative reading. I'm laughing wildly and crying as a baby - my heart breaking and expanding - as I'm riding this soul roller coaster.... ; )
Friday Evening Lecture: October 15, 2010 Ancient Gnosis and the Modern World Timothy Freke Those who look without dream, those who look within wake up. - C.G. Jung Carl Jung regarded the ancient Gnostics as early psychologists. This talk will explore the controversial theory that the Jesus story is an allegorical myth, created by Gnostic Christians, and is based on pre-existent Pagan myths of a dying and resurrecting godman. If seen in this way, Jesus is the hero of a spiritual parable that teaches us how to awaken and experience gnosis. Jung also said, “All old truths want a new interpretation, so that they can live on in a new form. We need to take these thought-forms, which have become historically fixed, and melt them down again and pour them into the moulds of immediate experience.” Using Jung’s ideas as a starting point, Freke will present his understanding of the ancient gnosis in a new language, making it easily accessible to the modern mind. Thus, some may understand gnosis as a state of ‘lucid living’ in which we recognize the dreamlike nature of reality. Saturday Workshop: October 16, 2010 The Experience of Gnosis Timothy Freke To explore the profound relationship between the Self and the personal ego and to become conscious of the Universal Self in ourselves and each other, participants of this workshop will be led through a number of simple but powerful ‘I to I’ exercises. We will discuss the importance of the ego for its necessary role in sustaining knowledge of the Self. Paradoxically, it is the process of individuation that allows the experience of oneness. In becoming a more distinct ‘someone,’ we can become conscious of ‘the One’. Based on his experience of lucid living, Freke will offer his understanding of the Collective Unconscious as the ground of being from which everything arises: the unconscious dreamer of the life-dream. Biography: Timothy Freke lives with his family in the UK and is an internationally respected authority on world spirituality, specializing in ancient Gnosticism. He has authored many books, including The Jesus Mysteries, a top 10 best-seller and ‘Book of the Year’ in the UK Daily Telegraph. His latest book is How Long is Now? Tim is an innovative ‘stand-up philosopher’ and has been featured in many films and documentaries in the global media, including BBC 1 and the History Channel. For more information, visit www.timothyfreke.com.
Thank you, kindred spirits! ; ) I want to share just another inspirational quote from somebody that has connected the dots between the Tibetan/Mongolian/Greek/Gnostic/Sufi/Native American wisdoms: "Longing is the movement and the call- ing of our deepest nature. It's the cry of the wolf, the power of the lion, the flut- tering of all the birds inside us. And if we can find the courage to face it, it will take us back to where we belong. But just like animals, this longing is dangerous as well as beautiful. Longing is the powerhouse of our being, and on this path of return it breaks everything except what is unbreakable. It shatters all the man-made structures that we try to build up around it and place in its way. It washes away the future and past and leaves us with nothing but eternity. For longing is the creator of time, and time can never contain it. (...) This journey, 'as far as longing can reach' (Parmenides), is a journey to end all journeys: way beyond any ordinary human experi- ence. It demands tremendous courage. It changes every cell in our body. Mythologically, it's the journey of the hero. And yet to understand what's involved we have to forget all our con- cepts of what it means to be a hero. We usually think of a hero as a warrior, a fighter.And yet what will get us where we want to go isn't willpower; it isn't struggle or effort. It isn't even a matter of having to do anything ourselves. It's just a question of knowing how to turn a sharp sword it cuts through all our cares and ambitions and leaves us naked. It wants the whole of us, and we know that in the end this longing is a fire which will consume every part of us. But what in all honesty is the alternative?..." Peter Kingsley