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Everything posted by Ulises

  1. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    Tolerance of intolerants led to the triumph of Nazism...
  2. God is a rhythm

    Fascinating...words from a yogi of the Pashupati lineage - natural spontaneous yoga -, one of the earliest yoga lineages (very close to the Bushman Shaking Medicine) On Music and Dance Music holds a very high place in the practice of yoga. I would even say that without music, it is impossible to attain to the Lord, for the Lord himself is music. In India we say, "Nada Brahma" which means “Sound is God”. It is just like the place in the Bible where it says, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was God.” If we live a musical life, we can say that we are living a life of sadhana, a spiritual life. Music is the greatest intoxicant in the world. When one is totally intoxicated by music he goes into samadhi. There is another aspect of music, and that is dancing. Dance purifies the body, and music purifies the mind. If we use music for its purest purpose, it will not fail to bring us the highest results. In spiritual life in India , there are two main manifestations of God that are worshipped: that of Lord Shiva, and that of Lord Krishna. Both are great musicians and master dancers. My experience shows me that those who do not know how to sing and dance will never reach God. For in deep meditation when prana begins to effortlessly rise, music and dance are born from within. This is not the result of conscious intention; it is simply an expression of prana. So, dance is a part of meditation and does not disturb it. This spontaneous dance has two phases: external and internal. At first the dance has external movements. Gradually these movements cease until there is complete stillness, externally. Yet the dance continues inside. The spontaneous dance that I went into outside my Rajeshvari meditation room was like what used to happen to me many years ago in the earlier stages of yoga. Then it stopped and I moved into another stage. On this occasion, behind Rajeshvari, I started by doing some hand mudras, and all of a sudden, after many years of absence, the dance started to come to me again spontaneously, automatically. There was a difference, however, between what happened in the past and this: before the dance was very fast; this time it was very slow and rhythmic. When this dance happens, it stretches all the nerves so much that after five minutes you are ready to collapse. Yet I, at the age of 65, was able to dance constantly for over half an hour! This kind of music and dance is the very highest kind of sadhana; the very highest method of purification of mind and body. Swami Kripalvananda "God is a rhythm" Brad Keeney
  3. "Rare tibetan yoga practice"

    From personal experience and research. I feel that this alchemical mystery cannot be encapsulated in any frame (including the "esoteric schools") I'm reading Sovatsky's "Words from the Soul" and I think he gets to the marrow: this process is much more mysterious and spontaneous than any "technique": a "post-genital puberty" and beyond... That is called [yogic] action of the body in which reason takes no part and which does not originate as an idea springing up in the mind. To speak simply, yogis perform actions [asanas, “postures”] with their bodies [spontaneously], like the movements of [babies]. (Jnaneshvar, 1987, p. 102) *RECOVERING THE DIONYSIAN-ENDOGENOUS YOGA* *Thus the shamanic or dionysian yoga and its bond with mystical phenomenology maintained in the living moment through oral transmission in the hoary past (and still, with all manner of attendant difficulties), arose and then fell into ever more secularized, scriptural fundamentalisms.* *The sequence of dionysian yoga’s ‘fall’ /from /dionysian-soteriological t,t,t,t,* *time and in-the-moment narrative utterances into the apollonian mundane time and its formalized narratives and histories of events is as follows:* * * *1. the spirit-in-time revealed as a superlative, private bodily experience (ecstasy or enstasy),* *2. emergent publicly as presemantic ecstatic-catalytic utterances and dancing-swaying movements, [spontaneous kriyas, charisms, speaking in tongues, trance states], then* *3. languaged orally as sheer descriptions of the experience, then* *4. memorized and scriptured into an orthodox text or externalized liturgical commemoration (yoga and meditation as teachings; the movements classicalized as ritual forms),* */5. its lessons fableized for charm (the ancient myths), then* *6. in search of a genteel purity, its sparkling and sensual phenomenology put into disembodied descriptions of ‘heaven realms’ or sheer ‘higher states of consciousnesses,’ and* *7. as texts and practices exported into the West, formulized for mass pedagogical ease (the contemporary yoga books and aerobics-like classes, stress-reduction courses, and other holistic applications or new-age appropriations),* *8. made abstract or ‘symbolic’ of something else, or ‘primitivized’ by scholars for learned discourse (the transpersonalist’s synthesizing schemas),^4 and, at all junctures,* *9. suppressed or championed by religio-political forces; eroded by sectarian rivalries and scandals; desiccated as the legalistic, purely academic word, or scorned as mere superstition.* * * *Thus the yogic textual metaphors that paint accurate pictures of various phases of the inner experience of certain neuroendocrinal maturations of, for example, ‘fluids raining down from the heavens’ and ‘sacrifices made into further sacrifices,’ referring to the transmutation of subtle melatonin-like pineal secretions as they /appear (to the rishika, ’the one who sees the described referent actually happening’) with the eyes closed in ecstatic witness to their flickering precipitations as cast ever higher [‘sacrificed and further sacrificed’] into the ever-spiraling-higher center of the cathedral-domed craniumís ’Krishna-dark space’ -- were transposed to the externalized space of the firmament and, ironically, buried within the homologous brahmanic sacrificial rituals (or myths) which were meant to be subservient pointers to the inner hormonal developmental experiences. The ‘higher and higher heavens’ became abstractions, instead of aesthetic descriptions of how it floatingly actually feels when the cerebral puberty unfolds meditative glimpses of the infinity of love-space-time.* *Via further translations into the modern pragmatic-scientific vernacular, instead of an inner awe of wonder and delight, we now speak of ‘spiritual practices,’ ’visualization techniques,’ yogic ‘states of consciousness’ and quasi-Newtonian ‘spiritual energies.’ Instead of a well-mapped but dynamic, esoteric phenomenology of marvelous fluttering, whorling, meditative experiences of cerebral-hormonal flowing juices or externalized teachings; the (soma) /and brilliant sunlight (savitri, a Vedic term for kundalini illuminating the mind and for which Elizarenkova counts more than fifteen verbs denoting its brilliance in the Rig Veda) we have the dry brahmanic (Indian or Western) abstractions or translations depicting only exoteric spritual libations, transrational evolutionary schemas, tantric visualization practices, and theonyms for sun worship. The Burning Bush, whether Western or Eastern, as aptly describing the overwhelming, experienced glow of kundalini in the cerebrum, is lost in its own metaphor. But sometimes not, as Allama Prabhu, the tenth-century dionysian bhakti yogi sang:* *Looking for your light[of hope],* *I went out [into meditation]:* *it was like a sudden dawn [of eternal ttt]* *of a million million suns,* *a ganglion of lightnings [the cerebral puberty] * *for my wonder [soteriological awe]* *O Lord of Caves [hearted flesh bodies],* *if you are light,* *there can be no metaphor [narrative equivalent].* * **(Ramanujan, 1973 p. 168)* *Words from the Soul* *by Stuart Sovatksy , Ph.D.* http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_7642/is_200901/ai_n39234948/ http://www.sfms.org/AM/Template.cfm?Section=Home&CONTENTID=2333&SECTION=Article_Archives&TEMPLATE=%2FCM%2FHTMLDisplay.cfm
  4. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    Christofascism in "mainstream Christianity" media: [i]Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ”: Mel Gibson’s Passion and Fascism’s Piety of Pain (Excerpts) Many years ago, after finishing doctoral studies in Paris, I spent a semester at the University of Munster in Germany. While there I lived in a Dominican convent which housed about six other Dominicans, one of whom was old and very strange and never appeared during the day time at meals or for any other reason. He seemed only to go out at night. One day I was asked to go in his room to fetch a book and I was amazed to see the books on his bookshelf (including Mein Kampf). I was especially amazed by a “holy card” on his prie dieu (a place where one kneels to pray). This “holy card” was the most gory I had ever seen, with Jesus depicted as thoroughly bloodied, beaten, abused and victimized. I later learned that this Dominican priest with the gory holy card was a self-appointed “chaplain to the Nazi’s of Munster”. The year was 1970. As I sat and watched Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ,” with its unrelenting emphasis on blood and gore I had a dĂ©jĂ  vu experience as I vividly recalled this Dominican priest and his particular form of piety. Gibson set out his intentions for his film in an interview: “I want to push you over the edge, push you right over the edge, so you can stay there and hang out with and get to a higher plane
 through the pain.” Piety as pain, pain as piety. This movie opens a door on fascist piety which is pain-driven. The piety of fascism is inevitably a piety of pain and suffering (thus the complete fascination with redemption and total refusal to entertain grace and original blessing) and it manifests itself in full bloody form in this movie. Gibson is allegedly a member of Opus Dei, a secretive Catholic sect of wealthy men whose spirituality is deeply fascistic. Its founder, a Spanish priest named Escriva, whom the Pope rushed into canonization two years ago in record time, was a card carrying fascist who actually praised Adolph Hitler and who was also deeply sexist. Two of his Opus Dei members served on Franco’s cabinet. The present pope has taken this religious order under his wing (his own press secretary is a member of Opus Dei) and has appointed many Opus Dei bishops and cardinals (especially in Latin America after decimating the liberation theology and base communities there). They have constructed an $81 million edifice in Manhattan and are ensconced in the financial capitals of Europe, especially in Frankfurt, which is replacing Switzerland as the financial capital of Europe. It is no wonder, then, that this film is being seen by so many Christian groups whose piety is built more on fear than it is on love and hope, more on sin than on blessing, more on victimization than on liberation. It provides a logical haven for fall/redemption religious world views. No wonder Gibson leaves out so much of the message of Jesus: It is not compatible with fascism which is about control and not justice, about power-over, not power-with (compassion). [/i] Matthew Fox, theologian and mystic *** Citing Christian mystic Meister Eckhart, among others, Fox calls for a return to mysticism (an experiential, nondualistic, "right-brain" way) and a shift in focus from the historical Jesus to a pantheistically understood "Cosmic Christ" who is continually incarnated in all creation. http://www.amazon.com/Coming-Cosmic-Christ-Matthew-Fox/dp/0060629150
  5. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    "...we almost are in a crossroads: if we continue what we have been doing -which is very destructive and self-destructive to our species and to other species, to life in general - could lead to our destruction. But if somehow the whole process is interiorized - you know, when people get involved in a kind of process of inner transformation, a kind of psychospiritual death-and-rebirth - then we could rise to a whole other level of evolution...where we would almost become a different species.... I've seen many people who have done this kind of work under responsible circunstances - they went through this process of inner transformation - that they developed a completely new worldview, a completely new hierarchy of values...if we had a species like that, we would have a world constitution that would protect life, Nature...agression would be outlawed as an inacceptable form of solving conflict, there would be a form of planetary citizenship with many nationalities as just and indication of the incredible richness of creation..." Stanislav Grof http://www.futureprimitive.org/2011/03/stan-grof-personal-experience-and-spiritual-quest/
  6. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    "The real proof of a spiritual perspective is wether leads to actual results in practice, wether by applying the understanding individuals opens up to their true nature in a way that develops their soul"
  7. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    I don't have "hatred and intolerance" towards "mainstrean Christianity" (curious term). In fact, I've been strongly influenced by mystical Christianity, especially the Celtic branch (I will call it "authentic Christianity", following your labeling...). What I strongly feel - as many mystics covertly or overtly, like Tim Freke, are suggesting - is that it's time to update the Abrahamic traditions Christianity, ISlam, Judaism) that are putting in risk Humankind: time to throw the dirt water of crazy literalism and small-heartedness and to embrace vibrant experience leading to a integral transformation (that was the original purpose of religion, remember?: "Metanoia", mystical transformation, acorrding to St. Paul...). Time to surrender to the amazing love of the Christ within (not the agonising fetish of a imperialist death-cult promoted by Constantine), the Cosmic Christ/Budhha nature/Shiva nature/Logos/Tao/call it what you want... As Alan Watts said, then Christianity will be as originally was formulated: a mystical wisdom tradition, not a soul prison... http://www.archive.org/details/mythandritualinc013384mbp Do you realize the cruel irony that most of the Christian mystics (St. Teresa de Avila, San Juan de la Cruz,etc.etc.) were killed, tortured put in prison or silenced by the "mainstream Christianity" authorities...? The last example,a few years ago, with the silencing of the most amazing mystic theologians...(now they cannot burn them, because of the work of many free-thinkers in the last 200 years, from Voltaire to Bertrand Russell) What I have is a deep desire to help freeing my fellow humans from the tiranny of limitating, unhealthy beliefs, and remembering who we are, magical loving beings sprouting from a magical, loving Earth/Cosmos Consciousness... By the way, did you know that "rapture" is related to one of the msytical states...? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uIaY0l5qV0c "For the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life": time to put aside the letter (Bible) and to feel the Spirit...
  8. Japan

  9. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    Speaking of stoning...received right now via facebook: 70 Year-Old Pennsylvania Man Stoned to Death "Because the Old Testament Refers to Stoning Homosexuals" http://www.alternet.org/newsandviews/article/533281/70_year-old_pennsylvania_man_stoned_to_death_%22because_the_old_testament_refers_to_stoning_homosexuals%22/
  10. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    mysticism, humor, refreshing inquiry...this is not the crazyness of Christian literalism... "This very small book explains how this translation was done - looking at not just literal translation but other layers of meaning. Our Sunday study group (some Christian, many not) found it deeply inspiring and enriching. It brings into sharp focus the patriarchal, hierarchical mindset of King James' translators. They were a product of their times and of whatever political pressure may have been brought to bear upon them..." "Reinterpreting the Lord's Prayer and the Beatitudes from the vantage of Middle Eastern mysticism, Douglas-Klotz offers a radical new translation of the words of Jesus Christ that reveals a mystical, feminist, cosmic Christ..." http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0060619953?ie=UTF8&tag=open-secrets-20&linkCode=as2&camp=1789&creative=9325&creativeASIN=0060619953 "What a wonderful film. Julia Sweeney amazed me with her wit, dialogue and personal inquiry into God. I noticed as the film progressed and Julia got deeper and deeper into exploring her belief in God, religion and personal meaning – she started looking more and more yummy to me. At first, I thought it was about her as a person, but I soon realized that it was the exploration that was arousing my appetite – the more she talked, the more I wanted to tag along with her. The humor was delicious, the dialogue was a veritable cornucopia of spices, and her facial expressions were a feast for the eyes. I was relishing the experience.(...) I thoroughly enjoyed the path and process of Julia’s exploration. Her resolution of more openness and mystery to replace dogma, conditioning and reification seems logical to me, though the question of the non-dual never really gets addressed." http://www.juliasweeney.com/letting_go_mini/
  11. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    Violent attacks by Christians: Although most expressions of intolerance by Christians have been verbal, there have been some instances of violence, including: The 1995 bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, OK, by Timothy McVeigh killed 168, including 19 children. One lynching, one attempted mass murder by stoning, and numerous fire bombings, shootings, and assaults victimized Wiccans and other Neopagans in the U.S. during the late 20th century. To our knowledge, all were perpetrated by Fundamentalist Christians. The increasing public awareness of, and knowledge about, Wicca, such attacks have reduced the frequency of these attacks to near zero over the past 25 years. Fundamentalist Christians have attacked Jewish centers, attempted to poison municipal water supplies, bombed abortion clinics, and assassinated abortion providers. The members of the Christian organizations perpetrating these crimes seem to be convinced that the forces of truth wage a perennial, cosmic battle with the forces of falsehood, and that they face the challenge of protecting Christian truth by any methods available. That they are allowing Jesus’ cross to become Mithras’ sword does not occur to them. There are fewer attacks by Christians than by Muslim terrorists apparently because the former organizations are less numerous, their individual agendas differ, and that there is a lack of cooperation; their actions are not coordinated. To put it simplistically (reality is always much more complex; now they are talking of hyper-complexity...): Mystics discover, are open, progressively embody, the Big Mystery, Being/Consciousness/Bliss), call it what you want, in the world: the force of love The religious zealots are mind zombies, compulsively trying to convert others to their zombie mind, full of ignorance, fear, hate, of a sick belief system. They resent that violence inflicted on their minds and try to replicate that violence on others... the love of force http://www.religioustolerance.org/relhateex.htm
  12. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    I'll always make fun - it's the best medicine - of any fanatic that tries to impose his demented ideology, be it Christian, Muslim, Buddhist...(remember the Inquisition, the Crusades, the European religious wars, the masacres of the Americas...etc. etc.?) I come from a European country that was under a horrible Christian fascist agenda for 40 years until 1978...(that without mentioning the Inquisition) we forget very easily the living hell that the religious fanatics of any kind, try to impose again and again...
  13. Japan

    I just received this from a friend: Dear Friends, Jack Blackburn here. Koito, my very close friend and partner in Tokyo sent this amazing letter out to those who were calling and writing to her after the devastating earthquake, tsunami, nuclear power explosions, and many other smaller quakes that are still continuing. Things have worsened in Japan since she wrote this letter two days ago but she has continued her messages stating how important it is to reaffirm our love for one another and our oneness with all of humanity. I am sending her letter out so you can feel and perhaps share her loving wisdom with others... so that we can put these kinds of events into perspective without panicking or catastrophizing. Blessings, Jack Blackburn My dear friends, This is the second email for some of you to let you know I'm fine in Tokyo and my family is fine in Fukushima. Though my hometown is in Fukushima where was damaged by tsunami, my small village is more close to the Japan Sea side. I think many of you have seen those terrible photos and videos on TV, web and in newspapers for past two days, and they are all happening in my country. Tokyois o.k. now as we are getting normal transportation and lifelines back. Even we can feel aftershocks quite often, it's not so scary as it was yesterday. But of course the the Pacific Sea side, north east Japan is completely attacked by earth quakes and tsunami, and we're getting more and more tragic news. I am very, very sad and feeling so sympathetic to those who are suffering, but on the other hand, I feel much better than yesterday as we have worst but real information to have recognition what's happening actually and what we can do from now on. I do not want you to be emotional or overwhelmed. You can help us with support and encouragement there, where you are. I think it's very important for the people who are in safe area or other countries just stay being calm, stable and keep normal life with people around together with love and trust. Not forgetting we are one and one is for all, it means people who are not directly involved in can give the peacefulness, gentleness, feeling of connection and deep, profound love to those who are in severe situations including the ones are passing away. I would like to ask all of you to just bring some attention to those people in my country. Just think about their suffering and pray in a moment without becoming too sympathetic or emotional. Just pray for better, or the best for them and some situations. This is the most helpful thing for us at this point, and this is the only thing I (we, the people in normal life) ?can do for others. And I want you to be with loving people around you, and feel and cuddle love together. That energy will be transferred to others. That feeling of appreciation will be others' feeling, too. We don't need to listen to fear messages or no need to be involved in emotional attacks. Just we stay present and pay attention, just be with others in the moment. Thank you very much for your reading. I do appreciate your concern and love every moment, as I can feel it that you' re with me being present. Please take care and have beautiful time in your place each other, with laughter and smile. with best wishes and lots of love, Koito (Sachiko)/xoxoxo -- Koito "Trillium" Kusunoki Clairvoyant, Reconnective Healing & The Reconnection Practitionrer Oriental Dancer "Trillium"
  14. Japan

    For those resonant with archetypal/shamanic work: A Message from Sandra Ingerman regarding World Events Our hearts expand as we embrace the enormity of all the pain being suffered by the people and all living beings in Japan who have been impacted by the earthquake and the tsunami. When we feel that our hearts are breaking as we watch levels of suffering in actuality our hearts are expanding allowing us to be stronger and deeper channels of love and light. Let us journey deep within ourselves transcending our egos and experience the vastness of our spiritual light and love. In this way we become beacons of light and love for all of life in Japan. Let us expand our individual aura and become one with a spiritual pulsation and frequency to transform the radiation that is moving into the atmosphere. Move out of a place of pity for the suffering you see and focus on the strong spirit of the people, all of life, and the land itself. In this way you project strength which leads to a foundation of support for all in need. Let us sing songs of love and healing to the earth, the waters of the world, the air, and to the element of fire. Go outside and sing! There is an extreme level of panic that is being "blasted" into the collective over the fear of radiation moving through our atmosphere. Of course there are precautions we all must take on a physical level. But it is also important to remember that it is our egos that are moving into panic. It is crucial right now that you do the spiritual work you have been practicing over the years. Take the time to find your center. Go out and spend lots of time in nature to center and refocus. Breathe deeply and remember that you are spiritual light and have all the tools and internal spiritual wisdom to guide you during this time. As a global community we do have great power as we work together spiritually. Let us project a vision of healing and peace. Project a vision of cooling for the nuclear reactors and further disaster being avoided. Do your transfiguration practice daily and throughout the day and experience yourself as divine light. Divine light has the power to transmute and transform all energies into healing energies. For thousands of years mystics and spiritual healers throughout the world have been using this way of working to transmute toxins and illness. Let us carry on the work that has shown itself to have so much potential for healing. We must strengthen our spiritual connections so that we can always be open to receive spiritual information when we need it. Spend a lot of time in nature connecting with the elements and the heartbeat of the earth. Reflect on how you can live a way of life that embraces beauty, harmony, honor and respect for all of life. When we as a collective start to live a harmonious way of life we will see the elements around us reflect back a state of harmony. Learn to read the omens that nature will continue to show to help guide you. We must learn to honor the rite of passage and initiation that humankind is going through. We are experiencing levels of death on many levels. Death is not an end but rather is a transition. In the bible it says that without a vision the people will perish. We are the dreamers of our world. Part of living a spiritual way of life is to be able to surrender to our deep spiritual wisdom and be the dreamers to help birth a new vision of a healthy way of life. We need to be able to hold a vision that the collective can move towards as the old is dismembered. Reflect on the vision you want to be projecting into the world right now and make changes to your vision to lead to a desired outcome. Engage your imagination in a more focused way. Project the best for all of life. Build up your spiritual muscles! Let us together hold the planet in love. Remember that the media moves on after covering environmental, political, and economic events. People and all of life are still suffering the effects of the earthquake in Haiti and in New Zealand, the oil spill in the Gulf, the floods in Australia, the extreme weather in the U.S. - these are just to name a few. People in the Middle East are still fighting for freedom. All of life needs us to be a channel of light, love, and spiritual healing. We are one collective. We are not separate cultures, separate countries. We are going through an initiation together. Let us do our work and live our lives in a good way. That is how we can be in service to the whole. During the full moon let us transfigure and experience our divine nature as we beam light and love throughout this great earth. During the equinox remember the wonderful memories and dreams for your life and for the life of the planet. Project beauty into the collective. Plant seeds of love and beauty and inspiration in your inner garden so that they grow, blossom, and bear fruit here in our earth garden. Most of all be a channel of love and light in behalf of all of life!
  15. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    I read somewhere about the encounter of the Christian mystic Thomas Merton and Buddhist mystic Daisetz Suzuki. Suzuki shared with Merton than when he read Meister Eckhart - apart from the cultural religious terms - he felt like if he was reading any of the great Zen/Chan mystics... I mean, basically, I don't feel difference between: "Everything you do to help enhance your energy flow and balance your energy are good for you. The more you can do it the better you will be at it and the more benefit you will receive. The very best, in my opinion, is connecting with the limitless, unconditional love of the universe and the infinite source. Opening your heart, connec...ting with this unconditional love is always the best. There simple is no more powerful healing energy than unconditional love. When you open your heart like this you can get into the emptiness/the oneness faster, then the Qi will do what is best for you naturally and spontaneously." Chunyi Lin and "no light or guide/but that one in the heart/ burning bright" Saint John of the Cross/John of Yepes and etc.etc. As the mystic poet Ibn Arabi wrote: My heart has become capable of every form: It is a pasture for gazelles, And a monastery for Christian monks, And a temple for idols, And the Ka’aba of the pilgrims, And the tablets of the Torah, And the book of the Qur’an. I follow the religion of Love: Whatever path Love’s camel takes, That is my religion and my faith. -Ibn Arabi Not a coincidence that the most brilliant teachers - like Ken Cohen - stress this point...
  16. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    "One of the laws of the universal logos is that whatever the soul focuses on and pays greater attention to tends to increase and expand. So the focus on and familiarity with a particular logos (Shamanic, mystical Christian, Sufi, Taoist, Buddhist...etc.) will unfold the individual’s experience to reveal more of the qualities of the particular logos. This is natural and necessary, and there is no way to avoid it. That is how reality functions." (Inner Journey Home, pg 581) A. H Almaas Almaas recognizes that logoi of valid spirital paths may differ significantly. This is the subject of a brilliant piece, unfortunately relegated to the very last Appendix of his book, entitled “The Logoi of Teachings” (pp. 567- 582) Strongly recommended, this appendix - "The Logoi of Teachings" (from "Inner Journey Home" by A. H. Almaas) is pure gold: good antidote for religious/spiiritual fanaticism/fundamentalism...
  17. Gettin' Ready for the Rapture

    They mean "Wilderness Rapture"... ; ) http://www.futureprimitive.org/2010/05/david-humes-ancestral-roots-of-healing/