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Everything posted by ridingtheox

  1. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I began a third long form FP gong (in 5 years) 108 day (hopefully) 6 down only 102 to go . So far i am doing a pretty consistent 33 min form. this is a little short of my goal but much richer energy than my previous beginnings. wish me luck
  2. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    @Benbeast... ok from my experience 40 yr tjq and at least 18 w various sifu Dunn tapes / dvd etc. I have also done 8 pieces of brokade for almost 40 yr., which helped me thru several bouts of kidney stones for almost 8 yr I have done the long form FP along with other qi gong practices wu xing , zhan zhuang standing .... don't worry so much about combining practices, just work on the FP as a central element is my opinion. try setting a goal of practicing daily the long form at least once for 100 day gong .. then try to evaluate what you have healed, strengthened, refreshed if you are at all like me you will be surprized pleasantly at where you arrive.
  3. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    have been away from tdb site for some time. Interesting to see all the new 'monikers'. My practice has changed some. Doing different qi gong forms as they attract my attention. Have completed a couple of 100 day gongs since spring solstice including the 5 short form 2 times daily for 108days. Yi Quan, basic 'song' series and wu ji standing. in the same period some intense 'peng, lu, chi, an' left side right side minimum 16 reps. I lost my advanced seated FP disk and am only doing #1 & #3. Most often these are done at 2 or 3am, when i waken unexpectedly. I love the ba duan jin done by Li Yuen Fei, it has been taken down off youtube, but i have a copy downloaded by a friend. It has suddenly become super intense. So a couple days ago I had a bad sleep night and a spike in my bp after months of steady low readings. Immediately i began work on long form standing FP as well as mirroring Sifu Dunn's two youtube performances. The qi flow and relaxation has been quite intense. today I just finished a 30 min routine of long form standing FP. I guess I should not have let my practice slip! Peace to all beings
  4. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    two days to go ... today I added a determinedly slow long form to the 5 short forms Still only 37 minutes for the long form and very nearly the same for the series of short forms. Tomorrow is Friends Meeting for Worship ... I am carrying a heavy sense of injustice for the separation of asylum seekers and their children. May we find compassion for all beings. Hoa binh tat ca sinh vien
  5. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    now at day 95 ... of 108 this has been a great journey still running about 35 min / 5 practices mostly divided into two sections 3 - 4 of the 5 very early am time then finishing the last 2 around mid morning i admit that i am ready to complete this 'gong' and take an eclectic break ... more 5 element practice, some marrow cleansing, etc plus m y long form has not been quite as regularly performed as perhaps it had been in the past .. as recently noted there have been some sensation experiences during long form even with the situation. the regular practice has been a relief to the world / nation event so that has been an unexpected benefit
  6. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    day 76 ... yesterday's practice especially energizing, when i finished i brought up youtube 10 min version of Sifu Dunn's performance of the standing long form. I mirrored the performance, changed the speed to .75 and mirrored it again, changed the speed to .5 and completed it again ... 45 minutes ( + short breaks in between). By the end of this period FIRE ... and METAL . Later in the evening I did the long form normal style 30 min ... lots of energy
  7. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    currently at day 65 ... standing short form 5 yesterday i had a short period of right ear hearing near loss to some sort of eustacian tuber issue ... today back to near normal peace to all
  8. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    right 90 sec nominal in other posts I have given example times ... much longer than 90 sec in fact
  9. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Yes i am doing the short form 5 ... I do all of them every day ... sometimes 2x. on the days i don't do 2x i try to do the long form the time is about one hour broken into two sessions in either case ... as noted here previously i have hit 40 min on the long form a couple of times recently but mostly 30 min Sleeping is a bit of a problem for me still 'old man bladder' issues and that has decreased in frequency of late . I credit FP for this btw i also occasionally do a couple of the seated forms 50 20 10 and 70 50 20 10 most often late evening or middle of the night when i can not slip right back to sleep. good luck persistent practice pattern pays off with FPCH
  10. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    yup and my hair is darker the white receding in most places. beard? i meam suddenly getting beard where none grew not lots but some and my nails are definitely growing faster especially toe nails. I am now at day 51 of my short standing meditation 'gong' half way point. This year my allergies are virtually non-existent compared to a few years ago and other folks are saying this is a particularly bad year in Arizona. I am hurtling toward 78 yr and have number of people asking how is that possible 60's max! Right now I am also doing some bone marrow cleansing exercises along with simple 5 element ... practice intensely people this WORKS. Peace please ridingtheox ...
  11. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    where did everyone go? last post 3 weeks ago today. i am at day 24 of daily practice of the 5 short form almost 1/4 enjoying the journey... a new comer has joined my small tjq /tcc class. He is older than I am! He is unable to lift his left arm much above his waist and his left shoulder must be 'stuck' at 2 inches higher than the right. However, he is already making progress restoring movement and the shoulder is gradually returning to normal level. (One of my students noticed this confirming my observation without my input.) At this point we are doing a little Zhan Zhuang and some warm ups he can execute. Then the short form 24 Tai ji . Ending with a silk reeling exercise the class is now learning and closing ZZ.
  12. i read your response as happy trials  instead of trails  :o

    1. moment


      I like that! Alas, I was not that clever.

  13. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Interesting i just completed 5 standing short forms practiced to Glass' Metamorphosis 39:50 total time, I have also practiced to the score of "The Hours". Music that somehow expresses a repetitive pattern like the breath and heart basic physiological rhythmic processes. For me it was an extraordinary practice. I hope this is the beginning of a hundred day gong for the short forms ... currently day 7 keep your fingers crossed for me Peace ... Hoa Binh charlie
  14. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    after completing fed income tax today practiced 5 standing short forms. 38 min #1 5.5 min, #2 5.75 min, #3 8.8 min, #4 8 min and #5 10 min. #3 may have a time issue ... did have to start it twice ... long distance phone from son interrupted at the beginning
  15. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    comment on five standing short forms: Mid- year 17 I started a period of doing all five forms intending to do 100 days.. various interruptions ended that effort at about 70 days. During that period, however, I did set a goal to move toward slower practice. By the end of the period almost all practice periods were longer than 30 minutes. In general #1 was about 6 min duration, #2 the shortest at 5 min, #3 6 to 7 min, #4 - 8 min and # 5 at 8+ the longest. The order of practice changed 1,3,5,2,4: 2,4,1,3,5 3, 1, 4, 2, 5 and 4, 3, 2, 1, 5. If the length of first breath is ranked then 7 , 8, 8, 9, 9 is 1,3,5,2,4 ! During that time i also practiced #5 alone as an occasional warm up for the long form. Currently I am doing a little more yi quan /zhan zhuang and chen style silk reeling . This has been a nice change of pace and resulted in several slow and long practice of the long form as noted recently. Peace and energy and health to all contributors to the spread of Flying Phoenix qi gong. ridingtheox
  16. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    finished a 39:30 minute long form tonight ... longest since I did a 40 plus a few months ago ... long trip tomorrow this will certainly build the reserve of energy for driving 500 + miles my hypertension is long gone bp av 115/70 w pulse < 60 resting mid morning ... I do this almost daily thank you Sifu Dunn!!!!!
  17. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    i had an acquaintance / short time student ask about the Jeff Primack qi gong. His presentation is rather off putting to me, but a number of reviewers on Tao Bums have positive response to getting so much 'wow qi' from the experience of his $100 group class. I think this is just the large group experience of Werner's 1970's EST. My parents did that to some good effect, it offended me mostly. Any how search Primack on dao bums or just let me hear from you if you have experienced it.
  18. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Music is an important complement to my qg tjq practices. I definitely will give the Oliver Shanti a trial run. My recent accompaniment have been Tibetan bells, Bach Cello suites, Carlos Nakai native flute, and a few failures OM Advaita / Dvaita which sounds Arabic / Near east. I have a long love affair w Judy Collins. So thanks for that posting. Also Stephen Sondheim has interested me, but only Send in the Clowns really captures my heart. Finally Philip Glass has taken up residence for lots of reasons, not the least that i had that amazing 40+ minute long form Flying Phoenix practice while listening to Metamorphosis ... unfortunately it is too short! I went well past the end of the piece. Recently times for LFFP have been mostly in the 35 min range. Slowing down Sifu's long form on youtube ( the 10 min performance) is really worth doing mirror image ... slow the player down to 0,5 speed is a nice practice ... I do the breath control first then pause open eyes and follow Sifu ... have not successfully done the 0.25 so far practice peace with every form charlie
  19. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    after a wild thanksgiving weekend ... the grandsons 3 and 5 yrs are just too cute and too m u c h fun! yesterday and today i easily broke 35 min practice of the long form right side yesterday mirror image today. Sunday I fell on some rocks climbing a short slope and put a nice welt on my right shin .. I can feel it pulsing ( in a good sense ) in several of the positions. Seems like it is healing rapidly. at my age that is pretty remarkable ... (just turned 77 ) long term consistent practice pays dividends! Peace to all beings charlie
  20. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    I have been away on a 'spiritual' quest ... to visit my 91 yr old cousin in the nursing home Coos Bay OR, to visit a student of my period in New Orleans 20+ years ago, and to visit my high school friend (60 yr ago) who first introduced me to the idea of Tai Ji / qi gong / et al. physical practices of spiritual development. At that student's home I had another extreme practice of the standing long form .... 36+ minutes followed by nei gong / horse stance low 30 min practice. The whole experience is still vibrating as I complete a home coming mirror image w Sifu Dunn's youtube video ... extremely deep though only 15 min! (i slowed the video to 75%). I reiterate just keep doing the form ... you will be amazed Peace ( it also gives some release to the bombardment of current events )
  21. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Weil I have incorporated the 3rd eye move ... as is sometimes the case nothing new has appeared, but I will continue to practice as there is often a 'lag' in the appearance of effect .. this exercise has been one of the few resistant practices ... i feel drawn to it, but there is a resistance that is not present in the standing exercises. to be open about this I must also say that seated meditations are always less productive than are the standing exercises .. that has been true throughout my 40 year acquaintance with tai ji / ba duan jin / nei gong / qi gong .. Jumping to another issue i continue to get violet flashes rather than blue ?? Recently i ran across Mantak Chia youtube which touts the centrality of violet in Taoist teaching ... what the difference is i am still not clear about .. though I am comfortable with my experience ... remember as in earlier posts any color image/flash is rare and uncertain for me peace hoa binh just keep doing the forms!!!
  22. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    Thanks you are certainly on point for my experience ... misquoting Quakers that Daoist speaks to my condition!!
  23. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    just a practice update ... inspired by the eastover videos... i finally exceeded 40 min long form practice Tues morning!!! Mirror image done very early in the morning ... the only interruption of the silence was the coyote's waking up,. my previous day practice had been limited as we went to see Walk with Me, documentary on Thich Nhat Hanh / Plum Village in Tucson.. So at the end of the day I did follow the youtube of Sifu Dunn long form ... 10 min version in mirror image. and followed that with "preparation for 8 sections combined" short form (12 min ). An d Tuesday morning at 4:30 am broke the 40 min barrier. Since then i have done 36 min and 34 min right side/normal long form on Wed. and Thur. On both days I have also done the five standing short form. tomorrow I will be on the road to So Cal to see my grandsons so I may not get to practice quite so seriously. I continue to do my Tjq class and some 5 element qi gong. I am trying to encourage my wife to up her commitment to qi gong now that she has good mastery of Tjq long and short forms. She continues to have a slight tachycardia and Afib. enough i have to pack for trip, prep car, and take time to feed the cows ...
  24. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    try this: go to sifu's youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlVGrCW0QqI it is 10 min duration on the control reset the speed to 0.75 or 0.5 it will be in mirror image, but try it ... obviously it is eyes open also i found it to be quite stimulating ... of course you should do the breathing schedule at regular speed it also works
  25. Flying Phoenix Chi Kung

    So Aeran I am certain i am not your model devout european christian, however I am a Quaker ... Religious Society of Friends .. so out of the Jesus school is how I think of myself. Currently I am daily reading a verse of the Tao Te Chinh (today 18th) Lao Tzu. FP certainly works for me. I am 76 do Tjq 5 times a week with a small class in the desert ... Arizona. Today i just completed the long form meditation 36 + minutes. I keep aiming at 40 but so far seem to have hit a mesa (SW Arizona ...plateau). Peace among all beings. Sanctuary ... ridingtheox