
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by dawei

  1. I can't sign out

    I've seen this... then I go to the browser clear cache... when all else fails, I just go to sleep....
  2. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Baoding... I have spent almost a years time in Baoding... I have several Baoding Balls sitting on my shelves... Time I used them
  3. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Some like to go into chat and only 'chat'. I guess some may not like that people do something other than just 'chat'. Marblehead came into the group and wasn't into the energy work but he hung around and we 'chatted' with him... So we can do two things at one time I won't be around till about Wednesday afternoon or later in the week A forum can discuss energy. In chat, we can experience it. Seems a natural thing to want to do... in chat. Hopefully see you in there some time... chat or otherwise
  4. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    work or not doesn't really matter... if folks want to join chat, just come...
  5. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Two showed up in chat today... So we did some energy stuff... but seems another member got upset over using chat to show energy issues. Chat can be used for whatever you want to do. But some of us have ironically found that TDB is not very open to joint energy work, despite the forum practices talked about here. If folks are interested, they can PM as was previously suggested too.
  6. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    No contacts I think like Kar3n suggested, next time we just jump into chat in the moment
  7. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Ok... What newbie wants to feel Qi? I gave some idea of how to do it within oneself but it expects some self-level of built up. Maybe one needs another conduit to energy outside of themselves. The fact is, Internal and External are the same... well, until they are reconciled. If you are interested to feel energy, just send me a PM to me. Let's just limit it to the first five for now. We'll arrange a chatroom meeting to do so.
  8. Is hidden ego conscious or subconscious?
  9. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    I think as Jeff kind of suggests... maybe we should think about a 'newbie wants to feel Qi day' in the chatroom...
  10. Verse 94

    I'll try to contact him whether he wants that to circulate.
  11. I can't edit my profile anymore

    I tried to edit my own and was able to... though that is an admin account. Then I used a staff test account setup as a regular member and can edit that as a regular member. So I can't reproduce it. Can you tell me [here or in PM] what you are trying to put in those fields?
  12. If the talk of Oneness is side-tracking the thread or simply too off-topic for the Buddhist area, let me know which posts to move to a new area as I think the posts are worth continuing that line of thought.
  13. I don't really disagree with the basic point. Folks should focus on their path and whether an understanding of the subconscious is a part of that or not is simply their path to follow. As I was commenting to Manitou, I wanted to speak against the idea of linearity and that is just focusing on one side of two; two which only appear to be separate but are not really. As her and I have discussed some fondness with the deity Gaia, I wanted to share such thoughts with her as I suspect her path seems to understand there is a subconscious side and role which influences our perceptions, like 'linear' and 'future'.
  14. I would agree that we perceive it as 'accumulating' but only because we're perceiving a time-base and have not reached the 'future' yet... we see ourselves moving forward to the future. The accumulation is like chipping away at stuff which binds us and as it is chipped away, it can continue to chip at new areas. Another issue is what I think Jeff alludes to and that is the subconscious aspect. We can perceive something as empty but it is only locally empty on the perceived level. There may be a lot going on in the subconscious including the ego. Until we can know the subconscious perception, we're always working on the more manifest half of our existence.
  15. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    These are questions for origin/destiny... You either know the answer or you don't.
  16. Can qi be felt by anyone?

    Localized understanding is experiences that are mind, sense, and Qi dependent via the body. These are only subjective as to one's ability to feel it. It is objective that those who can feel it. The body is self-measuring after all. When in Medical Qigong clinicals, all ten practitioners could explain the same Qi issue in different ways. No science is needed to study it. As the poet Pope said, "the proper study of mankind is man"... Just need to acquire the ability. I can't talk to astral projection except that it is still local. To get outside of mind/body/spirit is the thing of dimensions, deities, and demons...
  17. Disentanglement leads to disentanglement... definitely an uncluttering process... and necessary for disentitlement. While I tend to agree with the generic view of attempting to 'engineer enlightenment', that is a retro-reflection. Every path has its way and I would encourage everyone to just find that inner path.
  18. Mo Pai Levels

    That or as has been requested over the years to ban the topic... which just doesn't feel right... rather ban the trolls
  19. the origin of "illusion"

    where did the mind come from? When mind gets beyond duality it is likely not 'mind' except in our explanation. Beyond, it is then beyond mind. Until you have that experience/ability, mind is mind and not beyond mind.
  20. You said: "I've noticed that progress and breakthroughs are often tied to events that occur in your life." As opposed to what life? what does 'ultimate nirvana' mean... this? refine your thoughts, beliefs and behaviors what is your end-game?
  21. Is it the duty of a Taoist to protect Nature?

    In our housing development, there are units with a bevy of beautiful flowers... We have boxes where we allow a kaleidoscope of growth. I'm amazed at what the dirt is holding and willing to grow forth, and flower in its own way. Dao unfolds as nature but doesn't attempt any protection because it infuses life with all outcomes. Thus, the earth and its vegetation simply seeks to sprout. Animals, as do most vegetation, seek to survive and reproduce. Man, also seeks to survive and reproduce... but evolved to be mini-creators and thus we have concentric circles of 'creation' going on. Mankind's ability to create stuff is powered by two parts: Dao and [sense of] Self. Sense of Dao has slowly decreased with an increase in the sense of self.
  22. Mo Pai Levels

    People entrusted and skilled with a system, however simple or complex like 72 stages which could take numerous lifetimes to achieve, know that it is simply dangerous to let that teaching out without strict controls and oversight. For example, consider the outcome of those westerners who were taught. Consider what the Chinese did with Tai Ji when the Manchu reigned china... they only taught the outer and not the inner aspect. While this might of been to conceal the 'secrets' of the teaching, it likely also protected folks [the devil dog foreigners] from hurting themselves.
  23. Mo Pai Levels

    Or very smart...
  24. Database error

    I'll backtrack and say that I am employing some reductionist methods as the permission sets are now set differently in IPS4 and it's getting challenging to know why the conversion is setting some access issues. Thanks Miffymog I'll backtrack and say that I am employing some reductionist methods as the permission sets are now done differently in IPS4 and it's getting challenging to know why the conversion is setting somethings.
  25. Mair-1:1 - Carefree Wandering

    While I like how TT has translated this, if we follow the majority of translators that ZZ is talking down against those that tried to imitate him... To me, because ZZ doesn't advocate emulating anyone or anything else. I see in him the kind of reductionism that says 'not-two' and then 'not-one'. The definition of anything is only relative to how it is perceived. So the best you could do is imitate a perception but lose naturalness in exchange.