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Everything posted by dawei

  1. We have a staff test account for various testing. We could talk about that in Welcome+... but then I think only a staff would test with it.
  2. I don't believe so on editing... there is a setting for that and it is set to NO. I'd have to be pointed to a directory which appears to allow that to see if the settings were correct in that area. The only reason we didn't give unhide is that then everyone would see the hidden post.... not so hidden... and it's easy to mix up the toggle and unhide. So can easily be unhidden by mistake.
  3. "Well" and Anarchy

    Can you show me where one of your 4,000 posts, since the implementation about 10 months ago, has some issue?
  4. "Well" and Anarchy

    I already stated that it was an idea from a member... and that was discussed openly quite a bit... and then many discussions occurred along the way developing and testing with the same member. http://thedaobums.com/topic/37817-re-the-model-for-a-doable-anarch-lets-alpha-test-it/
  5. "Well" and Anarchy

    You have posted almost 4,000 times since this was implemented less than a year ago... what has really changed here
  6. "Well" and Anarchy

    Actually that is wrong on many levels. It was recommended by a member.. and a group of admins discussed it... And the vote was 3-1 to not do it... you can guess who the one vote was. But some folks are able to put aside their vote when asked to try the best to implement something.
  7. Staff rotation

    There is a new year and time for change.... thus, I will be rotating staff. I would like to thank the current staff for their time in the thankless ditch Brian, Soaring Crane and Chang will rotate out. There will be some overlap to pass some knowledge. Please welcome Michael Sternbach and Daeluin to the most thankless job they will ever accept
  8. It's back... with the original name... And I changed your "banana" title change too
  9. It was already changed before your post http://thedaobums.com/topic/40354-the-deletion-or-hiding-of-posts-without-explanation/?p=670538
  10. Thanks. I think we can move on from this. But what was the original thread title of Apech's thread so he or I can change it back?
  11. Staff rotation

    Daeliun is moved to Technician which is more down (or up) his alley If someone is interested in Steward or Mod, let me know via PM so we can talk.
  12. I've unhidden the post. I would recommend folks test 'hiding' one of their own posts... not someone else's.... particularly NOT in someone else's thread
  13. The basic member agreement (honest policy) is that you only use Owner's Permission on threads you start. As you did not start that thread where you modified the title, that was in violation of the agreement. That was tested, known and explained in the write-up. Due to the lack of complete software control, we're going to see folks not realize what they can and can't do at times and they may do something the didn't realize they shouldn't do. The best we can do is continue to discuss the proper ways of using the tools provided. Added: These tools are not just an exercise in self-moderation but self-control
  14. General no longer has Owner's Permissions... You were outvoted
  15. This reminds me of the scene in the movie Camelot where King Arthur describes how Merlin taught him to 'think'... He states a proposition: It is better to live than die... so why do people engage in wars ? Merlin taught him to take the perspective of an animal...and Arthur describes being a Hawk. Flying above it all... and looking down, there are no boundaries that exist. And Arthur goes on to muse that man creates boundaries which simply lead to divisions... and wars...
  16. That was likely the last area to have it applied for reasons you mentioned... and that newbies might be caught off guard with it getting used in General. So I do agree with your point and why it was last; just to make the board more consistent. Let's see who 'seconds' the idea
  17. yes... the original idea had a lot of backroom discussion and not without its concerns. But Sean thought it had merit and wanted to give it a go... so myself did a fair amount of setup, testing, etc. Accepted the compromises which the software will impose. This was combined with a newer stance to try and not lock threads unless it is absolutely necessary. I can't recall the last thread lock due to issues. Threads are temporarily closed but re-opened; some are split out. This puts more burden on staff to decide what to do with threads, but the Owner's Permission is meant to try and counter-balance that by putting it to the OP w/ Permissions to decide what is off-topic or not. It has evolved in uses I didn't anticipate; like folks removing a post they wish they didn't make... I'm ok with that. It should be remembered that someone can lose their Owner's Permission. So far, I have not really disagreed with how it has been used. I suspect those using it would rather keep it than lose it so there is some motivation to stay within the expected use... or so I hope
  18. here is the Owner's Permission Site Map http://thedaobums.com/topic/37996-welcome-to-w%C3%A9i-w%C3%BA-w%C3%A9i/#entry634906 I had a poster size made for reference
  19. yes, my bad... you only said it... TI hide it. I hope the point remains... act on content, not before...
  20. You wrote this and then hide the thread: This is not what Owner's Permissions are for. You cannot claim to remove future posts. The removal should be based on:
  21. User name change.

    Done. It affects only your display name.
  22. username change

    Done This affects the login and display name.
  23. According to Wagner in his, A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing Wang Bi's Commentary on the Laozi With Critical Text and Translation: To apply [as a ruler] artifices to strive for results, to use devices to seek out [the] secrets [of the lower orders]—this is called “knowledge.” Bertschinger in his Treasuries of the Tao (The TAO-TE CHING with the original Commentaries revealing a relevance to TAOIST YOGA and its PHILOSOPHIES), wrote the Wang Bi notes as: Ordering the country without resorting to being clever is the same as 'renouncing cleverness'. Can you act without being clever?* Then the people will not stray off the path and the country be in order.
  24. Here you go: http://thedaobums.com/forum/456-grantgrant/