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Everything posted by dawei

  1. Yin chi number 3

    Vey simple... we do exactly what the forum has provided us to do: 1. Reply to either single of multiple comments as you want, 2. but NEVER MOVE old replies. That is internet posting etiquette 101. Why never move an old reply? (Does it really have to be pointed out... I guess so). a. Internet conversations are similar to real-life conversations; they are linear. If you move replies you complete break the linearity and logic of the flow of communication. b. Wastes time. The reason one will often reply to one comment is the default manner of linear posting is most efficient. c. Wastes readers time. Readers are reading disjointed flow and cannot piece together the original flow anymore. d. Wastes repliers time. Repliers end up with a hugh reply that they do not want and cannot easily edit. The default manner of linear posting/reply is broken. e. A person moving their posts completely together 'litters' the thread with empty place holders which disconnect the flow and force the focus of the thread on themself and their replies... this is often a tell-tale sign of a troller who likes the attention. When the mods said to 'consolidate replies', it was in reference to NEW REPLIES... Now, we have the option again to do it separately as they removed the dafault consolidation. In other words, they have restored the original functionality of a month or more ago. summary reminder: 1. Reply to either single of multiple comments as you want, 2. but NEVER MOVE old replies. That is internet posting etiquette 101.
  2. It should help to fill in some of the gaps of other threads which are mostly translated quotes by people without that much context or organization as to an actual practice or method. But as this thread source is encyclopedic and no schools are being explained, it is unclear if this is northern or southern or what lineage it pertains to; maybe none and it is purely generalization. But until schools or lines are explain or even their practice, it is sufficient for general understanding.
  3. Taoist Breathing Exercises

    It is nice to see any clarification on the reason for your response... but I would think if he wanted to talk about the S-M problems/issue, then he would start a thread on it. This does not appear to be that thread. But as you used my post to reply to, but appear to want to appeal to the OP... I'll accept this kind of reply... but I hope we can respect the OP's topic.
  4. Give which dude... or dudess some credit? I appreciate all of you guys (and gals... don't ask why I put gals in parens, it is probably a bad habit) Thanks to all the mods/techs/admins/etc who wanted to chime in...
  5. Please explain what he was directed to do, and if he is interpreting and implementing it correctly? And as a common sense reality check: Have you ever seen in the 1 billion posts on the internet this method of posting? Can you give your perspective right now?
  6. Your a step behind on the advice... thanks. But he has claimed he was "told to do this"... that nobody corrects this gross misunderstanding and lets threads get overrun with such application is very bothersome.
  7. Here is the reality: The SPAM rule was directly mentioned to one member, although I can think of others which might apply at times... but that one member took dramatic change in posting actions and claims the "mods told him to do this". If the mods told him to delete EVERY POST and CONSOLIDATE VERY POST... and to put EVERY POST in the very LAST POST... Then all the mods needs to be fired and replace with common sense. If on the other hand.... what they said was not understand and not followed properly... then it should be easy to remedy. The lack of timely remedy is becoming more a concern than the inability to apply common sense to posting as the rest of the world posts.
  8. Your not getting your answer because relativity is not well understood. People want to claim you feel Yin so get Yang; you feel too Yang, then get Yin. Flip a coin is almost as good. Feeling "Yin", as you rightly point out, is relative to yesterday's more Yin or more Yang. It is simply a differential shift you may notice. Noticing the 'shift' is useful but it is not necessarily cause for corrective action. This puts the perspective in too small a window. Instead of using the relative shift as a perspective, use an inner sense and voice as a sign that the differential shift has gone too far and action is needed. The body will go a far ways towards any shift and can absorb extreme shifts on it's own. What we (sorry for any assumptions in that meaning) usually try to do is maintain a centered balance; we tend to try and push any shift back to center as a safeguard. For the general teaching and practice and maintenance, this is good. The advanced method is your inner sensing if that shift if causing a problem. That is the perspective; it is a sense location not a spectrum perspective, IMO.
  9. Taoist Breathing Exercises

    I am a little confused why people are jumping on the OP's case and turning his question into an S-M thread. The topic seems to be about Qigong breathing in relation to Kundalini Yoga... A little disagreement seems ok, but it seems a very interesting question to me.
  10. Wasn't it already combined before Quanzhen? Maybe someone with the history should chime in about when this 'combined' aspect began to transform and form... But as I think you are correctly depicting the combined aspect, I think this translation is most useful here in the sub-forum as it is more essential an understanding of Taoism than some may want to accept. I would request that you translate everything possible though as it is for the english reader. You left some classics untranslated in english. If you want help to find their accepted English wording, then just ask. So, while this is more like an encyclopedia explanation and does not address specific schools, and one is unsure if it applies to what school at all, I think the general idea is good to have.
  11. Sorry... Your not following the rules. Look at 1 billion posts on the internet and how many are doing what you are doing? Common sense alone answers it. Your pulling your own interpretation and going against every convention and logic and sense in forum posting. That this even needs to be explained shows the problem itself.
  12. Your implementation of your interpretation is asking us to believe you are doing exactly what mods asked? I for one am not that incredulous. What they said was rather clear but what your doing is not what they asked. Your making a grandstand mockery of the board, mods, and members with this. Just reply to a post and leave previous replies where they are... and where they belong. My feeling is you can only play this game so long.
  13. What came first?

    I thought the answer was so obvious that it didn't need to be asked or answered... of course the egg... The more interesting question once we get beyond this is: What laid that egg
  14. Seeing, the same as knowing...

    I am honestly not trying to be redundant... but your still talking from the upper brain.. A thought. When you close your eyes, the goal should be that there is no thought [from the upper brain]; only seeing and knowing [from the lower brain]. But I can appreciate the origin of this thread and what you are asking. It may be that you are paying to much attention to how to regulate the mind, which is what upper meditation seems to focus on. You may want to explore lower meditation methods and to awaken the dormant lower brain. As a start and a test: Put your 'mind' there for an entire day.
  15. Seeing, the same as knowing...

    IMO, you're so focused on the upper brain that your neglecting the real lower brain of awareness, which can clear your senses.
  16. Salvation - Guaranteed or Not ?

    The basic meaning is to be 'saved'... the natural follow up question is: Saved from what? That answer differs in cultures and religions... but the idea persists in the human condition.
  17. Salvation - Guaranteed or Not ?

    Your last statement is the main issue, IMO... He was persecuted for those two words alone. The rest is but a commentary or metaphor lived out in bodily flesh.
  18. Yin chi number 3

    I know... and we're just chatting for the most part. IMO, with the situation I see here, a tech needs to have the same powers as a mod so they don't need mod permission... there appears to be so much delegation and separation of power that it doesn't make complete sense... otherwise, there would be a sufficient number of mods to do what needs to be done. This thread alone shows a major problem. Your stepping back in and helping is appreciated.
  19. Yin chi number 3

    Actually, the posts are not getting on my nerves... but the stupidity of consolidating against all common sense is causing me to laugh out load in replies. How someone can hide behind the idea that the "mods told him to do this" is now on the moderator's shoulders. And, this is not a thread anymore... What H.E. started was bastardized with the merge. The split of the other thread should of been pitted... now we have a thread without direction, except the pit. I actually agree with MPG basic idea that what JC talks of Yin Qi is probably not the same as everyone else.... but it is not my mission in life to spread that word in every possible thread who questions it. That becomes an obsession at some point. And to them make up ideas like: 1. Kosta and Jim made it all up to sell books. 2. You are a spammer. 3. My teacher is right because he says so. well... that is too funny... if that is in his head as an idea, then I am just laughing even more. I wonder how an obsession to defend an idea then turns to made-up stories. Sad to see this in an original idea which may have some merit but when people cannot articulate the idea meaningfully they will resort to stories.
  20. Yin chi number 3

    (deleted to consolidate posts) (deleted to consolidate posts) (deleted to consolidate posts) (deleted to consolidate posts) (deleted to consolidate posts)
  21. Yin chi number 3

    Yes... And when the bearings have grease, it is wheeled around much easier
  22. Yin chi number 3

    The deconstruction of objects into words leaves some debating the words and forgetting the original object. This silliness plays out because the debate sees only it's side and not the other. The coin face thinks it is far superior to the coin backside. The Emperor's New Clothes.
  23. The Tyranny of the Physicalist

    I would think now, you would say there is a clear difference between what you did then and what you can do now, yes? What is that difference but integration to the internal?
  24. Spirit->Organ Healing

    That Blog has very interesting articles. Check out the different years... In one it says: "When we feel angry, anger affects the Liver automatically, but it is the Shen of the Heart that β€œfeels” the anger." To tie in your other thread on 'sounds' to this thread on 'shen'... this is why some will advise "Haaaa" (heart sound) to deal with anger (Liver).