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Everything posted by dawei

  1. Yes. There is a sender and receiver that when tripped (ie: something breaks the signal light from getting to the receiver), it stops the door.
  2. I know how to do it. Just keep wondering if I'm going to end up asking a contractor to get it working. It won't close without your hand constantly on the button and you can let go anytime if something occurred. I had a stupid issue with replacing my thermostat... couldn't get it to work at all. Called out the A/C guys... he opened the instructions to a page that I somehow overlooked about 10 times. Just had to set one home setting. I just want a backyard where I can grow stuff and not be fixing too much
  3. We rent out one unit and they complained it was leaking underneath for a bathroom sink. The good news is, we're one building over and I can look at my own sink plumbing and understand it a little bit before I go over. We turn the water on and it immediately starts to backup in the sink itself and then starts to leak as they said... I said, I need to take apart the plumbing likes to see why it is not draining as expected. As you might guess, it was completely and thoroughly clogged with hair. At least this was an easy fix to just clean out all of the line possible. What's strange about this development is our unit and the second are the exact same layout and size yet the switches work different things when there are multiple ones together. Weird. Good news is, I had to replace our garbage disposal about 2 years ago and I sweated that out for quite some time due to rust. When they told me theirs was leaking, I felt both confident in what to do but regretted facing a rust battle. I asked them to at least get the kids out of the house so they did not hear my ranting and raving... the god news got better: Theirs did not have any rust and it twisted free on the first, strong twist. Now, my current issue is my wife broke a sensor on the garage door so I ordered new sensors. I just have a bad feeling and have delayed almost 2 months to even try to replace it.
  4. Rara... tough situation... imagine if this was a family member, what would you do? I think if it was me, Just me, I'd do some tough love and say, "this talk is bothering me and I'd like to help you get some help... but if you are just venting and don't really want intervention then I'll not press you... but I'd rather you talk to someone else about what bothers you". Here is where I stand on such issues... if I call 911, which I don't ask anyone not to do, then I may start a chain of events that would affect their life negatively and they would say , "I'm just blowing steam... and you caused me to lose my job". I get the retort will be, "so you will cause him to lose his life?". That is not my responsibility to decide life and death. I'm just saying, offer help but make it clear you are not the one to dump on. Rara, you are a good guy and respectful beyond measure. I hope you find a way to deal with this issue that helps you.
  5. Einstein on china

    Agreed. Chinese are generally very racist... to be blunt. But one can come to a point of understanding it from a cultural and historical perspective... and some will never accept such information.
  6. This was rather interesting to see and good advise. I found some bone, as is in many chinese markets ergo, bone and marrow to boil down to a soup. So I bought it. I asked my wife (chinese) how she would use it. She boiled it and made a soup with other added items. I considered what exact animal provided this. I began to look at his/her life to provide this to me. I saw this animal playing among others. I wondered if there will come a day where human bones are boiled as a soup.
  7. One meal a day

    never heard of this but was rather fascinating to see what I found is being tested. The bottom line is: Eating more you will either/both shit more and/or gain more weight. The extra goes somewhere: Out or in. I don't weight my food on a scale. That seems obsessive. Don't you know intuitively what is more or less? Here is my main thought on this: It is not a short term diet idea, but a life time eating habit. Start by picking 5 things you will stop eating. Focus on bad fat items or carb stuff. But be sensitive to your blood type diet needs and your understanding of your body knows what works. You really must exercise. The body loves it. The metabolism loves it. You will find you love it.
  8. One meal a day

    Listening to a researcher or scientist tell you what they believe in a book may or may not be based on their own experience. I have no feeling or wont of coconut but it has lots of positive press: https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/top-10-evidence-based-health-benefits-of-coconut-oil One must consider their culture, their exposure to life up-bringing, their level of interest in terms of sedentary vs exercise. What is your forward movement desire to be a part of life. Know thyself. So, I would ask: 1. WHere did you grow up and what time period for each area? 2. What are the foods you just feel you like regardless of what your parents tried to stuff down your throat? 3. How open are you to finding new food options that are 'for you' ? 4. Have you tried something you have never considered because another culture says it is great ? 5. How open are you to eating something you never considered but it is otherwise an animal organ, eye, neck, etc ? What is your reaction? 6. What is your exercise per week or per month... or just your desire ? Or just living and eating ?
  9. The perfect square has no corners?

    Some questions (words) deserve answers (words)... Zen understood we could show that words are full of meaning in one plane and empty on another. So my answer is Yes and No.
  10. One meal a day

    Spreading out eating is generally best and that may simply be some fluids spread out as a complement of a low calorie diet. Herein is a big issue I see among folks who talk about eating, as if that is a cure-all. If you want to lose weight, then you can eat like you are in a concentration camp for sure. Cut your calories to 300 a day and you will lose weight... and you'll have no energy to do anything. Here is another issue along the lines of Gerard: Most of your life, were you athletic or sedentary? There are extremes in both groups that play out problems. Notice how great athletics (tons of exercise) and great actors (tons of talking) both go rather fat in later age? As an athlete, you burn calories at an incredible rate due to exercise... you can't eat the same when you stop the sport ! As an actor, they all are poor and eat very little in their beginnings but when they are famous, they eat like they own the right to eat whatever they want. I will talk from the athlete side as I was never an actor. Metabolism is very important to understand. You can revive it or you can make it lazy. As you get older, it shifts slower and a few things can keep it up, other than those chinese who eat 5x their normal weight and are still skinny... they are just not digesting anything. That is another problem. If you are serious, find what tweaks metabolism: Exercise, weight training, eating does, herbs help like green tea, etc. Here is a finding I have. The less I eat and the more I exercise the more energy I have. Did that go past you? The LESS I EAT AND THE MORE I EXERCISE THE MORE ENERGY I HAVE. That sounds counter-intuitive because if you exercise more you must need more food, right??? Test it? But that is my history and experience. I found I can exercise 3 times day and not need that much more than 1500 calories if it is spread out. I can go much lower at times if I want. I've done it at 500+ with other metabolism raising and herbs as needed. For me, protein is essential; Blood type O. Know thyself. The main issue will be when you suddenly change or stop... the entire system can go out of kilter. Depends on your history. If you are not an athlete, likely you remain more in some middle area but if your gaining weight, consider what is shared in posts here.
  11. Learning to surrender

    I personally don't think there is anything we can call 'learning to surrender'... that sounds like, learning to like avocado, olives or jalapenos Like, if you eat it enough, you will eventually force yourself to like it... and then surrender to its first, offensive taste as now some sublime palate experience Surrender is from the heart. I always found it easiest to just let go as soon as I realize what there is to let go. Have no attachment to it. The problem is, we're all wired and programmed and influenced differently so my way doesn't work for another's way... so I get it. I was strongly influenced by a line from Baopuzi who said, 'practice is not natural'... that made me realize we are spending time trying to get to some point... trying to cultivate... trying to change our thoughts and actions and mindset. Then I asked, what I think is an important question: How did we get so far off-track? Simply residing is a good practice as you should not be 'trying' to do that... when you fall into a pool to swim, I feel completely one with water... there is no effort to float, turn, swim under or over. Now, someone's going to say, but you have been practicing that all your life, right? Well... children do naturally take to water if exposed early enough. Child never exposed to the water have a very difficult time overcoming the fear of it. And my observation is they are older and then taught to swim like an adult with never learning how children first come to swim, under the water. The foundation is missing. I've seen this with many children. There is just an inner sense that may arise. And I think that is the ultimate issue: We are trying to unlock a dormant side to wake up again. That is where we got off-track. Zen might say, with a slap of the stick to the back of your head: WAKE-UP ! And your response should be something along the lines of, the peaches are quite ripe this time of year...
  12. Left-right polarity in Taoism

    It is a curious thing... we are harmonizing a perception we have of duality... but once one gets past the duality perception, is there such a thing as harmonize
  13. The perfect square has no corners?

    Square and corners are just words... Remember the DDJ1: The Dao that is spoken is not the Eternal Dao Squares and corners spoken are not the eternalness [of squares and corners].
  14. Automatic sign out.

    I find this often... hit the F5 key to restore the page.
  15. Remarks By Secretary Mattis at the U.S. Naval War College Commencement, Newport, Rhode Island The third category is that of political will, and that is a potential rivalry, with China harboring long-term designs to rewrite the existing global order. The Ming Dynasty appears to be their model, albeit in a more muscular manner, demanding other nations become tribute states, kowtowing to Beijing; espousing One Belt, One Road, when this diverse world has many belts and many roads; and attempting to replicate on the international stage their authoritarian domestic model, militarizing South China Sea features while using predatory economics of piling massive debt on others.After World War II, our Greatest Generation, in collaboration with our allies and partners, built the open international order that has benefited global prosperity. It's unrealistic to believe, today, that China will not seek to replicate its internal authoritarian model elsewhere, as it expands globally.China has benefited enormously from the open international order, but it had no say in drafting it. Today, how we engage with China and how the Chinese choose to collaborate by it dictates to the world that it will provide the roadmap for our future relationship.
  16. Einstein on china

    Try to contrast the immanent scientist view with another immanent philosopher's view... Bertrand Russell... his time in china is quite revealing: http://www.freeclassicebooks.com/Bertrand Russell/The Problem of China.pdf And then consider the scientist: The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom Einstein was and should be revered for his work... but I understand his views on other cultures... he didn't get it, like some others did.
  17. I've not deeply researched all the videos, so I can only give my gut reaction to Wells's thread. I think it is , 'reap what you sow'. The feminine movement has in [some] part created the cross-gender identification/acceptance and now to their determent. I would agree that was completely unforeseen but can see its unfolding. I think Wells is calling BS on this... just in his own style and pointing out who is to blame for part of it in sarcastic and sardonic manner that he does with usual aplomb. If I'm wrong... he'll call me out with similar aplomb.
  18. PPD Question

    I think Karen is correct. To view most current posts, there are other means that I do not personally use but have heard folks talk about how they do it. Maybe 'new content'. Others have methods to share ?
  19. Banners

    Thanks, I'll pass that along.
  20. Thank you Dao Bums!~

    As long as it is not copyright protected and within the boundaries of those requirements
  21. suggestion

    I think that is a profound thought that we need to realize is a part of human existence.
  22. Animals, humans, gods… ?

    Did the immaterial or material world arise first ?
  23. Change my name to GOD DEMNIT

    I like reverse words.. like God = Dog ; Live = Evil so why not Dog and then see who can understand this is God
  24. Sure... like the great schism of the church. Folks will pick and choose like a buffet what is palpable and walk away without tasting other stuff.