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Everything posted by Immortal4life

  1. WW3 2020?

    Iran's not politically significant enough to be the catalyst to start WW3
  2. Anyone use online dating apps?

    So what I’m getting from this is you’ve spent a lot more time in your life watching movies and looney tunes than dating?
  3. Anyone use online dating apps?

    You’re really losing it buddy! Come on I know you have something to contribute. I mean even ralis finally addressed the topic and contributed to the subject of the OP even if it took him 4 pages until he did, and he had social problems growing up!
  4. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Now it’s farts! I don’t know why you equate sex, farts, and hemorrhoids, you definitely have issues around bodily function and sexuality. It’s ok I don’t judge you if unlike others on this thread, you don’t have as much experience or advice to contribute about dating. I don’t see you as less of a man or anything like that. There’s no reason to be self righteous, or insecure, or emotional like you are. That doesn’t mean you need to troll to prove your masculinity or make up for anything.
  5. Anyone use online dating apps?

    False. You just have no answer, cuz you know I'm right, so you blurt out a random fallacy as a last resort.
  6. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Why do you find sex and hemorrhoids to be comparatively repulsive? Why are you so squeemish about sex and relationships?
  7. Anyone use online dating apps?

    I'm not ignoring the plight of others. While saying "not everything is politics" may or may not have bern used by people to ignore a political issue that doesnt change the fact that not everything is political. Mating strategies are one such issue, they are not primarily political, they are primarily biological. The same attraction triggers that work in tribal societies, also apply to people in modern society. I already explained this to ralis earlier, why religion isnt the driving force of dating behaviors, and neither are politics. Meeting a woman for drinks at a bar is not political. Sorry to disappoint you about that, but it's true.
  8. Anyone use online dating apps?

    When someone's last course of action is to go after spelling typos, they've pretty much lost.
  9. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Oh you're just so virtuous and pure. Its completely harmless.
  10. Anyone use online dating apps?

    False, I’m doing no such thing. You have some real sensitivity to the topic of dating, like it’s a sore spot to you . Why do you need to idealize and pedestalize dating? Why is it such a sensitive topic to your ego? Why do you have a need to feel like you are more righteous or pure than others when you are not?
  11. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Talk about projecting I’m not interested in politics here. Coronavirus is not a political issue. It’s becoming very clear that you have trouble distinguishing that. I see now that’s why you are projecting political ideas onto people where there are none. Everything is politics to you. It’s like you’re incapable of just chill normal conversation. When someone says they are not always interested in politics it’s not always because they are hiding some secret racist agenda, and REALLY are political but are hiding it. You’re projecting hidden agendas and “code words” where there are none. You have a hard time with that. In a sense this conversation with me is good for you cuz it’s bringing these issues up to the surface for you. All those things you mentioned are legitimate issues, but not everything is about them and politics has its time and place, but not everything is political. I would dating, is an area where politics have very little to do with it. It’s like saying martial arts effectiveness is a political issue but it’s not, it’s a training issue. But you see politics everywhere, political motivations in everything, even where they don’t exist. This is what projection really is.
  12. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Lol. Dude. No one's a victim here or being victimized in any way. No one's being manipulated. I'm not selling you anything. Lol. Where does your victim complex come from? You literally blowing this up in your mind as if I conned your grand mama out of her house or inappropriately touched your peepee when you were an alter boy growing up.
  13. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Ok that's fair enough. But still, it's kind of a red flag that kind of statement. But I'm not actually bringng it into the discussion. It was a side note because I was concerned about you.
  14. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Wrong. So wrong. A socially intelligent person can still socialize, have a good time, make friends, without bringing politics to the party. Politics are kind of a social faux pas for a social situation. It's clear ralis has trouble keeping politics out of that part of his life. He brings it into everything and people don't like that, they just wanna have a good time and have fun.
  15. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Exactly, my point is proven.
  16. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Nonsense, that's why you can't give a single example of cherry picking.
  17. Anyone use online dating apps?

    I never said that at all. Strawman reasoning. But there are universal principles in all social interactions whether it's a big or small city. One principle that is almost always true, is when someone says everyone in a town are assholes, that person is the one with the problem socially.
  18. Anyone use online dating apps?

    The sex I have been talking about is healthy sex based on genuine attraction and chemistry, as opposed to negative sex, for example transaction based sex. I made that distinction clear early on.
  19. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Jordan Peterson isn't alt right at all. That's a media created stereotype and its false. He's about Psychology, philosophy, and self improvement, not politics.
  20. Anyone use online dating apps?

    I'm from a small town originally as well. That's why I know the importance of being able to relate to people, to fit in, and have a good social life. The social dynamics ate no different, except there are a little bit more consequences for social faux pas' because you will see the same people a bit more often again.
  21. Anyone use online dating apps?

    I approach sex in a way that facilitates it happening in a positive way mutually enjoyable for both parties. Even if that were true about Reich which it isn't, and even if his theories weren't crackpot, which they are....What we're talking about here is far from sexual suppression, its opening up sexually. I'm helping people get over their hang ups, so they enjoy sex more, open up more, but some people will react negatively. I guess they must have had religious upbringings hey?
  22. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Ralis' identification was based off a psuedoscientist's theory Wilhelm Reich, widely regarded as a crackpot.
  23. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Well you're actually a special case ralis. I know you've mentioned you've had social problems and difficulty making friends from the time you were young and have constructed a lot of coping mechanisms around that so I am sympathetic to you. Other people hear however are reacting negatively because the truth is hard for them to accept when presented with results. This is just an emotional and touchy subject for a lot of people but trust me when I tell you that you can get over yourselves and be happier.
  24. Anyone use online dating apps?

    I don't do any of those things whatsoever.
  25. Anyone use online dating apps?

    Fear? No, I'm not bringing martial artists from outside a forum, into any discussion. Not with names or identifying info. Nothing. Sorry. I don't know why the subject of sex and women is so sensitive to you. It's really not some big deal, or super solemn thing. But it's a cop out for lack of abilities or knowledge. It's ok I don't judge you or your experience level dating though. We're all here to help each other and understand each other better.