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Everything posted by Immortal4life

  1. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    Edgar Cayce was a very unique figure. He was not a theosophist. He was a simple man who discovered he had an ability to enter a sleep state or trance, and answer questions posed to him. He would speak of things while in trance, that he had no knowledge of while awake. As you can see in the OPs, he did not talk about a 1st race, 2nd race, 3rd race, or 4th race. He states all the 5 peoples came about together.
  2. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    The point of the diagram in this context is clear. It is to demonstrate the existence of the 5 peoples in the history of the development of humankind. The point is that there were 5. The positioning of the 5 peoples in the diagram has no meaning here and does not indicate any one of the 5 is more important than the other. Therefore, NOT racist.
  3. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    The only one making a "mistake" is you. You are assigning meaning where none exists. You feel so strongly that it is an "unfair" picture, because the White people are in the "center" position in the drawing. However, who is in the center position is merely coincidental to me. The center position has no meaning, and it is not a "superior" position to be in. As far as I'm concerned anyone could be in that position and it wouldn't matter.
  4. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    I have not chosen the arrangement for any deliberate reason, it's just how the images I found were drawn. Being in the center of the diagram does not say anything about who is central in human evolution, it just says the artist placed white people in the center of the picture. My descriptions and sources say nothing about white people being special, superior, or central to human development.
  5. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    Of course all the 5 root peoples have since intermixed, and there is nothing wrong with that. I am simply showing the development and origins of Human beings in history, as opposed to the present or future. I have not chosen images which show the White people in the center deliberately, that's just how the images I found were drawn. I am not saying any one group of people are superior to any other people.
  6. DNA Evidence Rocks the Boat

    So no, humans did not all originate in Africa, only black people did. White people originated in Carpathia I believe, the Yellow in China, etc. The X chromosome can support multi-regionalism More about why DNA doesn't prove humans came from africa, only some. 200,000 year old beta globin gene found only in Asians- Archaic African and Asian lineages in the genetic ancestry of modern humans. also Science News Online (2/6/99): DNA's Evolutionary Dilemma Israeli discovery forces scientists to re-examine evolution of modern man- Archaeology proves OOA wrong- Human Ancestors not Out of Africa- More evidence against the theory that Native Americans crossed the Bering Straight from Siberia. Land Bridge Theory finished- Scientific Theories And Monte Verde disproves the Bering straight theory Theories for the Populating of the Americas - Writer's Corner: Science Non-Fiction - Caucasian mummies found in South America in a deep underground tunnel 85 feet underground. They were the Chachapoyas and the incans called them "the people of the clouds" becasue they lived among the clouds in remote areas. The "Bearing Strait" land bridge theory is now down the toilet lol!. Amazing Mummies In The Amazon There's also Kennewick Man So anyways, apparently humans migrated from Africa straight to south america....yeah right! Explain 40,000 year old footprints in mexico evolutionists. 40,000 year old footprints in mexico cause evolutionists to scramble to make desperate and irrational exuses. lol! "evolutionists unhappy with results!" Notice how they claim, "it must be either a whole magnitude wrong and they must be way older, or they're not footprints at all then probably, or this or that excuse, but it can't be what the dating methods indicated!" Lol @ scrambling to make excuses and reinterpret things Mexican markings and chronological chaos It should also be noted, that not many humans would have lived in Africa prior to 10,500 BC, as before that, it was covered in lakes. Certainly not a good place to roam around and throw spears around. Prior to 10,500 BC most humans lived much closer to the equater, and the pre-historic cvilizations have mostly been submerged Don't be too brainwashed by scientific theories. Obviously throughout human history, some lines will become extinct leaving no trace other than perhahps ancestors. If modern science has no idea such a lineage existed, youcannot trace back to it. Don't believe DNA magically can trace back all the lineages there are. It can't be used to identify a lineage that went extinct thousands of years ago that we don't even know existed. Man started out as semi etheric beings, but as material and selfish desires increased we fell further into the earth plane and fully materialized as the 5 races Edgar Cayce can explain very clearly, The point at which we fell from semi etheric beings to fully material happened sometime between 200,000 BC and 50,000 BC
  7. LoveSystems is a company started by Nick Savoy, who I believe is a former student of Mystery that broke off from his teacher and started his own company. Ross Jeffreis is a pracitioner of NLP and the so called "Father of modern Seduction". Dr. Phil-
  8. The Temple of Mu

    Graham Hancock's work is amazing. I actually made a thread about his research a while back. Here it is in case anyone missed it-
  9. The Temple of Mu

    It is likely that the Yonaguni area was one of the last places of retreat for the survivors of the pre-historic civilization. It was the outskirts, or border. One of the last portions of Lemuria to sink. By the time survivors had retreated to Yonaguni, a lot of the real high level technology was probably lost. Plus, much is still unknown about this underwater temple, we don't know exactly how it was constructed or exactly what technology was used. Just because it is stone does not mean it is not advanced. The date of 10,500 BC being significant, is not random at all. There is a lot of logic behind it. This date shows up in the astronomy of monuments all over the world. See here- It is also what has been called "The Last days of Atlantis". Atlantis is thought to have had 3 major Eras, and the way of life was different in each era. These eras are from 200,000 BC to 50,000 BC, 50,000 BC to 28,000 BC, and 28,000 BC to 10,500 BC. 28,000 BC was a time a great changes and the land was broken up, in 10,500 BC Atlantis fell and was destroyed once and for all. We know today that The Earth changed greatly around 12,000 years ago. For example at this time the final meltwater pulses came about which rose sea levels tremendously, and it was the end of the last ice age. The videos in the OP talks about this more Here- The Official Graham Hancock Website: Underworld NASA GISS: Science Briefs: Sea Level Rise, After the Ice Melted and Today Geotimes - June 2002 - Glacial Mystery Antarctic ice sheet key to sudden climate changes in the past-
  10. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    Interesting info about the past knowledge, the Secret Gospel of Mark-
  11. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    Where did I link to anything from Jehovah Witnesses? It sounds like you are grasping at straws here. Yes, there is debate about the dating of each Gospel, for various reasons. However, the Wiki page clearly demonstrates that a lot of legitimate scholars date the Gospel of Mark, in some form or another, to 60-70 AD.
  12. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    According to Wiki, and many legitimate Scholars, the Gospel of Mark was wriiten around 64 AD. I have heard estimates of 60 AD for the Gospel of Mark, and some scholars have estimated a date of 50 AD for the Gospel of Thomas. That puts The Gospel of Mark within 30-40 years of Jesus' death, and the Gospel of Thomas within 20-30. How close are the Buddhist scriptures to the time of the Buddha's death?
  13. The Temple of Mu

    No doubt the Universe as well as History, is cyclical.
  14. The Temple of Mu

    That's an interesting perspective. Many people believe that most from the pre-historic civilizations are back with us today, reincarnated as the people of today.
  15. The Temple of Mu

    Certainly more and more, it is becoming the logical conclusion that advanced civilizations existed prior to the end of the last Ice Age- As for civilizations millions of years may not be quite exactly how we normally conceive civilizations to be!
  16. The Temple of Mu

    "2.8 Billion" Year Old Sphere's Stone Monument at the Temple of Mu- The main Ziguart at the Yonaguni site was discovered in 1986, but is wasn't studied so much at first because many people weren't really sure if it was man made or what it was. However, some of the things like the Giant head and stadium are much more recent finds. They are still finding new things around that general vicinity of the ocean- And- More- Thoth Geology- Lemuria is often associated with bird headed beings which may have existed and lived there- The Hopi Native american Kachina doll-
  17. The Temple of Mu

    Platform facing east, and the rising sun Similar to some above water sites- Hopi Indian story- Carved giant turtle image
  18. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    Lol, my point was simpler than that. In this thread there have been different theories proposed as to why in some cases women are drawn to certain religious ideas more than men are. For example they seem to like to go to church more than men do. Perhaps in some cases women are just drawn to things they see as spiritual. Maybe they just like the spiritual atmosphere and spiritual teachings they find there.
  19. Considerate Christian Women Abort

    Another interesting statistic... 90% of women believe in astrology 90% of men do not believe in astrology