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Everything posted by strawdog65

  1. Haiku Chain

    A stroke of fortune, The tea leaves said rain today, let sleeping dogs lie.
  2. Haiku Chain

    It fits her perfect, Like the gods from long ago, An Achilles heel.
  3. How to determine someone's level of enlightenment?

    Hi Dagon! I have experienced exactly what you are saying. Sometimes it is the simple mind that teaches the most. Our outer complexity, is no indication of what lessons we have learned or what we could possibly impart to others. If we can maintain an open mind without judgment... Then everyone IS a teacher. Even if it's only their point of view. Peace!
  4. Is there a Purpose in Nature?

    You Bums.... Having your pie and eating it too. Looks yummy! If enjoying something that looks that good isn't enough to prove there is a purpose to nature, then I don't know what does.
  5. Haiku Chain

    What teamwork! Her socks still don't fit, Too long, too short, much to high, An Achilles heel.
  6. Haiku Chain

    I seek tune-ups, eh? What babbling brook is this? The undisturbed flow.
  7. Mudlotus....where are you my friend?

    Still in India?

    Dearly miss your Haiku's!

  8. Haiku Chain

    Breathe in. Breathe out. Repeat. Cycles and flow, always on, Eyes opened so wide.
  9. Haiku Chain

    Nature's wonderment... Water cascading up high, Rainbow, bound below.
  10. Haiku Chain

    Hi ChiDragon! Given liveliness, Blades of grass cover the field, Floating Bumble Bee.
  11. Sorry to say... but no. My own (last one) was very scary. Very emotional and wrenching in all ways... For me it also meant an awakening to seeing all things differently, and appreciating life just for what it is. Existence is a gift.
  12. Haiku Chain

    How sad bumping my own last Haiku... Won't someone come play with me?
  13. Nei Yeh Chapter 17

    Hi Manitou! That is a very powerful verse. Its like distilling everything down, and getting this very condensed, concentrated dose of what living and practicing taoism can be. And I do agree that our outer manifestations do emanate from within, at the well spring of our awareness that we choose to live this way. If we have become more peaceful within, then manifestation will naturally flow to all of our actions, if we allow this to be without letting ego interfere. I guess being conscious of the "way", helps to meter our actions and reign in our ego, which is a good thing. The path of the Sage is uncomfortable with many loose pebbles on which to slip and fall. It is the getting up and continuing onward that allows us to walk ever toward a better us. Peace!
  14. How to determine someone's level of enlightenment?

    Hi All! I just wanted to pop in and contribute to this great thread. To me, a yardstick by which to gain a measure of any level of attainment of anything... would be the people we surround ourselves with, and the example we have been to them. Has our example helped others to see something in a new light? Have we helped to open minds and open hearts, so that knowledge and wisdom can enter? Have we shown through our own Loving relationships, that Love is an integral part of any understanding? Just my thoughts. Peace!
  15. Self-Consciousness

    I too would agree that self-consciousness can be a hell. Sometimes our actions require us to be both self-less and to act outside of what the self would want to be the course of action, for there to be actual growth. So maybe being unconsciously aware is the answer? Or naturally aware without forcing anything? If one's actions truly follow one's character to the extent of being a seamless flow from the inner spring of this awareness, maybe that is the true path. I am reminded of the "village Idiot" idea. Life is blissful and obviously simple without either the ego or the mind taking too much control of our actions. Interesting discussion, thank you! Peace!
  16. All is One - what does it mean to you?

    Ho CowTao! Good points... It is because consciousness tells us we are separate, and we believe it, that we are able to experience anything as new and different. It is our limited existence in this physical form that allows us to believe that our consciousness encased in this flesh is apart from the universe we are part of. The illusion is that we are separate. Space is in fact occupied, even in a vacumm there is something at the quantum level existing as the fabric of space. Spooky Action at a distance, in regards to entangled, particles, atoms, energy. There is instantaneous change when they are separated by large distances. By changing one, you effect change in the entangled partner without ever physically touching it. This quantum entanglement to me is an indicator of this interconnectedness that we are unaware of. There is quite a lot of information pointing to the interconnectedness of everything. Photons being both a particle and a wave. Deterministic only when there is an observer. Much more can be delved into in this regard... Peace!
  17. Taoist Philosophy - Conversations I

    Follow what's most natural for your character. Harmony is not always the easiest path.
  18. All is One - what does it mean to you?

    Hi All! Interesting conversation! My only interjection is... To me the all is one thing is real and actual. It is all about level upon level of interconnectedness. The reality of separateness is the non- reality. There is no such thing as empty space... space, all space is occupied by particles and energy. And we exist with this fabric ever present and ubiquitous. So all IS one. Seems impossible to grasp, but since everything is actually connected to everything else, it is in fact true. The signs of this interconnectedness are all around us... Cause and effect, action and reaction, the list goes on. As we learn more about physics and the quantum nature of reality, it is clear that the reality is stranger than we could even conceive. Peace!
  19. Haiku Chain

    Nothing to cling to... Just the spaces in-between, Day, breaks the stillness.
  20. Haiku Chain

    You are most gracious, Gentleman and a scholar, Open heart and mind.
  21. Haiku Chain

    Throw Dao to the wind... Everywhere all at one time, Tears in the ocean.
  22. Is there a Purpose in Nature?

    Hi Marblehead! You cut to the quick. Mankind is an animal, yes. A very devious, irrational, emotionally handicapped animal. I doubt that there is any known survival instinct that qualifies planned, orchestrated genocide as a means of staying on top. I think it's the very fact that we have these big brains and so little control of our emotions that harbor the hate that brings forth ideas like genocide. I will take issue with good and evil being actual and real, in the sense that they are perceived in regards to animals. Good and evil are only preconceptions of what our brains tell us to be acceptable and unacceptable behavior. Which of course goes hand in hand with the belief in a god and a moral code of ethics. In regards to the Tao, the sage acts when necessary. And his actions supposedly flow with the situation, to assure his survival. I do not think that there would be an inflexible moral code to go along with this thinking. With that said... It is still up to us to live within our own conventions of what is acceptable behavior in our everyday lives. Big brains, hot emotions, and many choices to make. Choose wisely....
  23. Haiku Chain

    ChiDragon. No offense was meant. I merely meant that perhaps English is your second language. I myself only have one, so if you speak/write more than one, I admire you. I would enjoy your participation, and would feel better if we could work this out together without bad feelings. We all have much to learn from one another. I apologize if I offended you. Please continue the Haiku. Peace!
  24. Haiku Chain please look at this website. It will breakdown words into the correct number of syllables. Maybe it's a language issue?