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Everything posted by strawdog65

  1. Haiku Chain

    Where's that damn Visine?? Third eye closed, bi-focals on. Blazing sun, above.
  2. [TTC Study] Chapter 1 of the Tao Te Ching

    I believe that this quote from the TTC could also be seen from the perspective of the transmutation of energy from one form to another. In example: ice into water, water into steam. I also have no interest in personification of TAO. So for me, I choose to see this reference as an indication that the mutability of all things, especially energy, is a reference point to there being no beginning and no end. For the same is true of exists in some form at all times, only to be realized by it's manifestation in the physical realm. Seeming to come from nothing, based on only our lack of being able to explain phenomena not understood at the present time. We are energy. We are shadows/reflections of Tao manifest in this reality. Peace!
  3. Haiku Chain

    Is it form or just the intent of form? Shadows moving on mirrors, Third eye awakened.
  4. Modern Life

  5. I know where you are going..... And, I like it! Peace!
  6. Haiku Chain

  7. Your enlightenment in this life is assured!

    Hello Vajrahridaya! Thank you for all your knowledge and experience you take the time to share with us so openly on this forum. Just as Water accepts it's path amongst all obstacles, I too accept the Path and any obstacles before me as an opportunity to be part of this flow. To contend for the sake of purely contention, is of no use. The Way and all existence contained within, is not refutable, as I of lowly mind and body see it. Whether you accept the Way or not, does not separate you from it. I accept YOU as a part of ME within the everything that is the TAO. You and I swim within the same Ocean that is the Way. All explanation is contained within the whole that is TAO. Peace and understanding !
  8. Modern Life

    Hello everyone! Such greatly introspective and thoughtful comments. We are all witnessing the ongoing detachment from society. My question is... is this a necessary part of the technological advancement of a society, to veer away from interpersonal sociological norms? Can we have all the newest doodads, and use them in a way that increases our lost sensitivity. Or are we on a road that leads us to complete detachment and disregard for everyone? What will LOVE mean in a world that is so material? Can Love be quantified? And if not, will it be of no use to a future world? As more and more technology becomes present in our everyday interactions, has the ability to understand and feel for others diminished proportionately? The cases sighted with the "observer effect" are horribly alarming. For someone to be there in that moment and to be so removed, so callous, so asleep to life. I'm sure we are seeing only the tippy top of a huge iceberg. Based on my own limited experience, the newest generations, have proportionately the least regard for other people's suffering and pain. And the main contributing factor I have seen in my lifetime, is technology. The more technology, the less focus on people as living, feeling, emotive individuals. Who will feel the pain of a world blinded by technology? Will there be a leveling off effect in the near future, when a re-emphasis on our ability to communicate and feel for others will resurface? I hope so. Otherwise we really are approaching the singularity of Man/Machine/Mind. Active practice of being empathetic towards other people is of great use to our world, understanding and compassion for those apart from us can never be said to "wasted". Believing in Taoism, we know that the interconnectedness of all there is precludes us from the illusion of separateness. A conscious re-focus of treating all the people I come into contact with, as the unique treasure that they are as a Human being , for me...... that will be step one. We are all encompassed within the wholeness that is the TAO. When we express our Love of others, it is an extension of Loving who we are. Peace and understanding to all!
  9. Your enlightenment in this life is assured!

    Hello everyone! I have some thoughts to share. I have been off and on following this thread. And the depth of knowledge is unmistakable... But, I do not understand the purpose of this thread. My own understanding of the Tao, which has been echoed time and again by others here in this forum, is the completeness of the whole, and that all things in the universe are in fact part of the same. All belief, all peoples, all distinctions made by man/woman kind... All are part of the one TAO. It therefore seems utterly transparent to me, that any quarrel that one belief is some how more "true" than another, is to be seen as a realization, that because of it's dependent separateness, is in of it's self necessarily incomplete. Just as the spark that is enlightenment, can be said to come from the same source, regardless of the localized belief system, So too... ALL is encompassed Within the completeness of the Whole which is the TAO. TAO is the universal everything. NO Thing is separate or apart from IT, We can never remove ourselves from that which contains US. Within the universal TAO... All arguments of belief are contained. All views of separateness are contained. All distinctions are irrelevant, Any arguments to the contrary only serve to satisfy the useless vanity of man/womankind. The illusion of different beliefs changes nothing, we are encompassed, we are contained, there is no escaping this completeness, we are all ONE. We are TAO. Peace and understanding!
  10. Haiku Chain

    Fields. Rivers.Streams. Who? Many fingers reaching out, To hold what is Not!
  11. Haiku Chain

    River floods its banks, Cold water rushing, surging, No place is unknown.
  12. Taoist Philosophy - Chapter 86

    With humbleness before the Way, I too succumb to it's True Nature. Peace!
  13. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    Please? Please! Please? I would love to discuss the differences of the myriad translations of the Tao Te Ching! What say you? Peace!
  14. Haiku Chain

    Running like a child, Forever into your arms, Single tear, on cheek.
  15. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    Tao Te Ching translated by: Chou-Wing Chohan -==================================================== 77 Is not the superior Tao like drawing a bow? The high part moves downward, the low part moves upward, What is full is reduced, what is insufficient is filled. The superior Tao reduces the full, fills what is insufficient. Man's Tao, in contrast, takes from the insufficient and gives to the full. Who can take from the full and give to the insufficient? Only he who has the Tao can. Therefore, the sage does not hoard anything for himself. The more he helps others, the more he obtains for himself. The superior Tao does good, and never does evil, The sage's Tao acts, but never hurts others. ========================================================= found in the index of 112 english translations. posted by Alfred... Thank You!
  16. Why are you here?

    Hello everyone! Why are you here? I ask because with the current discontent of some individuals posting here...I would like to know what is the motivation behind participating in a forum that is about Taoism, if not to try and learn from the other members? It is why my path brought me here. Every day that passes is to me a learning opportunity, to being open to releasing what I may have previously been aligned to, in favor of accepting new information to allow my own perception to grow. Every day I am using the consciousness that is growing inside of me to interact with people in a more open, and increasingly less judgmental way. I am constantly catching myself making a judgment and having to correct my narrow thinking at that moment. I am less fearful of what others think of me, or whether I fit the role they would have me play, or not. My clarity of insight is more rational and impartial, because of my mindfulness of the Tao, and the knowledge that we are all part of the whole. This to me represents the greatest sense of responsibility for others that I have ever felt in my life. It is because of this feeling, that I wanted to impart to you something I find very useful to myself and hope you may use as well. My sense of contentment is of my own will. A decision to not be purposefully negative, casting a shadow on all I take in, has been made by me. How we "choose"to see what is before us, or within us, is just that ...a choice. You may wonder why am I telling you this... This is why I am here, what about YOU? Peace and understanding!
  17. Is your Method really working?

    WoW! That is such a great post! Thank you for posting that! Peace!
  18. A Subforum for the Tao Teh Ching

    Tao Te Ching Translation by Douglas Allchin, Copyright 2002 ------------------------------------------- Tao Te Ching chapter 14 Look: you cannot see it, for it is invisible. Listen: you cannot hear it, for it is inaudible, Grasp: you cannot hold it, for it is intangible. Each as unfathomable as the next, these three become as one. It threads into the gateway of wonder and returns again to nothingness. The form of the formless, the image of the imageless, elusive and beyond imagination. From above, there is no light reflected. From below, no shadow cast. From before, there is nothing to meet, From behind, no thing to follow. Mindful of one's primal roots, one floats along the Way. --------------------------- Interesting translation of this chapter, thoughts? Peace!
  19. Haiku Chain

    Swallow all that stuff! Came the drill sergeant's command. My plate, shiny clean!
  20. Haiku Chain

    Let go of this, that. Hands full, turkey stuffed in mouth, Gobble,gobble,Mmmmm!
  21. The Inner Engine - Project!

    Hi Little1 ! I feel the prime factor for me is one of cultivating my Love of all as part of Tao. It is very transformational to accept everything as part of the Way. And to feel your place is as is meant to be, all the changes and paths open to you. WE are Free and in flow. Distinctions are lost within the wholeness that is Tao. Peace and understanding!
  22. The Taiji Symbol (Yin~Yang)

    TzuJanLi, Interesting.... Tao and Physics.... The never ending transformation of energy. Energy always remains. Only the form...changes. Peace!
  23. Agreed. When the situation is a matter of survival, and to prevent physical harm being done to you, and there is no recourse, I believe a defensive posture is warranted, including physically defending your person from harm. Using the power of introspection after wards to diagnose what were the factors that led to what the situation became. And what could have been done differently to have avoided the conflict, at an earlier juncture, Seems to be one answer. Foresight to see what will become, or what the fruits of our actions will bring about...that is a Sagely Way. Peace to You!
  24. Haiku Chain

    No idea, won't say. Snow, resting softly on cedar. Tranquil, stillness, shhhhh...
  25. Were the Sages Martial Artists?

    I'm with Sloopy Zhang on this one! I like the thought process of realized Tao, manifesting in the Sages depending on what was necessary at that moment. The perception of the outside observer being the only label of what action was taken. I would surmise, that to the Sage, his actions felt like nothing more than the free flowing of the Tao through his body, regardless of what type of resolution was found. Peace!