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Everything posted by Dagon

  1. I think that because there isn't evidence that they do. (IE; burden of proof) To consider something as true there should be evidence for that something. I don't know for a fact that there aren't animals being sentient, but if they are how could I know it if they can't communicate it? Personally it seems like they are doing what they are trained or programmed to do by their DNA or people.
  2. I think maybe it depends upon the audience how deep one can and should go with it, without causing too much confusion. Maybe that was being taken into account. Like different teachings for different perspectives.
  3. For me, dreams reveal my weaknesses. How I acti in my dreams is becoming as important to me as I act in life. Dreams can put you into circumstances that would be rare in life, and prepare me if the rare occasion does come, it is a good exercise in self control for me as well.
  4. New Member and Question

    Did you became scared of yourself? From my personal experience of pressures building up, I found that a heavy metal detox worked wonders. There are heavy metals all around use that we ingest, and many of them aren't easily removed from the body without taking active measures. http://naturaldentistry.us/1378/the-dangers-of-fluoride/
  5. Haiku Chain

    Incredibly right, Inevitably alight, regrettably fight.
  6. Man's creations come forth after man's thoughts -> (imo) -> Man's thoughts come forth after man;-> "Man comes forth after Earth; Earth comes forth after Sky; Sky comes forth after Dao." Unless you think that was intended as absolute, there is room for stuff to come after man, and many things have. Such is the definition of nature. (The definition of nature or concepts of it even came forth after man)
  7. Random Haiku Thread

    Seeking for the truth, Out of emptiness it comes, closed eyes, see the light. Panoramic sight, In emptiness spawns the light, Eyes wide closed, good night.
  8. Haiku Chain

    Or the three plus one, Out of emptiness it comes, closed eyes, see the light.
  9. What is the definition of nature? na·ture ˈnāCHər/ noun the phenomena of the physical world collectively, including plants, animals, the landscape, and other features and products of the earth, as opposed to humans or human creations. Google: "Define Nature" I personally think that it was man and his Idea of "self" that created the separation from nature. In ownership, and owning, how could nature own itself?
  10. ChiDragon, you are considering man's perspective, what about the perspective of the microbes? They are only doing what is natural for them and we kill them for it. I am surprised you answered so quickly though! The wood you burn in a campfire is food for termites and fungus, which become food or other plants and animals. Also, that the firewood could be the home to an array of insects which will be killed, and all for your personal benefit. moving the yard prevents nature from taking it's course, you are cutting down flowers and tree's, that if allowed to grow would take over the property. That's why there is a tall-grass prairie, from people interfering and burning the forests down. What about the tick in the dogs ear, it is just doing what it was naturally programmed to do. So are you saying that the no-harm rule only apply's to sentient beings and we can kill all the animals and insects that we want to? I personally look at it in the term of rights, if something is harming you, like a parasite, it has a right to do that, but you also have a right to prevent yourself from harm. I think you are right and agree with your conclusion, but slightly disagree with your logic. By looking at it in the terms of rights, you can include the microbes/insects perspective as well in the logic. I think this whole thing goes along with the Nicomachean Ethics of Aristotle.
  11. Haiku Chain

    No getting around, The thoughts that are so profound, Ask a tree to ground. Ask a tree to ground, Or asking a bird to sky, Why do I ask, why?
  12. Is taking antibiotics to kill a bacterial infection considered interfering? What about treating your head for lice? What about putting someone on life support until they can get an organ transplant? What about using chi to heal someone, if healing them has to eradicate a virus? What about mowing the yard or starting a campfire? What about removing a tick from your dogs ear? I can think of a bunch more if you would like.
  13. Random Haiku Thread

    Life is a runway One can only go oneway, why not have some fun?
  14. ...

    I picked to change it back, because I am generally for power to the people. Consolidating power generally leads to no good, and I think people have the right to change their minds and add to their posts or take from them.
  15. Haiku Chain

    Singing as chunks fly, Something must have went awry, Now I sit and cry.
  16. Environmental Books

    I guess it sort of depends how in depth you want to get, if you want up to date, reliable and sound information I would go for the college textbooks, or even high school text books. There are a bunch of titles here you can sort through: http://www.valorebooks.com/new-used-textbooks/science/environmental-science Maybe your local library has some, that's probably the first place I would look. You don't need too much science to understand the principles and concepts. (imo) Check out your library.
  17. But I can't find it in the search engine or through my profile, is content posted by users deleted or ? It makes me extremely weary of posting anything of substance.
  18. Actually, I think it might be Akanthomyces sp. There a new antibiotic developed from Akanthomyces gracilis, but I haven't been able to identify it to exact species yet. http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/ol016737q I guess it could be an antibiotic against the multiresistant Staphylococcus aureua.
  19. Yes, In Iowa no doubt. ^.^ How have you been and how is Bagua going?
  20. Hi (edit your name out), thank you! I made it into the university It isn't more mycology yet, but I'm working on Computer Science and Biology, I still have a bunch of math to do. (Like Calculus ) Do you know what cordyceps are? I just found some yesterday, they are an insect eating fungus. (I think it is growing out of a cicada.)
  21. I was wondering if you guys felt that meditating against a tree grounds your chi? It feels like a really really slow flow to me. Then when I go away it feels like a stronger steadier flow.
  22. Do tree's ground energy?

    Something interesting I have found about trees + mushrooms and communication. http://www.karmatube.org/videos.php?id=2764
  23. Thanks guys, guess i don't know hwo to use the search function.
  24. Haiku Chain

    Soon expanding wide, Resonant, the heart abides, Brushing fear aside.