
The Dao Bums
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Everything posted by sweeney

  1. Chi foods

    I drink tea British (Indian) Style with milk. I usually buy good quality blends. Does the milk affect the goodness of the tea? Chinese people don't usually touch dairy produce perhaps with good reason. Thanks for the advice. P.s if blessing food, who should one bless for the food? The Dao? Or a celestial being? (I'm not being sarcastic)
  2. Chi foods

    Many thanks; My fiancee is of Jamaican descent and they treat (pears) avocadoes, with reverence. I eat them often so that smoothy sounds good.
  3. Chi foods

    Many thanks my friend
  4. Ejaculation control for "everyone"

    If your body want's to loose the seed let it. If you think it does it too much eat plenty of healthy food to compensate. Also if you retain semen you can get problems with your prostate and infections in your bladder etc. Let the tao flow.
  5. Your enlightenment in this life is assured!

    Sorry, also whats kundalini sickness?
  6. Your enlightenment in this life is assured!

    I agree... But maybe you missed my point. I think zen buddhists use the tao as a vehicle or method (verbal tools) to become enlightened. So accordance (another semantic trick) once 'gained' offers the 'feeling' (awareness) of the creative void ie the mother of all things. The old Celtic christians such as St Columba and St Ketigern practiced a dualistic faith based on early Christianity and remnants of old Celtic magic. Druids; not to be confused with English eccentrics of the Druid faith today, were a Priesthood and would have conducted themselves in much the same way as Celtic Saints. Take the venerable St Brigid an old Gaelic (possibly preGaelic) Goddess who was transmuted into a christian saint due to her popularity amongst the peoples of Ireland and Scotland. But I move into area's outwith the Tao Bums. So you are right that buddhists slap the tao onto zen. But do taoists slap the tathagata onto the tao? P.s please refer to Ploughing the Clouds: The search for Irish Soma by Peter Lambourn Wilson for insight into drift between religions/philosophies P.s.s perhaps early Indian Buddhists in China sought Shamanic hermits to buy Soma (The Tao)?
  7. Haiku Chain

    My vision expands Orange sodium snow Old boiler bubbles
  8. Taoist views on Buddhist way

    Buddha Sakyamuni saw that the universe is in constant motion. All flows without ceasation. So you have to go along with that. That is called skillfull means: Monkish, scholastic, philosophical, poetic, pureland faith, tantra, ch'an. Ch'an uses the Dao (Do) to augment skillfull means. Showing you that you are already in accord with the Dao and if you seek nirvana you loose it and keep on the wheel. So you become a bodhisattva to help others with skillfull means, such as; sesshin, yubyum jiggy, or kicking over pitchers of water. Tao is a skillfull method. Lord Lao Tzu showed us a 'way of' skillfull means. Try and use 'om mani padme om' to do Kung Fu you will be be stiff and get whaled. But my friends, lets just chill out and listen to the things going on in their suchness dao; distant traffic, crickets chirping, rain falling, sirens, people talking, birds singing, the wind whistling.... Namu Amida Bu! Know the male yet keep the female!
  9. Greetings

    Was Hui Neng really just a crypto Daoist? I'm interested in mindfullness being from the Daoist practice and not as such transmitted from the Indian practice. Does anyone agree? Does it really matter? Just a thought; As Alan Watts said cats like to sit and then when they feel like it they get up, stretch and catch a rat. Sweeney Gelt
  10. Greetings

    Cold blue car sounds London Rd night Baby lotion scent
  11. has not set their status

  12. Hello and an Inquiry

    How's about you?
  13. Your enlightenment in this life is assured!

    Zen is Tao and Tao is Zen. Way back in the mists of time the Irish monks who worshipped Jesus were for want of a better word 'Druids'. When a famous one called St Columba went over to Scotland to found Iona he had to have a 'magic' duel with the Loch Ness Monster (A Goddess)and furthermore had one of his monks buried alive to sanctify his new chapel... So if anyone can tell me of a faith, philosophy, or vehicle that is has mixed with or taken from an older system please tell me. Lao Tzu went into the West and became Buddha. When sitting sit, walking walk but above all don't wobble! p.s seeking nibbna is like looking for the back of your head
  14. Your enlightenment in this life is assured!

  15. Greetings

    cold rain falls goosepimples and cold skin smell of poolwater
  16. Tao or Dharma?

    I left a note yesterday where I pondered on the thought that the holy Hui Neng was really just a closet Daoist sage. My point being that the mindfulness and instant zen, as satori, of the aformentioned and of that era was not in reality nothing more than good old arcane Daoist mental hygine. To accord oneself with the Tao without trying to accord onself to the Tao, so to speak. It got me thinking about how much Western Tao and Dharma isn't perhaps just plain old Calvinism or Anglicanism hidden behind the solemn mask of a false golden Buddha. Would there be more interest in Tibetan style Dharma if Western Buddhism was based in a Roman Catholic consensus? ie more ritual and Symbolism? Brazilian Buddhism? I guess I'm wondering if there is ever any objective transmission of enlightenment/accord with the Tao, in 'The West' without any vestigal traces of the Judeo/Christian religious way of mind. I was involved in Ch'an Buddhism in England for about a year and although the people were very kind and earnest, I thought that it could really just as easily be a Church of England bible study group with tea and biscuits. I say this as coming from a Presbyterian background. Am I a Calvinist Tao Bum? Let me know what you think? Sweeney p.s If you think you are in accord with the Tao; go to your doctor it may just be a case of mild food poisoning...