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Everything posted by JustARandomPanda

  1. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Well I can't claim to be a scholar of anything whatsoever. However...I always thought chanting, mantras, repeating vowel sounds (Om), repetitious, vibrating movement (shaking), etc was to do one thing - Swell/Develop whatever 'energy' or 'chi' was sustaining that chosen activity until a Yin/Yang phase shift took place - at which point it would kick over into...something else. If I were to repeat "I" endlessly I suspect it would eventually phase shift to silence since this is the base level my mind/vibrational rate is starting from (monkey mind chatter). Repeating it when one's body/mind is starting from a higher level would phase shift into experiencing higher awareness states. It is an interesting question as to whether achieving 'nirvana' (which I gather seeing Dependent Origination means one has even if only briefly) can be done by a deaf, blind, mute - especially since they can't read nor hear texts or teachers. I can't help but keep thinking Drew may be on to something at least in this - drumbeats could reach the deaf, blind, mute when all else fails and thereby they attain liberation in this and all other lifetimes. And all without reading or hearing a word of the Dharma. But of course I could be totally wrong about all of this. *shrug*
  2. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    NAC, Is this true? Your correction I mean. Because this is what I understand you were correcting me about. 90% of all tribes allow some individuals to accumulate wealth that remains idle while other members of that same tribe starve?
  3. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Yes, I was aware of Cimmeria being fake. i picked it to avoid using a real-world example because I have no anthropological knowledge to draw from when I was pondering things. I will do my best to refrain from commenting in the future about anything not having to do with myself as the subject. My apologies p.s. I wonder how one would teach a deaf, blind, mute person how to achieve altered states, meditation, Samadhi and realization of Dependent Origination. Part of me keeps thinking Drew is onto something here when he keeps getting back to music. p.p.s. I confess I am surprised to hear there are ANY tribal societies (much less an astounding 90%!) that permit some individuals to accumulate wealth/resources that lie idle while other members of that same tribe starve (which was the point I was trying to make) !
  4. Holosync, brain stimulation and Jing

    Am I the only person at TB that sometimes finds Drew Hempel's posts a bit impenetrable?
  5. RE: The Buddha Bums

    I wanted to add something. I have been thinking things over for many months now. I now realize I have many people I need to thank. Many TaoBummers (not all of whom are regular posters) have taught me many things both about myself and the world in general. Lessons that have been necessary to learn. In keeping with the theme of this thread I will say this. However divisive VH is perceived to be (and he has pulled no punches with me on occasion too) I give him the lion's share of the credit for introducing me to Buddhism. He's not always the "nicest" or even "clearest" person on explaining things but much of what he's written - especially the posts on Dependent Origination - have struck a "this is right" chord with me. One of the hardest things in life I've ever had to learn was how to separate out what a person says from how they say it. In this regard "enemies" are actually a necessary barometer measuring my actual spiritual attainment. It's easy to listen with an open mind and heart to what a friend says. It's even easy to do so to someone you feel neutral about. The real test comes when the message comes from someone who raises your hackles. The more they are raised the more I've learned I really need to hear with my heart what they are saying. The lesson to learn about myself is directly proportional to the ire they inspire. I've been trying to cultivate this realization since I was a child. Though I like the Buddha's and Nagarajuna's messages I can't say they are the ones who inspired this attitude (although they've certainly grounded it and made me realize it's even more important than I formerly thought). The original inspiration for adopting that attitude (ie. separate the message from the messenger) was actually the Scientific Method. When I first learned about it in primary grade school I quickly realized this method could also be applied to discover truths about one's self as much as the world. It's just that it's difficult to actually apply it in my everyday life. It's amazing how many parallels there are between the things the Buddha said and modern science. And no...I don't pretend to know modern physics and so do not wish to use it as examples to support my arguments. But neither do I think metaphysics to be a load of hogwash. If a belief helps me to be a better person - I wonder sometimes does it really matter if what I believe is "silly superstition" ? (I have not yet figured that question out) Jose Ortega y Gassett once said it is the mark of the Masses that they judge everything by their own realm of knowledge and beliefs without ever doing anything but a token bit of effort to identify, challenge and deeply explore why they believe what they believe and why they object as they do. The Mass Man is happy with his observations - the Non-Mass Man doesn't believe everything he thinks just because he thinks it. [bTW - I read in a science magazine once that research has confirmed Ortega's assertion - it appears to be the default setting of all human beings to 'assess' ideas this way. It takes a great deal of energy to NOT be a mass-man 'default setting' thinker.] I am soon going to be studying Taoism as I don't think it's a bad thing to learn about any kind of belief system. I suspect lessons can be learned from any source...so long as the student is ready. Best wishes to all my fellow TaoBummers whether you post or not. I'm sure I'll have many more lessons to learn from you in the future. Cheers!
  6. Alcohol since we can remember

    One finds that a lot about most subjects on message boards, not just smoking or drinking. Exceedingly few people really bother to learn or live Christ's point about removing the motes in their own eye before trying to dig them out in everyone else's. Couldn't resist Songs. Your arguments work just as well for the modern American diet whether bought as fast food, snacks or from the grocery store. I think junk food is far more insidious and is having far greater damaging repercussions to society than either smoking or drinking combined. The high cost of health care is driven plenty by the medical industry having to 'manage' or correct problems people's poor food choices of many decades have brought upon themselves. If we are going to point out the detriments of smokers and drinkers for spiritual attainment it would be wise to point out the elephant in the room too - the colossal numbers of Americans eating even moderate amounts of unhealthy food and its cumulative effect - including those who meditate regularly. How many posters in this thread Eat Clean 365 days a year? Not me I confess... Edit: Maybe there should be a Federal law that says it's only legal for 21 - 25 year olds to eat junk food or drink alcohol legally.
  7. Signs and Sensations of progress

    I hope I someday feel interior heat. I constantly live with interior cold.
  8. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    Between Drew's talk of the Bushmen and learning of the amazing chi healing and raising effects of shaking from my KAP teacher Tao I now see how important it is. Shaking is especially great at targeting, cleansing and raising the Chi trapped in bone and cartilage - one of the hardest to reach and the slowest of all the body's chi to transform. I got this book the other day Shaking Medicine: The Healing Power of Ecstatic Movement The author actually had extended apprenticeships with African Bushmen to learn their Shaking "Qi Gong". The book also comes with a CD of tribal drumming to do a 40 minute shaking routine of your own. Or I suppose one could buy a Rebounder as per Ya Mu's suggestions. It does the same thing - shake the chi in bone. I just don't have the money for one nor the room. Of course the downside to both is that neither the book nor a Rebounder have transmissions as one would get via apprenticeship with the Bushmen or with Ya Mu. But I guess it's somewhat like exercise. Even if you don't get to train with an Olympic Coach it doesn't mean you don't get benefits from the exercise.
  9. How close are you to your top energy levels?

    Exceedingly low. I experience exhaustion everyday. Sleep does not give me the restorative and rejuvenating effects it does to most people. I haven't felt "not exhausted" in well over a decade.
  10. What are your goals for your practice in this lifetime?

    My goals used to be quite lofty. Enlightenment in this Lifetime, Qi Gong Master, etc. Now I think I'll have lived a good life if I actually do manage to repair everything that's been damaged or off balance in this and past lives.
  11. Going Theravadin Taoist-style!

    I sometimes think this is one reason why some indigenous / more "earth" oriented people view Civilization and Civilized Man as decadent. Civilization allows for great disparities of wealth..to the point that some starve in grinding poverty while others have so much they can't contain it all. Conan's Cimmerian tribe would never allow one of its children to starve while others lived with so much luxury the resources were idle or went to waste. Makes me wonder which culture is in fact more actually transrational.
  12. Zhan Zhuang Standing information

    Can anyone show photos of the difference between Zhan Zhuang and Wuji? I am confused as to what the difference between them is.
  13. Supercharging the Secret Smile?

    And a few others of note. P.S. Thank you Songs
  14. I have been experiencing some admittedly strange phenomena recently (as detailed in my Personal Practice Log) that now I am beginning to question. The issue specifically has to do with Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism. I have been reading the book Halfway Up the Mountain: The Errors of Premature Claims to Enlightenment (I am estatic my library has this book! Definitely recommend it!). There is an entire chapter dedicated to just this topic alone. If I understand the author and the tons of people she's interviewed on the subject - Ego Inflation can not be avoided. Quote from the book: Here's another example from the book: And a few pages later: Read - Ego has slipped in again through a side door. I am at a loss as to how one deals with this state. Apparently it is a phase we all go through - continuously. I don't know why this surprised me but it did. From what I understand even the Buddha had to continuously deal with the onslaught of Ego Inflation until he finally awakened. It's so exhausting. I do not want people being somehow in awe of me or my experiences. Actually I'd rather they had their own equally cool ones to share. How did Lao Tzu guard against this? Or the Buddha? How can you tell when your experiences are real v. being another manifestation of Ego trying to trap and stall you into feeling special? How does one guard against this?
  15. Fearlessness

    Well hell....looks like I am posting still on the main boards but what-the-hell-ever.... I made an interesting discovery about Fear and Cowardice tonight during my Chi exercises. I posted about it in my Personal Practice Log.
  16. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Witch, I am no where near as advanced as you. I AM on your diet now though. Although I confess sometimes I do slip up and drink a diet coke or two. But for the most part I'm on your diet and gyneflex program. I have a HUGE amount of hangups when it comes to sex. It's a good thing I don't feel emotions easily because the few times I do - especially when the subject of sex comes up - I tend to fall into deep depression. Does he teach this in KAP 1? I don't know. I only get to see him once or twice a year if I'm lucky. I don't know how to project Chi although the one time I did a quick Inner Smile meditation (when he got up to get a drink while we were skyping) I think I may have inadvertently caused him to black out. I was feeling sick that day but to cheer myself up did the Inner Smile (this was before I had ever heard of Secret Smile) and thoughts turned to him. The moment they did - he passed out on the floor for a few seconds. I know because he told me the exact time when he passed out and it corresponded with when I directed my Inner Smile-Love thoughts toward him. I've never done that again because I got the sense I was like a toddler waving a gun around not realizing the danger of what she is doing. But when I remember that incident....maybe he can feel my Qi energy? Except that was unconscious Qi projection I think. I don't know how to consciously direct it. Edit: Or...now that I think about it...maybe I was unconsciously TAKING energy from him and that's why he passed out? Because I sucked up so much of his Chi he literally blacked out?
  17. Michael Lomax

    Damn...the more I learn about Stillness-Movement the more convinced I am I must find a way to learn it. I so badly want to learn Michael's Qi Gong. I think it would be a fantastic compliment to KAP practices. *sigh* Sometimes I wish Stillness-Movement were offered via Webcam and Skype (or UStream) the way KAP classes are. But I'm guessing one loses out on not having the Qi Field effect generated at the workshops. I'm trying to find a place that will donate space for a workshop. So far the places I've contacted have shot me down.
  18. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Hmm...can I GIVE him energy anally and orally? As in an anal or oral version of the foot, palm and crown breathing I learned in KAP?
  19. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    Oh hell... Looks like I'm surfacing again to answer this. Yes...this would be ideal but in reality it's not going to happen. My BF ridicules Yoga, Qi Gong, meditation, etc as being "gay" and "queer". He wants no part of any of it and has told me so. Not even to humor me. I asked about the anal because he doesn't care for 'regular' sex. Has little to no interest in it. His thing is anal (well that and fellatio). I'm not a fan of anal but since that's pretty much what he's into that's why I asked. If one person cultivates but the other doesn't - is there a way to safeguard things so I don't unintentionally hurt him. Because as it now stands from what you're saying...I've got 2 choices. A) Either stop cultivating permanently [which of course means dumping KAP and meditation practice ] or B ) dump him.
  20. women must learn to redirect their orgams too

    I am breaking my silence for a few questions. Can one experience these energy orgasms from uh...anal sex? More specifically...can women experience them from anal sex? And if she cultivates but her partner does not...would it damage the man? *sinks back to the depths of lurkdom*
  21. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    There is nothing wrong with taking action to try to achieve or (hopefully) re-achieve balance when the errors of one's ways have been pointed out to you. For anyone who cares to discuss things with me - well - they'll know where to find me. Best wishes to everyone
  22. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    I disagree with the statement it means I think the world will collapse. But I do agree I'm an egomaniac. Switching to radio silence. I will not be participating on the main boards while I work to address things.
  23. Is a buddha basically god?

    It's even easier (and only 2 pages v. 20) to understand by simply reading the thread - Ego Inflation (aka Secret Narcissism). It explains the mechanics of why the Buddha "saw through" Divine Will and thus rejected it as a wrong view.
  24. Is a buddha basically god?

    I suspect a Taoist Sage is Enlightened and therefore able to see when his/her Ego response is creating a tempest in a teacup. I admit I am a total Noob when it comes to Taoism. I consider Marble and Stigweard our resident Taoist Experts. Perhaps Stig can enlighten us as to how a Taoist sage (or at least Taoist Accolyte) would respond to someone telling you on TaoBums, 'You are a bad person". Stig...care to enlighten us all?
  25. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    I don't know. I need training. Santi suggested I ask Tao but I got my days mixed up and so missed the latest class. The thought has crossed my mind on many occasions that it's ALL just play-acting of my mind. I've had a LOT of odd things happen - the vast majority of which I will never post about because A) it gets back to this thread's theme (i.e. posting about it can lead to ever increasing Ego Inflation) and B ) because people will likely begin to think I'm an appropriate candidate for Psychiatric treatment and sedation. I'm hoping Tao will see my latest post and still be able to help. This coming Saturday is our last class. So I hope he sees my appeal for help in time. But if not..I may have lost my chance to learn how to find out. I don't know how to tell if my Spirit Guides are in fact real, separate mindstreams or just my Ego gone haywire. Just to clear it up Ego Inflation *IS* Narcissism and with all that that implies - including feelings of grandiosity and feeling very superior to all the "little people" one meets in life and on TaoBums. I fear this very, very greatly and discovering it is unavoidable on the way to Enlightenment was not something I enjoyed finding out about. He (or She) who seems the most egotistical - well at least that person's Ego Inflation is available for all to see.