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Everything posted by JustARandomPanda

  1. sex with entities

    Focus on what you know, instead of worrying about what you don't.
  2. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    Songs...it's probably easier to understand if you read one of the books by the Dalai Lama. He explains these exact same things in a way that is so much easier to understand. Even my little grasshopper brain can understand Dependent Arising (the Dalai Lama's term for Dependent Origination) and the Clear Light of Consciousness, etc from the way he explains it. I'm reading the Dalai Lama's latest book (2009 copyright) called Becoming Enlightened (found it offered brand new by an Amazon reseller for only 84 cents!!). It explains all of this stuff so very simply and clearly. Because of his books I'm now convinced Buddhism is A) NOT a nihilistic religion that appeals only to people with Depressive Disorders or Pessimistic, Down-on-Life attitudes and B ) has to be one of the most amazingly loving and compassionate religions and philosophies on the planet. It and Taoism are wonderful compliments!
  3. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    Translation from VH-Speak: The Ego begins to see how everything (both other objects (i.e. seeing objectively) and itself (i.e. seeing subjectively) ) - A) infinite regress and B ) exist because and only because everything else causes it to exist (read: there is no final, innate, self-subsisting 'core' being). Translation from VH-Speak: If you choose the path of the Bodhisattva you will become ever more aware of Point A and Point B. Once you gain complete liberation (read: Buddhahood) you will act virtuously and compassionately naturally (read 'Wu Wei' ) because you've seen with true awareness Point A and Point B.
  4. You are all delusional!

    That Guy....do you love your dog?
  5. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    I just found this - The Transpersonal State Apparently one can mathematize anything - even Ego Inflation and mystic experiences.
  6. Western Magick and Emptiness

    What is depossession? What is the pain body?
  7. Ego Inflation - aka Secret Narcissism

    This reminded me of a tale I found in the following book about Lieh Tzu taken from Lieh Tzu: A Taoist Guide to Practical Living translated by Eva Wong. It seems to be making the same point as the book I'm currently reading:
  8. Western Magick and Emptiness

    SZ, You might want to check out Leonora Leet's The Secret Doctrine of the Kabbalah:Recovering the Key to Hebraic Sacred Science. It has to be one of the most in-depth examinations of the Kabbalah I've ever seen. Also Witch is into magick so she might be able to comment or answer questions.
  9. sex with entities

    and Uh...is this announcing to the board what I think it's announcing? edit: I looked up Phowa on Wikipedia and it's a Tibetan practice to get you ready for conscious dying.
  10. Western Magick and Emptiness

    Thought you might like it SZ. I consider Neither-Neither to be the Belief equivalent of Secret Smile. In Secret Smile you get each emotion started by imaging a time when you experienced that emotion. You then amplify that emotion but erase the original memory that got it started. Keep the amplified emotion but stop remembering the original scene. End result is the Free Emotions all layering and blending together into Bliss. This is similar to Neither-Neither. Recall an original or current belief. Oppose it so it's annihilated (matter-anti-matter). Belief is like the particle left over from the two smashing together. Doing it over and over builds up Free Belief energy but without it's original content - just like in Secret Smile. Pretty cool exercise, eh?
  11. Western Magick and Emptiness

    Magick? Did someone say magick around deeze here parts? I reckon I have something to share along those lines. Duality can increase polarity. Polarity allows for change. That also is Wu Wei (lightening is quite charged up and polarized when it strikes and it still is Wu Wei - while manifesting Yin/Yang). May I present to you Neither-Neither for generating Free Belief. It is to Belief what Secret Smile is to the emotions imo. Notice how Neither-Neither is a very Taoist type of magick - it is the Tao's manifestation of Yin/Yang put to work for you.
  12. sex with entities

    This could be a bigger factor than we know seeing as almost everything is manufactured in China these days.
  13. sex with entities

    What are negs? Are you seeing this Chameleon being with your opened, ordinary eyes?
  14. sex with entities

    Lino...could you start a brand new thread telling your story and what you are looking for at TaoBums?
  15. This is Hilarious!

    My sides nearly split from laughing so much. Yall have GOT to see this! ROFLMAO at the *Dr. Glenn J. Morris Ghost-Generator*!!!!
  16. sex with entities

    Perhaps Lino could take your Psychic Self Defense training? Or would he need KAP 1 as a requirement first? The good thing is - if Lino could find a way to do this he would then come under the protection of Dr. Morris's Ryu Lineage. Michael Lomax (TaoBum's Ya Mu) also teaches psychic self-defense in these areas if I recall correctly. BTW - I am now convinced there is actually such a thing as Love Chi. However...if my Spirit Guides are correct one must become a True Master of the 5 elemental chi's (think Obi Wan Kenobi ability) that we humans possess before graduating to being able to use Love Chi. If I understand them correctly - Love Chi is one of the subjects True Masters such as Shakymuni Buddha and Lao Tzu now teach in the Heaven Realms. I have a story to tell about how I came to be aware of the reality of Love Chi...hmm...perhaps I'll post it in my Personal Practice Page here at TB. Oh..and Love Chi has the Dr. Morris Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval.
  17. sex with entities

    What is the one thing we have more of the more we give away? I'll give a hint. 4 letters and it starts with "L".
  18. Dr Sha?

    LOL! That sounds like me! I deliberately personified each one of my 7 Chakras. Quickly discovered they love sticking their tongue out at me in a good-natured, cheery way. One of them even decided to moon me one time! I never knew Chakra Lotus flowers had hineys until that day.
  19. Lucid dreaming, OOBs and karma

    Not very long at all. I practiced it all of maybe 2 weeks? Then started KAP. I do get frustrated easily and posted about my "itchies" problem but looking back...actually I had quite a bit of success in those 2 weeks. First week I did Lucidology 101 I had a lucid dream. It's just that it didn't happen when I was 'trying' for it during the usual Lucidology trance techniques. But rather kind of spontaneously occurred toward early morning on it's own. The guy at Saltcube is helpful with the people who buy his courses. He'll answer questions, post on the boards occasionally and about a month ago - free of charge to people who'd already bought one or both courses - sent out a "Troubleshooting Lucid Dream/OBE" pdf doc. He answered my concerns about "the itchies" in it. So overall...I'd say I'm very glad I bought them. I just didn't spend enough time with it before KAP started up.
  20. New! TaoBums iPhone App!

  21. Lucid dreaming, OOBs and karma

    I have both Lucidology 101 and 102. I almost had success once at it as far as the trance state and heavy vibrating. I literally felt like one big giant guitar string that someone plucked very hard. When they talk about vibrations it's a real, physical thing that's felt. Not something that's just a mind game only. Every other time I fail at it because "the itchies" (aka cobwebs) sensation gets very bad. Actually I have a similar problem during meditation but don't worry about it there as much since you aren't told to not scratch if you itch during meditation. I quit after a while because I started getting into KAP and it just seemed like I already have so much on my plate with KAP I didn't want to divide my time on two different things. I posted a while back on the Lucidology boards. There was an argument as to whether sleep paralysis is necessary to have a lucid dream or OBE. Once I have a final routine to do everyday with KAP and have spent enough time with it (probably at least 6 months to a year minimum) then I'd like to see about practicing the Lucidology techniques again.
  22. Profanity

    I am making one more comment about this situation so that everyone can understand where I was coming from and why I brought Tao99's post to the other mod's attention. First and foremost: I was using the criterion SEAN himself - the owner of the site - gave us as to how to mod profanity. He said he would allow some but if it was EXCESSIVE then he - Sean - advised stepping in and modding. HOWEVER... I did NOT go in and edit or delete Tao99's post.I still haven't. I talked with the other mods first. Basically I asked them a single question. I wanted to know...was I the only person who saw Tao99's profanity filled post as being excessive? BECAUSE BY SEAN'S STANDARD IT WARRANTED BEING REMOVED and at the time that was the only sure guideline I and they had to go by. I've been a member of many boards where only the in-crowd ever felt safe. I've been a member of one board where the biased modding and favoritism was so blatant that members went out and started their own boards (invested in buying the bandwidth, server space and software no less!) just to get away from that kind of atmosphere. I do not want to be and will not be a dictator. I am hypersensitive to being accused of playing favorites and being biased - which of course Tao99 believes he now has proof that I am. I am truly sorry for that but I won't be able to win friends all the time. That's just life I guess. Had Sean advised us to ignore any and all profanity unless it was a personal attack I never would've batted an eye at it. BTW - I do agree Santi should have the same standards apply as to anyone else (me too for that matter). Best wishes to everyone. I really am going to try to be as invisible as a mouse. *roses to the board members*
  23. Profanity

    You should have done the "testing" in one of VH's threads. There are TONS of past and current VH threads to choose from to do all the Mod Testing you want. Plenty from Findley or Santi or other TaoBummers too to test the limits of profanity. Witch's thread should've been left alone.
  24. Lucid dreaming, OOBs and karma

    Lucid dreaming is one of the things Tao taught in one of our KAP lessons. While I'm no expert I have a hard time believing KAP would teach it if it were solely a detrimental practice.
  25. sex with entities

    Dr. Morris just showed up and handed me another scroll. When I opened it up it read: "True Love never lies"